Five Conditions of a Worthy Walk – Episode 2

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This message is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of PR Dollar Ministries. Stay tuned for an inspiring message that will change your life!

When I reflect on God’s goodness, I’m overwhelmed. When I think about how He saved me—even when I was lost, broken, and far from Him—I can’t help but shout, “Hallelujah!” When I remember how He delivered me from my darkest moments, when He healed my mind and body, I have no choice but to give Him all the glory!

Grace is working in your life right now. If you come to this conference, you will receive exactly what your soul has been longing for. Are you tired? Are you crying out, “God, I need you!”? This event will reignite your faith!

Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity.
If this message doesn’t set your heart on fire, then maybe your spiritual matchsticks are too wet. Every session at this conference has been filled with the presence of God—transforming lives, healing hearts, and setting captives free.

👉 Register now at We’re excited to see you there!

A Message of Grace and Truth: Stop Striving and Start Living in Christ

Many people have tried living by strict religious rules, but they’ve failed every time. You’ve tried to do everything right, to hold your tongue, to avoid sin, but the harder you try, the more you realize: without Jesus, it’s impossible.

The law condemns. The law brings shame. The law leads to spiritual death. But when you are in Christ, even your sin cannot drag you back into darkness. His grace is greater. His love is unshakable.

It took me 42 years to fully understand this truth: It’s in Christ that I live, move, and have my being. His presence fills my life with light and glory. Without Him, I am nothing. Without Him, there is no hope for heaven.

Some people might say, “I don’t want anything to do with Jesus because He’s portrayed as white.”
Let me tell you: Jesus isn’t bound by race, culture, or nationality. You’ve never seen Him with your own eyes, so stop putting limitations on His love. His grace is for everyone, regardless of background.

Stop Trying to Earn Salvation — It’s a Gift Through Jesus

God didn’t design salvation to be earned through good behavior. He gave us a set of laws in the Old Covenant to show us that we couldn’t do it on our own. Thousands of people perished for complaining and disobeying because they didn’t have Jesus.

But today, we have Jesus.

So why do so many Christians keep relying on their own efforts, thinking they must follow a set of rules perfectly to be saved? You’re not even keeping those rules yourself! Stop condemning others when you’re falling short too.

This truth should humble you. You can’t make it to heaven without Jesus. You can’t be clean without Him. There is no salvation apart from Him.

A Bold Call to Surrender to Christ

I know this message might make some people uncomfortable. I know some might walk away or call me a heretic for preaching grace. But I must take that risk. I must cry out the truth for the sake of Christ.

You can’t do anything without Jesus.
You are nothing without Jesus.
You cannot save yourself.

Stop striving to be good in the eyes of others. Instead, believe in Jesus and let Him transform your heart and mind. When people ask why you’ve changed, you’ll have no choice but to say, “It’s because of Jesus.”

God’s Grace Has Made You Royal

Before you were even formed in your mother’s womb, God had already chosen you. He made you royal before you took your first breath. He gave you an inheritance in heaven before your first birthday. The day you accepted Christ, He secured your place in His kingdom and promised you would never walk in darkness again.

So when you finally stand before God in heaven, and He places the crown of salvation and the crown of life on your head, you’ll know you didn’t earn it.

It was all because of Him.
It’s always been because of Jesus.

Hallelujah! All glory belongs to Him.

👉 Ready to experience life-changing grace? Register now at and take the next step in your spiritual journey.

🙏 Let’s walk this path together—living by grace and growing in faith.

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