How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance

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How to Maintain Your Righteous Stance

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Coming up next on changing your world.
He says, I’m not looking at what you have done when I made you righteous,
I’m looking at what Jesus has done. And if you believe that you
are the righteousness of god. You’ll do right once you believe you’re the righteousness of god, but you keep trying to do right to qualify your status.
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To make it a better place.
Let every heart love us, uh, We are changed.
If you have your Bibles, Go with me to the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 for 17 through 21 in NLT.
We’re gonna continue with maintaining your righteous stance.
I I’m seeing it already how, yes, they’re are prophetic things that are gonna take place.
You you can cast out devils, but you can’t cast out prophecy.
I understand that we can have 25 hour prayer, but when god says something that’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen.
Doesn’t mean cancel prayer because prayer can still show up and do some amazing things when people are going through stuff.
However, as the Christian We must understand that your mind is the battleground.
Your mind is the arena of faith.
You will lose it or you will win it in the, in the battleground of your mind.
You have to understand that Satan’s most powerful weapon is the power of suggestion.
What can he suggest to you?
What hit can he say to you through vehicles in this world?
And if a person doesn’t know his god, if a person doesn’t know the word of god, then you’re easy.
Pray for deception. And yet I I I am concerned about the Christian who’s been saved for, for some time.
I’m also concerned about the prophecy that love will grow and wax cold and wondering how many of you will be here by theendoftheyear, that attack that will show up to try to convince you that it just doesn’t matter.
And all of a sudden, I don’t care about the Bible, and I’m not concerned about god.
And I’m sure right now, you can’t see yourself there, which is why you have to make your mind up right now.
God, I’m in it. I’m not going nowhere. Come hell of high water.
I will never let you go. I will never let you go.
And the way to do that is to to to keep him on your mind There’s the battle of the mine.
And with Satan’s MO, it is always to attack you where your identity is concerned.
And there are lots of people who just don’t know who they are.
Maybe the issue was being raised by a single mother, or the issue, maybe you went into foster care, or All of those are sad, but once you get born again, Jesus now is responsible for your identity.
You are the righteousness of god.
He released that attack in the garden of Eden, and that’s why we are where we where we are today.
Jesus showed up to reconcile everything.
And the first thing he did is he attacks he attacks the lord’s identity, if thou be the son of god.
God. So the thing we have to be aware of this year, we we really gotta guard our heart and guard our ears and guard our eyes and and and and and we got to be careful because, I mean, we’re living in the age of social media.
You got to be careful not to allow that to become your new pastor.
And it starts it starts ministering all kinds of things to you that you think are true.
But social media is driven by the spirit of mammon.
Mammon is money, Maman is the spirit behind money. Maman says, you don’t need god.
You need money. Mammons says, you know, you you you cheat to get it.
Mammons says, oh, Mammons looking for church people, and you’ve got to understand the motivation behind social social media and podcasts is I can make money if the click bait is right.
I’m in one time.
I went in trying to show our broadcast and found out three different times. I was dead.
According to social media, I I I was gone.
You have got to guard your ears, and you have got to guard your heart, and you have got to guard your your mind because those are the intrephes into a man’s heart.
And Satan knows And he wants to do everything he can to take the church down.
He will fail. He’s tried before. I don’t know why he keeps trying to do it.
The church keep rising up no matter how bad it’s hit. It just keeps getting back up.
It keeps getting back up. Praise god.
Which is why it is vital that you know and understand that you are the righteousness of god.
Not by your works, You are righteous because of your faith and your belief in Jesus Christ, and you cannot allow him to take that from you.
Second Corinthians chapter 5, and verse 21 will begin this morning.
He says, uh, this means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
So everybody in here who has made Jesus the lord of your life, and you have had the experience of being born again, The scripture says that you are a new person.
He’s describing the fact that when you got born again, the old man left and the new creation came in.
The old man parted and the new creation came in, and you have now become a new person based on that new creation that showed up when you got born again.
He said the old life is gone. See that out loud. The old life is gone.
He says a new life has begun.
The day you got born again and received that new creation, uh, new life has begun.
And all of this is a gift from god.
That’s what I, again, need to get you to see. It’s all a gift from god.
Religion loves for us to try to take credit for what has happened to us.
It is all a gift from god. Who brought us back to himself through Christ.
Now at one time, there was enmity between god and mankind.
Sin because of what happened in the garden, there was enmity between god and mankind.
But because of Jesus and his blood and you receiving Jesus, we have been bought back to god.
There has been reconciliation between god and man We’ve been bought back through to god through Christ Jesus before Christ Jesus, and I only think people realize that enmity between god and man.
And god has given us this task of reconciling experience reconciliation between your god and and yourself, he says, now I give
you the ministry to go out and tell people to come back. Come to god.
Come to god. It’s not just about our church.
It’s not just about what you two we have been given the ministry of reconciliation.
When was the last time you shared
with someone who’s not again.
When was the last time you gave witness to Jesus to someone that’s not born again?
Think about somebody had to tell you
Who was the person that told you? Who was the person?
I remember I remember, I mean, had no sense at all as far as
what what god was was who he was and didn’t know nothing.
I I’m praying this year.
That we will be we will become world changes.
When when people see world changes, they’re thinking whole world. Not talking about whole world.
We’re you can’t change the whole world until you’ve changed it until your world
has been changed. And when your world has been changed, then you can reach out and and and begin to change somebody else’s world.
Think about that.
How many people
will you encounter this year that don’t
know Jesus? And maybe just maybe you’re at that place
just to share witness of Jesus.
Uh, last week, I I ran out to get some, uh, what was that?
I I went out to get a I I got something that has something to do with my pancakes that night.
Um, and I I ran to the store and get a tap and said, I’ll go get it for you.
I said, no. Want you all good for me. I I I know exactly what I need.
I’ll go down and get it. And then we it’s a long line.
And, you know, the and people, you know, getting a look here and and and all that stuff.
And and And and I I I was standing behind a guy, and he he turned to me and he said, uh, he said, it just irks me.
It just bothers me at all kinds of things when people don’t have their money ready when they get up to the cash register.
I said, yeah, but you just probably need to get over all those little things that
irk you.
He said, well, well, yeah. Yeah. You’re right. You’re right.
Just because the other day, when I was, you know, I was riding around my son, and this guy just pulled out in front of me.
And I said, well, look at this guy right here pulling out in front of me.
And I’m about ready to go off on him because, you know, I had my I had my gun with me.
And I told him, I said, yeah. I got a peace be still too.
I said sometimes it’s the small foxes.
So don’t don’t let that bother you because There’ll be a lot of those irritants that’ll be released to see if he can get your emotions to control your life and your emotions versus god controlling.
He said, yeah. Yeah. You’re right. He said, I surely enjoyed. George talking to you. It’s a blessing.
I’m like, uh-huh. Yeah.
wasn’t a blessing 5 minutes ago, but it’s a blessing now. It doesn’t take much.
If you’ll just water the sea, If you’re just water and plant, gotta give the increase.
You you don’t have to just beat somebody up. You you need to get saved right now. No.
No. No. I might just be God’s plan for watering.
Amen. And then they’ll send somebody else that might be god’s plan for planning, but he will always give the increase.
And so let’s let’s make up in our mind that we’re gonna be witnesses for Jesus this year.
We’re going to we’re gonna take advantage of of of of being an example, sharing some lights, sharing some words, sharing some love, and allowing God to have the opportunity to increase.
I’m believing that we’re gonna see more people save this year than we have ever seen in the last 38 years.
And it’s because you are reaching out to make a mark that can’t be erased.
He says, and so god has given us this task of reconciling people to him.
For god was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. Woah.
No longer counting peoples sends against them. That’s strong. That’s strong.
That’s an argument amongst the clergy.
He said god was reconciling the world. The whole world.
He was doing something so that the whole world could take advantage of something.
And what he was saying is I’m going to give my son Jesus Christ and I’m gonna put every I’m gonna put the whole world’s sin on him.
So when you’re ready to receive him, I want you to know that he’s already taking care of all
of your sins, you just need to sign for the package.
What would happen if some center would hear that?
What would happen if some center would hear?
God Jesus god has already taken care of your sins through Jesus Christ, and has has decided to to forgive you of all of your sins.
And that guy ends up going to hell And he said, what was the bad thing that actually sent me here?
He said, what in your behavior? It was because you didn’t sign for the Salvation package.
Now how tormenting is that?
In and up in hell because everything was done, all you had to do is sign the receipt.
And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.
Verse 20. So we are Christ Ambassadors. We’re Christ Ambassador. We’re representative of of of Christ.
We are ambassadors you know, we’re an ambassador for Christ because our citizenship is in heaven. Mhmm.
Well, okay. I’ll speak for myself. My citizenship is in heaven.
You went on the government to tell you about aliens. I am 1. You are aliens.
Praise god. My god. Y’all don’t hear me. Somebody. I went, what? What?
God is making his appeal through us.
We speak for Christ when we plead, come back to god.
For god made Christ who never sinned
to be the offering or the perpetuation or the, sacrifice for
To be the offering for our sins so that we could
be made right with god through Christ Jesus.
Christ, who never sinned.
Becained sin, but he never sinned. He was a serpent on the cross.
He became sin, but he never sinned.
He became sin so he could be the offering the perpetuation, the ransom.
He was the ransom. He paid the ransom price.
Forward to god so that we could be made right with god through Christ Jesus.
So he who had never sinned was made sin so that we who had never been righteous could be made righteous without doing right because he was made a center without ever sitting You can be made righteous what I’d ever do in right.
He said, so I’m not looking at what you have done when I made you righteous,
I’m looking at what Jesus has done. And if you believe that you
are the righteousness of god, You’ll do right once you believe you’re the righteousness of god, but you keep trying to do right to qualify your status.
Look at John 129.
I asked a question last week, why are we righteous and god’s eyes.
Is it because we do write? No. It’s because of Jesus. Why am I righteous in god’s eyes?
Because I do write no. It’s because of Jesus. Amen. It’s gotta be humbling to
a religious person who all of his life has worked on doing right so
he can be right with god. But I’m not right with god because I do right.
I’m right with god because I believe in Jesus, and what Jesus has done has made me the righteousness of god And the day you believe you’re righteous, your behavior is gonna line up with that.
But as long as you allow your bad behavior to tell you that’s who you are, You keep going back to what I can do to be made righteous versus believing in Jesus and what he has already done to make you righteous.
Verse 29 says the next day, John.
Now John here is talking about John DeBath is not not the, the apostle John, but he says the next day John De Baptist, he saw Jesus coming towards him, and he said, look, the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world.
That is so hard for people to get especially church people, because we’re so sin conscious.
There are people that get up in the morning before they even go outside And they say they’re great.
So, lord, forgive me for the sin that I hadn’t done yet because that sin consciousness We’re more conscious of sin than we are of the fact that we’ve been made righteous.
Well, where’d you get that sin consciousness from? Church? You got it from church.
You came to church all your life, and you that’s all I was preached on sin.
God don’t like ugly. You need to do this, or you’re gonna go to hell.
If you don’t do that, then God ain’t gonna do that.
You better be careful because you’re gonna be cursed if you do that. Uh, hon.
That’s the reason why she died early. Uh, hon, that’s the reason why that happened.
That’s why you lost your job. That’s why you like, god’s the punisher. God’s not the punisher.
And besides who wants to develop in a forced relationship?
I’m not interested in a forced relationship.
I wanna I don’t wanna marry somebody that somebody forced me to marry.
And say if you don’t marry, you ain’t gonna get the money.
And if you don’t marry, then we gonna not let you have this. And if you don’t marry, no. No.
No. I wanna marry somebody because I’m in I’m I’m I’m I’m in I can’t I can’t live without you.
I mean, you yeah. You made me do that. That’s why.
That was my wanna marry somebody because I’m like, well, whatever.
I get I get silly when I’m a ride. Hey.
I remember when I first when
I well, the second time I met Taffu, we she had transferred to to to the college I was in, and and and and there was this big big walkway where everybody would pass by, and it was a springtime.
And woo. It was the springtime. And you know what I’m talking, woo.
It was it was the spring in Love Valley down. You remember, woo. It was the spring.
And Tabitha had on this this sun dress with all kind of colors, and she had a she had a tan on her on her skin.
And and I just love beautiful skinny. Woo.
And she she walked past me, and I I walked past her.
And, uh, we had been introduced And I said, oh, and
I and I got still.
I can’t believe it. I said, I want to slap myself. I said, oh, look at it. Look, girl,
with the pretty little dress on. She said, no little girl. I’m a grown woman. I’m like, god. Thanks.
I’m like, god. Dog it. Oh, lord. Woah.
I didn’t mean that. I just I got silly.
I want a relationship that that that that that when I when I get before his presidency, I I I oh, glory to god.
I I lift my hands up, and I don’t mean to.
I I I jagger. I don’t mean to, but something happens in the presence of a lord.
Because I want that relationship. Nobody’s making me. Nobody’s threatening me into the relationship.
Nobody’s putting fear on me in a relationship.
That’s the same way am I giving. I give because I want to. I adore him.
I wanna give. Nobody’s gonna tell me your your curse where to curse you don’t give a certain percentage, wait a minute.
Now you’re putting fear on me, and so the only reason I’m giving it because I’m scared.
No. I get because I delight in him.
And I love him.
And I’ll Oh, I wanna please him, and I I want him happy.
I want him to I want him to find joy in my relationship.
I asked god this morning when I was praying.
I said, oh, lord, I I I think I know, but I still wanna ask you this, what did Ennick and Elijah do to make you just take them?
I said, well, I said, well, did you just take them?
Because that was part of the plan, and you had already planned, or did they do something?
Did did they do something that that you found great delight in? And and and he quickly answered me.
He says, I am not a respect to He says I find as much delight in you.
As I’m finding them because in them, I couldn’t live in, but I’m living in you.
Believers, are you equipped for battle in these last days?
Our minds are the battlefield and arena of our faith.
In the five part series, how maintain your righteous stance, creflo dollar uncovers how we get the upper hand in this fight.
Start focusing in on your identity. I am the righteousness of god.
I am righteous because of Jesus and as long as Jesus is alright, I am alright.
He’s the acceptable sacra right. He died once and for all, praise god.
I am the righteousness of god today, tomorrow, when I’m up when I’m down, I’m the righteousness of god.
As long as I am focused, it’s still tied in to Jesus.
I believe in him praise god He has made me righteous. I received my righteous.
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There’s something for everyone, men, women, ministers, and leaders, plus loads of fun filled activities for your children and teens that will lead them with a deeper under standing of god’s grace and empowered to lead the next generation.
General session times are 10 AM and 7 PM. Ministers and leaders don’t miss 5 PM just for you.
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I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
And there’s no better way to arc upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you wanna become born again and began an citing intimate relationship with Jesus.
I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me. Heavenly father. I believe that Jesus is the son of god, and that he died, and was raised from the dead, and has forgiven all of my sins, and I receive him into my life right now.
As my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved. Praise God.
Now, that simple prayer, change your entire eternal destination.
And we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
Because of you, creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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