Minister in Your Wilderness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Minister in Your Wilderness
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger
When most believers, you know, they speak, and they, you know, they they you know, it’s like, what does god do?
He his presence is there. And he he will show himself even more present if you turn to him. Yes.
When, you know, a lot of us, you know, we’re, you know, people saying, oh, I wish I had more time with god.
I wish I had more time to pray, more time to minister, to be in ministry, more time. Yeah. Okay.
So what what happened? God said, okay. Now 2020, you’ve got all the time you want.
And we complained about it. Did you make the most of your time?
Did you get closer with God? You know, listen, we’re human. We mess up.
But he gave us that time. You know?
And and so, you know, so many believers they feel stuck or lost in the wilderness, but actually in the Bible, And the Bible, they had the cloud and the pillar leading them so strongly.
Not only did he not only did did he lead them, but they actually ministered to him in the wilderness.
You know what? You know, it was in the wilderness that god started the ministry.
He started he started the Bible. He started the Bible.
He he started the priesthood, started the ministry, started the sacrifices, started the temple will will become the temple.
It all began, will will theirs is not where ministry ends. It’s where often it begins or get strengthened.
In fact, god told Moses, tell pharaoh, let my people go into the wilderness that they might minister to me in the Hebrew.
They might minister. We don’t want the wilderness, but we want the ministry.
I want the ministry, but the ministry and the wilderness have a connection.
Not that it’s always like that, but god uses the wilderness to start the ministry. That tells you something.
When you go through a hard time, you go through a tough time in your life.
Everything looks like it’s crisis and all people, whatever it is.
People attack you or loss or sorrow, don’t stop ministering to god. Don’t stop serving god.
Don’t stop doing his will. Don’t stop pre spreading the gospel. Don’t stop ministering to man or god.
The enemy wants you to stop. You’re dealing with a problem. You’re dealing with a crisis.
The temptation is stop ministering focus on yourself. You know, focus on me because I’ve got problems. Stop blessing.
Stop serving gut, but it’s the opposite. The wielders is not the place where ministry is to end.
It is often where new things in ministry begin. Don’t let your problems overcome your calling.
Let your calling overcome your problem. Minister all the more. Serve him. Move forward.
Don’t stop. You’re being at even if he’s the enemy’s attacking still move forward. Best thing. You’re in a storm.
Keep going. Keep his way, and he’ll bring you to victory.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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