Developing Strong Faith | Dr. Bill Winston
Developing Strong Faith
In this anointed teaching by Dr. Bill Winston during the 2023 Faith Refresher, learn how you are guaranteed victory by using your faith. Right now is the time to bring your faith to the next level!
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s won of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believer’s walk of Faith.
This is the attitude you have to have to have watch this strong faith.
Now you gotta have weak faith, you can do that.
But if you’re gonna have strong faith and tell the devil is in the ball.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
Well, today’s message is entitled developing strong faith.
I’m gonna show you some of the hindrances to faith so that you can remove all of those kinds of things out of your life.
God has planned for you that have great faith.
Now, this teaching is gonna teach you exactly how to develop strong faith.
Get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready. Let’s go into it. It’s called developing strong faith.
The idea about strong faith is that the assumption is that you’re going into can and in can, they’re giants and let’s just assume they are not your friends yet.
They have what belongs to you and you’re gonna have to take it by faith.
And the only faith that can take that that belongs to people from that land of Canaan is gonna have to be strong faith.
When you have strong faith, it means you can have it the way you want it.
You dictate the terms you call the shots.
Now, secondly, I am not up here for my health.
I do not plan to give you all of this and you do nothing with it.
I am up here so that you can add to your life and be able to fulfill the destiny that God has for you.
All right, let’s look at Romans chapter four.
I’ll start reading in verse 17 as it is written, I have made the father of many nations before him, whom he believed, even God who quicken the dead and call those things, which be not as though they were who against in hope, believed in hope that He might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken.
So shall IC B and being not weak in faith?
He considered not his own body now dead when he was about 100 years old and neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb.
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith underline that giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was also able to perform.
And over in Ephesians chapter six, we see in verse 10.
Finally, my brother and be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mate, I want you to be able to connect those two scriptures together because you can’t be strong in the Lord without being strong in faith, want you to connect these two together.
No, again, faith is vital and it’s vital for the believer.
And here’s some of the things that I talked about, about faith, that it says that over in a chapter 26 verse 18, that we’re sanctified by faith.
Over in Hebrews 11 6, you can’t please God without faith.
It says over in Galatians 3 14, that we receive the promise of the spirit through faith.
In Romans chapter 1 17, he said that yes, shall live how by faith in Second Corinthians 5 17 that we walk by faith in Romans chapter 3 28 in Romans 51.
He said that yes, we are justified by faith.
You know what justified means, it means made righteous, it means made righteous, say I’m made righteous.
You can say I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
And, and you can say it by faith.
He said also in Romans chapter 12 and verse three, that we have the measure of faith in Romans 10 8.
He said, we preach the word of faith in Second Corinthians chapter 1 24.
He said by faith, we stand glory to God in Romans 14 23.
That, that, that whatever is not of faith, is sin. In Ephesians chapter six.
And verse 16, he said, taking the shield of faith.
And he said in class in 27, we are established in the faith.
And, and in first Peter chapter 19, he said, we receive, you receive the end of your faith.
In First Peter chapter 59, he says that we resist the devil by faith.
So if you don’t have faith, you can’t resist the devil. That’s what he just told me.
And here I just put an extra one down there for myself. It’s called crazy faith.
Oh Lord, crazy faith of people whose minds are no longer governed by what they see.
That’s a person with some cra of faith.
So faith is important and it’s important to every believer in any church that you may go into.
The faith must be taught how to how, what faith is, how faith comes and how to make it work.
So as we look at this, we look at those two uh verses in Romans chapter four and s chapter 10 that we just uh went through, but we don’t start out with strong faith.
It’s at first I think it was in uh Romans chapter.
Let’s go back to Romans chapter four again.
He said in verse, yeah, he said in verse 19, he said, being not weak in faith, who wasn’t weak in faith.
So that, that, that is possible that somebody could be weak in faith, but Abraham didn’t start out being strong in faith.
That’s my point. My point to you is in second Timo, second Thessalonians chapter chapter one and verse three, Paul talks about the faith and he said that faith growth exceedingly.
So whatever measure of faith, God gives you, he is counting on you to grow that faith.
He is not counting on you to uh have that faith to stay weak.
No people who have not grown in faith. Look at first Corinthians chapter three, please.
In verse one, he said, I brother and he could not speak unto you as spiritual, but as carnal, even as the babes in Christ, he said, I’ve fed you with milk and not with me for hitherto, you were not able to bear it neither yet.
Now are you able for you are yet carnal for whereas there is among you in being in strive divisions, are you not yet carnal and walk as mere men?
That’s what it says in amplify. Now. It’s kind of interesting because division, division, nothing but racism.
So if you’re a racist, you are carnal.
And if you are carnal, you have, you can never develop strong faith.
Can I get an amen in this house? No, no, no, no, no.
Once, once you develop strong faith, you go from your flesh to your spirit and I don’t know whether you know it or not, but your spirit looks like Jesus.
You were born of Him. You were born with the seed of the word of God.
You look just like Jesus.
The only thing outside different is, is your pigmentation, your color and so forth and so on.
But that’s not the real you same man.
But people who think it’s the real them are carnal and when they’re carnal, they’re not gonna be able to receive certain things.
Galatians chapter four verse one, you’re not gonna be able to receive certain things. Look what he says.
Now I say that the heir, this is you.
As long as he’s a child differs nothing from a servant though he be lord of all.
Let’s take that same verse and put it up there in the amplified translation, please.
He said now what I mean is this that as long as the inheritor of the heir is a child, childish and under age, he does not differ from a slave.
Although he’s the master of the whole estate. This earth does not belong to Satan.
It belongs to God and his family got it.
It belongs to God and his family. But I told you something about great faith.
I said this, I said this strong faith that we’re talking about here is this faith that it means that you can have it the way you want it.
Nothing is supposed to take place in this earth without your permission one more time, nothing is supposed to take place on this planet without your permission.
God even told you something, whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven.
Amen to this. Nothing. Not a thing, not a storm, not an Al Qaeda.
Not a, not a isis, not a nothing without your permission.
Now, this I’m gonna show you how far the church has been down there, but there’s a reason for it.
There’s a reason for the church has been down. But how many of, you know, we coming out?
I’m coming out. All right. So what am I saying?
What has happened? Most Christians have never grown. Number one. Why?
Because they would never fit, they were never fed, never say it, man.
Thank God for the big choir. But, but it won’t grow yet.
I mean to sure enough.
I mean, that’s why in, in terms of praise and worship, I like to speak the word.
I like to speak the word man. I like you.
I like you to sing the word, you know, and that, that, that some of them songs we need to remix those things because I, I run through them and on the wall.
Great as the army that carries out.
I mean some, they might sound like they’re kind of corny or something, but they’re faith builders.
I am an example. That’s all I knew. That’s all I grew up on.
But sometimes today we have some shows but the Christian meanwhile still broke, still, still in debt.
Still. No. And fussing at one another.
And fussing over a seat when they, when they ought to buy the whole place in the future.
No, no, it’s what they’ve been taught, been taught nothing.
And I’m telling you, I can get you going and never have a scripture.
Mama went home that night, I can get you going.
And somebody shout, the name mentioned one script.
The Bible says in Matthew 44 says, man shall not live by bread alone.
but by every word that proceeded how to work the mouth of God.
And when you preach it got to preach the whole council of God, the whole co a balanced word, you gotta preach from, from, from Genesis to revelation, gotta preach the whole thing because if you don’t and just preach all the Twinkies and goodies, then what you got over there is a lot of goodies and a lot of sin holiness is that the right bunch, I’m talking to you.
But this is the biggest reason.
Now he said that they, you know, when they’re, when they’re, when they’re babies, when they’re not still on milk and, and having little faith and so forth like that, they can’t go in there and take their stuff back, can’t go in there.
And the idea about it is you have got to take stuff. Look at Matthew chapter 11 verse 12.
He talking about that, that up from the days of John, the Baptist, even till now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffered violence and the violence is gonna have to do what they’re gonna have to take it, man.
You gonna have to take it. The devil is not giving up your, your healing.
You have to take that thing.
You will have to say right there in the midst of that report in the midst of that X ray, you’re gonna have to say something about your healing and if you are weak in faith, you will not say that because you’ll feel intimidated.
Thank you. Now you all came for the word, didn’t you say it’s in the work?
Oh, we can do this.
You just got to get something to eat. That’s me.
Hey, I Twinkies, you can’t, you can’t run the marathon on Twinkies.
Are you follow what I’m saying?
You need some, some beans, butter, beans, squash, turnip, greens, cornbread.
See there you about you about to go. Now. Amen. Praise God, praise God, amen.
And I’ve just put a little human there but you, you follow what I’m saying that every time he changed a location from Egypt to the wilderness to Canon, he changed her diet, the chains that diet you can’t be in can eating.
It won’t work folks. Alright.
So most Christians never grow because most Christians have never been fed you. All right.
Well, the first Peter two and two says for us to desire the sincere look of the word that we may grow.
Thereby God plans on you to grow.
You can’t be a 40 year old Christian with a coming in here with a diaper on talking about.
Ok, that, that’s, we’re not gonna do that anymore. Ok.
Now, what is another reason why people don’t grow because they’ve never acted on the word, they’ve never acted on the word.
And that’s very important that we not only hear this but to act on it.
And I think that is a piece that in my life I was determined to do.
I was determined to act on this.
And, you know, I may not, I mean, not being totally convinced of this, but I’m gonna, I’m gonna do something.
I just cannot fathom being in this kingdom having a faith that can move a mountain and I’m never gonna try it.
And it takes, like I said, crazy faith, you gotta be able to point at your wallet on the table.
Uh You know what I’m saying?
You gotta take that checkbook and point at that checkbook and tell your bank account what to do.
Um Let’s look at Hebrews in Hebrews chapter five and look at Hebrews chapter five verse 12, please.
No, these are some scriptures there.
He said for when the time you ought to be teachers, you have need of one teacher again, which be of the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat for everyone that uses milk is what unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a who baby.
But strong meat belongs to them that are full age.
Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercise to deserve both good and evil.
Say amen to that James chapter one verse 22 I’m giving you all of this because I’m giving you the reason that we need to teach this.
We need to go into it. Why? Because the church instead of being the place of influence.
A lot of times the church has been a place of ridicule, they been laughed at, they don’t come by here except when dele election time comes.
And so what you have to do is, well, wait a minute, you, you’re supposed to come to me all the time.
Matter of fact, I’m, I’m supposed to be leading this parade here because I have the wisdom of God in me say amen to that.
Now you’re not trying to put anything anybody down, but you are trying to lift Jesus up.
But be doers of the word not here is only deceiving your own selves. What’s this?
Be a hero of the word? Not a doer.
He’s like unto a man, be holding his natural face in glass where he beholds himself and go with his way and straight away, forget what matter of man he was.
But who will look at them to the perfect law of liberty and continue with their in being not a forgetful hero, but adore the work.
This man shall be what bless and indeed he promises you that he said if you act on my word, you’ll not be ashamed.
Say amen to that. And, and belief, belief means unqualified committal.
It’s unqualified, it’s unqualified.
She doesn’t care what extent I have to believe, but it’s unqualified. I’m gonna believe it anyway.
Well, suppose it don’t work. I’m gonna believe it anyway, son qualified.
And when you really believe you’ll act, you will act, you will not, you cannot sit there, you will, you will do something.
So what do you do? How do you do this? So let’s just take an example.
So a headache comes, honey. Excuse me, honey, you have any Tylenol? Yeah. Ok.
Instead of asking for that first, ask, do you have a Bible first?
So you have, do you have a Bible?
Are, are you and then go through a few scriptures on, you know, healing and how God took your pain and so forth like that and just start trying to work your faith because you have it.
A lot of times people have it but they’re just sitting on it.
They, they won’t act on it and it’s not meant to you hear this much word with no action.
If that’s not meant folks that that’s and, and somebody said, well, I’d run to my family.
Get it out. It had changed. Families, just get it out, man.
You said, you know, and the devil will tell you in a minute he gonna kill you.
So you just may well get on, get over that.
This word is not true because it worked for you.
It’s true anyhow, whether you never work a distance thing is true, man.
I ain’t put my faith in. What did? Yes. Right. Am I right about it?
So I’m just, I’m doing this now because I’m tearing out all these sacred cows.
I’m because people come in here with all that kind of.
Well, my church said that your church said if it’s not in the tell your church, I mean, this is the, this is the attitude you have to have to have watch this strong faith.
Now you gonna have weak faith, you can do that.
But if you’re gonna have strong faith and tell the devil what to do, it’s in the book.
Yeah. Open the book.
Isn’t this good now to develop strong faith?
But was strong in faith. Giving glory took off.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this message.
Now, here’s a couple of points that I want you to remember.
Number one, God has given every believer the measure of faith.
Now what I mean by that is that there is a faith that once you get born again, that God injects into your spirit.
I mean, that’s it. And it’s no different for you than it is for me.
Now, the difference is we have to develop it. We have to get it stronger and stronger.
Some people, they spend more time developing theirs than others.
So they can do more for the kingdom than other people can do. But you want to grow your faith.
Number two, we don’t start with strong faith. It has to be developed.
Sometimes people hear me and talk about the things that we believe God for an airplane or, or shopping mall.
And so I’m gonna start, I’m gonna believe 18 bedroom home.
Well, now, wait a minute, start with a bow tie. Start with a pocketbook.
Something just let God work with you and develop your faith.
You’re gonna find that when you act on the word of God and whatever level you’re at right now, you hear it and act on it.
It’s gonna develop strong faith. Well, I trust that you enjoyed this broadcast. We’re gonna see you next time.
So until then keep walking by faith, your faith is like your physical muscles, the more you exercise and train it, the stronger it becomes the stronger you build and develop your faith, the more victories you will see in your life, learn how to strengthen and develop your faith in Dr Winston’s dynamic series.
Developing strong faith to order your copy of this powerful message on CD or MP three DVD or MP four, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
You can also call us at 1 to 807 119327, whatever level of faith you are currently at.
It’s important to build it to even greater measures. We don’t start off with strong faith.
We must develop it with the seed of the word of God. Order.
This powerful message today, everybody is born in this earth with a gift, a God given gift meant to serve humanity and promote you to places of influence.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston, invite you to the 2017 missions and marketplace conference presented by the Joseph Business School hosted by Living Work Christian Center in Forest Park, Illinois, Friday, April 21st and Saturday, April 22nd mark your calendars for two days of workshops and master classes uniquely designed to challenge, inspire and empower you for greatness.
Speakers include top business and ministry leaders discover how to reshape the culture of the marketplace by bridging your gift with your faith.
Register today. For more information visit M dot Bill Winston dot org.
The 2017 missions and marketplace conference presented by JBs.
Is your answer for success no longer are you going to accept no longer?
Are you just gonna accept status quo? Wherever you are, you have the potential to go much further.
And this shows a business school is a way of doing that.
You will not leave this earth without fulfilling all the potential that God has for your life on this earth.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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