Intrepid: How To Become Fearless | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Intrepid: How To Become Fearless | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares about Intrepid: how to become fearless and his experience in Russia on a mission trip. We all deal with fear. But God empowers us to overcome fear, anxiety, worry, and trepidation – and become Intrepid.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

we were walking along to spread the gospel and we see this gang of Russian men young Russian men and the leader has a weapon these the you know the two sticks with a chain and he’s swinging it threatening and I’m thinking oh I we don’t need this you know Intrepid means the one without fear the one who is without fear means Fearless now we all deal with fear all of us we deal with anxiety we deal with it in one way or another and there’s there’s there’s different kinds of fear there’s a fear of danger there’s a fear

of what once when when Co first came out everybody was scared gigantically you know and now it’s pretty much most people are annoyed with it but but there’s a fear of of rejection that many of you deal with it’s a fear of failure fear of the future fear of losing your livelihood fear of being on the streets fear of of of strangers there are phobias fear of spiders how many people have a fear of spiders this little thing but it’s it’s that the it’s the eighth leg that does it six is okay once you go

to eight it gets satanic fear of snakes how many people have that fear of snakes Okay fear of heights anybody have that fear of of claustrophobia anybody have that oh a lot of people don’t sit to fear of raising your hand I know you people you didn’t raise your hand there’s a fear but that but a lot of fears are not necessarily the dramatic or or specific sometimes it’s just a general sense of fear or a general anxiety or a general sense of worry you know a constant low-level anxiety kind of living this way kind of

nervous continuous state of anxiety you may not even realize it you may be living much of your life being driven by fear I have to do this or else this will happen I have to do that or this will happen if I don’t get up if I’m late this happens if I do this I better do this and it’s a general living by fear and we don’t even realize it cuz we’re so used to it we all deal with deal with fear in some way but the word of God says that except for the fear of God you are actually supposed to get to a state

where you live without fear fear takes a toll on you you cannot be happy and and be in fear it’s one thing you know it’s one of the major causes of unhappiness is anxiety it eats away a at the joy that you would have I’m going to give you some Hebrew words for fear I want you to learn one word is the word is the word Amma try it now interesting that word for fear also means Idol what say it’s like fear can be like an idol why because when you live by fear you’re serving fear when you live by fear you’re sacrificing

things for fear you’re being driven by fear you’re in bondage to fear another word for fear in Hebrew is is Dea try it it means heaviness bro sorrow weigh down fear anxiety will weigh you down another word is very simple what it means is literally it not only means fear it means broken and crushed you live in fear you live in anxiety it will actually weigh you down and crush your spirit fear robs you of Joy one of the greatest secrets of joy is actually overcoming fear in your life Zechariah the priest says to his baby

yanan we know as John the Baptist says God called us to serve him that we may serve him without fear the Greek word he didn’t use Greek but translated is is one word AOS or which means without fear to to Fearless Living God calls us you to live abundantly that he calls you to Joy one of the fruits of the spirit is Joy if you notice the fruits of the spirit none of them have fear in them none of them have anxiety in them Joy love peace all that no fear it says in second second Timothy you know the scripture God has

not given us a spirit of fear so if we have a spirit of fear where it didn’t come from him he gave you something else he gave you a spirit of power love and a sound mind what does that tell you right away it tells you that fear and a sound mind don’t go together now that Bible saying this 200 years ago psychologists have caught up with that you live the more you live with anxiety you’re not going to have soundness of mind you want soundness of mind you got to overcome fear I’m going to give you some

biblical keys to overcoming fear in your life spiritual practical as well now one of the most powerful antidotes that you wouldn’t think of most of us wouldn’t think about it but recently modern science found out that the Bible was right they did studies on fear and anxiety they found out it was impossible to have fear anxiety when you’re giving thanks impossible you can’t give thanks I mean not lip service real thank you can’t real give thanks and have anxiety at the same time doesn’t go if you are thanking

thankful the anxiety vanishes it means that if we’re living in fear you’re living in anxiety you’re not giving thanks I once sat down and wrote down on on a piece of paper all like the blessings of my life and immediately there was like a lightness of spirit a joy a richness a there no complaint no anxiety is just blessing the idea that it’s Jewish to complain is really not true I mean there are Jewish people who complain but the word Jew is the word yehudi try it Yi it comes from Yehuda or Juda yudah you know

what it means it means one who gives praise and one who gives thanks that must be really important for God to have his people named by they give praise they give thanks the word for praise and thanks there are the same comes the root word Y which speaks of an open hand which is the hand that gives and receives blessing Y when you are praised and you give thanks you’re receiving blessing from God if you’re born again you are a spiritual Jew so what does it mean it means you’re you’re to be known

your identity is one who gives praise and gives thanks to God you are thankful you know what’s the opposite somebody who’s always complaining that can’t be you you’re going to take away blessing but one of the most powerful keys of overcoming Anxiety is giving thanks to God it says it says it says what’s God’s will for you it says Rejoice always pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks must be real big must be real important in everything we say well I can’t give thanks for that

not in every that it says in everything so what well you can’t just it means that even if something’s a very hard situation you give thanks anyway because God’s going to work it out for something good he promises to work all things together in all things still you can thank him it says always give thanks you’re always giving thanks you’re never going to have any anxiety Philippians 4 is an amazing chapter you want to look for you want mental health you want emotional stability you want mental

Wellness Philippians 4 and one of the things it says is this it says be anxious for zero but in all things with prayer and supplication let your request be known to God with Thanksgiving and the peace of God the God of Peace will guard you first thing you’re dealing with anxiety don’t deal with it alone because you deal with alone God can’t deal with lift it to God whatever it is just be honest to God give it to God whatever you’re dealing with don’t do it alone give it to God give him the

burden cast your anxieties what it say cast your anxieties on him because he cares for you set him touch it it changes it secondly it says something else it says let everything be known so it says don’t be anxious for anything but in everything notice how they go together nothing be anxious for nothing everything as long they go together if you’re anxious for nothing you’re going to bring everything into prayer and all things if you’re giving everything to him you’re not going to be anxious for

that so goes together and and it says with Thanksgiving now the thing is in our natural way we don’t generally do that if you’re dwelling you’re lifting up your problems which good if you’re dwelling on your problems lot of times you be doing lifting it to God but you’re still dwelling on it but here it says when you lift up all that those things that you’re anxious about thank God it changes everything when how how do you do when you’re praying while you’re pray even with a problem end with

thanking God because you thank God you’re already saying look first I thank you why cuz you hear me you care you and you will answer it one way or the other so I’m thanking you for the answer in advance and when you do that it totally it reverses the whole electricity you cannot when you’re thanking God for answering the prayer about that problem you’re not dwelling on the problem you’re actually have joy you have release you cannot thank God and be miserable at the same time I mean if it’s from your heart you can’t thank God


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