My Assurance – God is in Control – Part 1 – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Male Announcer: Welcome to In Touch, the teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. Next on In Touch, we present part one of “My Assurance: God is in Control.”

Dr. Charles Stanley: During one of the most challenging seasons of my life, when I often felt discouraged, fearful, and isolated, my friend would remind me, “But remember, God is in control.” We would sit by the fire in the evenings, and he would let me share my thoughts and feelings, allowing me to express my pain. Whenever he sensed my discouragement or struggle, he would say, “Remember, God is in control.”

This simple truth became an anchor for my life. No matter how fierce the winds blew or how intense the adversity became, my soul remained anchored to the reality that God is in control. Through my experiences, I discovered that when someone reaches a place of unwavering conviction—declaring that my God is in control—it brings immense strength, power, assurance, confidence, peace, and indescribable joy, regardless of life’s challenges.

In today’s message, “My Assurance: God is in Control,” I invite you to turn to Psalm 103. In this Psalm, David conveys profound truths he likely learned throughout his life, often through experience, which many of us can relate to. Fortunately, we also have the Word of God to guide us in this understanding.

David writes in verse 19: “The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all.” The throne he refers to is the very one that Satan coveted and was ultimately cast out from. This is the same throne that the prophet Isaiah saw in his vision, proclaiming, “I saw the Lord high and lifted up, sitting upon His throne,” when he answered God’s call.

This throne appears seventeen times across chapters four and five in the book of Revelation. It is the seat of Almighty God’s authority over the universe. Notice that David states, “His sovereignty rules over all.” What does sovereignty mean? Pay close attention, as I will reiterate this for clarity.

The Sovereignty of God signifies His supreme, absolute rule, control, and authority over the entire universe, encompassing every human being. It embodies His power, authority, and omnipotence governing every aspect of existence. One of the clearest expressions of God’s sovereignty can be found in the opening chapter of the Bible: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

If Almighty God created the universe from nothing, set the galaxies in motion, and established the laws of nature, then certainly He has the power to sustain and maintain it, as Paul explains in Colossians chapter one, where he describes how Jesus sustains all of creation.

Now, let’s consider two key moments: first, the act of creation, and second, the fall of Adam and Eve. It may seem that if God is in control, then His plan faltered. However, God permitted it to happen.

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