Breaker Angels and Mordecai Barr | Tim Sheets

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God’s Powerful Move: A New Era of Breakthroughs and Victory

We are about to witness the greatest move God has ever sent to our world, and I am filled with excitement. Today, I want to share a powerful message from the Book of Daniel. In Daniel 2:20, the Lord says, “Blessed be the name of God forever, for wisdom and might are His. He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who understand. He reveals deep and secret things. He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.”

The Message Bible puts it this way: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever. He knows all and does all. He changes the seasons and guides history. He raises up kings and brings them down. He provides intelligence and discernment. He opens up the depths, tells secrets, and sees in the dark. Light spills out of Him.”

God’s Promises for the Faithful

God does these incredible things for those who trust Him—people who align themselves with His will, refuse to compromise, and boldly declare His promises. This includes an apostolic, praying church that uses its authority to declare God’s will on Earth, binding and loosing according to His word. It’s also for the remnant—the victorious ones standing firm in their faith.

As Paul describes in Colossians 1:21, these people are seated with Christ in a heavenly position of authority, far above all powers and dominions. We, the Church, are part of the court of Heaven, functioning as His ruling body on Earth, exercising dominion in the name of King Jesus.

The Church’s Authority

Jesus referred to His Church as “ekklesia,” meaning His ruling body, and this term is used 113 times in the New Testament. As His ekklesia, we have the authority to bind and loose on Earth, using courtroom language to shape the course of history. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus promises, “I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” He has given us the keys to the Kingdom, granting us access to every door and opportunity.

God’s Will for His Church

The Church is called to overcome the authorities of Hell and bring Heaven’s authority to Earth. Jesus declares that whatever the Church encounters from Hell’s counsel, it will overcome. It’s up to us to decide whether we will bind or permit things on Earth. Our actions are crucial, and when we use our authority, Heaven will back us.

God will change our times, seasons, and circumstances, guiding us through history and empowering us to change it through our decrees. We are entering a season of supernatural breakthroughs, where if we trust God and align ourselves with His will, we will see His Kingdom help us change the world.

The Church’s Role in the Current Crisis

This is the time for the Church to rise up and partner with King Jesus to change the course of history. We are in a season of breakthroughs, where God will give us intelligence, discernment, and reveal secrets. The Church is being called to take a stand against the challenges facing us, including the coronavirus, which is being used by the enemy to hinder the mission of the Church and delay the new era of greater glory. But we know that through God’s power, the Church will overcome.

This is the season where the ekklesia, the ruling body of believers, will stand victorious against every obstacle, including this pandemic, and usher in God’s purposes for the world.

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