Jack Hibbs Today: Is Jesus Trending?

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Is Jesus Trending?

What is going on lately with Jesus being spoken about on television, in the political sphere, in the sports arena, and in movie theaters? Woke ideals and agendas fizzle out because they are often built upon lies but God’s word remains constant and true and people are beginning to wake up to that fact. People are seeking the truth.

Hey, everybody. We’re just gonna kinda shoot from the hip today in our podcast, but I think you’re gonna like it.
We’re gonna ask some questions. We’re gonna show you something that’s gonna kinda shake you up a little bit, but I think is very cool.
And, um, yeah, I think things are trending in a way. That is very, very good. I’m hopeful.
So I hope you get a lot out of this.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast.
With intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
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Now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Kibbs.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to this, uh, episode of our podcast together, getting together, and looking at what’s going on in the world around us from the word of god, biblical perspective, And, um, today, I think you’re just gonna have some fun.
Uh, it’s it’s been a I I’ve gotta tell you it’s been a grueling I don’t know.
5 or 6 weeks for me. The the book now is behind us. It’s it’s out. It’s gone.
And, uh, really, really glad that we’re over it because, um, just going around and and being in various locations and book signings and stuff.
Look, these are wonderful problems to have. I’m not complaining.
But, um, back home, uh, at length now, and, uh, god bless. I just give you this report.
God bless tremendously meeting so many. Many, many, many 100100 of people, if not more.
I remember, um, in in the Dallas, Texas area, the book signing where I I signed over 800 books in 2 hours.
I thought my arm was gonna fall off, but, uh, living in the days of deception is now out and about and it’s available wherever books are sold and and we’re grateful.
So, uh, getting into this. Uh, let’s have some fun right now.
Uh, in a moment, I’m gonna have the guys queue up, uh, a video that is that is something that is being coming in increasingly not surprising.
How’s that sound? It’s becoming increasingly not surprising.
And before we get into it, I’m gonna read, uh, a portion of scripture to you that is, I believe, uh, the answer to what I’m about to show you.
Now for some of you who are not Christians or you don’t wanna hear from the Bible, I’m gonna ask you to just kinda man up or woman up for a moment and take it.
I’m gonna give you some scripture and go ahead. Judge it all you want.
You can attack it, throw rocks at it, whatever you want. That’s fine.
Just listen through because you’re gonna wanna know what the Bible says in light of what I’m gonna show you.
And then talk to you about what’s happening in our current world right now.
You may find it incredibly encouraging. And so listen, here’s where we start.
Uh, John chapter 3, and I’m gonna begin uh, in verse 15, John 3 15, and allow me to read this for just a bit.
Uh, whoever believes in him, Jesus is speaking, speaking of himself, by the way, it’s interesting, um, second or even third person verbiage that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
For god’s soul of the world or the word for can also be translated because because god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
He who believes in him is not condemned.
Listen up everybody, but he who does not believe in him is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god.
The Bible here teaches, and I’ll continue in a moment.
It’s not that Jesus now condemns you for not believing in him.
That word means that we are all condemned already. By default, you and I are condemned.
For having not believed. By default, mankind is condemned.
The Bible teaches that man is lost in his sin. Okay?
And by default, we are condemned to hell.
Salvation, the gospel redemption is what is is what is extended to us by the love of god through the lord Jesus Christ and the power of that revelation or transaction of new thought is by the Holy Spirit.
Very, very important. The father provides the son pays and the holy spirit illuminates you to come out of damnation, out of condemnation, and into salvation.
So John 3 19 says, and this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.
People love their sin because their deeds are evil.
They do evil deeds because they’re not in the light. They’re in darkness, and they love it.
Look, be honest. Before I was a Christian, I loved my sin.
And if you’re not a Christian right now, you love your sin.
When you become a Christian, one of the big signs about being a Christian, not goosebumps. Right?
It’s not, you know, it’s a little tingly glitters and pixie dust up your spine. Nope.
It’s becoming keenly aware that you’re a center That’s right. You heard me right.
Christians who are saved now and going to heaven are very keenly aware of their sin.
And, uh, we would live like that for, uh, for the rest of our lives on earth.
But listen to this. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deep should be exposed, but he who does the truth comes to the light, and that’s what we’re gonna talk about, and some clips I’m gonna show you in a moment.
But he who does the truth comes to the light.
That his deeds may be clearly saying that they have been done in god or that they have now become aware their life is actually being lived up before god.
Now, I’m I’m baiting you right now, uh, because the clip I’m gonna show you is is quite awesome.
It’s it’s quite fascinating. But let me set it up this way.
In about a week or so, we’re gonna give you another a podcast, and I’m gonna discuss uh, the, um, the fallout, the the rhetoric, the reporting, the news, uh, the stuff that’s surrounding my prayer that I offered up to the lord in congress, it has created a media firestorm Uh, it is it’s crazy.
Uh, what’s going on and what’s being said. And it’s quite awesome.
And I’ll address it very soon in detail.
I’ll give you some backstory stuff that you need to hear, but I’m gonna preface it by just simply saying this that Uh, what you’re reading about, uh, online and in the news and some of the reports, uh, regarding the prayer I offered in Congress, Uh, there are media agencies that are talking about how insane I am, how wrong I am, and how much of a uh, Christian no.
Sorry. It’s it’s new today that I am a radical Christian nationalist. They’ve added radical.
Well, I’m gonna be showing you guys in a week or 2 that There are those who have gone before us.
Some of them are household names, I would hope, in your life, that that made my prayer look like a Sunday school prayer to a bunch of five year olds, um, but would be very, very applauded uh, over the last 250 years of our nation.
But here’s here’s what I wanted to bring up today.
I had, uh, congressional members come to me, and I’ve had some congressional members reach out to me since and say.
In fact, one of the congressional members reached out to me just recently and said, Pastor jackets, to to the best of my recollection, this has been the 1st authentic Christian prayer that I have heard in my over 12 years of being in congress.
That’s sad.
But a lot of people thanked me for praying a Christian prayer that was biblically grounded, biblically rooted.
And therein lies the problem.
But that is not for today, but it is part of what’s going on in our world around us.
Everybody listen to this. So, um, many of you remember the NFL doing the take the knee junk, the BLM junk, all that stuff junk, uh, you know, just really pathetic.
And that’s all gone now, by the way. You notice that It’s a fad.
It’s just it’s just it’s something that was a cool for the moment.
Uh, but all along the way, during the way, there were and athletes in these various arenas of their sport expertise, but, um, you know, you didn’t see it in the in NASCAR, by the way, because NASCAR, I think people go to NASCAR events, carry shotguns or handguns, you know.
Uh, it’s just redneck americana, uh, America flag that, uh, are you aware that at NASCAR, they pray before they start the engines?
I mean, it’s red, white, and blue, down home, America, Uh, America.
And it’s it’s it’s cool and all that stuff.
But so the the the take a need BLM stuff had no inroads to NFL, but it didn’t do all that good, by the way, and the Major League Baseball either.
I’m not sure how well it did in basketball.
I don’t really care about basketball, so I can’t report on that.
Uh, but it it’s it’s seemingly had its big stronghold in the NFL.
But but notice it’s gone now. It’s gone now.
But what is trending in, uh, interviews with NFL players What did Brock Purdy have to say?
It’s the same thing that, uh, CJ. I think it’s right, guys. Is it CJ Stroud?
What did he have to say? Um, what did uh, Patrick Mahomes have to say?
What are some of the other guys? McAfee. What did he have to say?
Uh, and it’s growing? What what’s the what’s trending right now in the NFL?
Big time is the NFL and and ESPN trying to trying to get an interview without somebody mentioning Jesus Christ.
I mean, Jesus, it’s amazing how much Jesus is being talked about in the NFL right now.
And it’s it’s it’s building. It’s building. Uh, why? What’s happening?
Because when we go through our spasmatic trending woke things. They always die out. Be why?
Because they have no foundation. Most of the stuff that you and I hear is rooted in lies, Okay.
And some of those things we’re gonna expose on later podcast where somebody says this, turn it’s a it’s a total lie.
And we’re gonna show you that. We’re it’s gonna be fun.
But the NFL, you can see, uh, clips Now where live TV, uh, CJ Stroud will be interviewed and give glory to Jesus Christ.
Thank god is lord and savior.
And then quickly within minutes, uh, NBC or ESPN or Fox or somebody will will edit the Jesus stuff out and and then play the interview.
So terrified. They’re so terrified of Jesus. It’s actually beautiful. What’s going on?
People are coming to the lights. That’s what’s happening.
God’s word that I just read to you, there are those who are waking up and they’re coming to the light.
And they are beginning to see that their deeds have been done in darkness and that they want truth.
And so I’m gonna show you this clip. Okay?
And so guys, uh, go ahead and and play this clip and we’ll get back to it.
But I think
as time rolls on, people are gonna understand the need to have some sort of divine structure to things.
Some sort of belief in the sanctity of love and of truth.
And a lot of that comes from religion.
A lot of people’s moral compass and the guidelines that they’ve used to follow to live a just and righteous life has come from religion.
And unfortunately, a lot of very intelligent people, they dismiss all of the positive aspects of religion because they think that the stories are mere superstitious fairy tales that, you know, they’re they have no place in this modern world and you know, we’re inherently good and your ethics are based on your old moral compass, and we all have one.
And that’s not necessarily true. We need to do we need Jesus.
I think for real. Like, if he
came back now, it’d be great. Like, Jesus, if you’re thinking about coming back, right now? Now’s a good time.
Pretty soon.
Yeah. So, wow, um, there you go.
From the most unlikely uh, guy, Joe Rogan, uh, listen, if you ever listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast, um, he uses Jesus his name a lot, but he’s not praying.
Okay? And you might say, well, I think they’re joking around.
Matter if they’re joking around or not by by the way. I don’t think they’re joking around.
I think that Joe Rogan, uh, is starting to come to the light. I’m not saying he’s a Christian.
Uh, and I’m I’m not saying that he’s going to become a Christian.
I’m saying that the insanity that is out there has so overplayed its hand like sin does.
You know, sin does not have self control. Sin goes bonkers crazy.
If you give sin an inch, it will take 10 miles. And so that’s that’s what’s happening right now.
We see this happening with Doctor Phil, by the way.
Doctor Phil has been making some remarkable statements that’s causing us to question what’s going on, whatever it is, is really good.
And let’s see where Doctor Phil lands regarding this this path that he’s journeying on.
Well, here’s what’s fun about it. Both Joe Rogan is actually talking about light.
In fact, he even says we need Jesus to come back right now. Trust me.
Dear Joe, Listen, we love your soul.
For your sake, we hope Jesus doesn’t come back today because you’re not ready, Joe.
We’re praying that you get ready, but but your passion and your comments about we need Jesus Christ to come back now.
We understand what you’re saying.
Uh, just know that you’re not ready yet, but we hope you do get ready. Uh, but something’s up, everybody.
Something’s going on. Have you noticed more and more Hollywood actors, either a being black screened or black bold because they’re Christians.
In fact, in one of the left in the latest left behind movie, The guy that is the Antichrist, uh, in the movie, I think it’s this is the one is this the one Kevin Sorvo did?
Uh, the the actor is a great actor. I love this guy. I’ve always loved his acting. He’s fantastic.
He was in top gun. As one of the one of the officers.
Um, he’s a Christian, and he was basically ostracized from the Hollywood scene.
And he was also a guy who said, I’m not gonna kiss or go into some sex scene, uh, in movies.
Uh, I’m married. I’m not gonna do that to my wife.
I’m married, and I don’t believe I’m not gonna do it.
This guy was basically banned from Hollywood movies, even though he’s an epic actor.
Uh, but now he’s been popping up in in Christian films. And you say, Christian films. What a joke.
Let’s talk about Christian films for a moment. Faith based Christian films. Listen to this.
The last just based on the numbers, the last movie that you’d wanna invest in these days is a Disney film.
Look at the numbers.
If you wanna invest in a film, you’re gonna want to avoid certain actors.
And the list is pretty long, but I can tell you this from a movie insider, very, very deep insider that for an example, there are 3 movies that were, Movies that had a certain I’m not gonna mention his name because I don’t wanna get sued by him because he’s such a mean, ugly guy, but his three movies Uh, this guy’s name now is is is death to the profitability of a movie.
Uh, and he’s been around for decades.
He’s a household movie name, and nobody wants him in their films anymore because he’s so rabid on his political views that his movies are people aren’t going people are not going to see them.
And so this guy now, his moo there’s 3 movies he’s done, and they never made it to the screens because the the producers, the film may the film companies said, we’re just gonna stop it because this guy’s death to our profits.
And here’s what’s amazing. Um, did you know that Disney supposedly supposed to be getting away from their lgbtq transgenderism, uh, inserts into movies and into cartoons into what didn’t they try to uh, somehow tampered with the gender of buzz and they had weirdness in buzz, stuff like that, or light year.
Was it buzz or light year? Lightyear? Okay. Uh tanked. Things like this going on, tanking.
Listen. Parents are saying, nope. Now you guys are not worth it anymore. You guys aren’t worth it.
In fact, we’re not even gonna go to your fairy tale magic kingdom anymore. More of a more fairy.
Than it is magic Kingdom. And people are done with it, and I love it.
And, uh, so what’s happening is if you wanna make big money, then invest in a Christian or faith based film.
Did you know that? You should see the percentages. In fact, I gotta get these numbers for you.
So if you invest in some blankety blank film with with some actor that’s out there, Uh, they they they spend $600,000,000 to make it in a in a in a it’s it’s released and it and only winds up making, uh, 680,000,000.
So I guess 80,000,000, you gotta divide up among all the the actors and the players and the union, everybody.
That’s that’s called a loss versus a Christian film.
That might be a Christian film that’s 30,000,000, 40,000,000, and it’s making a 120,000,000.
It’s making a 150,000,000 You see 150,000,000 for a film. That’s nothing.
But when it took you 20 or 30,000,000 to make it, those are huge margins.
And the Christian faith based industry is exploding. And it’s amazing.
And the theaters are packing out. What’s going on? Just wait, by the way. I’m not at liberty.
I had to sign a non disclosure agreement to a film that’s gonna be coming out in August.
I want you to remember this podcast because I can’t talk about it right now.
I predict this film is gonna blow up the box office. It’s so good. It’s so powerful.
It is so heartwarming. You’re gonna you’re gonna laugh. You’re gonna cry.
You’re gonna have joy and you’re gonna hug your kids and you’re gonna kiss your wife.
You’re gonna kiss your husband. You’re gonna walk out of the theater.
And you’re gonna say, man, I’m gonna go get more people. They’re I’m bringing them back.
By the way, I can tell you this. It it’s a Christian film.
And, uh, the corporation, which is a household name, 4 letter corporation, they said this is so good.
We’re dropping this worldwide, all theaters everywhere. No select theaters for this one. It’s too good. Guess what?
It’s Christian film. Christian film. By the way, this year, I do believe it’s this year.
Mel Gibson’s coming out with the resurrection. Closer to the, uh, November, but that listen.
Those who prepare for the movie industry, there’s a lot of that goes behind scenes before a movie ever gets out.
How many straws do you need at at each theater that’s going to have this movie?
Did you know that there’s a science to have the amount of oil per gallon that all these corporate wheel and wheeler wheelers and dealers They view the movie in advance.
They all talk about how much syrup are we gonna need from Coca Cola?
How many cokes do you think we’re gonna sell? This movie’s gonna be big.
We’re gonna need to have this many buckets of I’m not joking. It is an actual science.
And they’re talking about Mel Gibson’s forthcoming film being the biggest film ever in time ever ever.
And many have already seen portions of the resurrection.
I bring this up to tell you that something’s going on.
And you might be aware just at the time of this podcast, I heard a a news clip on ABC News Radio that The film industry in Hollywood in conjunction with the county of Los Angeles that they are dropping fees and rates to film production companies because Hollywood is becoming a ghost town for film production.
People are moving their film production to Europe or to Canada.
And so the county of Los Angeles and the Hollywood film industry, they are trying to make it more of an in to make their films back here, uh, in the LA area.
I don’t know if that’s gonna work or not. Hopefully, it doesn’t.
I think the whole thing should just rot and fall into the pit. Where it belongs.
Um, but that be that as it may.
Um, I wanna end I wanna end by saying this.
That if you have an opportunity to invest in a Christian film, um, you might wanna think about that.
After after seeing this, uh, this private screening of a of a film, uh, the film that shall not be mentioned at this time, for the first time in my life, I’ve actually thought about investing in the making of of a film like this.
And you say, well, you know, to make money. Well, I’m not stupid.
Of course, to make some money, but that’s not the main reason.
The message was so awesome.
And it’s so needed for the American family and for the American kid.
For the broken home for the marriage The message is incredible, which leads me to my my final my final thing here.
So there’s only god could have done this.
Just in the last several weeks, living in the days of deception went public in every bookstore.
It was already doing fantastic on preorders on Amazon.
And it shot several times, not twice, not three times, several times, into Amazon’s top 100.
Who else? USA USA today? USA today, top 38, whatever it was. Just great success.
That’s amazing. The prayer in congress, uh, opened up this media craziness And then the fact that, um, I’m encouraging people to vote pro life I’m in I’m encouraging people to read the platforms of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party and as Christians cast your vote accordingly to the pro life topic, which is really easy to do because the Democrat uh, platform is pro death, pro kill the baby, and the republican platform is pro life, save the baby.
So what does that mean as a Christian? It means I have to vote Republican.
And that’s got all kinds of people have been out of shape.
Uh, news trucks have pulled up. They want they want an interview. They wanna talk.
How dare you say that? How can you say that?
You’re endorsing candidates So all this firestorm has all happened within the confines of a very, very short period of time.
Which has now led to interviews with various news agencies and, uh, various radio programming and and various podcasters.
And, um, I wanna leave you with this.
Every one of them have asked me this question.
And most recently it was Sebastian Gorka. And Gorka asked this question.
And his question is what is what others are echoing.
Mike, listen, I love Dan Ball.
If you don’t follow Dan Ball at o n, you gotta follow Dan Dan Ball, b a l l.
He’s awesome. He has the same question. He said, where’s the pastors right now?
With everything that’s going on, human trafficking, abortion, your prayer being in Congress condemned by 26 members of Congress Pastor Jack.
Where’s the pastors? Where’s the pastor standing up and speaking up? Where’s the pastors at this hour?
Where’s the pastors? I was asked on one of America’s largest radio networks the past the the radio host said, pastor can ask you this question.
At a time like this, where’s the church?
And why isn’t the church more prominent at such a dark time as this?
And I said to him, you’re gonna have to ask the pastors that because there’s no doubt.
There’s a day coming when Jesus is gonna ask the pastors. Where were you? Where were you?
When all of these terrible things were being implemented in our in our world around us.
And so I wanna end with this just to just to upset people just to get them furious, not you, but the the people that have no idea who we are.
So one income poop from uh, the freedom from religion group.
What a funny group. This is hilarious. Are you ready for this?
The freedom from religious the freedom from religion group is a 501c3 religious organization.
Did you know that? Isn’t that awesome? Freedom from religion. Hey, Ken.
We have a 501 501c3 tax exemption. That’s for religious organizations.
That guy said that pastor who prayed in Congress and that pastor who’s encouraging people to vote pro life.
So vote Republican because they their platform has pro life.
He’s clearly wanting to run for political office. What a knucklehead? I told you guys before.
I’ve been asked twice to run for political office. I’m never gonna do I shouldn’t say never.
If god tells me to do it, I’m gonna do it.
But why would I step down from the pulpit that I have to minimize my voice? That would be ridiculous.
Nope. That’s a lie. And the fact that I don’t know anything about American history that the pastor believes that America was founded on Judeo Christian Values.
Yeah. What a dummy. I read the Mayflower Compact. I read the constitution.
I read the bill of rights. I read the Declaration of Independence. I’ve read the founding fathers.
Yep. I don’t know anything about American history.
For political to have a reporter, say what she said, and maybe we can drop that clip into this as well where that re in fact, let’s do that.
I’m gonna pause right now. We’re we’re gonna drop that clip in from this highly esteemed political reporter.
Listen to this.
But the thing that reunites them as Christian nationalists, not Christians, by the way, because Christian nationalists is very different Mhmm.
Is that they believe that our rights as Americans as all human beings don’t come from any earthly authority.
They don’t come from Congress. They don’t come from the Supreme Court. They come from god.
I look. I honestly feel sorry for her. But let’s be serious.
If she is a journalist for political, she’s probably making high 6 digit income.
Wow. Did I pick the wrong career?
That woman has never read 1 Iota.
Of American history or the founding father’s own documents that they gave us to create this government.
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal Right?
Think about that. All men have been created by god that we are equal.
And we’ve been endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights.
That I don’t know what to say about that, except. Stupid is loose.
It’s everywhere right now. It’s in the air. I think some people are taking stupid pills.
Good advice is for you to read your Bible and to dive into some good old American history.
Read Thomas Jefferson. Read George Washington, read Sam Adams, read John Adams. You know what?
You can start by reading 17 76 by David McCullough.
There’s hardly any reference in there to god, so don’t worry.
You’re not gonna get freaked out, but read about it.
And then from there, if that’s okay, if you can survive 17 76 by David McCullough, you can graduate to a life Samuel Adams, a life by Ira Stowell.
Try reading that. You can also try reading forged in faith. Forged in faith.
Try reading that book. And there’s a whole lot of others.
If you want them, I’ll give you a Biblia free of books, that 10 of them, you’ll be an expert in American history.
Something that the people at political have never done. Listen until next time you guys, god bless you.
We believe this. It’s time for us to live out what it is that we believe in. It’s time.
For real life. If this is blessed, do hit the subscribe button.
Give us a 5 star, uh, rating the thumbs up. Tell people about it. And until time.
God bless you guys. We’ll see you right back here.
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