The ATTACK on AMERICA We’re All IGNORING | Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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The ATTACK on AMERICA We’re All IGNORING | Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. joins Kirk Cameron to examine the covert ideology strategies being leveraged against Christians in America. Are we missing all the warning signs and giving away our nation? Don’t miss this insightful interview here on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today, this week, and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

Paul warned about principalities and Powers uh faithfulness requires that Christians understand what are the roles going on around us I I don’t think you could be a faithful Christian and and and have no opinion on the abortion question I don’t think you can be a faithful Christian and have no clue what society’s laws should be concerning marriage uh Churchill’s six volumes of the second world war the first volume was about the fact that Europe would not see the threat that Hitler represented
and so that was entitled The Gathering storm Churchill’s great point was that all the political and cultural leaders of Europe lived in denial about the basic threat that was swirling all about them I think Christians are in danger of doing the same thing right now that Christians are in denial about the cultural threat that’s being posed by this uh woke Progressive leftist ideologies that is fundamentally changing our culture right and and I think the biggest problem is they fail to see it as a sustained comprehensive
uh foundational attack in other words it’s Christians will say yeah I think that’s an issue this is an issue that’s an issue they don’t understand that this is actually a combined effort to displace Christianity and to replace Christianity in this culture with something very very different yes I I completely agree with you and and once your eyes have been open to see that you can’t unsee it you in fact you see it everywhere you see it in politics you see it in arts and entertainment you see
it in the medical industry you see it in the family you see it in the church it’s amazing to me how how so many Christians within the family of Faith have allowed others outside the Fai Faith to Define our faith for us and what it means to be a faithful Christian is no I mean that’s that’s one of the great scandals of the age and unfortunately in the modern age that’s a particular problem for the Christian church and uh you know the the Modern Age itself you know brought this enormous challenge to Christianity
saying you know look we’re going to bring all kinds of good things radio television antibiotics anesthesia we’re going to bring all kinds of good things but hey we’re also going to loose an awful lot of of of other things and you’re going to to take it as a whole you’re going to have to take the entire project and we’re going to win because of this liberal idea of inevitable progress they they’re just certain they’re going to win and so you know I I would just point to people right now you
you know you take the lgbtq array and you just take T the transgender Revolution and you mentioned exactly right you know you go through education Academia politics medicine the alignment of all of these elites on this absolutely unsustainable claim of the transgender Revolution and all of a sudden a lot of Christians are waking up saying hey this isn’t just all of a sudden an issue this is the entire culture aligning itself in a way that is just patently untrue saying a boy is a girl a girl is a boy but we didn’t get
here just by U accident yeah and what you said is uh just ringing in my ears that this isn’t just an issue here just an issue there oh that’s wrong oh I disagree with that this is a comprehensive holistic approach to cultural transformation and when I look at the transgender movement I think boy there’s a legitimate there’s a legitimate attempt here to bring about um this transition and this this transformation from maybe one uh sex to another sex but but it’s altogether wrong rather than trying to change the
outside to bring about about a transformation that I think is true on the inside God shows us that there’s a real transformation by the renewing of my mind mind and I need to understand that the transformation happens internally not externally and that will set me on the right road but when Christians don’t see this as a comprehensive attack uh we can just say oh this is just a passing storm this isn’t an actual Tempest flood that will kill Christian Life in the culture this is just uh you know this is this is
something that’ll pass you know we understand that civilizations are projects the Bible makes that very clear I mean just look just think of the old Testament showing you know here are the caldan here are the Babylonians here are the Assyrians look at their massive Empires and yet every one of them is in the dust think of Rome itself in the history of the early church you know Rome declared itself to be the Eternal City of an eternal Empire well that didn’t last so long and so I think an awful lot of
Americans in particular American Christians have bought into the idea that there’s some kind of permanent Empire which is impenetrable and is is and unassailable and you know even just in Military and political terms we’re kind of learning right now that’s not true uh but at the deeper level Christians just have to understand that our civilizational project is very very different than that that’s being undertaken by our neighbors and and and I I think that’s new for Christians in the United States I think you know we
kind of we’re all part of a common project uh and that is clearly not true yes and and what’s kind of ironic and and shocking but it’s also uh familiar when I read the Old Testament of the Bible is that I’m seeing the enemies of God uh being allowed to come into position of leadership and then actually pick up our Playbook the Bible um whether they know it or not and run the plays of Deuteronomy chapter 6 taking uh the time to take principles teach them diligently to our children uh the work
of their hands the thoughts of their mind reflect these new values and then they teach them to the kids when they rise up when they walk along the way during drag queen Story Hour in public schools at the uh on their social media with their phone and when they go to sleep at night teach telling them the wrong Bedtime Stories and it’s like the church is being schooled by the pagans on How to Train up a generation if that’s not a judgment of God I don’t know what it is you know if someone came in our home and kidnapped our children
we we would we would be calling 911 right desperately but that but culturally and intellectually that’s what they’re doing 247 and we’re paying for it and Christian parents are paying for it they’re facilitating it sometimes even bragging about it you know just in terms this is my kid just got got admitted to school X or Y why well at what cost U Dr mly you talk about these storms gathering in different spheres within our culture how is the how is the storm gathering in the family the Christian family yeah it’s it’s first of
all an attempt to subvert the family and you know I I’ll give you just one example of how this is working and so for right now uh you have parents who are being sidelined by public school systems and by uh therapeutic Professionals in which you have say a child who is claiming some kind of non-binary uh Identity or transgender identity and there are official rules in several school systems that parents are not even be told about this and so you know the most basic relationship for a child is the relationship with parents
parental Authority is is what every civilization has had to recognize because what civilizations are absolutely incompetent at doing is successfully raising children it’s the idea on the part of the secular Elites that parents are the problem that you got to find a way to get around the parents to the kids and the success of politicians and others in doing that should be a five alarm emergency for all of us absolutely um what level of responsibility Dr Mohler do you think Christians have in the moral disintegration of our culture oh that’s
a great question I think first of all we need to take responsibility for the fact that many Christian pastors and Christian leaders have not spoken clearly to these issues and uh there’s a great cost uh at that I think the other issue is is that the Christians are so easily seduced by Comfort I mean we live in a consumer age you know how bad can things be I’ve I’ve got a new car I live in a nice house you know and look we are really really watching the cost to Christians of uh of sacrificing things
for cultural Prestige and I I think at the end of the day this may be the greatest challenge we Face there there are Christians who say you know I think what’s being taught at Harvard is just antithetical to Christianity we’re we’re about to find out what Christians will sacrifice in order to retain our children as Christians and and that’s an open question I think an awful lot of people who call themselves Christians they will take the immediate you know feedback of the world’s Applause at the
cost of Christian faithfulness and uh that that’s just a tragedy beyond our comprehension well to me that’s nothing short of idolatry and we need to repent of that as as Christians and when I think of the hope of the future tell me if tell me if I’m off base here I don’t see the hope of the of the future of this country if we can limit our our the scope to to that is as to getting a pagan culture to embrace biblical ideas I see that what God has always seemed to do throughout history is take his people
and say if my people who are hum who are called by my name will humble themselves in pray don’t worry don’t worry about the Canaanites you don’t need to worry about the Hittites If my people will just put your eyes back on me I’ll take care of your enemies and I’ll cause you to flourish as goes the church there goes the cult culture someone once said that culture is is is religion externalized and so that does give me great conviction as a Christian that I have responsibility in this but it also
gives me great hope that if we as the family of God really live what we say we believe things can turn around externally well absolutely and I think you’re pointing to the biblical promise Israel was first of all to be God’s faithful Covenant people and and that was driven down in the law and and you mentioned Deuteronomy 6 in the word of God to the faithfulness of Christian parents raising Christian children in the case of Israel faithful parents of Israel raising the children of the Covenant but you know if Israel was true
to God then the further biblical promise is that Israel will be a blessing to the Nations yes and and so you’re exactly right we start in the household of faith and and if we get the household of faith if the church is standing in the right place of flourishing in the gospel and on the authority of the word of God then we will be a blessing to the nation it doesn’t work the other way around it doesn’t work in Reverse that’s right and and I I’m I’m excited to think of the same God uh of the nation of Israel that
wanted to use Israel as a light to the Nations and as I believe it was John Winthrop said that that America can be that City on a Hill that shines the light of the Gospel to the Nations and and I believe that God has a purpose for our country uh I I know that you do too and we just need to adjust our response to his purposes and turn our eyes back to him and you know that that’s just one of the clearest calls in scripture in both the Old and the New Testament so we do know at all times the right thing is
to confess our sins before God to turn to him and to pray that he will show his glory in our homes in our children in our churches and uh and and even in our neighborhoods in this Fallen World To His glory uh we’re looking forward to a kingdom which has foundations who maker and Builder is God in the meantime we’re just seeking to be faithful in this world so long as God leaves us here now I have friends uh well-meaning who would say you know analyzing the details of the kingdom of this world and polit politics uh is is
is really uh maybe a waste of time to get too deep into the weeds here when we know that we’re looking for a Heavenly Kingdom a kingdom of God so why have you decided to focus on current events and political issues of the day here in a world that many believe is simply passing away well I believe it’s passing away but we’ve not been left here by accident you know go go God did not fail to send the bus to pick us up uh God has a plan and yes that’s the Eternal Kingdom of Christ and it’s coming most
assuredly and and that’s our Eternal Destiny as Christians but he has left us in this world for a reason Jesus talked about his Believers as Salt and Light Paul warned about principalities and Powers uh faithfulness requires that Christians understand what are the roles going on around us I I don’t think you could be a faithful Christian and and and have no opinion on the abortion question I don’t think you can be a faithful Christian and have no clue what society’s laws should be concerning
marriage uh and and I think most Christians actually know that so I’ll just tell you that what I hear is is is actually a great deal of appreciation that’s very kind but I I I don’t hardly ever hear these days people say you know I don’t think what you’re talking about is important uh I think Christians know it’s important uh because I mean for one thing again go back to the children how in the world are we teaching our children such that they’ll be ready to go into a world in which the enemies of
Truth and goodness and beauty and righteousness are working full-time I’m so glad to hear you say that but I have friends and maybe this was from a generation past who who were taught that you know the world’s getting so bad the Rapture is coming by Wednesday uh at this rate of of evil decline so with people thinking hey we’re we’re going to we’re going to get out of here soon uh let’s not worry too much about the future I’m so thrilled to see that you are investing in the future in our
children and our grandchildren’s future because uh you know if if if if we’re still here a thousand years from now it matters a lot what we do today and that we’re involved in the Public Square so thank you for for taking that that that position well that’s very kindly said I got to tell you I just want to be faithful to all the commands found in scripture and I want to occupy as we are commanded until Christ comes I don’t you know we’re not here merely to wait uh we are to be found in fact Jesus in his
Parables makes this clear we’re to be found busy working in the field when Jesus comes and uh so I I I want to help train up a generation that’s going to go into every field and work as Christians uh to God’s glory until Jesus comes

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