Knowing Who You Are – Wednesday Service

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Come on, let’s give God some praise! If He’s been good to you, shout out His name! I have a secret to share, and it’s one I want everyone to hear—you win! Yes, you always win. That’s the victory that comes from God, and it’s undeniable. Hallelujah! No matter what we face, we win because God is on our side. Every trial we go through is just another testimony to show others that they, too, are victorious. We always win!

Father, we thank You for this time together. It’s all about You, Lord. Let Your presence be felt among Your people tonight. We know that when Your presence is here, burdens are lifted, yokes are broken, joy overflows, and peace fills our hearts. Your love is poured into us through the Holy Spirit, and when You are with us, everything is made right. Your word says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Hallelujah! We trust in Your love, Lord, and we depend on You. You are faithful, and we can always count on You, Father. We give You thanks and bless this congregation and those watching through social media. We give You all the praise, glory, and honor, in Jesus’ name, amen.

As always, I’m honored to speak at the greatest church on earth, and we are so blessed to have the greatest pastors. We thank God for Dr. Dar and Pastor Taffy, for all they have poured into us, and for always seeking God’s revelation to guide us. Let’s give them a big round of applause for their dedication and love!

Now, I wasn’t sure what I was going to talk about tonight, but God gave me a little story that I believe will bless you. You may take your seats as we dive into this message.

Once upon a time, on a mountainside, there was an eagle’s nest with four large eggs inside. One day, an earthquake shook the mountain, and one of the eggs rolled down to a chicken farm in the valley. The chickens, not knowing what kind of egg it was, took care of it and eventually, an eagle was born. However, being raised by chickens, the eagle believed he was a chicken too. He scratched the ground, searched for scraps, and behaved just like a chicken.

One day, the eagle looked up and saw a group of majestic eagles soaring high in the sky. He admired them, longing to soar like them, but a chicken beside him said, “Don’t worry about it, you’re a chicken, and chickens don’t fly.” Sadly, the eagle accepted this and continued living as a chicken. Though his heart yearned to soar, he never fulfilled his true potential. The eagle lived and died, never realizing the powerful life he could have had.

This story speaks to many believers today. Although we are blessed beyond measure, many of us still live like chickens—feeling inferior, struggling with low self-esteem, and doubting our worth in the body of Christ. As born-again believers, we should not see ourselves as less than who God made us to be. The spirit of inferiority and insecurity has no place in our lives.

Tonight, I want to remind you to know who you are in Christ. You are a child of God, created to soar, not scratch the ground like a chicken. You have been given a higher purpose, a life filled with victory, joy, and abundance. So rise up, shake off the mindset of inferiority, and embrace the life God has destined for you. You are an eagle, and it’s time to spread your wings and fly. Amen!

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