The Galal Key | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Galal Key
Thursday, May 25, 2023
As a child watching the Superman show, I always wondered why Superman would stand up to bullets, but he would duck when something was thrown at him. There’s a truth here, and in the Song of Solomon. It says, “”Catch the little foxes that spoil our garden.”” It’s often the little things that mess us up the most. On the big things, we’ll give up our lives, but cut us off on the highway and we lose it. We’ll give great gifts to God, but ignore us and we get angry. I knew someone who was leaving for Israel planning to preach a great message on the peace of God. Then he misplaced his Bible and peace went out the window. He went crazy. Watch out for the little things the enemy throws at you to catch you off guard. Often that is how we slip up because we’re not prepared. If Superman laughed at bullets, but panicked over someone throwing a gun, then you have to watch out for things such as these. It’s the little foxes that spoil the garden. God has called you to be wiser and stronger than Superman.
As a person of God, a child of God, you are to be marked as a man, a woman of commitment.
Anybody here been to Galilee who’s been to Galilee or some of you will go with Galilee.
One of the most beautiful places in the world. Beautiful. That’s where Messiah was. Galie.
Rolling hills, green valleys and green and mountains over there.
But rolling, rolling, rolling and you know what, you know how Galilee got its name, the word in Hebrew for rolling is Gaal.
And so you got Gali in Hebrew, it’s called the Gael at A E is Galilee. OK.
So it means the rolling place, rolling, rolling, rolling.
But what does this have to do with what I’m talking about?
It says in Psalm 37 commit your way to the Lord, commit your way.
The word for commit is the word, same word for Galilee, same word because it mean here.
Let me what? Here’s the connection.
It’s like it, it, there’s, there’s a, there’s a scripture in Genesis 29 says he rolled the stone away here.
But the, the Hebrew is he? So here, what does it mean? What’s the connection for commitment?
And Galilee or rolling. That is, imagine you’re on the top of a hill and you’re pushing a boulder and you push, you push the boulder.
Once you release it, there’s no turning back.
Once you release it, you’re in, it’s, if you’re over the edge, you’re in, you can’t undo it.
It’s going down. You’ve committed everything there. So that, so to commit in Hebrew is to roll something away.
You’re rolling it away. I’m not, there’s no turning back, I’m rolling it. I am entrusting this to God.
I am rolling it away, whatever that is and there’s a lot of applications here.
That is what commitment is here. It also means to remove also. Strangely gale also means to remove.
So it also means that there’s something that you might have to remove in your life to for your commitment to God, or there’s something that there’s something that will only be removed as you commit to God roll.
It’s like it says, the scripture says, cast your anxieties upon him, right? He cares for you.
Well, even that’s part of commit, commit your fears to him too. Commit your worries to him. Commit it.
You see if you’re always worried and worried, guess what? You have not committed to him.
If you’re always worried, it means you’re holding on to all these cares and burdens when it’s supposed to be his and he’s supposed to be in charge of your life.
Roll it away. Lord. This is yours now and I am trusting you. I am entrusting you.
I have committed to you. To commit is also to trust.
I entrusted, roll your worries, cast your cares, cast your anxieties.
Our salvation begins with a rolling away of the stone and salvation comes now.
What else does this tell us about a blessed victorious life for you? It says, commit, what?
Commit your way in Hebrew? The word is try.
It means the road, the path, the, the, the way, the way of your life, the way you walk, are you satisfied with your course or with your life or with your path or your life?
You want it to be blessed. It says, commit it to God. Commit your path to God.
Commit the course that you got plans. Don’t just do something first lift it to God. Commit it to God.
You gotta decision, make sure you are first asking God a lot of people thought something looked good, it destroyed their life.
You got a choice every day. Commit it first to God. Commit your plans.
Commit your, your way to God and He will. Well, we’re gonna go ahead with that.
What will he do your entire future? Commit it.
When you have to make a decision, you must, you must see God before I went to, when I was in college, I had to make a decision of going to another college.
I fasted. I just got, I just got saved.
So I had to know, I can’t just, just make this decision.
I fasted and prayed for several days and God directed me and that has led to all these other things, but I couldn’t know it.
You have before you do commit your plans for the future, before you do it commit.
I mean, look at the people who have made, I mean, listen, Abraham committed his way to go, but not always, he made a mistake once, at least more than once.
But he made a mistake when Sarah said, hey, you got a great idea, go into the, the, the, the maid and then we’ll have the child that God says because I can’t do it.
So they did. But they didn’t ask God about it. They didn’t commit to God.
They didn’t do any of this and they paid the price for him, you know.
So, but, but, but, but when Abraham later on, he comes to Isaac, it’s, it’s weird because they didn’t have a child so they messed up, they didn’t commit.
Now they do have a child. And God says, ok, I’m testing you now.
Lift him up to me, lift him up to be able to give him, give him to me and he lifts him up and for that, that, that he’s, that he’s, that’s the commitment.
He’s saying, Lord, I trust you. And what’s God saying?
Whatever it is, lift it up to God and he’ll give you Isaac.
Lift you got an Isaac lift it up to God.
He’ll either, he’ll either give Isaac back or he’ll give you something better than Isaac.
I mean, there’s no better than Isaac for Abraham, but he’ll give you something better.
Whatever it is, you have to be willing to always commit to God.
And it’s not just one sometimes as you have to commit it back because you took it, commit it to God.
This is my Isaac. Commit it because I trust you, Lord, you are the one. I trust you.
Commit Him with your future. Commit them before you’re gonna do something.
And after you do it, commit the outcome to him. OK?
Lord, I’m walking now, I’m walking out of the boat.
I committed and I tried what that also means I trust my future. You can worry about your future.
You can be concerned about your future.
You can be wrapped up in your future or you can commit your future future.
I’m committing my, I’m rolling my future to you God. I, you my times are in your hands.
I trust you. And that’s why it’s really good when you pray like we just did a little bit.
When you pray, pray, don’t just pray for the thing.
Thank God for the answer to the prayer because then you’re committing it to Him.
You’re not just Lord, I need, I need when you say thank you for the answer, I don’t see it.
Whatever that is. I thank you. You are now trusting and believing and there’s peace and God honors that.
Commit your way. And then what does it say in Hebrew?
The Hebrew is a commit it or commit it on to the Lord?
It’s committed on top of the Lord, roll it onto the Lord, let him hold it to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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