Prophetic Message: Jonathan Cahn exposes the dark secret and the stunning mystery behind the month-long celebration that has taken over America and much of the world.
Monday, June 19, 2023
We often have a hard time with change. We want other people to change their ways and attitude. We want our spouses, children, parents, ministers, and our friends to change. We want our situation, finances, job to change. The more things we want to change, the more frustrated we get when they don’t. The fact is that nothing has to change, but us. We think of ourselves as unchangeable. Only God’s unchangeable. He says, “”I change not.”” If we don’t change – we can’t grow, we die. Our salvation starts with change. Repentance, growing in maturity, putting away the old self, putting on the new – that’s change. Becoming a new creation, being born again is the only thing you have to make positive changes – not that your situation changes, but that you do. We have no control over anyone else’s change, just our own. Open your heart and mind today so you can change and become more like Him. Be a change for God, for God is the only one who changes not. That’s His job, to change not, and He shouldn’t. But your job is to change.
This is Jonathan Kahn. It’s June, that means it’s Pride Month.
Rainbows are everywhere on television in department stores, on corporate logos in supermarkets and parades and children’s cartoons, even on the US Air Force website, even on the White House.
But what’s really behind it? We’re going to pull away the veil to uncover a secret that goes back half a century and a mystery that goes back even farther.
Thousands of years. This in my hands is the presidential proclamation that Biden issued to begin this month.
We’re going to expose that to what does this celebration actually celebrate?
The president explains it in the first words of the proclamation.
He says this in June 1969 a group of courageous Americans rose up to protest the violence and marginalization they faced in what became known as the Stonewall uprising.
June is Pride Month because of that. The only problem is the president’s narrative is twisted.
The bar called Stonewall was owned by the mafia.
It violated several laws, it was regularly raided what was different that night is that the people whom the president praised as courageous Americans who stood bravely against the police to protest violence were the ones who actually committed the violence.
The police consisted of about eight people.
The mob that came against them with violence consisted of hundreds of people and the hundreds rose up violently against the eight hurling stones at them becoming so dangerous and violent that the police were scared for their lives.
They retreated into the bar and barricaded themselves to save their lives.
The mob then tried to get to the police by breaking down the doors of the bar.
They then tried to set the bar on fire with the police inside the bar.
They poured lighter fluid on paper and projectiles ignited them and threw them and pushed them into the bar to burn the policemen alive.
That’s the actual origin of Pride Month and that’s what the president has called you to celebrate in his own words, which is to celebrate violence, destruction and the attempt to burn police officers alive.
The Bible says, what are those who call evil, good and good evil?
The president is getting real good at him.
He goes on to say over 600 hateful laws targeting the LGBTQ plus community have been introduced throughout the land except it’s a lie.
What are those laws? They are laws such as do not indoctrinate our Children into this agenda.
Do not sexualize our Children. Don’t expose them to this.
Don’t confuse them as to whether they are boys or girls don’t inject them with hormones, don’t mutilate them for the rest of their lives.
And this is what the President calls hateful. He says it’s targeting the gay community. Another lie.
It’s not targeting anyone, it’s simply protecting Children.
He goes on, he says books about LGBT Q I plus people are being banned.
Do you know which books he’s talking about?
Books put into children’s sections of libraries and schools with graphic pornography, teaching Children to perform all kinds of sex acts.
Some advocating pedophilia boys having sex with men and indoctrinating them into these lifestyles.
Parents are not only right to protect their Children from such things. They have a responsibility to do so.
And for the president to call parents trying to protect their Children, evil is itself evil.
Parents have to protect their Children from their President’s administration.
Recently, the White House acted shocked when trans activists that they had invited for their White House pride celebration, exposed their breasts in front of the White House.
That was an offense to do in front of the White House, but it’s ok to expose sex acts to Children.
No, the offense was the act of the White House.
The proclamation goes on to say transgender youth in over a dozen states have their medically necessary health care.
Banned another deception. What is he actually talking about laws that protect Children against having adults confuse them, sexualize them, lead them into hormonal alteration and surgically sterilize them, castrate them, have their organs removed, permanently, mutilate them even hiding it from their parents.
That’s what is masked as medically necessary health care. It is not gender affirming care. It is gender destroying mutilation.
The president is waging war against the protection of Children.
Actually seeking that states that ban the mutilation of Children be denied medical funding.
Unlike states such as California, which are trying to make it law that if parents don’t go along with transgender, their own Children, the state can actually remove their Children from them.
In the proclamation, Biden says that his administration is waging war on conversion therapy.
Well, does that include counseling people that they can be set free of same sex attraction?
Just wondering because the Bible says just that just as they can be free of adultery and immorality by the power of God.
So is the president going to declare the Bible illegal in the proclamation?
The president boasts of his signing the Respect for Marriage Act, which is actually the disrespect for Marriage Act and which was sealed when he lit up the White House as a rainbow.
And the day that he did, it happened to be the day which the Bible identifies as connected to sinful marriages that God says he would not respect the respect for Marriage Act struck down the defense of Marriage Act which Biden as a senator had actually voted for, he actually voted for listen to cut off any funds to any school that taught homosexuality.
Now his administration is trying to cut off funds from organizations and states that will not support and celebrate homosexuality and transgenderism.
He calls them evil. What does this reveal? It reveals the total absence of a moral compass.
And he writes, I Joseph R.
Biden junior hereby proclaim June as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender queer and Intersex Pride Month.
I call upon the people of the United States to celebrate and to wave their flags of pride high.
So the president of the United States is telling you to celebrate what God says is a sin and then put you at war with God and to do so in the name of pride, which is yet another sin.
He proclaimed. America is a nation of pride. The Bible says pride leads to destruction. What have we done?
We’re devoting an entire month to celebrate an alternate form of sexuality.
We don’t even give more than a day to celebrate America’s birth. We’re mutilating Children and celebrating it.
Have we gone mad? What would possess us to do this? This goes to the mystery behind pride month.
When a nation turns away from God and drives his spirit out of its culture, its house will not stay empty, other spirits will come in and will possess it and transform it.
When I wrote the return of the gods, I identified those spirits, ancient spirits that are now at work, possessing and transforming America.
One is called the enchantress in her ancient Mesopotamian inscriptions.
It is written that she turns men into women and women into her priesthood were called the Ainu.
They were men who walked around her temples dressed up as women and to whom parents brought their Children to see them perform dance.
This goddess who altered sexuality and gender was linked to the sign of the rainbow.
There’s a dark secret to the rainbow that I reveal in the book that would cause anybody to have second thoughts about waving it or hanging it on the White House.
Now, the rainbow does not belong to man or to any movement or to any sin.
The rainbow belongs to God. But the goddess was actually known in her writings for stealing that which belonged to other gods.
So for the White House or anyone to use the rainbow of God against the will and ways and purposes of God is a most dangerous thing.
And you want to know the mystery of Pride Month.
There was one month of the year that the spirit of the goddess especially possessed the culture, the ancient month of Tau in the return of the gods.
I quote the ancient writer, Saint Jerome, identifying the month of these celebrations as the month of in Latin Eun or in modern English.
It was the month of June and she was known as the goddess of pride.
So the month of pride Pride Month and she was the goddess of parades in which she calls men dressed as women and women as men to parade through the city streets.
You see when you turn away from God, this is what happens.
Jesus warned of it, your house will become repossessed by the spirits that were cast out.
And so it has, it’s either God or this, for those of you who are into these lifestyles, you are loved by God and he’s calling you back and because of His love, he speaks and we speak, must speak the truth and stand against the darkness that would destroy you.
And for those of you who are parents, your Children are a gift from God, God entrusted them to you not to the school system, not to Disney, not to children’s programming or youtube or tiktok, not to the state and not to the president guard them against the agenda that is seeking to possess and destroy them.
And as for the rest, the president has called you to wave the flag that wars against God to become an enemy of God, do not listen to him.
Lower that flag, put it away, have nothing to do with it or with pride.
The rainbow is the sign that God gave of His mercy, turn to God and come to his mercy.
And if you’re going to lift something up, lift up, the only name that has the power to save you and change your life, the name of Jesus Yeshua, and He will have mercy and He will not reject you.
His arms are open to you right now and do not fear but do what’s right.
Stand up, speak up, do not be silent. Do not be intimidated, resist the darkness on the day of judgment.
You will not stand before the majority. You will stand before God.
All these things will pass away but God is forever when the President is gone from the White House, God will still be on the throne.
This is your moment to become great, be strong in the power of his might and stand against the night and you will prevail to not miss the next messages, press subscribe and until next time, this is Jonathan Khan.
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