Do Wondrous Things – Take It All Back – Dr.Bill WWinston

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Do Wondrous Things – Take It All Back – Dr.Bill WWinston

The God kind of faith is the faith that takes and not the faith that waits. We must develop that faith, so we can have faith to do the impossible. Take It All Back by Dr. Bill Winston is just the tool you need to develop the faith for the impossible. Just like David (See 1 Samuel 30:8.), God has given us the mandate to pursue, overtake, and without fail, to recover all as well as to transfer the wealth of the wicked into the righteous’ hands.

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
They’re gonna receive something about your life that they’re gonna know that there is a god in heaven, and that god is with you.
They’re gonna see your home gonna see your car. They’re gonna see your children. They’re gonna see your relationship.
They’re gonna see everything they’re gonna see. And they’re gonna say, wow. These are sinners.
These are people who don’t know god, but know that says something with you.
If I follow scripture, Say amen now.
I’m not supposed to be in light. I’m supposed to be the lender.
Yes. That’s
right. Same into this. And god is just wondering now in Joshua chapter 18 in verse 3, would you please that turn over there?
And we’re just gonna read that right quick. Praise the lord. Ready. Read.
Has what?
He didn’t sell it to you. What did he do?
He gave it to you because it belonged to Adam. And Adam sinned and went on the other side.
But the last Adam just came. And the last Adam came to take it all back.
See, to put it in the hands of its right for what? Honums.
Now, this is part of the kingdom.
When the king this is why this conversion is about to take place.
When I say that, I mean, inversion, when the the the the the stuff is gonna go back into the the right hands.
See, are you with me here? Cindy Jacobs says, it’s not about black or white. It’s about justice.
Amen. Now, I better come over here. Amen. See, look look at the kingdom.
Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6. I want you to see that.
Uh, the and
the stuff is in the wrong hands so everything is out of order.
That’s right. But the kingdom is it’s coming to put it back in order.
Are y’all with me here? So that’s very important for you to know.
Now you’re not gonna get a my name is Jimmy. I’ll take all you, Jimmy. That’s not the idea.
God has a plan for you. Now let’s look at the second part of this.
And so at this whole idea of there is no shortage. Say that.
In Jesus’ name. There is no shortage.
Now, the enemy with cleverly has painted a picture that people are living in shortage. Alright.
A man named John Evansini back in 1989, wrote a book called the wealth transfer.
And so he did study to see what kind of wealth was out there.
First, he looked at the, uh, mineral wealth.
What kind of mineral wealth was out there, the gold, and so forth it’s on. And he did study.
He said in the next 20 years, this is a kind of wealth, not the wealth that’s already out there, this is the kind of wealth that’s gonna be produced in be produced in the next 20 years.
And the kind of wealth that’s gonna be produced in the next 20 years and just mineral well is roughly a little over 50,000,000,000,000 dollars, $50,000,000,000,000.
Now why put up there, uh, Psalm chapter 104 verse 24?
The earth is what
see, god, now now that’s a little over $50,000,000,000,000 in the next 20 years.
They had to make it 2009. Next is commodities. Now commodities are things like, uh, oil.
Oil, all of that. Alright? Now look at this.
This oil is projected to produce roughly 50 $253,000,000,000,000 of wealth in the next 20 years.
That is by 2009,000,000,000,000. Little over 50,000,000,000,000,000 commodities and minerals.
Now how about cold itself. Just cold. Wow. How much is that gonna produce?
380 instruments.
300 and 83. This is coal being produced.
And this is why it’s gone it’s gonna produce that over the next 20 years.
Now, the earth is what full of his riches. Now, I know that you can strike oil.
And as a believer, your will will never run dry.
Just like he filled up the woman’s vessel Yes. I come on.
Just like he filled up Peter’s net. Yes. He can fill up that well.
That that that that come on now. Uh, you feel because the earth is what full of god’s riches.
See, this this alright. Now I’m let’s let’s keep going.
So what is the reason for the sense of shortage.
Why are people short? And one of the first reasons why people’s short it’s because of sacred cows.
Now that’s what I call them. Yes.
Now this is nations that don’t eat the cow because in their religion, the cow is a reincarnation of one of their relatives.
And that’s their belief. So the cow can’t be eaten.
Now this cow might be some food they need to keep from being short.
So some religious beliefs keeps people in certain countries in shortage.
Another one is the absence of self production.
Yes. That people don’t know that they have a gift. Yes. Everybody was born with a gift.
And that if they could just use their gift, uh, you you’ve got people here now, Michelle, who heads a our business.
Yes. Look, because he found an old recipe.
He he over there in welfare, found the old recipe, and the recipe He said, I’m gonna make this made to serve self production, took her up to a 1,000,000.
You’ve got the blessing on your life.
Yes. Yes.
Jesus, when the storm came, What did he do with the storm?
He spoke to it. What happened to it? It stopped. It stopped. Clouds disappeared. Everything.
Cannot you speak to the environment.
Now I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m letting you know this now.
Because because of the church has not awaken to its righteousness.
And the fact that the church is a caretaker of the earth. Same in.
Isn’t it just like the devil to stir up something and have you run to a fix that is human rather than run to a fix that is heavenly.
A heavily fixed can take coal and be able to manufacture this cold in a way that it will not have any measurable results in terms of affecting the environment.
See, you don’t believe it because you don’t believe you you can do this.
See, look, lord have mercy. No.
I’m I’m saying something now because if you watch enough of this television, Oh, you you, uh, nothing wrong with getting yourself an electric car if you want to, but you better be in control of the electricity because there is a demon that is trying to get control of everything.
Control of the economy, control of the goal. Watch it. Control of your children.
I don’t care what you think about me. I’m gonna tell you the truth.
I’m gonna tell you what god told me to tell you.
Because it’s trying to keep you from getting that money.
And I declare you’re gonna get that money, so that money belongs to you.
That money does not belong to the devil.
1% of America’s population owns 33% of America’s wealth.
Yep. Amen.
And 60% of the of the stocks of of corporations.
I’m I’m only saying 1% is controlling it and controls the media, controls it, it controls what you hear.
You’ve got to hear something other than what the devil is trying to say. You got to hear god.
And one place you can hear god is listen to your prophet. Amen.
And your prophet’s gonna take as long as you believe certain things, you’re blocking the way to your truth.
And the truth comes, you start fighting it off.
What you need to do is get rid of them lives and receive the truth and understand that, wait a minute, I can get rid of this asthma can get rid of it by the power of the living god next is take it back.
Take it all back. I said take it all back.
Now Take it all back.
1st Samuel chapter 30 in verse 8.
Now I know some of you when I said that I can feel a little dip in the anointing, but I’m not paying attention to that.
Let me tell you what the lord let me let me just show you.
In say innovation. Innovation. Psalm, put it put this up there first. Psalm chapter 72 in verse 18.
Psalm 72 in verse 18. Watch this.
Ready, read Wonderful things are things that no man can match.
Nobody can invent like you. Nobody.
Why did Detroit go bankrupt?
That that lack of ideas, they had a lack of ideas. Why?
Because they all got involved in union and trying to get myself and keep myself with the right money coming in and so forth.
Watch this Meanwhile, they weren’t innovating and watch this Toyota was coming right on their heels.
Toyota made you a little car that would last 50 years. He drove it.
I’m just saying you you got two hundred thousand miles on your car. That was nothing for a Toyota.
And they made, I’m telling they made GM shape up. They made all the other automakers.
I’m just saying this is what happened, and I’m saying to you, right now has been the devil, and he’s been doing certain things to keep the economy in his hands and keep control of the people.
But the church is here. I said, the church is here.
And we’ll I’m just laying a foundation for this now.
Because we’re gonna come up with some inventions that’s gonna be able to to to get get oil so pure that you can’t take is the difference between the oil and the air.
We we gonna get come on. I’m telling you what we can do.
See, that’s why the church is here. Take it all back. Said take it all back.
Come on. So here, you’ve got, uh, dutariah, 1st Samuel chapter 30 in verse 8.
Now this is David of the enemies come in and wipe him out, sold the way sold of goods, sold the children, sold the the y took everything.
David went before the lord said, David, god, what should I do? Ready, read.
Without saying what?
I want David. I want you to take it all back.
David, I want you to take it all back. Take back this. Take back that.
Doesn’t make any difference. See, it is amazing. Let me tell you something about god’s people.
If you don’t wanna hear the truth, why are you safe? No.
If you don’t wanna hear the truth, why did you get saved?
And I just wanna misshale when I die. Okay. Well, that’s one reason.
Don’t take up the seats in the church. You can stay home and do that. Alright?
Y’all with me? Yes. Because I’m a tell you the truth because the truth is gonna make you Free.
Gonna make you free. Alright? So here’s David. I noticed he’s gonna recover how much. Oh.
He gonna recover everything. Now here’s Joshua. Watch this. Joshua chapter 1 and verse 3.
This is the god gave me to take them all. Joshua 13, ready. Read.
Stop right there.
Every place or soul of your foot you’ll tread upon, I have given it to you.
Now, god needs you where to go. Look at Joshua 18.
This book of the law, you’ll not depart out of your but for And
You own your way to success right there.
Now look, here’s the first battle that Joshua’s got to fight.
Joshua 6 verse 1, First battle he’s got to fight. Notice the land was being lived on.
The land was being lived on by somebody else, but god said it doesn’t long to them.
It belongs to you. Good.
Like I said, you don’t have to you don’t have to fight nobody, get a knife and gun. No. No.
No. God says there’s a wealth that the wicked have that’s gonna transfer over into the hands of the just same into that or those that please god.
Read. Now general was racist, uh, because the children of Israel. None. And
stop right there.
He began to give him the instructions as to how to get it.
Now there are four ways mainly that is gonna transfer. Are you ready for that? Yes. Alright.
The first is wisdom. The first is wisdom. Look at 1st kings and chapter, uh, 10 and verse 10.
Ready, read.
120 talents of gold, and the spice is very great store and precious stones
Now look. Look. Wait a minute.
She’s giving him all of this because he told her what to do with her government.
So that she could settle some problems that she was having. And that came from the spirit of wisdom.
So I’m saying the spirit of wisdom is on you right now.
And that’s gonna be one of the ways god’s gonna transfer wealth over into your hands.
When I was, uh, getting a solution, for a man who is a chairman of a fortified here in this area.
He said, what can I do to help black youth?
And I said, I don’t know what you can do today, but give me 7 days I’ll come back with the answer.
I came back with the answer.
I told him he said, Robin, I’ve got $40,000 in my chairman’s fund now.
He gave me all he had. He had $40,000 added now.
He could get more, but this is all he had right now.
Notice Wyndham made him give all he had over to me because I gave him wisdom in terms of solving this problem.
Are y’all with me here? Another one is favor.
God transfers to you the wealth by favor.
Look at what he says over in Psalm chapter 44 and verse 3, please.
Psalm 44 and verse 3 ready read.
Now notice what he did.
They didn’t get it by their own strength. They got it by god’s favor. Yes.
Whereas an example of that is found in Exodus chapter 12 and verse uh, uh, 35. Let’s look at that.
Ready Read.
So cool.
Everything you require, he’s gonna make them lended to you.
But notice when they went through the Red Sea, god cancel the debt.
That’s right.
Say amen to that. Alright? How’s another one here? He gives it to him by recompense.
Recompense is when somebody does you wrong, they’re gonna have to pay.
Let’s look what it says. The book of Genesis chapter 20 and look at verse 16. Ready. Read.
So god’s gonna make people who did you wrong. Come on. Go in their pocket.
Go in their bank account. And give you something.
Now the last one is sowing and reaping. Now I’ll tell you about that.
Remember, Peter had his boat, and he would look 5. And then Peter he he was broke.
I mean, he didn’t have anything. He wasn’t catching any fish. What did Jesus do?
He sat down in Peter’s boat and taught the gospel And next thing he told them to launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draw.
Now what qualified, Peter, for that big catch? His boat.
His boat was his seed, and he sold a sacrifice seed, and god showed up.
Now I’m saying to you, if none of these others is working for you, go in your bank account and get yourself some seed and sow a sacrifice seed and break the power of the devil, try to make you believe that you don’t inherit anything in this earth.
Folks, this is time for the transfer and you are the ones god’s been waiting for.
Next thing is think big. God have mercy. Think be.
Because the stuff that they got is big. The things that are gonna come over are big.
I am not saying that you’re going hanging around somebody, yourself belongs to me, all that kind of attitude.
You just please god and use the the the wisdom of god. You sow the seed of god.
And so far, my point to you is I want you to start envisioning that it all belongs to you.
Let’s meet deuteronomy 28 verses 1 and 2 first. So Okay?
Keep going.
Stop right now.
Now go to verse 8 and we’ll start right there. Verse 8, please. Alright. Ready. Read.
Our houses, and it all that’s our service that I can hand onto.
He’s gonna do what? He’s gonna come back. Come on come on help me.
God said to the prophet Elijah, go down there to 0 5.
I have commanded a woman to take care of you. Come on when god commands something.
Birds have to obey. Look at verse 10. Let’s start there.
Verse 10, deuteronomy 2810, Verdie Reid.
And all people of the earth shall see that that are called by the name.
Now this is your promise. Are you a sheet of Abraham. This is supposed to be your promise.
They supposed to see something about your life that tell them that god is with you.
Say amen. I’m guaranteeing you.
They ain’t gonna say that because you got your son to meet the suddenly go to me and hat on.
I’ll be I’m not saying that because your dress is long.
I’m saying that he they’re gonna see something about your life that they’re gonna know that there is a god in heaven, and that god is with you.
They’re gonna see your home. They’re gonna see your They’re gonna see your children. They’re gonna see your relationship.
They’re gonna see everything they’re gonna see, and they’re gonna say, wow. These are sinners.
These are people who don’t know god, but know that says something with you.
Well, praise the lord.
I trust that you enjoyed that teaching. Now that is called take it all back.
Now this is where you’ll see the various ways that the wealth can be transferred into the hands of a believer.
In one is wisdom, another sowing, and reaping, another, uh, favor, recompet, things like that. It’s just that one way.
But god has several ways he can transfer the wealth into our lives so that we could finish his work.
And that’s what it’s really for. In Jesus, uh, praise God.
Now, you need to get this teaching because what happens, it’s got to not only wake up a desire in us for the transfer but it also gives us faith for the transfer, and you need both.
You need that desire for it and the faith to make it happen.
So these teachings listening into them over and over again will bring out these nuggets of truth that you need so that you could finish the work god’s called you to do.
It’s a powerful teaching. Remember, this wealth transfer is supposed to be transferred from the wicked into the hands of the just.
That scripture, why so that we can finish his work? Isn’t that powerful? Praise god.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we’ll see you next time. Until then, keep walking by faith.
Today’s power packed teaching. Take it all back. Is available in its entirety.
Order this 3 part series on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4, contact us at 1807119 327 or online at
The god kind of faith is the faith that takes and not the faith that weighs.
We as believers are to do wondrous things that are impossible for the world to match Our portion of this earth is to dominate and reclaim what the devil had stolen destroyed, hinder, and held up from its rightful owners.
It’s time to take it all back.
I’ve got a question for you. Do you know Jesus as your lord and savior?
You know, somebody asked me that one time. I said, I don’t know. You know? Well, here’s the deal.
He came and gave his life for all humanity. Why?
So that all our sins be forgiven and that we can be in a family of god from now on.
That’s what happened to me. And when I prayed the prayer of faith, I knew something had taken place.
My whole life had changed. I wanna get you to pray that same prayer. It only takes a moment.
Just say this, dear lord, coming to my heart.
I believe in you that you died for my sins, and you’re alive right now.
Now, lord, thank you for saving me in Jesus name. Aman.
If you said that prayer, you said it from your heart, a miracle just took place.
You are now with the family of God.
I wanna send you a book It’s called Born Again in Spirit Film.
It’s a book that tells you what the next steps are free of charge.
Welcome to the family of God and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston Ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
Thank you Bill Winston Ministry Partners and viewers for your continuous support of the Believer’s Walk of Faith Broadcast.
I remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you, and keep walking by faith.

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