Should We Care About Our Borders?

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Should We Care About Our Borders?

As Believers, we are called to speak out with compassion and truth. We must demand that our elected officials uphold the law while also acting compassionately to help those in need. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven, but also be vigilant and prepared.

So here’s the big deal. In fact, more than ever, the question is, should we be involved in what’s going on at the borders?
Number 1, It’s been my experience.
I’ve been there twice up and down the border on the California side from the Pacific Ocean all the way to the east.
So me I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’ve been there.
And, uh, the last time I was there, I had the opportunity to walk into Mexico and walk back without anybody saying a word to me wide open.
I don’t care what anybody tells you. I’ve seen it. So keep your conspiracy weirdness to yourself.
I’ve been there I’ve seen it. Should Christians care?
The funny thing about this complaint about Christians being concerned about the border and us enforcing the law is that Those very people are doing nothing.
They’re doing nothing about it. They’re doing nothing about it.
I don’t see them down there giving water and food to people. They’re just complaining.
There are groups down there giving water and food and help. I get that.
But they should be operating under the laws that exist. We have laws in this nation.
In fact, friends, listen, our United States government is guilty of dereliction of duty.
They have failed Republicans and Democrats have failed to uphold the constitution United States.
I believe that constitution is a god given document the founders who wrote it believed it was god inspired, and it’s the longest governing document in the history of all governments of all time.
The constitution now to read it sometime.
How did that incredible piece of paper be able to broadcast as it were into the future to deal with the of our day.
Book of Daniel tells us that god has established the borders of the nations, and he has placed citizens within those borders.
Border laws are to be upheld.
If you don’t like the border laws, then change the laws according to the law.
But the Christian should speak out with compassion Watch this compassion and at the same time with the sword of truth.
You see, what do you mean by that? Well, listen. I hail from Southern California.
Uh, we have been invaded for quite a long time now.
By the way, if you think I’m partisan, this is a Republican Democrat debacle.
George Bush Junior was an absolute disaster regarding the California borders. Okay.
So I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. A monarchist. I’m waiting for my king to show up.
His name’s Jesus. In the meantime, fentanyl, human trafficking, The key point of entry in the United States, California.
California Gavin Newsom’s gonna deny that, but it’s the absolute fact. The truth of the matter is this.
As Christians, we are to demand that our elected officials uphold the law. Number 2, we are to act compassionately.
Meaning that we are to help the best we can.
You might realize in a moment that that help is something you’ve not thought of.
We need to make sure that the Christians in Mexico are doing their part because there’s a whole lot of them.
They call themselves Catholics, Then where’s the Catholic witness regarding those that have come from Guatemala, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, and Iran, and now more than ever, China.
China. Why would anybody Between the age of 20 35, male, leave China to come to America, together in groups, what’s going on.
Friends, listen. This is probably gonna get this knocked off the air.
But the fact is we are under an invasion that hidden within, like the Trojan horse.
Do you guys know the Trojan horse regarding the Greeks and, uh, those of Troy?
Are you familiar with that? That a gift was given. Here you go.
We want you to have a big gigantic horse.
Paying no attention that it’s big enough to hide soldiers inside of Oh, thanks. That’s so nice.
We’ll open up our borders and bring in the horse. Thanks.
And they shut the borders and inside was the Trojan horse.
And then at night, the soldiers that were inside the horse opened up its belly, went out, and the rest is history.
The battle of the Trojan horse regarding Troy. You gotta look it up.
What’s happening under the Trojan horse now of, uh, compassion We need to be accepting.
We need to be, uh, inclusive.
That is a Trojan horse that bad guys have gotten inside of and they’ve ridden in, and they’re gonna do mischief to America anytime now.
Why? Well, I’ll end with this. Some of them have already been identified as active military operators for foreign enemies.
Foreign powers, and they’re here. They’re in California. They’re in Texas. They’re in Arizona. They might be everywhere.
What do we do as believers?
Well, number 1, the Bible says for us as believers, Paul told Timothy, if a man Christian man he’s talking about does not provide for his home.
Protection, food, clothing, love, discipline, care, security.
If you don’t provide those things, you’re worse than a believer.
So, friend, at what point then do you say, hey. That’s as far as you can go.
Well, if you let people with mischief in mind come across the border, and now they’re in your county, You don’t care.
You’re okay. It doesn’t bother you. You still have your latte. You still got your car washed.
Who cares? Well, when they’re in your city limits, ah, you’re still pretty okay.
When they’re across a looking at your house with AK47 or sword in hand, and there’s 7 of them, and they’re looking at your house.
What are you gonna do? You gonna call 911 then? It’s too late. 911’s already been overwhelmed by that point.
What do you do? Well, you’re gonna provide for your family.
So we live in amazing days.
Pretty soon, Christianity is going to be, uh, introduced to a wake up call the way this world is going.
My dear friend, listen. Have your eyes on Jesus have your eyes on the kingdom of heaven at the same time.
It’d be well for you to study the history of the church in the 1st century.
There’s also the history Israel in the Old Testament.
We need to be like nehemiah, a trowel in one hand, and a sword in the other.
Being people who rightly understand the word of god because we have totally, rightly divided the word of god in its full council.

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