Author of Your Faith – Planting the Heavens Vol 2
Author of Your Faith – Planting the Heavens Vol 2
Did you know that as the righteous of God, part of your natural nature and responsibility is to create and produce good fruit and play a crucial role in fulfilling the mandate that God gave to Adam? You can do just that with The Blessing–the anointing that teaches you all things, virtually making you limitless. In this revelation-rich message, Planting the Heavens, Dr. Winston explains how you can produce the heavenly ideas that have been planted on the inside of you, causing you to yield a harvest of abundance.
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believers block of faith.
Everybody in the kingdom is going to get an idea and you better get ready for it because it’s coming like a seed.
Now, what he doesn’t want you to feel is inferior because inferior folks inject reject things. Sometimes.
What you got to know is that you are a king in this earth.
You are a ruler of this earth and God’s about to give you an idea that’s going to change the faith of your community.
God planned that every tree in you that he didn’t plant.
He plans to root it up.
But Jesus answered and said to them, every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up.
Let’s call it a tree. See now, where did that tree come from?
It came from the life that we used to live.
It came from the environment that we were in, it came from so forth and so on.
And those things are out there and those environments, those cause trees or seeds to come in us and the seeds grew up and became a tree.
So now when God gets us out of Egypt, now he’s got to get Egypt, what out of us?
And he’s got to root up these trees.
Now, how does he do it mainly by you coming into a place where you got a person who’s anointed to teach God’s word and he’ll give him or her what to teach and they’re gonna teach something that you would need that would go in as a seed and would come up and will eventually pluck up that old image that we had inside and establish a new image that you can now take Dominion with say amen to that when what we said is that be fruitful, multiply replenish the earth and to do it, all of those are laws, laws of creation, somebody calls them, somebody calls them laws of, of uh the economy or whatever have you, but it’s used eternally.
It’s not just for economy, it’s for anything that you would do.
The first thing you’re gonna do is be fruitful. You, you’re gonna have to create something.
Now, where do you get it from? You get it from God. God is a source of your creation.
Say amen to that. Now, what happened? Let’s see what happened.
So here’s Adam and Eve and she ate us some fruit that wasn’t good to eat.
And God said, don’t eat of that tree. So she ate of that tree and everything fell. Now, what happened.
Adam was blessed he and eat.
But the blessing flipped and now instead of the blessing, you’ve got to curse.
But because Adam was federal head of everything, now, what was coming through him was now not good.
It was the, the blessing notice when Adam sinned, it affect every, it affected everything in the earth, it affected everything that swam, thing that flew, everything that grew, it affected everything.
I mean, all you have to do to get weeds in your garden is go on vacation.
And, and so where they come from, you don’t know. I’ll tell you where they come from.
They come from the curse. All right now, Christ Galatians 3 13 has redeemed us from the curse.
He didn’t take it off the earth.
He took you out of it and made it so that the curse has no effect on you.
Now, I’m saying all of that because what has happened is trees have been in us and the only way the enemy has been getting his advantage is because of trees that should have been rooted up and these trees weren’t rooted up and they’re still in here.
So people have come to church and just do kind of a, a traditional attending church on Sunday.
And it’s much more than that. Where do I wanna go? I wanna plant the heavens.
I want to plant the heavens.
I want to turn the west side into heaven on earth. Watch it.
I want to turn prisons into boarding schools.
Now notice I just spoke that, but look what he says, look what he says in Ephesians chapter five and verse one, I just spoke that I just spoke at sea, but I’m gonna act like God be ye therefore followers of God as their Children.
Let’s look at that in the message translation. Watch what God does and then you do it man.
Well, when I saw what God did, he spoke to darkness and it became light. Come on.
Now he spoke to, I’m just saying, God is a speaker and if I look at Jesus’s life, he did the same thing.
He spoke things into existence. And I’m saying, wait a minute, I got a plant, the heavens.
In other words, for people to be locked up all their life and have no future and so forth, so forth.
It’s not God’s plan. Well, I’m here to reverse what the devil has done.
I’m here that every tree that Satan has planted, I’m here to get that tree rooted out.
So, since we said that, look what’s happening.
And now here we are in behind the walls at Cook County.
Now, even in the Super Max, look what we’re teaching, teaching financial literacy, teaching this, teaching that.
Look what we just got down there. We got a whole store that somebody bought all new clothes for men.
Calvin Kleins, all these clothes, brand new tags on them and we outfitted men, then we’re gonna outfit them in more.
Now they’re coming out, we got job for them already.
Now we’re about to take the people who are gonna hire them and bring them behind the walls to interview them before they get released.
Now, wait a minute because, because I spoke it, I I’m gonna act like God, I’m gonna see what God did and do it too.
Saying I said we can turned west side into Wall Street.
I said, come on now, see I didn’t get many amens on that, but that’s your problem.
What you need to do is start speaking to that pocketbook.
It’s not supposed to be, uh, with no money in it. Speak to that checkbook not to be.
You got no money in your bank account.
Come on call, things be come on be a little foolish call.
Things that be not say be fruitful.
That’s being truthful. So what I saw is that what has happened to a lot of people is that the wrong tree is in it because the wrong tree is in them, then they’re giving off the wrong fruit.
Sorry, God never planned for the earth to be full of cigarettes.
But when people are not able to hear from God because they’re not saved.
They don’t know that’s wrong. Come on, they find out now finally they got to the point where they put it on the, on the package, you know, smoke enough of these in you to kill you.
And I’m not coming out on anybody.
I’m just saying what the devil does is, you know, he’s his power to destroy you is taken away.
But what he tried to get you to do is destroy yourself. Hebrews chapter two.
Now look what it says here, verse 14 for as much then as the Children of particulars of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part in the same that through death, he might destroy him.
Who, what, who, what that, that had the power does Satan have the power today to destroy you?
No, he doesn’t. It’s gone. He doesn’t next first and deliver them.
Who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage, afraid they’re gonna die.
Don’t go to revelation chapter one. Look at verse 18, this is what Jesus did.
You gotta consider Jesus? I’m he that liveth and was dead and behold, I’m alive for how long, how long ever more?
Amen? And I have the what keys to what hell and that I got the keys.
That’s why he said it’s better in Ecclesiastes chapter four to be born under that new covenant.
Why? Because before Jesus came, the power was on the side of the devil.
But now it’s not see if the devil could kill you.
He just come in and kill you, but he can’t, he’s got to deceive somebody into talking themselves to death.
He’s got to take people, listen, folks the Bible says you’re supposed to live to 100 and 20.
I ain’t taking it back because that’s what the Bible said.
And look at first Thessalonians chapter five and verse 23.
And this is how you’re supposed to be living and the very God of peace sanctify you holy.
And I pray God your whole what spirit come on, soul.
Come on and body be what preserve, what blame this.
Come on to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So listen, I can be preserved.
There’s an anointing to live from 90 to 100 from 100 to 100 and 10 to 100 and 10 to 100 and 20.
Say amen to that man. Say fruitfulness. He wants you to be fruitful.
Where are you gonna get the seeds from the word of God?
I’m not gonna get these seeds from what great grandmama said to grandmama about something.
Say amen to that I love them, but maybe they were wrong.
Well, you know God, you know, he works in mysterious ways.
Well, in a way that’s true. But he’s not going to work outside of his word.
Say amen. What God said, God’s gonna do.
Let me give you a translation. A man brought back from overseas.
I’ll just give it to you verbally. And John chapter 16 in verse 33 I think I’ve given you this.
But look what he says here.
He said these things I have spoken unto you that in me, you might have what peace in the world, you shall have, what tribulation but be of good cheer.
Come on, I’ve overcome the world.
Satan has been deprived of his right ability to hurt you, destroy you or make you fail his right, his ability to hurt you.
Come on, help me destroy you. Come on or make you fail.
So if that be the case, I’m free that the devil can’t do anything against me without me believing it.
Think uh allowing it are speaking of.
Now somebody said now suppose something happened to you.
It don’t see, see this, this is this look at Romans chapter four starting at verse 17.
See you, you gotta get over dying. See we, we’ve been in a death cycle almost.
Uh you, you know, oh girl, I’m dying to go. Uh I’m dying.
If I don’t, I mean we use death words, use life words, you’re not going anywhere.
You’re gonna be right around here to take this gospel to the world just like me.
Now look what he says as it is written.
I may be a father of many nations before him whom he believed, even God who quicken the dead and call it those things that be not.
Come on as though they were notice he’s acting like the father.
Look what he says, who against hope, believed in hope that he might become the father of what many nations according to that which is, which was spoken.
So shall thy seed be? Notice what He said?
And being not what weak in faith he considered, what on the line considered not considered not.
What did he consider not his own body? Why it said just why, why did he consider it not?
He was 100 and how many years old? And neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb.
He said, when God gives you his word, don’t consider what anybody else said.
Now, I’m telling you how to take shopping malls.
Come on, I’m telling you how to take cities.
I’m telling you how to take West Side because the enemy tried to give you something to consider.
That’s consider the fact you don’t have your phd.
And then if you get to p ad consider the fact that you didn’t do this for experience and, and it’s never enough.
What you need to do is don’t consider none of that. Only consider Jesus.
He’s the author and finish of your faith.
And if he said you call things that be not as though they were, you start calling things that be not.
You can step in your house tonight and start calling in money.
Now, the angels of God are working on your behalf.
I’m not gonna teach on that today, but we’re living in a time where God is now transferring wealth.
He’s transferring it into the hands of His people because we got a job to do.
And God even said in Proverbs chapter 22 that the rich rule over the poor.
And so you’re not gonna have somebody ruling over you. So you gonna have to be the one that’s rich.
Are y’all just talking about money?
Yeah, because you don’t have none and I’m trying to get you to get what God has for you.
So you can live like God wants you to live.
You’re not supposed to live every day, struggling, trying to get your kids in school, trying to pay enough tuition, trying to scrape up a few pen so you can put it in the offering.
God doesn’t want you to live like that. God wants you to live well off. Say amen.
When I say we’re going to Africa, you’ll say, how much does it cost?
Say amen to that you’ll be walking in a no budget anointing.
And I’m saying right now, God’s about to do some things you’ve never seen done in your life.
Now, what’s been the problem?
The problem been trees that we’ve had a tree that kept us with just enough and God wants you to have more than enough because he wants you to be able to buy 100 and 3000 suits for men who are coming out of incarceration and that, that makes them feel so good.
Not only did we have the suit suits for them, we got the tailor for them, the tailor measures them up, you know, sometimes you get a suit that’s too big.
You know what I’m saying? Cause a hand me down or something. These, these are gonna be hand me ups.
These are, these are suit, these are brand new waiting to be altered.
Come on, man, you see these brothers step in there and then when they walk out, they’ll be shot, man.
They, they, you need me walking. Kind of funny. That’s right. That suit must have really affected you. OK.
So, no, no, no, no, no. We gotta start to something because this fruitfulness is supernatural.
It’s not gonna come naturally. That’s not natural food.
The natural food is what the fruit is, what the world is getting the natural fruit.
They can come up with things and so forth, but you’re gonna come up with things.
Watch this ahead of your generation. Stay fruitful.
These things are gonna be ahead of anything that anybody has in your generation and God is about to use you to do it.
Where are you gonna get the ideas from? God?
You’re gonna get the ideas and they may come in first as a seed and when they come in first as a seed, don’t be surprised because in God calls you a palm tree, the righteous shall flourish like a what a palm tree.
Now, here’s the thing about a palm tree.
Every component on the palm tree generates wealth, every component on a palm tree generates wealth.
It is one of the most widely used plants. It’s used in everything, in products. It’s used in cooking.
It’s used in some of everything. You’re gonna be like a palm tree.
Bill Winston by that shopping mall. Glory to God.
Notice the forces tried to stand up against me but they can’t stand up against you because what God said, he said, no man will be able to stand against you, say amen.
But look, it’s not just a shopping mall. It’s got to have a palm tree effect.
It’s got a, a Joseph business school in it. It’s got a school of ministry.
Now, the school of ministry is even in Haiti. Come on.
We’re starting a school of ministry in South Africa or uh Joseph Business School.
I’m just saying, look how he can give you one seed and out of that seed comes everything.
It’s called multiply. And when you’re multiplying, you’re bringing things out of the, of the, of the original idea that he gave you.
Plus when you’re multiplying, you’re excelling.
In other words, you’re gonna even make what he gave you better than what you did it the first time.
So replenish the earth.
I want you to take what I give you and prepare to go global.
Now, can everybody in here get an idea. Absolutely.
Everybody in the kingdom is going to get an idea and you better get ready for it because it’s coming like a seed.
Now, what he doesn’t want you to feel is inferior because inferior folks inject reject things. Sometimes.
What you got to know is that you are a king in this earth.
You are a ruler of this earth and God is about to give you an idea that’s going to change the faith of your community.
Another one, a tree over in Daniel.
Daniel chapter three. And look what he says here.
It’s, it’s about to throw him in the fire and look what they said.
Daniel chapter three and verse 17, if it be so the God whom we serve, come on, help me is able to do what deliver us from the burning fire of furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand.
O King. Look at the next verse. But if not, and do you know what people have done?
They have preached that that sometimes God doesn’t deliver you wrong.
I said wrong and I’m telling you if you’re in a tight place right now, you’re coming out.
He’s not only gonna deliver you according to the scripture in Luke chapter 18 verse eight, he’s going to deliver you speedily.
Come on because you see people how you doing?
Well, I’m going through, you better get through because the enemy trying to kick your behind all over town.
What you need to do is understand. Wait a minute. If I’m in something, I’m coming out.
I said, if I come on, the woman whose kids were about to be taken, what did the man of God do?
He said, I’m gonna make you fruitful. He said, go in your house. What do you got?
She said only a little oil. He said, that’s all I need.
And I’m telling you whatever you got in your house right now, it’s all God needs.
See, he never intended for you to have to go to the world and get anything except so see, look at Romans chapter eight.
You listen, folks, do you believe this man of God?
I’m taking you somewhere right now that the world can’t take you?
Because I’m giving you some information that the world can’t give you.
But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, does what dwells in you?
He that raised up Christ from the dead, come on shall also come on quick.
And what your mortal body by his spirit that dwell in you?
What was the condition of Christ in Isaiah 52? It says that that his body was so emaciated.
They couldn’t even tell he was a man.
Now, if that be the case, then when Jesus got raised up all of a sudden, he shows up to marrying him and they thought he was a gardener.
Now notice he didn’t have all that on him that the liquor, the the the whip from the liquor put on him.
He didn’t have all that on him somehow he had gotten to you better hear me.
He had gotten totally healed.
And I’m telling you right now that whatever is in your body, it was meant that inside of you is a healer.
Do you hear what I’m telling you that the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead?
If that spirit is in you, he will do what to your mortal body.
He will quicken it, he will restore it. He will improve it. Come on everything. He’ll take care of you.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by today’s message.
Here’s a powerful point. You want to meditate on God calls you a palm tree.
Uh You’ll find that over in Psalm chapter 92 in verse 12. He calls you a palm tree.
Now, why is that? Well, look up the palm tree, study it out yourself just about every component of a palm tree is used uh to generate wealth or to meet the needs of people so forth and so on.
So God is saying that He may give you one idea for example.
And this one idea, let’s say you start working in that idea and all of that spins another idea or two other ideas.
Next thing you know, you got seven streams of income coming in from one idea, God gave you from heaven.
It’s called planting the heavens. It’s a powerful teaching.
Now, let me say this, I don’t care who you are. God can speak to you anywhere.
You might have somebody who has been incarcerated about to get out.
All of a sudden they got an idea or you might feel somebody who’s raised up and, and really have no job at present.
All of a sudden here comes a new idea when you get connected up to the source, which is God.
Get ready for new ideas. Praise God.
Well, until next time, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
God plans that every tree in you that He didn’t plant.
He plans to root it up. Now, where did that tree come from?
It came from the life that we used to live, came from.
The environment that we’re in is trees have been in us.
And the only way the enemy has been getting his advantage is because of trees that should have been rooted up.
The problem in trees that we’ve had a tree that kept us with just enough and God wants you to have more than enough.
The word is the thing for you to produce wealth in your life.
When God gives you His word, don’t consider what anybody else said. What’s the end game?
Where do I wanna go? I wanna plant the heavens. I wanna turn the west side into heaven on earth.
I wanna turn prisons into boarding schools. He can use you.
God doesn’t need but one person to believe you ain’t serving somebody down the street. You’re serving Almighty God.
Today’s series planting the heavens volume two is available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada, contact us at 844 298 2900 or online at Bill Winston dot ca A plant, the seed of this life changing word within your heart to produce the fruit of the best of heaven in your life and in your community order this powerful teaching planting the heavens.
Volume two today register today for the 2020 virtual business and leadership conference, Friday, November six and Saturday, November seven here from industry leaders, Michelle Hoskins, President and CEO of Michelle Foods.
A manufacturer of specialty serves from janitor to creator of the Flaming Hot Line of Richard Montanez, founder of Anti Ans Pretzels and Viler and Doctor Bill Winston, founder of the Joseph Business School register today at B L C dot Bill Winston dot org, the 2020 virtual business and leadership conference.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Everybody in the kingdom is going to get an idea and you better get ready for it because it’s coming like a seed.
Now, what he doesn’t want you to feel is inferior because inferior folks inject reject things. Sometimes.
What you got to know is that you are a king in this earth.
You are a ruler of this earth and God’s about to give you an idea that’s going to change the faith of your community.
God planned that every tree in you that he didn’t plant.
He plans to root it up.
But Jesus answered and said to them, every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up.
Let’s call it a tree. See now, where did that tree come from?
It came from the life that we used to live.
It came from the environment that we were in, it came from so forth and so on.
And those things are out there and those environments, those cause trees or seeds to come in us and the seeds grew up and became a tree.
So now when God gets us out of Egypt, now he’s got to get Egypt, what out of us?
And he’s got to root up these trees.
Now, how does he do it mainly by you coming into a place where you got a person who’s anointed to teach God’s word and he’ll give him or her what to teach and they’re gonna teach something that you would need that would go in as a seed and would come up and will eventually pluck up that old image that we had inside and establish a new image that you can now take Dominion with say amen to that when what we said is that be fruitful, multiply replenish the earth and to do it, all of those are laws, laws of creation, somebody calls them, somebody calls them laws of, of uh the economy or whatever have you, but it’s used eternally.
It’s not just for economy, it’s for anything that you would do.
The first thing you’re gonna do is be fruitful. You, you’re gonna have to create something.
Now, where do you get it from? You get it from God. God is a source of your creation.
Say amen to that. Now, what happened? Let’s see what happened.
So here’s Adam and Eve and she ate us some fruit that wasn’t good to eat.
And God said, don’t eat of that tree. So she ate of that tree and everything fell. Now, what happened.
Adam was blessed he and eat.
But the blessing flipped and now instead of the blessing, you’ve got to curse.
But because Adam was federal head of everything, now, what was coming through him was now not good.
It was the, the blessing notice when Adam sinned, it affect every, it affected everything in the earth, it affected everything that swam, thing that flew, everything that grew, it affected everything.
I mean, all you have to do to get weeds in your garden is go on vacation.
And, and so where they come from, you don’t know. I’ll tell you where they come from.
They come from the curse. All right now, Christ Galatians 3 13 has redeemed us from the curse.
He didn’t take it off the earth.
He took you out of it and made it so that the curse has no effect on you.
Now, I’m saying all of that because what has happened is trees have been in us and the only way the enemy has been getting his advantage is because of trees that should have been rooted up and these trees weren’t rooted up and they’re still in here.
So people have come to church and just do kind of a, a traditional attending church on Sunday.
And it’s much more than that. Where do I wanna go? I wanna plant the heavens.
I want to plant the heavens.
I want to turn the west side into heaven on earth. Watch it.
I want to turn prisons into boarding schools.
Now notice I just spoke that, but look what he says, look what he says in Ephesians chapter five and verse one, I just spoke that I just spoke at sea, but I’m gonna act like God be ye therefore followers of God as their Children.
Let’s look at that in the message translation. Watch what God does and then you do it man.
Well, when I saw what God did, he spoke to darkness and it became light. Come on.
Now he spoke to, I’m just saying, God is a speaker and if I look at Jesus’s life, he did the same thing.
He spoke things into existence. And I’m saying, wait a minute, I got a plant, the heavens.
In other words, for people to be locked up all their life and have no future and so forth, so forth.
It’s not God’s plan. Well, I’m here to reverse what the devil has done.
I’m here that every tree that Satan has planted, I’m here to get that tree rooted out.
So, since we said that, look what’s happening.
And now here we are in behind the walls at Cook County.
Now, even in the Super Max, look what we’re teaching, teaching financial literacy, teaching this, teaching that.
Look what we just got down there. We got a whole store that somebody bought all new clothes for men.
Calvin Kleins, all these clothes, brand new tags on them and we outfitted men, then we’re gonna outfit them in more.
Now they’re coming out, we got job for them already.
Now we’re about to take the people who are gonna hire them and bring them behind the walls to interview them before they get released.
Now, wait a minute because, because I spoke it, I I’m gonna act like God, I’m gonna see what God did and do it too.
Saying I said we can turned west side into Wall Street.
I said, come on now, see I didn’t get many amens on that, but that’s your problem.
What you need to do is start speaking to that pocketbook.
It’s not supposed to be, uh, with no money in it. Speak to that checkbook not to be.
You got no money in your bank account.
Come on call, things be come on be a little foolish call.
Things that be not say be fruitful.
That’s being truthful. So what I saw is that what has happened to a lot of people is that the wrong tree is in it because the wrong tree is in them, then they’re giving off the wrong fruit.
Sorry, God never planned for the earth to be full of cigarettes.
But when people are not able to hear from God because they’re not saved.
They don’t know that’s wrong. Come on, they find out now finally they got to the point where they put it on the, on the package, you know, smoke enough of these in you to kill you.
And I’m not coming out on anybody.
I’m just saying what the devil does is, you know, he’s his power to destroy you is taken away.
But what he tried to get you to do is destroy yourself. Hebrews chapter two.
Now look what it says here, verse 14 for as much then as the Children of particulars of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part in the same that through death, he might destroy him.
Who, what, who, what that, that had the power does Satan have the power today to destroy you?
No, he doesn’t. It’s gone. He doesn’t next first and deliver them.
Who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage, afraid they’re gonna die.
Don’t go to revelation chapter one. Look at verse 18, this is what Jesus did.
You gotta consider Jesus? I’m he that liveth and was dead and behold, I’m alive for how long, how long ever more?
Amen? And I have the what keys to what hell and that I got the keys.
That’s why he said it’s better in Ecclesiastes chapter four to be born under that new covenant.
Why? Because before Jesus came, the power was on the side of the devil.
But now it’s not see if the devil could kill you.
He just come in and kill you, but he can’t, he’s got to deceive somebody into talking themselves to death.
He’s got to take people, listen, folks the Bible says you’re supposed to live to 100 and 20.
I ain’t taking it back because that’s what the Bible said.
And look at first Thessalonians chapter five and verse 23.
And this is how you’re supposed to be living and the very God of peace sanctify you holy.
And I pray God your whole what spirit come on, soul.
Come on and body be what preserve, what blame this.
Come on to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So listen, I can be preserved.
There’s an anointing to live from 90 to 100 from 100 to 100 and 10 to 100 and 10 to 100 and 20.
Say amen to that man. Say fruitfulness. He wants you to be fruitful.
Where are you gonna get the seeds from the word of God?
I’m not gonna get these seeds from what great grandmama said to grandmama about something.
Say amen to that I love them, but maybe they were wrong.
Well, you know God, you know, he works in mysterious ways.
Well, in a way that’s true. But he’s not going to work outside of his word.
Say amen. What God said, God’s gonna do.
Let me give you a translation. A man brought back from overseas.
I’ll just give it to you verbally. And John chapter 16 in verse 33 I think I’ve given you this.
But look what he says here.
He said these things I have spoken unto you that in me, you might have what peace in the world, you shall have, what tribulation but be of good cheer.
Come on, I’ve overcome the world.
Satan has been deprived of his right ability to hurt you, destroy you or make you fail his right, his ability to hurt you.
Come on, help me destroy you. Come on or make you fail.
So if that be the case, I’m free that the devil can’t do anything against me without me believing it.
Think uh allowing it are speaking of.
Now somebody said now suppose something happened to you.
It don’t see, see this, this is this look at Romans chapter four starting at verse 17.
See you, you gotta get over dying. See we, we’ve been in a death cycle almost.
Uh you, you know, oh girl, I’m dying to go. Uh I’m dying.
If I don’t, I mean we use death words, use life words, you’re not going anywhere.
You’re gonna be right around here to take this gospel to the world just like me.
Now look what he says as it is written.
I may be a father of many nations before him whom he believed, even God who quicken the dead and call it those things that be not.
Come on as though they were notice he’s acting like the father.
Look what he says, who against hope, believed in hope that he might become the father of what many nations according to that which is, which was spoken.
So shall thy seed be? Notice what He said?
And being not what weak in faith he considered, what on the line considered not considered not.
What did he consider not his own body? Why it said just why, why did he consider it not?
He was 100 and how many years old? And neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb.
He said, when God gives you his word, don’t consider what anybody else said.
Now, I’m telling you how to take shopping malls.
Come on, I’m telling you how to take cities.
I’m telling you how to take West Side because the enemy tried to give you something to consider.
That’s consider the fact you don’t have your phd.
And then if you get to p ad consider the fact that you didn’t do this for experience and, and it’s never enough.
What you need to do is don’t consider none of that. Only consider Jesus.
He’s the author and finish of your faith.
And if he said you call things that be not as though they were, you start calling things that be not.
You can step in your house tonight and start calling in money.
Now, the angels of God are working on your behalf.
I’m not gonna teach on that today, but we’re living in a time where God is now transferring wealth.
He’s transferring it into the hands of His people because we got a job to do.
And God even said in Proverbs chapter 22 that the rich rule over the poor.
And so you’re not gonna have somebody ruling over you. So you gonna have to be the one that’s rich.
Are y’all just talking about money?
Yeah, because you don’t have none and I’m trying to get you to get what God has for you.
So you can live like God wants you to live.
You’re not supposed to live every day, struggling, trying to get your kids in school, trying to pay enough tuition, trying to scrape up a few pen so you can put it in the offering.
God doesn’t want you to live like that. God wants you to live well off. Say amen.
When I say we’re going to Africa, you’ll say, how much does it cost?
Say amen to that you’ll be walking in a no budget anointing.
And I’m saying right now, God’s about to do some things you’ve never seen done in your life.
Now, what’s been the problem?
The problem been trees that we’ve had a tree that kept us with just enough and God wants you to have more than enough because he wants you to be able to buy 100 and 3000 suits for men who are coming out of incarceration and that, that makes them feel so good.
Not only did we have the suit suits for them, we got the tailor for them, the tailor measures them up, you know, sometimes you get a suit that’s too big.
You know what I’m saying? Cause a hand me down or something. These, these are gonna be hand me ups.
These are, these are suit, these are brand new waiting to be altered.
Come on, man, you see these brothers step in there and then when they walk out, they’ll be shot, man.
They, they, you need me walking. Kind of funny. That’s right. That suit must have really affected you. OK.
So, no, no, no, no, no. We gotta start to something because this fruitfulness is supernatural.
It’s not gonna come naturally. That’s not natural food.
The natural food is what the fruit is, what the world is getting the natural fruit.
They can come up with things and so forth, but you’re gonna come up with things.
Watch this ahead of your generation. Stay fruitful.
These things are gonna be ahead of anything that anybody has in your generation and God is about to use you to do it.
Where are you gonna get the ideas from? God?
You’re gonna get the ideas and they may come in first as a seed and when they come in first as a seed, don’t be surprised because in God calls you a palm tree, the righteous shall flourish like a what a palm tree.
Now, here’s the thing about a palm tree.
Every component on the palm tree generates wealth, every component on a palm tree generates wealth.
It is one of the most widely used plants. It’s used in everything, in products. It’s used in cooking.
It’s used in some of everything. You’re gonna be like a palm tree.
Bill Winston by that shopping mall. Glory to God.
Notice the forces tried to stand up against me but they can’t stand up against you because what God said, he said, no man will be able to stand against you, say amen.
But look, it’s not just a shopping mall. It’s got to have a palm tree effect.
It’s got a, a Joseph business school in it. It’s got a school of ministry.
Now, the school of ministry is even in Haiti. Come on.
We’re starting a school of ministry in South Africa or uh Joseph Business School.
I’m just saying, look how he can give you one seed and out of that seed comes everything.
It’s called multiply. And when you’re multiplying, you’re bringing things out of the, of the, of the original idea that he gave you.
Plus when you’re multiplying, you’re excelling.
In other words, you’re gonna even make what he gave you better than what you did it the first time.
So replenish the earth.
I want you to take what I give you and prepare to go global.
Now, can everybody in here get an idea. Absolutely.
Everybody in the kingdom is going to get an idea and you better get ready for it because it’s coming like a seed.
Now, what he doesn’t want you to feel is inferior because inferior folks inject reject things. Sometimes.
What you got to know is that you are a king in this earth.
You are a ruler of this earth and God is about to give you an idea that’s going to change the faith of your community.
Another one, a tree over in Daniel.
Daniel chapter three. And look what he says here.
It’s, it’s about to throw him in the fire and look what they said.
Daniel chapter three and verse 17, if it be so the God whom we serve, come on, help me is able to do what deliver us from the burning fire of furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand.
O King. Look at the next verse. But if not, and do you know what people have done?
They have preached that that sometimes God doesn’t deliver you wrong.
I said wrong and I’m telling you if you’re in a tight place right now, you’re coming out.
He’s not only gonna deliver you according to the scripture in Luke chapter 18 verse eight, he’s going to deliver you speedily.
Come on because you see people how you doing?
Well, I’m going through, you better get through because the enemy trying to kick your behind all over town.
What you need to do is understand. Wait a minute. If I’m in something, I’m coming out.
I said, if I come on, the woman whose kids were about to be taken, what did the man of God do?
He said, I’m gonna make you fruitful. He said, go in your house. What do you got?
She said only a little oil. He said, that’s all I need.
And I’m telling you whatever you got in your house right now, it’s all God needs.
See, he never intended for you to have to go to the world and get anything except so see, look at Romans chapter eight.
You listen, folks, do you believe this man of God?
I’m taking you somewhere right now that the world can’t take you?
Because I’m giving you some information that the world can’t give you.
But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, does what dwells in you?
He that raised up Christ from the dead, come on shall also come on quick.
And what your mortal body by his spirit that dwell in you?
What was the condition of Christ in Isaiah 52? It says that that his body was so emaciated.
They couldn’t even tell he was a man.
Now, if that be the case, then when Jesus got raised up all of a sudden, he shows up to marrying him and they thought he was a gardener.
Now notice he didn’t have all that on him that the liquor, the the the whip from the liquor put on him.
He didn’t have all that on him somehow he had gotten to you better hear me.
He had gotten totally healed.
And I’m telling you right now that whatever is in your body, it was meant that inside of you is a healer.
Do you hear what I’m telling you that the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead?
If that spirit is in you, he will do what to your mortal body.
He will quicken it, he will restore it. He will improve it. Come on everything. He’ll take care of you.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by today’s message.
Here’s a powerful point. You want to meditate on God calls you a palm tree.
Uh You’ll find that over in Psalm chapter 92 in verse 12. He calls you a palm tree.
Now, why is that? Well, look up the palm tree, study it out yourself just about every component of a palm tree is used uh to generate wealth or to meet the needs of people so forth and so on.
So God is saying that He may give you one idea for example.
And this one idea, let’s say you start working in that idea and all of that spins another idea or two other ideas.
Next thing you know, you got seven streams of income coming in from one idea, God gave you from heaven.
It’s called planting the heavens. It’s a powerful teaching.
Now, let me say this, I don’t care who you are. God can speak to you anywhere.
You might have somebody who has been incarcerated about to get out.
All of a sudden they got an idea or you might feel somebody who’s raised up and, and really have no job at present.
All of a sudden here comes a new idea when you get connected up to the source, which is God.
Get ready for new ideas. Praise God.
Well, until next time, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
God plans that every tree in you that He didn’t plant.
He plans to root it up. Now, where did that tree come from?
It came from the life that we used to live, came from.
The environment that we’re in is trees have been in us.
And the only way the enemy has been getting his advantage is because of trees that should have been rooted up.
The problem in trees that we’ve had a tree that kept us with just enough and God wants you to have more than enough.
The word is the thing for you to produce wealth in your life.
When God gives you His word, don’t consider what anybody else said. What’s the end game?
Where do I wanna go? I wanna plant the heavens. I wanna turn the west side into heaven on earth.
I wanna turn prisons into boarding schools. He can use you.
God doesn’t need but one person to believe you ain’t serving somebody down the street. You’re serving Almighty God.
Today’s series planting the heavens volume two is available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada, contact us at 844 298 2900 or online at Bill Winston dot ca A plant, the seed of this life changing word within your heart to produce the fruit of the best of heaven in your life and in your community order this powerful teaching planting the heavens.
Volume two today register today for the 2020 virtual business and leadership conference, Friday, November six and Saturday, November seven here from industry leaders, Michelle Hoskins, President and CEO of Michelle Foods.
A manufacturer of specialty serves from janitor to creator of the Flaming Hot Line of Richard Montanez, founder of Anti Ans Pretzels and Viler and Doctor Bill Winston, founder of the Joseph Business School register today at B L C dot Bill Winston dot org, the 2020 virtual business and leadership conference.
Don’t miss it. The believer’s walk of faint is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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