Jesus is not a god – Part 2
Jesus is not a god – Part 2
Pastor Jack continues this series, walk us through an incredible set of verses that lead everyone to understand that Jesus truly is God.
Hey everyone, I have an idea for a podcast episode where I take rapid-fire questions that I’ll answer within one minute! I won’t check out the questions beforehand, as the production crew will arrange them for me. So give me your best Bible related or other questions!
Hey, everybody. We’re gonna be jumping in to part 2 of our message titled Jesus is not a god.
Jesus is not a god. So grab your bibles. Get a friend. Let’s do this together. Let’s dive in.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
Today, If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those 5 star ratings.
To us, that’s like saying, amen or yes, then that rating will encourage others to listen.
Now open your hearts to what god’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Gibbs.
Well, hey, everybody. Welcome back to our podcast what we are doing is something that is so needful for everybody.
I gotta tell you straight up, it doesn’t matter if you are a Christian and atheist a an agnostic.
It doesn’t matter. Uh, if you are already into some sort of religious process or system, with what I’m sharing with you in part 1 which we put out there last time.
This now being part 2 is that we’re we’re looking at a a title, uh, for this series.
And that is in it’s to catch you, uh, intentionally. And that is Jesus is not a god.
It’s clever. Right? Jesus is not a guy. See, wait a minute.
I thought you, Christians says Jesus is god. Jesus is god. Jesus is not a god.
And the reason why the title is such is to grab your attention because everyone else other than the Christian who understands biblical theology, who lets the Bible speak to them, speak to them for themselves.
Okay? understands that Jesus Christ is the eternal almighty god who was manifested in human form.
To deny that is to be a cult member or to be cult thinking.
That’s the number one thing that makes a cult a cult.
Colts have various outline aberrant doctrines, uh, which technically are not the issues at the beginning.
what is the epicenter? The beginning doctrine where they make an error is that Jesus is not god.
It’s so funny, though, because they’re so vehemently committed to arguing with you how Jesus cannot be.
God manifested in human flesh, Uh, and they give you all their, um, reasons as to why they believe that.
But some of those religions turn right around and tell you how you can become a god.
I find that hilarious. uh, mormonism is one of them. Uh, look, I’ve Mormon friends.
I love them as human beings. They’re sweet, precious people. Hey, look.
If you wanna get something done, look for a Mormon.
I mean, they they they’ll get something done because they have to. Um, they’ve gotta work their way into heaven.
uh, their Jesus is a god.
The Mormon god, uh, Jesus, there’s the god, uh, Adam god, Adam is a god in Mormonism.
Uh, there’s an infinite amount of gods in Mormon theology. You just don’t hear that at your doorstep.
Uh, we know as we’ve been talking in our previous broadcast that, uh, the jehovah witnesses say, well, nobody nobody’s a god.
So the Mormons are all wrong, but you Christians are all wrong too because uh, Jesus cannot be god.
Uh, the Jovan witnesses declare that Michael, the archangel, goes by a an additional name, the name of Jesus.
They think Jesus is Michael the archangel, um, and they deny his deity.
And so to do that, they have to deny various parts of the Bible.
And one of those sections is John’s letter in his epistles uh, specifically first John. We’re picking it up.
If you were with us last time, you have started to develop a list of scriptures that I’m walking you through, and we’re we’re gonna pick it up.
So look, guys, if you missed the first broadcast, just click on, uh, the one uh, before this and get up to speed.
And so here we go. 1st John chapter 5 verse 20. 1st John 5 20.
The Bible says, and we know that the son of god has come and has given us an understanding.
that we may know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, that’s a comma there.
In his son, Jesus Christ, this is the true god and eternal life.
Now you might wanna argue that. Well, Jack, just hold on. Yes.
It announces that Jesus is the son of god, but we could all be sons of god, so that’s no big deal.
Um, it does say that, uh, it is his son Jesus Christ, Jesus being his name, Christ Curios, or, uh, Messiah in Hebrew, savior.
Okay. Yeah. Not a problem.
But the verse ends by saying this is the true god and eternal life.
Uh, you can’t avoid that. Whoever the eternal life is is god.
Whoever god is is eternal life. The Bible clearly here connects that the sun is eternal.
You can only have one eternal, and that’s god.
Whoever that son is who’s eternal, it already says that he’s the son of god, which means that god is manifested.
Jesus is son of god, meaning that he’s the second person of the Trinity, and he has revealed himself to mankind.
Notice this, the father did not reveal himself to us tangibly. The father did not do that.
The bible says that god is spirit, and those that worship god must worship him in spirit and in truth.
So the father is spirit.
When we read Old and new testament accounts of visions of god, uh, we see, uh, whoever the prophet is or the apostle is that is uh, describing the vision of heaven, they speak of god and the lamb of god seated next to him.
but they see what appears to be a silhouette of light being the father.
The holy spirit did not personalize himself. The Holy Spirit did not make himself incarnate.
The Holy Spirit is exactly that. The Holy Spirit the third person of the trinity.
It is only Jesus, the son of god that is promised in the Old Testament scriptures and confirmed in the new testament accounts that he became incarnate.
Encarnate means he came and transformed from eternal god spirit, being born through the conception, of the Holy Spirit’s work in Mary.
And Mary brings forth Jesus from the womb. Jesus comes into this world born just like and I did.
Why? Because he’s our savior. But the Bible makes it clear that, uh, he is our savior god.
He’s the man god, you could say. Now there was a lunatic years ago.
I believe when it was in the eighties, uh, Bogwan. Some of you oldies might remember, Bogwan.
He was based out of Southern Oregon. He came from India.
He declared himself to be god, the god man, bhagwan. I’m god on earth. and you say, man, that’s crazy.
Yeah. Well, you know what? It was remarkable.
You can research it yourself, but, um, he he may he may have been crazy, but it but, he made a lot of money because it just so happens that a lot of doctors, professionals, highly educated people for some reason flocked to his cult in Oregon and became followers of his.
And I think at one point, he had like 5 Rolls Royce’s.
He had a bunch of corporate and all this stuff, but he wound up getting caught by the IRS and somehow he escaped, uh, and got back to India somewhere.
Who knows whatever happened to him? But he was a god.
He said that he was god incarnate, that he was the god man.
Where did the demon that spoke that to him get that idea, or where where did, uh, bhagwan Uh, gosh.
I think his name was Rajneesh.
This is scary because I’m going back decades, but where did Rajneesh get that idea?
The god man. Listen. Jesus predates that whole thing.
Right now today in 21st century, seated at the right hand of god, the father is god, the son, and Jesus will forever be the god man.
He’s a 100% god and a 100% man to be our intercessor, our salvation, our eternal life.
First Timothy chapter 3 verse 16, one of my favorite verses ever. first Timothy 3 verse 16.
This is incredibly, uh, graphic. Paul is arguing with Timothy to be ready to give an argument regarding Christ.
And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. Here it comes.
God was manifested incarnation in the flesh justified in the spirit seen by angels preached among the gentiles believed on in the world and received up into glory.
That is the mission statement capsulated in one verse regarding who is the Jesus of the Bible. Listen.
Jesus is not a god. Jesus Christ is the god.
and Paul seals the deal in one verse writing to Timothy.
I wanna read it again and look at it with me in your bibles.
Without controversy, without debate, talk about it all you want. You’re just wasting air. You’re wasting time.
You can get in controversies, but here’s the answer. Great is the mystery of godliness.
In other words, what he’s gonna tell you is super deep. but crystal clear.
God was manifested in the flesh.
Who do you know in a throughout all of humanity?
that according to a book, a belief system, that god was gonna come to earth in human skin.
Right now, you’re all stumped, and you should be stumped because there’s only one answer.
It’s the bible. It’s the Bible that announces this.
And so fast forwarding to the new testament, Paul is saying that god was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit.
It means that everything Jesus Christ did, he did by the spirit of god.
He did by the power of god.
He did, uh, by the authority of the Holy Spirit, which is why the Pharisees, when they said, We know how you cast out demons Jesus.
We figured it out in our religious knuckleheads. We came to this conclusion.
You do it because you’re the prince of demons. that’s that’s who you are. You’re working with Bealzebub.
That’s how you cast out demons. You’re in Kahoot with Satan.
And do you remember this remember the response Jesus gave?
He said, uh, can can, uh, a house divided stand?
Uh, you’re you’re attacking me for casting out demons. Uh, you’re saying that I’m I’m Satan’s cohorts.
and then he nailed them. He’s because the Jews have exorcists. They have exorcisms.
And when Jesus said, Then if I cast out demons by beelzebub, who do your sons cast out demons by?
They’re like my gosh. We didn’t think that through all the way. That’s great.
He catches them in their own stupid arguments.
But now the fact of the matter is justified in the spirit, uh, means that Jesus revealed the power and the person of the Holy Spirit as well.
which by the way, the conclusion was this.
If you, uh, Jesus said, all manner of sin will will be forgiven you in this life.
If you sin against the father, it will be forgiven you.
And if you get sin against the son, it will be forgiven you.
But he who sins against the spirit of god, the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.
in this world or in eternity. Never. Never will you be forgiven? Why?
It’s to come to the conclusion that what Jesus was doing was not the power of the Holy Spirit, but was demonic spirit.
And so that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. It’s not being mean and ugly.
It’s not eating fattening food. It’s not even suicide as tragic as that is.
The important sin is not believing the testimony the Holy Spirit when he witnesses to you that Jesus Christ is god.
The next thing in that fantastic verses seen by angels The the Greek word is where we get the English word gock that by angels.
Whatever happened in the incarnation of Jesus Christ coming into the world in Bethlehem, when and please take this in the right spirit.
When Mary got into the birthing position, it appears based on this one word that angels gathered around in the invisible realm, obviously, and they watched the birthing of the son of god in human skin.
They got singing by angels. Doesn’t mean, oh, hey, Michael Gabriel. There goes Jesus. It’s not what it means.
It means that when he came into the world and was manifested, his coming into the world was something that they had never seen before.
and they gucked. It it’s what we would say.
The angels were wide eyed and open mouthed in awe.
Imagine little babies, baby Jesus’s head in the crowning starts to come out.
The angels are looking. Maybe his arm came out first. We don’t know. But they know they were there.
And whatever happened, they angels were gawking at the advent of Christ. Friends, that’s awesome.
You need to think that through for a moment. Preached among the gentiles.
Is that not self explanatory?
Uh, it’s safe to say that nobody has covered the earth by radio broadcast preaching.
I think Billy Graham, I forget what year it was from Central Park, New York preached live to 2 billion people were watching.
It was the most at that time, it was the most viewed broadcast of all time. What did he say?
He gave the gospel. No one’s ever done that regarding Muhammad.
No one’s ever done that regarding um, Joseph Smith or Charles Russell or Mary Baker Eddie.
Uh, no one’s ever done that regarding any other group.
And even to this moment right now today, even in the face of persecution, as I sit here right now in this podcast, Uh, we have just come out of another Sunday, which in India, it was a bloody Sunday.
In India, you guys know, if you don’t know, in India, uh, there is a wholesale slaughter going on of Christians, mass martyrdom is taking place in India.
Christians are being killed. And Even in light of that, the number one message preached around the world every day of every hour of every moment of every month of year is the gospel of Jesus Christ found in the bible.
He was preached among the gentiles. the bible tells us believed on in the world.
Simply meaning this that people’s lives who were changed those people’s lives who were changed, turned around, and changed the world.
I’m gonna very, very bluntly declare this.
Go and look around at human history and find out what has been the greatest good in human history.
That’s just a test for you.
In all of human history, what’s been the greatest good in all of human history.
for everyone, for every culture, any culture. Check it out. Go look and see.
What has been the greatest good for humanity? since the dawn of man.
It’s not fire. It’s not the United Nations.
It’s not cracker jacks.
The greatest good that’s ever been given to this world are the lives of the people who have been transformed by Jesus, because do you know it happened throughout your ministry.
They went and started hospitals. They went into places that you would never go, that I would never go in the deepest and most dangerous parts of Africa.
and South America and the rainforest and the of of the Amazon.
And they set up mission stations, and they brought in doc and they pulled teeth and they cleaned teeth and they stitched up wounds.
They gave people medicine. They prayed and healed people.
Uh, they they did things like, like, uh, oh, what’s his name? Elizabeth Elliott.
What’s her husband’s name? Jim Jim Elliott and, uh, others like that.
uh, who went into the crazy places to hostile tribes, to give them the love of god, even custom in their lives.
Think about it. Uh, hospitals, find out the origin of hospitals, uh, check out the origin of universe studies, especially those of you who live in the United States.
Um, the, uh, foundation for the education system in the United States.
is not even up for debate.
The foundation for the educate educational system in the United States, uh, were Christian Universities. Hands down.
The 1st universities to get started in in America. The none of them were secular. They’re all Christian.
Now you know, now look, there’s a debate as to who was the first.
So William and Mary, you know, a college university, they argue with Harvard because both of them claim we’re older.
No. We’re older. We’re older. No. We’re older. Who cares?
Both of them were established to create pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers. Did you know that?
If those of you who live in the Boston area, uh, take some time off and go find the original uh, entrance to Harvard Gate.
Right? Before you go through the gate, stop and turn to your right and pull the bushes back, and there’s that beautiful old original brick wall.
There’s a placard right there that gives you the mission statement of Harvard University.
It tells you what it was established for. It’s so obvious.
I’m not even gonna tell you right now. I’m gonna make you go look. You’ll be shocked.
Oh, by the way, there’s a reason why the current administration planted a big bush in front of the placard to hide it.
You gotta pull back a bush to see it. Princeton, Yale, Harvard, uh, Dartmouth remarkable.
Check it out. Anyway, received up in the glory. Hey. Is there a rumor that Jesus ascended?
and went back to where he came from. Jesus himself said I’m gonna go away, but I’m gonna come back.
And when I come back, John 14 verse 13, When I come back, I’m gonna pick you up from this earth and take you to myself.
Titus chapter 2 13. This is one of my life verses. Titus 213.
This is the Christian’s attitude for today. It’s never supposed to change.
It is a constant barometer indicator every day for the Christian why the Holy Spirit requires this of you, but that’s okay.
Don’t worry. The Holy Spirit makes this true in your life.
In other words, What I’m about to read to you in Titus 2 13, the Holy Spirit gives you this thought and thereby keeps you prepared day by day by day.
Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great god and savior Jesus Christ.
That’s my mic drop. Friends, people. Is Jesus god?
He’s the god. looking for the blessed hope. What’s that? Christ is coming back. How? It’s our hope.
Why? It’s his glorious appearing. Why should we care? Why? How does that matter to us?
Because he’s our great god and savior. Jesus Christ. You can’t get around it. period. John 858.
John 858. Remember all of this, uh, is to the person that knocks on your door.
trying to convince you to join their cult.
And they’ll tell you that eventually they don’t offer this up so quick.
Oh, we don’t believe that Jesus is good.
Well, John 858, Jesus responded to people who were saying the same thing. We don’t believe your god.
In John 858, Jesus said to them, most assuredly, I say to you before Abraham was in the Greek language.
I am It’s the same in the Hebrew of Genesis 3 when, uh, Moses meets god Wait.
Genesis 3? Sorry. No. No. Exodus 3.
Exodus 3 where god meets Moses at the burning bush.
Exit is 3. I’m having a brain freeze.
remember when Moses goes to the burning bush and the burning bush speaks to him?
And Moses says, this is amazing. This bush is on fire, but it’s not being consumed.
And the lord speaks out of the burning bush to Moses and says, go down to the children of Israel and tell them that I am that I am has sent you.
Okay? And so I think if you check out Exodus 3, you’ll you’ll you’ll find that out.
and it’s remarkable because the exact same Hebrew word that god gave to Moses to go tell the children of Israel who he was talking to, is the exact same in the Greek language of John 858 when Jesus said you guys ought to know by now that before Abraham was ever a born that I am.
I’m the eternal one. Kinda hard to get around that. Okay? John 8 24.
Therefore, I said to you that you will die in your sins.
For if you do not believe that I am he, you will die in your sins.
a absolute direct declaration of deity.
If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the I am, that he he capitalh, he is the I am.
You will die in your sins. I don’t care how religious you are. It’s irrelevant.
I don’t care if I don’t care if you’re the pope right now, kitchen this podcast.
Unless you’re born again, Mister Pope, you’re not making it to heaven.
And you’re listen, if you think you’re something, you need to check out nicodemus.
You’re nothing compared to nicodemus.
And Nick Ademas in John chapter 3, Jesus said Nick, unless you’re born again, you’re not gonna go to heaven.
And that’s true about the pope.
And if it’s true about the pope, it’s true about the popper, about all of us.
Unless you’re born again, you’ll not see the kingdom of heaven. You will die in your sins.
unless Jesus Christ is the lord and savior of your life, plus nothing.
That you put faith in his death and resurrection for you, plus nothing. Very, very important.
John chapter 10 verse 32 33. John 10 3233.
Jesus answered them Many good works I have shown you from my father.
For which of those works do you stone me? Okay. I’ve been doing miracles.
Why are you gonna kill me? Uh, so tell me which one ticked you off.
The Jews answered and said to him, for a good work, we do not stone you.
Those miracles are quite spectacular, Jesus? No. That’s not why we wanna kill you, but for blasphemy. Okay.
That is a big deal. Why? Because you being a man, declare yourself to be god.
Have you ever had somebody tell you Have you ever heard somebody tell you?
Jesus never claimed to be god. Oh, yeah? John 10 verses 32 33.
Is it awesome? By the way, Jesus said, uh, you guys upset about the miracles?
I mean, he knew exactly what was gonna happen. So you guys upset, Jim, really sorry.
What miracle offended oh, no. No. Your miracles are spectacular. They’re amazing. Everybody’s talking about them. No. No. No.
We’re gonna kill you because you’ve committed bless me because you’ve told everybody, you’ve told us that you’re god.
And that’s that’s it. We you’re done. They understood exactly my friends 2000 years ago.
his opponents understood that Jesus was declaring himself to be god. Not a god. v god. Titus 210.
that they may adorn the doctrine of god, our savior, in all things. Who’s the savior?
How many Saviors do we have? Only one.
Remember, we talked about Alpha Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the one who was, who is, who is, who is to come the almighty, We only have one.
You can only be 1. There’s only one. God is 1. The Bible says. Well, there’s only one savior.
There’s only one god. And Jesus Christ is our savior. Jesus Christ is in fact god.
Jude chapter 1 verse 24. Jude 124.
Now to him who’s able to keep you from stumbling and to present you, uh, faultless before the presence of his glory with it seeding joy to god our savior who alone is wise.
Wow. That’s awesome. That’s epic. Um, listen, we can keep going.
I don’t think we’ll make this a 3 parter, uh, because I have some more but it’s been it’s it’s been long enough.
Uh, process this. Put the 2 previous now this being a previous this podcast together with the previous podcast, get a small group together.
Send this out. Copy, uh, share it to other people. this could save their eternal lives. Friends, listen.
The gospel is actually being given right now in in the series of these podcasts.
Okay? For those of you who say, well, I just preach the gospel. Why?
This is the gospel. When you say I just preach the gospel. You’re you better be careful.
You know what you’re talking about because the gospel is repent and believe on the lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.
starts with repentance. Why? Cause he’s god. We’re not.
Repent and believe on the lord Jesus Christ It’s the lord Jesus Christ who the Bible says there is no name given among men whereby we must be saved.
It’s that name. The name that is above all names that every knee should bow and every tongue shall confess that, what, that the holy spirit is lord?
No. But he is that the father is lord? No. But he is.
The answer is that Jesus Christ is lord. because he is. So listen, share this, please.
The greatest thing you can do is to encourage us by increasing these numbers.
I know that sounds goofy. We’re not numbering people what we’re saying is what’s encouraging is getting the numbers up because more people are listening, which means you and I working together are spreading the gospel together.
We’ve gotta do this together. We gotta hurry up.
I wanna hurry up, and I wanna get out of here. Don’t you?
We wanna finish the work that god has given us to do. So listen, we want you to subscribe.
We want you to stay up to date. You can do that by, uh, as always, going to
But, um, what we love for you to understand is that it’s time for you to live out what you believe in, and that’s why we call this ministry real life.
time for you to live out your real life as a Christian.
So it’s time for you to live out what you believe in. It’s time for real life.
That’s what that’s what our jingle is. We think it’s practical and usable. But please share with others.
God bless you guys. Uh, as always, people have emailed us and texted us, and people were asking me last night, how can we pray for you?
And the ministry varies very, for me, it’s an infinite, perfectly wonderful prayer request. Here it is.
Are you ready? Pray this. Dear god in heaven, give Jack and the team your favor in Jesus’ name you met.
That prayer that prayer covers everything in life. Okay? Hey, until next time. God bless you guys.
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Jesus is not a god. So grab your bibles. Get a friend. Let’s do this together. Let’s dive in.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
Today, If this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ, then make sure you leave us one of those 5 star ratings.
To us, that’s like saying, amen or yes, then that rating will encourage others to listen.
Now open your hearts to what god’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Gibbs.
Well, hey, everybody. Welcome back to our podcast what we are doing is something that is so needful for everybody.
I gotta tell you straight up, it doesn’t matter if you are a Christian and atheist a an agnostic.
It doesn’t matter. Uh, if you are already into some sort of religious process or system, with what I’m sharing with you in part 1 which we put out there last time.
This now being part 2 is that we’re we’re looking at a a title, uh, for this series.
And that is in it’s to catch you, uh, intentionally. And that is Jesus is not a god.
It’s clever. Right? Jesus is not a guy. See, wait a minute.
I thought you, Christians says Jesus is god. Jesus is god. Jesus is not a god.
And the reason why the title is such is to grab your attention because everyone else other than the Christian who understands biblical theology, who lets the Bible speak to them, speak to them for themselves.
Okay? understands that Jesus Christ is the eternal almighty god who was manifested in human form.
To deny that is to be a cult member or to be cult thinking.
That’s the number one thing that makes a cult a cult.
Colts have various outline aberrant doctrines, uh, which technically are not the issues at the beginning.
what is the epicenter? The beginning doctrine where they make an error is that Jesus is not god.
It’s so funny, though, because they’re so vehemently committed to arguing with you how Jesus cannot be.
God manifested in human flesh, Uh, and they give you all their, um, reasons as to why they believe that.
But some of those religions turn right around and tell you how you can become a god.
I find that hilarious. uh, mormonism is one of them. Uh, look, I’ve Mormon friends.
I love them as human beings. They’re sweet, precious people. Hey, look.
If you wanna get something done, look for a Mormon.
I mean, they they they’ll get something done because they have to. Um, they’ve gotta work their way into heaven.
uh, their Jesus is a god.
The Mormon god, uh, Jesus, there’s the god, uh, Adam god, Adam is a god in Mormonism.
Uh, there’s an infinite amount of gods in Mormon theology. You just don’t hear that at your doorstep.
Uh, we know as we’ve been talking in our previous broadcast that, uh, the jehovah witnesses say, well, nobody nobody’s a god.
So the Mormons are all wrong, but you Christians are all wrong too because uh, Jesus cannot be god.
Uh, the Jovan witnesses declare that Michael, the archangel, goes by a an additional name, the name of Jesus.
They think Jesus is Michael the archangel, um, and they deny his deity.
And so to do that, they have to deny various parts of the Bible.
And one of those sections is John’s letter in his epistles uh, specifically first John. We’re picking it up.
If you were with us last time, you have started to develop a list of scriptures that I’m walking you through, and we’re we’re gonna pick it up.
So look, guys, if you missed the first broadcast, just click on, uh, the one uh, before this and get up to speed.
And so here we go. 1st John chapter 5 verse 20. 1st John 5 20.
The Bible says, and we know that the son of god has come and has given us an understanding.
that we may know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, that’s a comma there.
In his son, Jesus Christ, this is the true god and eternal life.
Now you might wanna argue that. Well, Jack, just hold on. Yes.
It announces that Jesus is the son of god, but we could all be sons of god, so that’s no big deal.
Um, it does say that, uh, it is his son Jesus Christ, Jesus being his name, Christ Curios, or, uh, Messiah in Hebrew, savior.
Okay. Yeah. Not a problem.
But the verse ends by saying this is the true god and eternal life.
Uh, you can’t avoid that. Whoever the eternal life is is god.
Whoever god is is eternal life. The Bible clearly here connects that the sun is eternal.
You can only have one eternal, and that’s god.
Whoever that son is who’s eternal, it already says that he’s the son of god, which means that god is manifested.
Jesus is son of god, meaning that he’s the second person of the Trinity, and he has revealed himself to mankind.
Notice this, the father did not reveal himself to us tangibly. The father did not do that.
The bible says that god is spirit, and those that worship god must worship him in spirit and in truth.
So the father is spirit.
When we read Old and new testament accounts of visions of god, uh, we see, uh, whoever the prophet is or the apostle is that is uh, describing the vision of heaven, they speak of god and the lamb of god seated next to him.
but they see what appears to be a silhouette of light being the father.
The holy spirit did not personalize himself. The Holy Spirit did not make himself incarnate.
The Holy Spirit is exactly that. The Holy Spirit the third person of the trinity.
It is only Jesus, the son of god that is promised in the Old Testament scriptures and confirmed in the new testament accounts that he became incarnate.
Encarnate means he came and transformed from eternal god spirit, being born through the conception, of the Holy Spirit’s work in Mary.
And Mary brings forth Jesus from the womb. Jesus comes into this world born just like and I did.
Why? Because he’s our savior. But the Bible makes it clear that, uh, he is our savior god.
He’s the man god, you could say. Now there was a lunatic years ago.
I believe when it was in the eighties, uh, Bogwan. Some of you oldies might remember, Bogwan.
He was based out of Southern Oregon. He came from India.
He declared himself to be god, the god man, bhagwan. I’m god on earth. and you say, man, that’s crazy.
Yeah. Well, you know what? It was remarkable.
You can research it yourself, but, um, he he may he may have been crazy, but it but, he made a lot of money because it just so happens that a lot of doctors, professionals, highly educated people for some reason flocked to his cult in Oregon and became followers of his.
And I think at one point, he had like 5 Rolls Royce’s.
He had a bunch of corporate and all this stuff, but he wound up getting caught by the IRS and somehow he escaped, uh, and got back to India somewhere.
Who knows whatever happened to him? But he was a god.
He said that he was god incarnate, that he was the god man.
Where did the demon that spoke that to him get that idea, or where where did, uh, bhagwan Uh, gosh.
I think his name was Rajneesh.
This is scary because I’m going back decades, but where did Rajneesh get that idea?
The god man. Listen. Jesus predates that whole thing.
Right now today in 21st century, seated at the right hand of god, the father is god, the son, and Jesus will forever be the god man.
He’s a 100% god and a 100% man to be our intercessor, our salvation, our eternal life.
First Timothy chapter 3 verse 16, one of my favorite verses ever. first Timothy 3 verse 16.
This is incredibly, uh, graphic. Paul is arguing with Timothy to be ready to give an argument regarding Christ.
And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. Here it comes.
God was manifested incarnation in the flesh justified in the spirit seen by angels preached among the gentiles believed on in the world and received up into glory.
That is the mission statement capsulated in one verse regarding who is the Jesus of the Bible. Listen.
Jesus is not a god. Jesus Christ is the god.
and Paul seals the deal in one verse writing to Timothy.
I wanna read it again and look at it with me in your bibles.
Without controversy, without debate, talk about it all you want. You’re just wasting air. You’re wasting time.
You can get in controversies, but here’s the answer. Great is the mystery of godliness.
In other words, what he’s gonna tell you is super deep. but crystal clear.
God was manifested in the flesh.
Who do you know in a throughout all of humanity?
that according to a book, a belief system, that god was gonna come to earth in human skin.
Right now, you’re all stumped, and you should be stumped because there’s only one answer.
It’s the bible. It’s the Bible that announces this.
And so fast forwarding to the new testament, Paul is saying that god was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit.
It means that everything Jesus Christ did, he did by the spirit of god.
He did by the power of god.
He did, uh, by the authority of the Holy Spirit, which is why the Pharisees, when they said, We know how you cast out demons Jesus.
We figured it out in our religious knuckleheads. We came to this conclusion.
You do it because you’re the prince of demons. that’s that’s who you are. You’re working with Bealzebub.
That’s how you cast out demons. You’re in Kahoot with Satan.
And do you remember this remember the response Jesus gave?
He said, uh, can can, uh, a house divided stand?
Uh, you’re you’re attacking me for casting out demons. Uh, you’re saying that I’m I’m Satan’s cohorts.
and then he nailed them. He’s because the Jews have exorcists. They have exorcisms.
And when Jesus said, Then if I cast out demons by beelzebub, who do your sons cast out demons by?
They’re like my gosh. We didn’t think that through all the way. That’s great.
He catches them in their own stupid arguments.
But now the fact of the matter is justified in the spirit, uh, means that Jesus revealed the power and the person of the Holy Spirit as well.
which by the way, the conclusion was this.
If you, uh, Jesus said, all manner of sin will will be forgiven you in this life.
If you sin against the father, it will be forgiven you.
And if you get sin against the son, it will be forgiven you.
But he who sins against the spirit of god, the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.
in this world or in eternity. Never. Never will you be forgiven? Why?
It’s to come to the conclusion that what Jesus was doing was not the power of the Holy Spirit, but was demonic spirit.
And so that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. It’s not being mean and ugly.
It’s not eating fattening food. It’s not even suicide as tragic as that is.
The important sin is not believing the testimony the Holy Spirit when he witnesses to you that Jesus Christ is god.
The next thing in that fantastic verses seen by angels The the Greek word is where we get the English word gock that by angels.
Whatever happened in the incarnation of Jesus Christ coming into the world in Bethlehem, when and please take this in the right spirit.
When Mary got into the birthing position, it appears based on this one word that angels gathered around in the invisible realm, obviously, and they watched the birthing of the son of god in human skin.
They got singing by angels. Doesn’t mean, oh, hey, Michael Gabriel. There goes Jesus. It’s not what it means.
It means that when he came into the world and was manifested, his coming into the world was something that they had never seen before.
and they gucked. It it’s what we would say.
The angels were wide eyed and open mouthed in awe.
Imagine little babies, baby Jesus’s head in the crowning starts to come out.
The angels are looking. Maybe his arm came out first. We don’t know. But they know they were there.
And whatever happened, they angels were gawking at the advent of Christ. Friends, that’s awesome.
You need to think that through for a moment. Preached among the gentiles.
Is that not self explanatory?
Uh, it’s safe to say that nobody has covered the earth by radio broadcast preaching.
I think Billy Graham, I forget what year it was from Central Park, New York preached live to 2 billion people were watching.
It was the most at that time, it was the most viewed broadcast of all time. What did he say?
He gave the gospel. No one’s ever done that regarding Muhammad.
No one’s ever done that regarding um, Joseph Smith or Charles Russell or Mary Baker Eddie.
Uh, no one’s ever done that regarding any other group.
And even to this moment right now today, even in the face of persecution, as I sit here right now in this podcast, Uh, we have just come out of another Sunday, which in India, it was a bloody Sunday.
In India, you guys know, if you don’t know, in India, uh, there is a wholesale slaughter going on of Christians, mass martyrdom is taking place in India.
Christians are being killed. And Even in light of that, the number one message preached around the world every day of every hour of every moment of every month of year is the gospel of Jesus Christ found in the bible.
He was preached among the gentiles. the bible tells us believed on in the world.
Simply meaning this that people’s lives who were changed those people’s lives who were changed, turned around, and changed the world.
I’m gonna very, very bluntly declare this.
Go and look around at human history and find out what has been the greatest good in human history.
That’s just a test for you.
In all of human history, what’s been the greatest good in all of human history.
for everyone, for every culture, any culture. Check it out. Go look and see.
What has been the greatest good for humanity? since the dawn of man.
It’s not fire. It’s not the United Nations.
It’s not cracker jacks.
The greatest good that’s ever been given to this world are the lives of the people who have been transformed by Jesus, because do you know it happened throughout your ministry.
They went and started hospitals. They went into places that you would never go, that I would never go in the deepest and most dangerous parts of Africa.
and South America and the rainforest and the of of the Amazon.
And they set up mission stations, and they brought in doc and they pulled teeth and they cleaned teeth and they stitched up wounds.
They gave people medicine. They prayed and healed people.
Uh, they they did things like, like, uh, oh, what’s his name? Elizabeth Elliott.
What’s her husband’s name? Jim Jim Elliott and, uh, others like that.
uh, who went into the crazy places to hostile tribes, to give them the love of god, even custom in their lives.
Think about it. Uh, hospitals, find out the origin of hospitals, uh, check out the origin of universe studies, especially those of you who live in the United States.
Um, the, uh, foundation for the education system in the United States.
is not even up for debate.
The foundation for the educate educational system in the United States, uh, were Christian Universities. Hands down.
The 1st universities to get started in in America. The none of them were secular. They’re all Christian.
Now you know, now look, there’s a debate as to who was the first.
So William and Mary, you know, a college university, they argue with Harvard because both of them claim we’re older.
No. We’re older. We’re older. No. We’re older. Who cares?
Both of them were established to create pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers. Did you know that?
If those of you who live in the Boston area, uh, take some time off and go find the original uh, entrance to Harvard Gate.
Right? Before you go through the gate, stop and turn to your right and pull the bushes back, and there’s that beautiful old original brick wall.
There’s a placard right there that gives you the mission statement of Harvard University.
It tells you what it was established for. It’s so obvious.
I’m not even gonna tell you right now. I’m gonna make you go look. You’ll be shocked.
Oh, by the way, there’s a reason why the current administration planted a big bush in front of the placard to hide it.
You gotta pull back a bush to see it. Princeton, Yale, Harvard, uh, Dartmouth remarkable.
Check it out. Anyway, received up in the glory. Hey. Is there a rumor that Jesus ascended?
and went back to where he came from. Jesus himself said I’m gonna go away, but I’m gonna come back.
And when I come back, John 14 verse 13, When I come back, I’m gonna pick you up from this earth and take you to myself.
Titus chapter 2 13. This is one of my life verses. Titus 213.
This is the Christian’s attitude for today. It’s never supposed to change.
It is a constant barometer indicator every day for the Christian why the Holy Spirit requires this of you, but that’s okay.
Don’t worry. The Holy Spirit makes this true in your life.
In other words, What I’m about to read to you in Titus 2 13, the Holy Spirit gives you this thought and thereby keeps you prepared day by day by day.
Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great god and savior Jesus Christ.
That’s my mic drop. Friends, people. Is Jesus god?
He’s the god. looking for the blessed hope. What’s that? Christ is coming back. How? It’s our hope.
Why? It’s his glorious appearing. Why should we care? Why? How does that matter to us?
Because he’s our great god and savior. Jesus Christ. You can’t get around it. period. John 858.
John 858. Remember all of this, uh, is to the person that knocks on your door.
trying to convince you to join their cult.
And they’ll tell you that eventually they don’t offer this up so quick.
Oh, we don’t believe that Jesus is good.
Well, John 858, Jesus responded to people who were saying the same thing. We don’t believe your god.
In John 858, Jesus said to them, most assuredly, I say to you before Abraham was in the Greek language.
I am It’s the same in the Hebrew of Genesis 3 when, uh, Moses meets god Wait.
Genesis 3? Sorry. No. No. Exodus 3.
Exodus 3 where god meets Moses at the burning bush.
Exit is 3. I’m having a brain freeze.
remember when Moses goes to the burning bush and the burning bush speaks to him?
And Moses says, this is amazing. This bush is on fire, but it’s not being consumed.
And the lord speaks out of the burning bush to Moses and says, go down to the children of Israel and tell them that I am that I am has sent you.
Okay? And so I think if you check out Exodus 3, you’ll you’ll you’ll find that out.
and it’s remarkable because the exact same Hebrew word that god gave to Moses to go tell the children of Israel who he was talking to, is the exact same in the Greek language of John 858 when Jesus said you guys ought to know by now that before Abraham was ever a born that I am.
I’m the eternal one. Kinda hard to get around that. Okay? John 8 24.
Therefore, I said to you that you will die in your sins.
For if you do not believe that I am he, you will die in your sins.
a absolute direct declaration of deity.
If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the I am, that he he capitalh, he is the I am.
You will die in your sins. I don’t care how religious you are. It’s irrelevant.
I don’t care if I don’t care if you’re the pope right now, kitchen this podcast.
Unless you’re born again, Mister Pope, you’re not making it to heaven.
And you’re listen, if you think you’re something, you need to check out nicodemus.
You’re nothing compared to nicodemus.
And Nick Ademas in John chapter 3, Jesus said Nick, unless you’re born again, you’re not gonna go to heaven.
And that’s true about the pope.
And if it’s true about the pope, it’s true about the popper, about all of us.
Unless you’re born again, you’ll not see the kingdom of heaven. You will die in your sins.
unless Jesus Christ is the lord and savior of your life, plus nothing.
That you put faith in his death and resurrection for you, plus nothing. Very, very important.
John chapter 10 verse 32 33. John 10 3233.
Jesus answered them Many good works I have shown you from my father.
For which of those works do you stone me? Okay. I’ve been doing miracles.
Why are you gonna kill me? Uh, so tell me which one ticked you off.
The Jews answered and said to him, for a good work, we do not stone you.
Those miracles are quite spectacular, Jesus? No. That’s not why we wanna kill you, but for blasphemy. Okay.
That is a big deal. Why? Because you being a man, declare yourself to be god.
Have you ever had somebody tell you Have you ever heard somebody tell you?
Jesus never claimed to be god. Oh, yeah? John 10 verses 32 33.
Is it awesome? By the way, Jesus said, uh, you guys upset about the miracles?
I mean, he knew exactly what was gonna happen. So you guys upset, Jim, really sorry.
What miracle offended oh, no. No. Your miracles are spectacular. They’re amazing. Everybody’s talking about them. No. No. No.
We’re gonna kill you because you’ve committed bless me because you’ve told everybody, you’ve told us that you’re god.
And that’s that’s it. We you’re done. They understood exactly my friends 2000 years ago.
his opponents understood that Jesus was declaring himself to be god. Not a god. v god. Titus 210.
that they may adorn the doctrine of god, our savior, in all things. Who’s the savior?
How many Saviors do we have? Only one.
Remember, we talked about Alpha Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the one who was, who is, who is, who is to come the almighty, We only have one.
You can only be 1. There’s only one. God is 1. The Bible says. Well, there’s only one savior.
There’s only one god. And Jesus Christ is our savior. Jesus Christ is in fact god.
Jude chapter 1 verse 24. Jude 124.
Now to him who’s able to keep you from stumbling and to present you, uh, faultless before the presence of his glory with it seeding joy to god our savior who alone is wise.
Wow. That’s awesome. That’s epic. Um, listen, we can keep going.
I don’t think we’ll make this a 3 parter, uh, because I have some more but it’s been it’s it’s been long enough.
Uh, process this. Put the 2 previous now this being a previous this podcast together with the previous podcast, get a small group together.
Send this out. Copy, uh, share it to other people. this could save their eternal lives. Friends, listen.
The gospel is actually being given right now in in the series of these podcasts.
Okay? For those of you who say, well, I just preach the gospel. Why?
This is the gospel. When you say I just preach the gospel. You’re you better be careful.
You know what you’re talking about because the gospel is repent and believe on the lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.
starts with repentance. Why? Cause he’s god. We’re not.
Repent and believe on the lord Jesus Christ It’s the lord Jesus Christ who the Bible says there is no name given among men whereby we must be saved.
It’s that name. The name that is above all names that every knee should bow and every tongue shall confess that, what, that the holy spirit is lord?
No. But he is that the father is lord? No. But he is.
The answer is that Jesus Christ is lord. because he is. So listen, share this, please.
The greatest thing you can do is to encourage us by increasing these numbers.
I know that sounds goofy. We’re not numbering people what we’re saying is what’s encouraging is getting the numbers up because more people are listening, which means you and I working together are spreading the gospel together.
We’ve gotta do this together. We gotta hurry up.
I wanna hurry up, and I wanna get out of here. Don’t you?
We wanna finish the work that god has given us to do. So listen, we want you to subscribe.
We want you to stay up to date. You can do that by, uh, as always, going to
But, um, what we love for you to understand is that it’s time for you to live out what you believe in, and that’s why we call this ministry real life.
time for you to live out your real life as a Christian.
So it’s time for you to live out what you believe in. It’s time for real life.
That’s what that’s what our jingle is. We think it’s practical and usable. But please share with others.
God bless you guys. Uh, as always, people have emailed us and texted us, and people were asking me last night, how can we pray for you?
And the ministry varies very, for me, it’s an infinite, perfectly wonderful prayer request. Here it is.
Are you ready? Pray this. Dear god in heaven, give Jack and the team your favor in Jesus’ name you met.
That prayer that prayer covers everything in life. Okay? Hey, until next time. God bless you guys.
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