How To Enter Into The Shabbat Blessing | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The phrase “Let go and let God” holds a profound truth. To experience the rest and refreshment God desires for your life, you must release control. If something is meant to return to you, it will, but the act of letting go is essential for divine renewal. This message focuses on receiving heavenly refreshment.

For example, welcoming a newborn into our family has reminded us of this lesson. A newborn disrupts sleep schedules—crying every two to three hours for nourishment. That’s how God designed it. My wife and I have been sleeping less, especially my wife, and though it leaves us physically exhausted, it underscores the importance of rest.

The Importance of Physical Rest
Lack of sleep leads to weariness, and today, more people than ever struggle to get adequate rest. Physical exhaustion can impact us emotionally and spiritually. Beyond physical tiredness, we often face spiritual or emotional weariness—feeling drained, burned out, or spiritually unmotivated. Even in serving the Lord, we can grow weary. But God is the ultimate source of refreshment.

From the beginning, He established the Sabbath, or Shabbat in Hebrew. God didn’t create the Sabbath because He needed rest; He created it for us. As Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” This highlights God’s desire to refresh and renew us.

Keys to Spiritual Refreshment
To experience spiritual renewal, we must recognize the connection between physical and spiritual well-being:

  1. Physical Care Matters
    If you’re physically exhausted, it’s harder to rejoice in the Lord or experience spiritual renewal. Proper sleep, nutrition, and care for your body, which is a temple of God, are foundational.
  2. Rest and Let Go
    Just as our bodies need rest, our spirits require a break from continuous activity. Rest means pausing from what you’re doing and allowing God to refresh you. If you’re always working, thinking, or even engaged in good things without pause, you’ll become weary.
  3. Daily and Weekly Breaks
    The Sabbath principle teaches us the importance of taking regular breaks. Whether it’s daily quiet time with God, weekly Sabbath observance, or longer retreats, these moments of rest in His presence restore our souls.
  4. Spiritual Revival Over Physical Rest
    While physical rest rejuvenates the body, spiritual renewal comes only from time with God. Prayer, worship, and seeking His presence are vital for spiritual refreshment.

Practical Application
Take time to evaluate your routines. Are you overworked or stuck in a spiritual rut? Establish a rhythm of rest and renewal. Set aside time daily, weekly, and seasonally to step away from distractions and reconnect with God. Even Jesus retreated to pray and rest, setting an example for us to follow.

God invites you to rest, refresh, and renew in His presence. Trust Him, let go of burdens, and embrace the spiritual refreshment He has for you.

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Kim - 2024-12-05 17:29:48

I need prayer about discerning the nuances of learning about the jewishness of my faith- thank you

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