“GRACE LIFE SPECIAL – United Together”

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“GRACE LIFE SPECIAL – United Together”

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Prepflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
How many of you know that today is not an accident?
God has blessed us with the opportunity to come together once again to continue the journey through race.
Now if you missed the previous sessions during this 2 week long grace life conference special, guess what?
You’re not behind. Your steps are being directed by the almighty god.
And today, we’re going to hear from the Bishop, Bishop Clarence McClinda. His ministry literally spans decades.
He has remained an important figure to both diplomats and celebrities because of his dedication to Christ.
He gives a true voice for this generation, and his message at Grace Life Conference 2023 was at solutely, marvelous.
Today, I encourage you to take notes and open your heart to be inspired by this important word.
Take the steps to live with a constant acknowledgement of god’s grace and god’s love. Watch this.
The 2024 Grace Life Conferences already in the works.
Our mentality, ministers and leaders and youth conference will all take place during grace life.
Register now through October 20th to receive a one time 10% discount on your entire order in the Dom Digital store during Gracelife 2024.
Just scan QR code, text Gracelife to 51555, or visit creflodollarministries.org. We’ll see you in July.
This is your world. So let’s vow to make it at a
We are changed.
Now the scripture teaches. Look at your name and say, the scripture, not Clarence.
Not Quefflow. Not Gregory. The Bible. The Bible.
The the scripture teaches that through the operation of God.
You and I were buried with Christ in our immersion.
So there was and operation. I was meditating on this doctor daughter some time ago, and the spirit of the lord said to me, He said, some, this was a covert operation.
Do I have any military people in the room?
Any people who have served in the military? Thank you for your service. Amen. Amen.
Amen. But if you have been in the military.
There is in the military a thing called a covert op on a black op.
A covert op is an operation that is secret and hidden.
Only the people involved in the operation know it’s going on.
As a matter of fact, there are some black ops or some covert ops that if you get found out during the the government will disavow you.
In other words, they will say, we don’t know who you are, We don’t know what happened to you because they cannot be seen to be involved in.
Wait. Maybe you understand. The passion of Christ.
The suffering, the death, the burial, the resurrection, the ascension, and the seeding.
And by the way, that is the gospel.
The gospel is not death burial resurrection.
Bishop McLendon.
I was with you But how can you say such a thing? Because I can read.
1st Corinthians fifteens. I’m saying stuff. It’s bouncing back here.
1st Corinthians 15, 1 through 5. We’ll put it up. 1st Corinthians 15, 1 through 5.
I gotta I gotta get this. Uh-uh. Don’t don’t miss the operation part if I say a covert op.
No. I just Paul says, 1st Corinthians 15, well, Moreover, I’m gonna read all the way to verse 8.
Moreover, Brevin, I declare to you the gospel. Look, I declare to you the gospel. This is it.
I declare to you the gospel, which I preach to you, which also you received and in which you stand, stay with me by which also you were saved if you hold fast the word, which I preach to you.
Unless you believed in vain. Watch it. Now watch it.
When I delivered to you, first of all, that which I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the script, number 1, that he was buried, number 2, that he rose again the 3rd day according to the scripture, and that’s where we stop.
Any alright. He gotta early.
Some of you don’t know what I’m
talking about, but others have
you upset. And that’s where we stop.
But he says, I I declared you the gospel, which I put you, that Christ died for us, he didn’t declare in the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised again the 3rd day.
Watches and that he was c. Oh, oh, he was c.
After his resurrection. I submit to you.
Well, let let me let me keep reading.
And that he was seen by Cephus, then by the 12. Watch it. Watch it. I’m reading it.
After that, he was seen. By over 500 Brevin at once to whom the greater part remain to the present day, but some have fallen asleep.
Watch this. After that, he was seen. Where is the emphasis here?
Is it on death, burial resurrection, or she?
I need you to hear me.
After that, he was seen by James, then all the apostrophe. Now here’s the significant one watches.
Then last of all, he was seen by me. Every other one of those scenes was physical.
Paul’s was not physical. You’re not with me. Paul never saw Jesus in the flesh.
Paul saw Jesus by the revelation of the spirit of god after his resurrection.
Isn’t it interesting that it’s the man that saw him after his resurrection, not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
Who wrote 3 4ths of our new testament. Isn’t it interesting?
That’s a that all the revelation we have concerning Christ after his resurrection, the majority of it comes from the apostle Paul.
Y’all aren’t with me.
It’s he that said if any man be in Christ.
He is a new guy. It’s he that said we were seated with him.
We were raised with him. Why? Because he received a revelation of the operation.
Now why is this important?
Because when you receive a revelation of the operation, the grace life becomes easy. Why?
Why? Why? Because when you oh god.
Because when you receive a revelation, of the operation, not just the event.
You recognize and realize that the work is finished.
You you you you I Come on. Let’s go.
You recognize that the work is finished. Now what are we talking about here?
We’re talking about a covert op a black up. Where do you get that, Mister McClinton?
Go to First Corinthians 2 verse 6 through 8. He that has it here. Let him hear prophetically now.
Because this is what is happening to the body of Christ globally.
And this is why this apostle has been given a an assignment to steward this because the church has to mature.
Nah. Watch it. Watch it.
He says, however, we speak the wisdom of god among those who are mature.
So there are places you can’t preach this.
I can’t I can’t go there.
However, we speak the wisdom of god to those who are mature.
Yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age who are com who are coming to nothing.
But we speak the wisdom of god in a mister.
Uh, the hidden wisdom, which god ordained before the ages for I go, watch this, which none of the rulers of this age knew.
For had they known they would not how can you just sit there and look at me?
Had they know they would not have crucified the lord of glory.
I want you to hear what the apostle Paul just said. He said, none of the rulers of the sage.
And that weren’t rulers. It’s the Greek word or k on. It doesn’t just mean earthly magistrates.
It means principalities, powers, devils, He says none of the devils of this world knew.
Pilate didn’t know. Kayifas didn’t know.
If any of them had known, the operation, if any of them had known what god was doing in Christ Jesus, they would have let him alone and not crucified it.
Oh my god.
He, uh, he said they went a letter on why because had they known what was happening?
They would have realized if they kill him, they’ll never be able to touch me again.
If they kill him, No. You’re not.
Watch it. Watch it. Watch it.
So So what what was the up? Go to Roman 6. Roman 6.
Look at your neighbor and say, this is the black op. Say it.
Look at your name and say, this is the covert operation. Watch this. Budget.
Romans 6 verse 3. Watch it now. He says, or do you not know?
And this is the problem. Most of the church does not know.
Or do you not know?
That as many of us This is not talking about water.
As many of us, as were baptized into Christ, were baptized into his death.
Therefore, we were buried. Oh, wait a minute. No.
Let me read it.
Therefore, we were buried with him through our immersion into his death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father.
Even so, we should walk in newness of life.
Look at verse number 5 for if.
And the if there is not a conditional, he is already asserted the reality.
So you could say so since we have been united together.
Everybody said, united together. Yeah. Now stay with me.
If I was gonna title this message, This would be the title of it. SUN Futos.
Suzuki Bishop.
You said Suzuki. This is the Greek word that is used in the original language in which the new covenant is delivered to us for united together.
It is the Greek word Sufutos, s u m phutos. Watch this.
It oh, god. I’m gonna run. I’m going to run.
It it means watch this look at your day, it was a soon photos.
Look at your other neighborhood because they didn’t hear you.
They say soon Futos I sent. United together. It means watch this.
It it means to be together through an entire pluses.
I’m a try this side because y’all didn’t get it. It means to be.
Founds it needs to be together through an entire process.
So when god started this covert up and put you in Christ.
Out his death, You were together, flew the entire process, death, burial resurrection, ascension.
Look at your name and say, and.
And. Seating. Say death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and seating.
We were together. Through the entire process.
Look at, you know, they say that is the operation.
Say it again. That is the operation.
Now watch this because that is the operation. Go back to colossians.
Chapter 2. Are you still in the room? Yeah.
Go out to Galacian chapter 2 with me. I got I gotta work this out.
He said, because we were together though it was, we were buried within buried with him in baptism in which also you were raised with him through faith in the working of god who raised us from the day.
Now watch, watch where he goes. And you.
Look at him and say, you, you being dead, meaning separated from god in your trespasses and the uncertainties in of your flesh He made alive some photos.
He he made alive together with him having forgiven you all. Somebody say all.
No. No. No. Somebody say all. Having forgiven you all. Trustpasses.
I got news for you.
God does not forgive you of your sins when you confess them.
How can you suggest me, because I can read.
He said, and you’re being dead in trouble.
And then he made a lot of you having forgiveness.
Does that sound like something that’s gonna happen in the future? Or something that happened.
Having forgiven you all trespasses, meaning the ones you committed Before you got saved and the ones
I can hit the wait.
Wait a minute, Bishop. Wait a minute. Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Because I I keep I was with you to then, but but how
how can he forgive me? See, we have gotten this substitution and identification thing.
All wrong because of the way we think of substitution.
When we think of substitution, we think of somebody there in place of us and us us not being there.
No. You missed it.
We think of somebody being there in place of us and us not being there.
Like a substitute teacher comes when the real teacher ain’t there.
So when our mind substitute means Somebody’s there and not us. That’s why the Bible says, don’t be cheated.
Thinking according to the basic principles of the world because your substitution was not him there and you not there.
It was him there. And you there together through the whole process, but him doing the work Look at your neighbor, he said he did the work.
Said again, he did the work. Yeah.
So because Paul understands the operation, He says, in ephesians chapter 2 verse 7, he says that we were made alive together, that we were raised up together and that we were made to sit together.
Ephesians 2, 4 through 7. Uh, somebody are looking at me.
Like, you just lied. You know this. You know this. You know this.
Ephesians 2, 4 through 7. Put it up.
But god, who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us.
Watch this. This is glorious. Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together.
With Christ, by grace, by grace. Amen. By grace, you have been saved.
And lays us up together.
And made us sit.
Now here’s the question.
If he raised us up together, made if we made it loud together, he raised us up together and made us sit together where does god have to come from?
To get to He may not come when you want him.
Where is he coming from?
You you have been made to sit together and the scripture says the anointed one and his anointed in you is the hope.
A glory. So where is he coming from to say about you?
Grace Life Conference 2023 Homecoming featured 3 power pack days focused on celebrating the life of grace.
Creflo and Taffy Dollar were joined by special topping off a weekend filled with revelation.
Grace life and the message behind that was something I really needed to hear.
The word has been rich. It’s been deep. It’s been gold. There’s nothing comparable to it.
If you need to know purpose, while you’re purpose, while you’re a Christian, grace life, encourage us to live even more so for Christ every day.
It was good to be able to get different perspectives on grace that we ordinarily wouldn’t get if we didn’t get in this setting here together.
Sessions for a love gift of 50 US dollars or more for CDs or 60 US dollars or more for DVDs.
Celebrate Grace. Call the number on your screen.
Scan the QR code, or visit www.creflodollarministries.org, and clicky store while supplies last.
Yes. Being born again is the first step to beginning the journey of grace.
And when you accept god until your life, You are forever accepted in the beloved and included in the ongoing operation of god.
Grace Life Conference 2023 special because of the number of people who showed up, but because there was a chance for fellow believers to commune together, confidently, and comfortably in the name of Jesus.
It was truly a community experience.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for the 2024 Grace Live Conference.
I hope you will take advantage of the early bird registration available today.
Scan the QR code or call the number on the screen, or you can even text Grace Life to 51555, or log on to creflodollarministries.org.
Everyone who registers today will receive a one time 10% discount to use in the Dom Digital Store during Grace Life Conference 2024.
Now this discount is redeemable only during next year’s conference.
I can’t wait to see you here next July.
But in the meantime, take advantage of the change in your world, East York.
You can buy the entire 2023 grace life conference series and really get this word down in your spirit.
You can ponder it, meditate on it, turn it over in your mind. It’ll be a blessing to you.
This word will make a difference in your life. I really believe that.
Look, it’s been a great week so far, and I can’t wait to see you back here tomorrow.
Same time, same place, Same channel on changing your world.
Did you attend Grace Life homecoming in July?
Well, the 2024 Grace Life conference is already in the works.
We’re taking the fellowship, the music, and the message of Grace to another level.
Our mentality Ministers and leaders and youth conference will all take place during grace life. That’s right.
It’ll be 4 conferences in 1.
Gracelife conference is high up there. The praise in worship every single day was so awesome.
Each year, it gets better and better, richer and richer. If you want change, this the place to be.
Take advantage of our early bird special available through October 20th.
Register now to receive a one time 10% discount on your entire order in the Dom Digital store during Grace Life 2024.
Just scan the QR code, text Grace Life to 51555, or visit creflodollarministries.org.
We’ll see you in July.
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We’re back. Are you ready for change experience 2024?
Kraft Lo Dollar is hitting the road for change experience West Coast in February and change experience East Coast in April.
It’ll all end with grace life, the reunion at the World Dome in July, mark your calendars now text change 2024 to 51555.
Scan the QR code on your screen. Or visit creflodollarministries.org today.
Thank you partners in friends.
Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.


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