Thankful Sunday Blessings September 15, 2024

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Thankful Sunday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for never letting me down. Thank You for sending Your Son so that I can experience Your mercy and grace. Thank You for erasing my past and making all things new. Please help me to see myself the way You see me: whole, loved, and set apart for Your glory. Shape the way I think, and draw me closer to You. This is the moment where everything changes. I put my life in Your hands. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. -Isaiah 65:17

Lord, on this Sunday I pray that all church services that are happening in the world would experience your manifest presence and power. That the lost would come to know the saving grace of Your Son, Jesus, and that the Body of Christ would be strengthened and equipped to do Your will. In the name of Jesus, Amen, and amen.

Thankful Sunday Blessings September 15, 2024
Thankful Sunday Blessings September 15, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, on this new day that you allow me to witness your wonders, I surrender my life to you. May you make of it what you will. I know I am not worthy of your love, but I am grateful because you are always by my side, caring for and guiding me. Therefore, I want to offer you this day you have given me. I wish to live it to the fullest, to be a good person who reflects your love in every action and word.

Lord, grant me great tolerance to respect all those who are different from me and whom I find difficult to deal with. I want to show my spiritual growth through an attitude of good fellowship and peace. Lord, only you offer me the strength to achieve what I truly need and what brings me happiness. I ask that you allow me to be a beacon in the darkness of the world so that through me, your light can reach those around me. Today, I want to answer that call, Lord; I want to follow you with all my heart.

Holy Father, I need you. I need you to accompany me throughout the day and never abandon me because I cannot move forward on my own. I know you are with me, and each day you give me clarity and inner strength to act according to your will. For this, I thank you now for this new day you grant me. Help me to rethink my life and to find the solutions I have not yet seen. Give me the wisdom to discern what is good and what is not, so that I always choose the path that leads to you.

I ask you to fill me with your love, your health, and your inner strength. Do not let me falter in the face of negative situations that may occur. I want you to be my guide in every step I take, to show me the right path, and to never separate me from your side. Help me so that others see your presence in me, that I may be a living testimony of your love and mercy. I want to be a light for others, a reflection of your goodness in this world so in need of peace and hope.

Thankful Sunday Blessings September 15, 2024
Thankful Sunday Blessings September 15, 2024

May everything I do always aim to do good, and above all, to do what aligns with your holy will. Make me an instrument of your love. Take my heart and transform it. Purify my life with your love. Your presence is a blessing, and I want it to always remain in me because the joy you give me is unique and incomparable. From the moment I wake up, I realize how fortunate I am to have you by my side, for I receive true happiness from you.

Lord of my life, on this new day, may I feel your strength, your protection, your encouragement that makes me go out and fight with hope that with you, everything will be okay. Blessed are you for never growing tired of being good to me, for that is who you are—good beyond all measure, loving us to the extreme. My Father, in this new dawn, I place myself in your hands, trusting that you will lead me along paths of peace and salvation. Amen.

Today, I will practice the virtue of patience in everything I do, offering this effort for those who suffer from anxiety or depression. I thank you, Lord, with all my heart. Before the angels, I will sing for you, bowing toward your sanctuary. I will give thanks to your name. Psalm 137.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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