The Year Of Living In The Upper Room (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
Get excited as Pastor Prince reveals God’s heart for the church in 2024.
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About this episode
You are watching the sermon, The Year Of Living In The Upper Room, preached on Jan 14, 2024 by Joseph Prince.
This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!
This year is going to be the year where we hear and look into the secrets of God’s heart. The year of living in the upper room. This year, get ready! God will bring you into places where you will eat from vineyards you did not plant. You will live in houses full of all good things which you did not fill.
If God opens the door, no man can shut. If God brings you, you are brought, brother! You are brought! If you talk about church truths, then you look at what Jesus said in the upper room because everything He says there is spoken to the church. It’s spoken to you. It applies today! Your sons and daughters are coming back.
There’ll be a lot of salvations, especially of young people. He is telling me: “Everything to do in the upper room” “is what I’m going to do this year for my people.” Hi, this is Joseph Prince. I want to warmly welcome you to this week’s Gospel Partner episode. If you are new here, my team and I would love to connect with you and send you weekly encouragements, pastoral insights, and exclusive content when you sign up for our Gospel Partner newsletter.
I will also be sending you this special gift, so please look out for it in your email inbox. I pray that as you listen to today’s sermon, you’ll experience a fresh and personal touch from our Lord Jesus. God bless you! Good morning, church, and those of you who attended service last Sunday or watched it online, you will know that there was a strong healing anointing that Pastor ministered in.
We heard some live testimonies that were shared, and also some of you have written in and shared your testimonies with us. So, I’m here to share with you some of those testimonies. The first testimony comes to us from a sister from Singapore, and she writes that she had been suffering from backache for several days, and it kept getting worse.
One day while on my way to work, I tried to climb up an escalator but couldn’t due to the intense pain in my back. At night while sleeping, I also couldn’t turn to the sides due to the pain. I tried taking muscle relaxants and painkillers and even applied plasters like Koyo, the Chinese plaster, and ointment, but nothing worked.
On Saturday, I woke up twice during the night due to the pain, and I decided that I would visit the doctor on Monday. But between Saturday and Monday, there’s one other day, which is the Sunday, the Lord’s day. Amen. The next day, on the 7th of January, which is Sunday, I tuned in to the church online service at 11:30 a.m.
During the sermon, Pastor Prince called out several conditions that the Lord was healing, and backache was one of them. I claimed the healing for myself and started twisting around. I could feel that my condition had improved. That night, I decided to monitor my condition while sleeping. How do you monitor your condition while sleeping? Well, probably because you don’t wake up, you know, and there’s no more pain.
Amazingly, there was no pain at all. I was completely healed. Praise the Lord for this wonderful healing testimony. The next testimony is from a brother from Singapore. He writes that on the 5th of January, he visited the doctor due to pain in his mouth and throat area. The doctor diagnosed it as an inflammation, and there was an ulcer at the back of my throat.
Oh, that must be very, very painful and uncomfortable. From that day onwards, I started praying for healing as the ulcer was making it hard for me to swallow. On Sunday, the 7th of January, 2024 before I woke up and realized that the ulcer had multiplied, not gone multiplied. Instead of one, there were now three.
Oh, he counted the ulcers. My throat was hurting even more than before. I was considering if I should attend church, but I told myself to go and receive my healing. Well done, brother. When Pastor Prince came out and started praying for the people, I also began to pray for my ulcers to be healed. Shortly after, Pastor Prince mentioned that there was healing for people with ulcers.
When I heard that, I decided to swallow some saliva to check my condition, and I realized that the pain was gone. I’m so grateful to the Lord for this healing. I thank Pastor for his prayers. Praise the Lord. The next testimony is from a sister from Singapore. She writes, on Saturday, the 6th of January, all this happening at the start of the year, if you notice, on Saturday, the 6th of January, 2024, I experienced pain in my left hip that caused me to toss and turn in pain.
The next day was the first Sunday of the year. Initially, I didn’t feel like attending the person, the service in person. How many of you felt that way this morning? Don’t raise your hands, right? She didn’t feel like attending the service in person, but eventually, I decided to go because I believe that God had something in store for me.
And I believe that all of you came because you believe that God has something in store for you. Amen. Praise the Lord. I sat in the Overflow room. We had overflow rooms last week to watch the live telecast of the service. And during the ministering session, Pastor Prince mentioned that there was healing for hip conditions.
I didn’t expect Pastor Prince to call it out, and when he prayed, the pain in both my hips disappeared instantly. For the following nights, I slept on my sides to test. See, sometimes you have to test. I slept on my sides to test if there was still pain, but there was none. I believe the condition will not return as declared by Pastor Prince.
All glory to Jesus. Hallelujah. And the final testimony comes to us from a sister from Singapore, and she writes that she had been suffering from pain in my knee for more than 5 years due to running and sports in the past two to three months. My condition worsened to the point where I could not squat due to the excruciating knee pain.
On Sunday, the 7th of January, 2024, I attended the 8:30 a.m. service at the Star Performing Art Center, just like all of you here today at the star. When Pastor Prince ministered healing and mentioned pain in the limbs, I quickly claimed the healing for myself. After the service while walking home and climbing down some steps, I heard a click in my knee.
I thought I had injured my knee further. To my surprise, the opposite occurred. The pain in my knee disappeared completely. When I reached home, I attempted to squat, and I could actually do it. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for praying for us, and thank you, Jesus, for healing me. Praise the Lord for all these wonderful healing testimonies.
And right now, church, are you ready for the word? Let’s welcome Pastor Prince! We got the theme of the year waiting for us, amen? And I–that’s my–pray for me. That’s my, if I can say “struggle,” nowadays, to how much time to allot to praying for the sick, as well as to bring forth God’s Word, amen.
God’s Word is always important. It’s important to always bring forth the Word of God. Do you know that as the Word of God goes forth, people are healed, amen? There are signs and wonders. And sometimes, you know, you go back to your workplace and you find that the condition that was there, that situation, that difficult situation, turned around, amen.
Sometimes you’re looking for solutions to difficult problems in your life, and the pastor is preaching from the Word of God, but that Scripture passage has got nothing to do with your perplexing situation or question that you are asking, that you want light, you want illumination on it. You want answer from God, but you know, it just eludes you.
You can’t–you try to think through the problem, you don’t know what’s the solution. And then, all of a sudden, the message is not related to you, but you know, there’s a verse in Psalms that says, “In God’s light, we see light,” amen? Like you lose your car key in a dark room, right, you have to switch on the light, amen.
When you switch on the light, you can see your– the car key that you lost, but not only the car key. You can see other things. You say, “Hey, I lost that also for some time and I didn’t even know I lost it,” right? “In Your light, we see light,” even though the sermon might not be pertaining to that area.
That’s what happens under anointed preaching, amen? I wanna go right into the Word, so don’t stop me, okay? Praise God. We gotta unleash it in Jesus’s name, okay. Just that at the right time, we will show you the unveil, but meanwhile, let’s go to the Word of God in Mark chapter 14.
Remember last week first, we’re gonna show you– sorry, Acts 20, but Mark 14 will come first, okay? Now, Mark–Acts 20 last week, we talked about Peter– excuse me, Paul in the upper room, preaching, and a young man was there and he was sleeping. He fell asleep, in fact, fell off, and died, okay? And the Bible says Paul went down, prayed for him, and raised him from the dead, and then Paul went back up.
And that’s very interesting because I shared with my pastors that theme of the year is found there actually, all right? So the boy’s name is Eutychus, all right? And “Eutychus” actually means prosperous or fortunate. It’s made of the word which means to hit the mark, success, prosperous, good fortune, because the word “good” is there in the Greek.
“Eu” is “good,” Eutychus, amen? How to restore Eutychus in your life if you have lost it. And we find that he fell asleep at Paul’s preaching. We talk about the importance of Paul’s preaching, right? So it’s all there. Are you ready? Okay, so Mark 14, “And Jesus sent out two of His disciples and said to them, ‘Go into the city, and a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him.
Wherever he goes in, say to the master of the house, “The Teacher says, ‘Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples?'” Then he will show you a large upper room, furnished and prepared; there make ready for us.'” So Jesus is about to partake of the Lord’s– excuse me, Passover, and later on He will institute the Lord’s Supper, but He wanted it to be a place that is secretive.
Why? Because He wants to pour out His heart like never before. Now, knowing Jesus, He would preach everywhere He goes. We all know the Sermon on the Mount where He preached to His disciples in the hearing of all the multitudes. We know that–we think that He preached to the multitudes. Actually, He’s preaching to the disciples, if you study the passage carefully, in the hearing of the multitudes. There are many times Jesus preached openly.
Why would He want a special place to share His heart, unveil the secrets of His heart? So this year is gonna be the year where we hear and look into the secrets of God’s heart. He’s gonna reveal to us, okay? So why would He want a secret place? Why? Because at this time, He knew that this people, the Jewish people, have rejected Him as the Messiah.
“He came unto His own and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become sons of God.” And these are the ones who believe in Him, amen. He wanted to share with them something that He doesn’t want others to know. Now, Judas was there. Judas was the one who betrayed Him, right? Had He fixed a place where they are–you know, they would resort to usually a place where, for example, the Garden of Gethsemane or wherever it is that they often go to, Judas may sound off the
soldiers to come to arrest Him, ’cause by now Judas has decided to sell Jesus off with 30 pieces of silver. So He didn’t want anything to disrupt this time with His disciples. It’s a very special night. We call it the Last Supper, but it’s there the Lord instituted the Lord’s Supper, okay? Last week, we saw on the first day of the week, they came together to break bread.
I don’t know how the church has forgotten the importance and significance of the Lord’s Supper. As a result, we have been robbed. Because you know, my book, “Eating Your Way to Life and Health,” is full of testimonies of people who, having the revelation about the Lord’s Supper, they partake of it when they are–they have been diagnosed with certain kind of disease, or whatever, and they partake of it regularly, like medicine, and many of them, the testimonies are all there.
And down in our church here we have been sharing these testimonies so often. Now, you can pray and the Lord can heal you completely in one fell swoop, or you can take the Lord’s Supper and believe you are getting better and better. Many people, they find that they may not have the faith to believe they are healed all at once, but they can take the Lord’s Supper and believe they are getting better, incrementally better as they partake as the days go on.
And we have testimonies of people healed of Alzheimer’s, of conditions that medical science says is impossible, all kinds of conditions, okay? You read that book, but the Lord’s Supper primarily was not given to the church just for them to receive healing or to stay healthy, amen, although I believe the more you take the Lord’s Supper, the younger you become, amen. You will be strong.
You will be healthy because the Bible says those who fail to discern the Lord’s body, not knowing the benefits of it, like the Corinthian church, they were abusing the Lord’s Supper, they are missing out on the benefit. They fall under the condemnation of the world, which is what? Sickness, growing old, and dying, right? That’s the thing that came in when Adam sinned, all right? The Bible says He doesn’t–God says He doesn’t want His people to fall under that. Are you listening?
Because He loves you, amen, so He gave you the Lord’s Supper. He says that if you discern correctly, all right, if you discern correctly, guess what? The reverse will happen, amen. You will be strong, you will be healthy, and you will live long, right? So if you fail to discern the Lord’s Supper, it’s not that the Lord’s Supper brought a curse on people.
No, it was given as a blessing. The word is “eucharist” in the Greek, and the word “eu,” like I told you– like I told “eu,” pun not intended, all right–is the word “good.” “Charis” is “grace.” So it’s good grace that He’s giving us in the Lord’s Supper, amen.
You know, if the doctor tells you, “Okay, you gotta go through chemotherapy for this amount of time,” you know, that kind of thing, “and it costs this amount. Just to let you know, it costs this amount,” and you will say, “Okay, go for it,” you know? “I have to pay. I’ll do it.
” But then you come to this, “It’s free.” Of course, it cost Jesus everything. He gave His life on the cross, but it’s free. And it’s small, a piece of bread you partake every day. People despise it. Remember what Jesus said about the woman who came to ask Him for healing for her daughter? Jesus says–She said, “Even the crumbs from the master’s table is enough,” right? She says, “Even the dogs, the puppies, eat the crumbs.
” She’s asking for crumbs. Jesus says, “Woman, great is your faith.” He did not despise that. He says that, “You got that revelation that even a crumb can drive that disease, that devil out of your daughter,” amen. So when you partake of the Lord’s Supper, the most frightening thing for diseases to look at or the devil to look at is someone holding the elements of the Lord’s Supper.
In the early church, they broke it from bread–sorry, from house to house. They broke bread from house to house and whenever they were gathered together. That tells me, it’s not just practiced in the church. It’s practiced from house to house. Are you listening? ‘Cause they had such a revelation.
But primarily, it’s not given just for our healing. It was given to remember Jesus, amen. It’s like you have a photo you keep on looking at because you love the person. The Lord wants you to keep on remembering what He did for you, His love for you that sent Him to that cross, amen, and He laid down His life, amen? So that is something that we must always remember, that the Lord wants us to emphasize this.
So the place where He instituted the Lord’s Supper is this one here in the large upper room. Okay, so in other words, it’s a secret order He gave to His disciples, “Go into the city and you will find a man with a pitcher of water,” right? “He has a pitcher of water; follow him.
” Now, usually in those days, women are the one that draw water from the well, okay? The man is out there in the field. They do other jobs. They do carpentry and all that, but women are the ones that go out and take the water, okay? But here, He says, “You will see a man, a man with a pitcher of water.
Follow him.” Follow him, and he will bring you to– “Wherever he goes in, say to the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says, “Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples?”‘ Then he will show you a large upper room.
” And how is it described? “Furnished and prepared,” all right? “There make ready.” So the word “ready” here is from the word “prepared.” In other words, you are entering a finished work. This year, God will bring you into places where you will eat from vineyards you did not plant. You will–I love this one.