Possessing Your Mountain Part 2 – Back to The Basics

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Possessing Your Mountain Part 2 – Back to The Basics

Dr. Bill Winston reminds you about the power of your words and the importance of saying what God says. Also to never get into a position of “revenge” because the Lord will repay.

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

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the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers are you ready to go deeper the back to the basics summer series continues to unfold with Dr Bill Winston we’re going to 4 d we’re going to whatever’s missing can be restored come on we’re going to win the Devil shot his best shot you said try it devil Try Your Best Shot and we going to fix what’s broke you just know the god that you serve he will deliver them experience the transformational power of.
understanding the fundamentals of faith in your everyday life through these Timeless teachings by Dr Bill Winston join us as we build your foundation and help you lay a path toward living victoriously as Kingdom citizens join the journey tune in every week and share the inspiration with your [Music] gr this idea of culture Adam was supposed to spread the culture of the kingdom of God which was in the garden and make the whole earth look like the Garden of Eden but when Adam sinned now the culture that he is perpetrating or.
perpetuating was not God it was an an anti-culture and so as you go on that culture gets darker and darker and that’s why I mentioned last week I said hey there were things when I was a kid they wouldn’t show certain things on television well now no no now wait a minute now why are they able to show them now because of the shift of the culture you see my dad like I told you before he I didn’t like spinach and you know they had showed me all the pop out movies and everything but I still didn’t like it and so what happened he said hey.
you know eat it son it’s good for you it’s got iron in it so forth and so on and so I you know and he said now you do what I tell you and cultivate a taste for it well cultivate a taste means if you eat it enough then you’ll convert your taste buds you’ll convert something inside of you if you look at that on television enough it’ll convert you it’ll it’ll it’ll it’ll have you so there’s no more outrage there’s no more sensitivity to it now what the enemy does is to keep.
round he holds is to change the law and make the law agree with the new culture so people think it’s not only legal but it’s right and the Bible says over in Proverbs 14 verse verse 12 say there’s a way that seems right to a man but the end of that way is what death because everything that’s out from under the word of God and following the spirit of life will lead to death now you and I been raised up because in Joel chapter 2 Also it talks about the fact that you and I have been raised up for such a.
time as this called the church and that we are the most powerful institution that been seen in the earth um ever well let’s look at it in verse Joel chapter 2 and verse one blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my Holy Mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for for the day of the Lord cometh for it is nigh at hand check it out a day of darkness and of gloominess a day of clouds and of thick Darkness as the morning spread upon the the mountains a great people and a strong there has not been ever the like.
neither shall be anymore after it even to the years of many generations in other words what you are there’s never been anything like you and will never be anything like you after you leave you can go on down here and it’ll tell you you’ll fall on a sword but it won’t hurt you now I’m I’m going to get to something today because what is happening to the world is the church and and we sometimes look at the world and they can’t help themselves here’s what Jesus said they hated me without a what cause you even.
have a cause why you going to dislike me and Jesus said if they hated me going to hate you so I got to stay on the love line I got to stay there even when they talk about me I got to stay there in love am so love involves trusting in God I got to trust God and some people think sometimes that’s God’s promises won’t come to pass and that’s where we’ve been with the church because what has happened because of the of the uh LAX in attitude because of the church failing to to to respond to Justice boy I’m about to preach.
now see it’s not so much for them it’s for the people the Bible says over in uh Ecclesiastes chapter 8 he said because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil see when you don’t execute the justice system of of God or don’t carry out and and allow crime to just go on that it’s amazing how it gets worse is this the right Bunch I’m talking to now I’m I’m I’m I’m letting you see something here because even.
though you you you have been called by God and he’s sending you into one of the mountains it could be a mountain of media it could be a mountain of uh of uh of economics it could be a mountain of the government or politics it could be a mountain but you don’t have to compromise because every time the compromise comes then another law gets established and another degree of of of of uh culture shift takes place and so what we got to do we got to come back in the church and look at the church and say wait a minute have we shifted in the.
church and I begin to look at that I begin to say let’s see here and I begin to go I said wait a minute now interesting how we’ve substituted man-made programs for the leading of the Holy Ghost it’s amazing how we’ve substituted eloquent speakers for a demonstration of the power it’s amazing how we’ve substituted reason and logic and replace Revelation isn’t it interesting how we’ve come with entertainment in the pull pit instead of living by faith isn’t it interesting how human.
ability has been replaced uh it has replaced the grace of God folks it’s it’s amazing how tradition has replaced the word of God that’s why we’re so divided somebody says well baptized with sprinkling I baptize with pouring water on your head I baptize with this I well we don’t baptize so for well wait a minute who’s right see I’m just saying what’s your tradition this is where we going well that has invited the church you know God is not the author of confusion God didn’t come up with all these different.
ways of baptize well why don’t we come back in the book and look at the book and say hey this is what the book says I’m going with the book and because of that there’s no power he said you’ve made the word of God of none effect because of your tradition and because of the tradition now when the church wants to make us stand they have nothing to stand on what we got to do we got to come back and say wait a minute who are we because we are the strongest most powerful institution in the world ever we we have.
been uh we have diplomatic immunity whereever we go because we represent the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and wherever we go no evil shall befall us neither shall any plague come nigh our dwelling [Music] now the point of it is do you believe this see if you don’t believe it it will not work I just feel that we’re about to go somewhere really I I just feel that there’s been no outrage because there have been no Revelation there’s a woman who who um who who is on the bus what’s her name U.
uh Rosa Park remember that she got on that bus she found out what her rights were and got on that bus and sat out in the front and the man said you got to move I ain’t moving you got to move I am not move you got listen I’ll call the police I’m not moving notice it’s amazing how when she got a revelation how it led to a revolution because right now it was saying things that there were laws on the books that said you got to sit in the back that’s right right and that’s the way Satan keeps a demonic Godless.
culture in the earth that the people of God do nothing that’s what Winston Churchill said isn’t this good you wait you wait you you you wait listen he said my people destroyed for what lack of knowledge he said lack of knowledge that’s why they’re destroyed they got they have knowledge but they don’t have enough so what I’m here to do is give you the other portion cuz I knew what it took to take this shopping mall I had to stand and I had to stand on God’s word that I believe I believe.
God’s word was stronger than the government that was trying to keep me out I believe God’s word was stronger than the money that was being held up because at one point we were building this section here they had the front of this section all the rest was open rain in it and everything people had moved their equipment away and so forth why cuz Winston’s money got cut off or a Living Word it’s got cut off and I I heard the the the the devil laughing see the devil’s God’s God has a small still Small Voice the devil has a.
PA system and you you can hear him real loud all right now what happened is I had stand on that word I said Lord what do we do he said take the group in Sunday service and you have three services it was all on the other end we having a service where Ultra is right now Ultra Food Company and he said March them down here and let a march on the land one more time and declare that money to be loose and so forth he said every service you do that so I did it why because if you want an uncommon result you have to be ready to receive.
an uncommon thought and I did exactly what he said it did not make sense I’m not looking for it to make sense I’m looking for it to make faith and as I did that and so forth next thing you know pow money got released next thing you know ordinance change at at city Hall I’m just telling you if God before nobody can stand against me but there’s a lot of things need to be in the body of Christ they’re not here yet they’ve not been manifested why because somehow we have not made it up to where we’re supposed to be if that’s.
your assignment God has given you the grace to stand and to be promoted because it says in Psalm 75 your promotion doesn’t come from man it says your promotion comes from the Lord say Amen to that so he said why are you so fearful stop the fear that’s what he’s saying right now stop stop the fear see and you got to stop the fear because it’s fear will cause thing to happen that because it connects you with death it connects you with the spirit of death Satan and so Faith connects you with God so you got to stop the fear say Amen.
to that amen all right I want to read you something that happened and this happened to a lady and I got this account from from a from a book that uh that I had picked up and um is talking about actually what happened to her now I’m going to read it what happened was this lady’s mother died and she wasn’t that old but she died but she died in an auto accident very terrible accident now she was a wonderful Christian woman that’s what they said about her and her funeral so forth and so on but this man came and asked said hey.
what was your mother’s greatest fear she said it’s interesting that you asked that she said she had a dream and she had the same dream three times and she had a dream before this accident happened she said she dreamed that there would be a terrible car accident and another member of her family after she had dreamed those three times dreamed that another member of the family pardon me died and got killed in another kind of accident now so this mother became more fearful that this dream was predicting her future and.
so she sensed in her heart that she was going to going to die so she had told her daughter about it now where was this dream from all right I want you to see this because my people are destroyed for what not because they don’t know the Bible then what happened is they have no faith to resist this and this lady was a Christian she believed in Jesus as a lord and savior and so forth and had strong belief in that but what happened is she died in an accident and went to heaven on the.
devil’s timetable not on God two things now I’m I’m saying this because we read the scripture and the waves beat into the ship now you can go to a Greek scholar and let them tell you what that means the idea is that Satan will put a thought in your mind and Hammer that thought that’s his job his job is to tell you that they don’t like you and so forth and so on cuz you’re about to go to the top and the higher you get up the more influence you have if you make the top all the way up millions of souls.
will be affected by your anointing and by the grace that’s on your life say Amen to that so he can’t afford to let you climb not one bit and so let’s see scripture 2 Corinthians chapter uh 10 and verse three let’s start there for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty through God to the pulling down of what strongholds casting down what else imaginations and what else every High thing that exalts itself against what the knowledge of God and bringing into.
captivity every what thought to The Obedience of Christ see you can’t take that thought you’ve got to take God’s thought now think about if the devil had it in for a person that they would be dying in a crash you got what I’m saying then what could you have done you yep yep you could have taken prayer and recognize that devil’s work and a maybe a warning that’s coming and you could have through prayer bound the devil in the name of Jesus this what you could have done watch this and broken.
the plant of that devil over your life by speaking and believing God’s [Applause] word now God has plans for you let’s look at them first in Ephesians chapter 2 then Jeremiah chapter 29 and then Psalm 91 Ephesians chapter two and look at verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works with God is before ordained that we should walk in them now hold it right there so God knew you before you hit your mother’s womb watch this and put you into to a family that prepared a body.
for you got it but before he put you in the body he put you on his workbench and tested you to make sure all your circuits were working and that you could pass any test that the devil would put you [Applause] through his workmanship look at the same scripture in the Amplified translation if you will if you have time for we are God’s Own what handiwork his what workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus born a new that we may do those what good works which God has what predestined planned beforehand for us taking what paths.


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