Exposing the Strategies of the Enemy Against your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Exposing the Strategies of the Enemy Against your Life
How do you overcome enemy’s work in your life and world? Jonathan Cahn exposes the strategies & schemes the enemy uses and that are taking place against our church, nation, and our world.
The enemy works through his mouth, Diabloos, the one who casts accusation, but demons have no mouths.
Even the enemy does have a physical mouth, as we know. So what does that mean?
He needs to use to borrow the mouths of others.
But we think of the power of the enemy.
We also think of the occult, occultic power, curses, dark powers. And that is true as well.
And believers, as believer, would have nothing to do with the occult.
That means astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, palm reading Ouija boards, black magic, white magic.
It’s all the same tarot cards, palm channeling, new age, all that. That’s that’s that’s then there is possession.
Another form of the enemy’s attack. He possesses an enemy.
Now Now movies like the exorcist with Linda Blair having her head spin around and throwing up, you know, is this is this is the way most people think of that.
There are many movies now where they they where they for a long time, they’ve used that ever since then of a person being possessed.
They use computer, a computer voice. So it comes out this deep thing. But it’s real.
On more than one occasion in the nations, people at events that we were at had all the signs of possession and frenzy’s rolling ground.
The enemy can use possessed individual individuals.
He can use them or oppressed individuals or affected by him individuals to disrupt the works of god.
In the body to cause confusion, conflict, division to interrupt services. When we began filming, I never shared this.
We began filming this movie. Went to to the uh this dock across New York City, New Jersey, uh, by a dock there.
And as we start doing it, there’s this man starts shouting at us. And he’s shouting.
First, he’s like shouting a run. And he’s shouting at us, challenging us to a fight.
And boasting that he fights against angels and kills them. Challenging us to a fight.
Does that sound say Danic or what?
I remember when I said yes to go into India, place of spiritual warfare, the moment I said, yes.
Crazy has happened to all just just it was like, cray all hell brokers, including disturbed individuals out of nowhere who started accusing others.
I have no question who’s behind that. As believers, we are given the power of in Greek.
It’s called Ekalo, which means to cast out. We have the power to take authority.
Now then there are the strategic elements of his warfare.
Paul had a demon possessed woman shouting after him.
Now for her, it was possession, but for him, it was a strategy of the enemy to hinder and confuse the gospel.
He cast it out. The enemy seeks to just block the purposes of god, stop them, blows the doors.
With this building, there were so many block to get in.
And one and then we came came down to the time of the vote of the town board.
This one woman suddenly shows up who’s the head of a local Jewish organization that saw us as a threat shows up the night of the vote, sways enough members to not vote for us, and we lost the vote.
But then by miracle, god reversed it all.
The enemy acts to block god’s purposes in the world, in the great commission, in the world, in ministry, and in your life.
Let me tell you what was happening when I’m working on this message today. I’m working on the message.
My computer freezes up. I tried everything. I’ve never had that. It just froze him.
I tried opening up other files. My file directory goes blank.
I I tried sending an email, but my email’s now stopped.
I I I I called up one of our IT people to help.
I told him, you know, he was gonna come over I got off the phone. It starts working again.
I call them back, say, we’re okay. It’s working again. Get off the phone. It stops working again.
It happened back and forth. Never happened like this.
And it was just when I was beginning the message on the enemy.
And for the first time in ages, it looked like I had her do this by handwriting.
And for the first time in actually use this thing called paper and a pen and write it, but I have such bad handwriting.
It would come out in tongues if I if I preached, you know.
So remember Also, what I’ve said to you that when you’re in the will of god and you’re getting attacked all over, it’s a good sign.
It’s a good sign. Don’t give up.
Go for it all the more because The more he attacks, the more you go forward.
The very thing he attacks is a sign that that’s the very thing god wants to use.
So it’s a giveaway. So all the more go forward in that thing. Don’t give up.
But if you’re in god’s will, the the enemy is going to seek to distract and confuse.
Confusion is not of the lord. Confusion is not from god.
So when you’re being confused, get it’s it’s a sign the enemy’s trying to do something.
Get to the simplicity of god. Get back to what you know.
Now the enemy also attacks with substitutes, throwing substitutes at god’s will.
Like the offering of the fruit on the tree was a substitute to god’s will. That wasn’t his will.
The antichrist could be taken as the substitute for the Christ, the Messiah.
He comes as an angel of light. That’s a substitute for a real angel.
So when there there’s so you also have to beware when you’re being led by god that you don’t fall for a substitute that the enemy tried because he wants to stop what god has.
Then there’s outright warfare. In the physical realm and the spiritual, in the book of Revelation, he makes war against the saints, not just spiritually, but actually physically by using people.
He comes as a dragon raging against the woman.
And through the anti crisis, he wars Again, say, that’s not just spiritual.
That’s physical because if he uses physical people, he can attack physically as well. Satan’s warfare is often dramatic.
That’s what Hollywood makes money on, but it’s not all like that.
Paul said we are not unaware of his schemes. And all the things he uses.
We have to be wise. I’m gonna open up a different realm of the enemy that you re it’s rarely spoken of linked to the enemy, and yet it has to do with everything the essence of who he is.
What is he? He’s called the devil.
When someone says you’re a devil or that person’s a devil, not a compliment. It means saying you’re evil.
Or that’s devilish. But what does the word devil actually mean? It doesn’t mean evil. It means something else.
It comes from an old English word which is diaphyl, which comes from the Greek, which is actually used in the new testament, that is the word diabolas or in Spanish would be, I believe, like diabolos.
Diabolo. From which we get the word diabolical. But what does it mean?
Comes from a Greek root. Dia means through, and Balos means to throw. To cast.
So what does the devil mean?
The one who casts through or who throws things, but what does that mean?
For that, we go to the Hebrew.
The word devil comes from Greek, though it’s based on a Hebrew concept, a Hebrew reality.
The other word is Satan. Satan is a Hebrew word.
Now we say it in English like that, but it’s really Hebrew.
The word we get from that word, you know, satanic satanism, satanist.
And we when we say it, it means darkly evil, but what does it mean?
It’s an English version of a Hebrew word.
The original word is satan or the Hebrew Hassan means the satan.
Satan so they pronounce it this Satan and that’s how you get Satan. Comes from a Hebrew verb.
It’s something you do before you have the word Satan as a name, you had a verb, which is to do something.
What is that? What is to in Hebrew to satan something?
Means to oppose it, resist it, come against, be and be adverse to it. Go again.
Attack it. That’s the meaning behind the word devil as well.
Devil is Diablo because it means one who cast like casting accusations, casting stance slander casting talk against you.
Again, and so the the what it means, what the word means is the one who is against.
The one who comes against god.
And because he comes against god, he comes against you who are in the image of god, and he comes against you who are called by god and who love god and our god people.
He’s called the accuser of the brethren. He cast accusations. Interesting.
Who is the mow who is most able to cast in the flesh and blood? Accusations against god’s people.
People in the body. People who are in the body.
Because they have details so the enemy be careful can use people even in the body.
Listen to use Peter to attack, to come up with accusations, beware of accusations.
So if you live in fear, you’re you become Satan conscious.
Even if you’re not calling that, you become conscious instead of god conscious.
You’re living in fear the enemy likes it. He’s got power of that.
He can keep you from moving forward in your walk.
He can keep you from living the life god called you live.
He can keep you living on the defense instead of offensive god called you, keep you from he can keep you losing sleep at night, losing peace, getting worn down, power to stop you from rejoicing.
Fear is based on on punishment or being separated from god.
I’m not sure whether there’s one good fear is the fear of god. That’s when you ring god.
But the rest of them is the fear of something’s gonna happen because I don’t have god, or I’m not sure of god.
You don’t wanna live like that. God doesn’t want you to live like that.
It’s just god has not given us a spirit of fear, but a power. A sound mind.
To live in fear is Satan conscious in the end, if you’re in god, to live in god is to overcome fear.
To be god conscious is to be not enemy conscious. God has not given.
So that’s why it says fear not. If you know god, fear not fear not fear not, fear not. Why?
Because if god is for me, he is stronger than anything that’s against me, and I gotta come back to that.
So he got nothing to fear. That’s why it’s just the lord is my shepherd. I will fear no evil.
Even when it looks scary in my life, even when I’m walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear for you are with me.
How do you desatenize this this area of your life?
The antidote to fear consciousness is god conscious when you’re Tempted to get all bent out of shape. Wait.
Late, love of god. God, you’re here. You have never let me down. You have never left me.
You have always come through. You have come through. One thing after the other. When you’re tempted to fear, stop.
Lift your mind off of all that stuff. Lifted onto who is for you.
Now the enemy is a serpent. Serpent is poisonous.
If you’re bitten by a serpent and you have an antidote, you gotta take the antidote.
So what’s the antidote for dwelling on things that make you full of anxiety and fear You dwell on the things of god.
You dwell on the one who’s for you.
If god is for you, that leaves you no room for Satan. It says we could be against you.
Nobody Now speaking of serpents, what part of the serpent is the most deadly? It’s mouth.
When you read about the enemy in the Bible, How does he work through his mouth?
In the garden, how do he do it? Mouth. In the wilderness with messiah. Mouth.
In the book of Revelation, it says through the dragon mouth.
The enemy works through his mouth, Diabloos, the one who cast accusation, but demons have no mouths.
Even the enemy doesn’t have a physical mouth, as we know. So what does that mean?
He needs to use to borrow the mouths of others. So how does that work?
It happens when you allow your mouth to be used If somebody else uses their mouth, remember, this is just it’s just the enemy.
You don’t need to worry about it. I mean, you may but it’s it’s the enemy using their mouth.
Even again, if he could use Peter and Peter love god, even people when they’re not looking, they could be used.
But he certainly will use people who are not in the lord as well. But here’s the thing.
You never wanna have him borrow your mouth. If you gossip, you are satanized.
Because you are accusing the brethren or you’re accusing people in the image of god.
You’re allowing the enemy to use your mouth.
If you like hearing gossip, you’re opening yourself up to be satanized, delighting and evil.
If you look for evil, you’ll find it because the enemy will always show you something, whether it’s true or not.
You’re living in a spirit of satanization. The enemy is the accuser.
So So if you look for evil and speak evil, you’re quick to hear evil. That’s Satanization.
That’s not god’s nature. That’s Satan’s nature. And how about this one?
If you’re a complainer, you have a spirit of complaint.
As much as you allow that to happen, you’re allowing yourself to be best.
What is the Bible says we’re gonna be accountable to every word It says what you whisper in secret is gonna be shouted on the rooftop.
What does god say you are? If you’re born again, he says you are a spirit spiritually Jewish.
What does that mean in Hebrew? The word for Jew is yahoody. From yahuda, which means praise.
So what does that mean?
Your identity and now in god is one I am one who praises I’m what’s the opposite of praise complaint?
Derision. The enemy, Satan, so if you’re complaining, you’re not praising.
If you’re disparaging and not praising, it’s one or the other, but if you’re praising, you’re not complaining.
If you’re giving thank you’re not gonna lay. If you’re worshiping, you’re speaking of the good, you’re not gossiping.
Get your lips, desaltonized. To vote them to god. Do not allow them.
These are holy. Your lips are holy. Do not allow you’re of a holy vessel.
God redeemed you to be a holy vessel devoted for good works.
Do not allow your vessel, your lips, your mind, to be used by the enemy to tear down to gossip, speak evil, get out of that thing, get out of that sick thing where you actually get a joy, a kick out of somebody doing badly.
Consecrate your life every that’s every part of you.
Practice speaking words that actually lift up people because if you’re not doing words of life, you’re gonna end up being vulnerable to words of death, but some of you’re just sitting around, I’m not doing any words.
Well, you’re gonna be vulnerable. So instead, go on the offense. Start giving people words of life of encouragement.
That’s what we’re supposed to be doing. Only let a word come out. The Bible says that it’s for edifying.
Now you’d probably never think of this one as satanic, but here it is.
If you’re if you’re dwelling in gloom and discouragement, depression. That’s not of god.
Now I’m not saying you everybody has their moments.
But god has not called you to live in gloom or being depressed all the time.
The enemy wants you But when you’re dwelling on gloom, you’re dwelling on darkness, you’re not dwelling in faith, or you’re thinking about, again, what’s against me?
I’m sorry. I can’t do it. I’m discouraged. It’s all that That’s not our faith. That’s Satan.
That’s not the spirit of god. What is god?
God is the god of all and encouragement, not discouragement.
So if he’s all in encouragement, how much is left of discouragement? 0. Message, wait a minute.
You know, I’m I’m okay being depressed. It’s not that bad. You wanna defend it? You wanna stay there? Why?
God doesn’t want you depressed or discouraged. You may have a moment. You fight it, though. Fight it.
You know, David fought it, Elijah fought it. If you’re looking at god, how can he be depressed?
What are you gonna be depressed? What are you gonna be discouraged about? That you’re saved?
That you’re not going to hell? You’re going to heaven forever. God loves you.
He’s gonna work all things in your life for good. How is that depressing? Rebuke the spirit of discouragement.
Encourage yourself. God. The enemy wants it. God doesn’t want god wants you encouraged.
See, depression is not what god planned for you. Don’t focus on what’s against you.
The almighty is for you, and he has not given you that spirit.
You have a spirit that the Bible says, I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me.
And there’s one other realm of satanization that we don’t think of, but it’s he’s there.
And one of the things the enemy does is he condemns. He condemned Job.
He condemned Joshua, the high priest, condemned Israel, condemned messiah, He is the spirit of condemnation.
The pharisees were filled with that spirit. That’s why they crucified the lord.
I’ve seen people get filled with this spirit, and they’re condemning everybody.
They think they’re holy because they’re putting everybody else down in the lord.
Just like the pharisees, they don’t realize how unspiritual and how satanic it is.
It’s like, you know, this thing called spiritual pride. People take have have something like that.
They think that they’re They’re the great prayer warriors. That’s great, but then they condemn everybody else. That’s of Satan.
The adversary is the one who sought Hans. That’s the one who condemns you.
When you get into condemnation, that’s Satan. That’s that’s satanization. You’re condemning.
And Bible, you know what the Bible says? If you do that, you know what’s gonna happen?
You’re gonna be condemned. Do you know that? Well, god’s a god of grace. Yes. He is.
But he said, if you are condemning people, judging a condemning, you’re going to be condemned because then you’re not in the spirit of god.
God doesn’t play around. Repent of it. For your own sake, but there’s another side of it.
It’s not just for other people. You could be living.
I know believers who live in a spirit of condemnation.
Many believers are spirit of guilt, shame, judgment, judgment, condemnation, not never being sure of god’s love or that you’re really saved, you’re really forgiven.
That’s a stronghold of the enemy. The enemy loves it because he he’s the enemy.
So he thrives that you do anything to weaken your confidence in your friend.
Anything that can make you less friend conscious of god.
If he can keep you weak in your faith in god about your own salvation, his own love for you, then he can move he can play with you.
God wants you to be strong in his love. He wants you to be not about deserving it.
We don’t deserve it, but he wants you to be real strong about it.
He wants you to be so assured god loves me.
You know, I mean, you know, the one thing some people are like that, they they, you know, I am a child of god.
I am the and it’s a good there’s a good thing to that.
Because you have no reason not to be assured of god’s love. It’s not holy.
Is it to be, oh, man. You know, I’m so bad. That’s what our faith’s about. Yeah.
You repent, but then god loves you. That’s our faith. He wants you to be strong in his power.
Strong in his love because that’s gonna bring you healing. He wants you to boast in it.
He wants you to be confident about. He wants you to spread it. God loves me.
I deserve none of it, but wow. He loves me. And I am so blessed. He wants you confident.
That’s what says. We have this confidence That is love for you.
Be confident that is love for you is greater than any sin you’ve ever done will do ever.
His faithfulness is greater than any lack of faithfulness on your part.
If you’re dwelling, even, you know, you sin, then you repent, you bring it to god, and be done with it.
But if you’re dwelling all the time on your sin and you think that’s holy, it’s not.
You’re dwell you’re focused on sin. Why is that holy? That’s the enemy’s work.
You’re focused on the enemy, not him.
So we wanna be confident that you wanna be that what he did for you is greater than anything you did against him.
When Messiah died on the cross, everything was a everything that was against you was nailed to the cross, finished.
What is against you? Satan is against you, Satan.
Therefore, god wants you to live in that fact and that salvation.
He wants you to cast the enemy out of every and any and every part of your life.
He wants you to live in a power that desatinizes everything.
He wants you to cast him out of any stronghold in your life, out of your thoughts, out of your emotions, out of your path, out of your secret things, out of your shameful thing out of your hearts.
He wants you to be Satan free. He wants your life to be a Satan free zone.
Around you, that’s the different story. But you, he wants you free.
I I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with video.
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- The Right Mirror | Joel OsteenTháng 4 24, 2023