Adrian Rogers: What is the Unforgivable Sin?

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Adrian Rogers: What is the Unforgivable Sin?

Each of us faces a spiritual deadline that, if crossed, will result in the commission of unpardonable sin. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the destruction of sinning against light, and explains why we must follow the Holy Spirit’s conviction now, before it’s too late.

now what is the unpardonable sin it is not some moral sin this sin the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost the sin that can never never never never never be forgiven is a sin that one may commit and will commit knowingly willfully with his eyes wide open and then forever shut profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers what a joy to think of God’s amazing incredible Indescribable Grace and love that he’s poured out on each of us but the sad sad sad truth is
that many in this building are not going to get into the grace of God unless they turn from this in and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and many are very close to a deadline and if they cross that deadline they will have committed an unpardonable sin and they will be just as bound just as destined for hell in this life before they die die with no chance whatsoever of redemption just as much Bound for hell as if the iron gates of hell had already closed shut behind them they will have crossed a
deadline they will have committed an unpardonable sin now what is the unpardonable sin we’re going to see in a moment that it is attributing to the devil the work of the spirit of almighty God now let’s look at the background for the warning that Jesus Christ has given Matthew 12 wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speaketh the word against the son of man that’s the phrase
that Jesus used for himself it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world nor in the world to come not in this age or in the age to come now I want you to notice the story Jesus is in his public Ministry there comes a man who who is Afflicted with a demon it is a demon of blindness and a demon of dumbness dumbness means the inability to speak and to articulate not all people who are blind a demon possess not all people who are dumb a demon possessed but this man
was and this was his problem he was bound with his Spirit when Jesus saw this man Jesus supernaturally miraculously wondrously healed him his eyes were open he could speak people standing around said look this is the son of David this is the Messiah now the Pharisees saw their own power and their own influence now slipping away and going to Jesus and and they could not deny the miracle because it’s obvious everybody knew him before he couldn’t see and now he can see before the man could not speak and now he can speak so
since they cannot deny the miracle they determined to explain it away here’s what they say oh yes sure yes he performed a miracle but let us tell you how he did it he did it in the power of Satan in the power of Satan he he uh he did this by beyb that’s what they said about about the Lord Jesus and it was then that Jesus gave the teaching that he gave to show the great wickedness of this sin now it was sort of a three-fold sin and I want you to notice it because it builds to a climax first of all they sinned against
Redemption they sinned against Redemption uh here was Jesus working against the devil here was Jesus taking a man who had been afflicted by demons and delivering him here was redeeming love here Jesus is opening blinded eyes here Jesus is loosing tumb tongues his great love and his great mastery over Satan is being poured out redeeming love but not only did they sin against Redemption secondly I want you to notice they sinned against reason they knew better look if you will in verse 24 but when the Pharisees heard
it they said this fellow does not cast out Devils but by be above the prince of the devils and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought into desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand now what what is Jesus saying Jesus is saying what you you are saying doesn’t make sense you’re saying that I by Satan are casting out Satan Jesus said Common Sense tells you
that is not true A house divided against itself cannot stand how does Satan cast out Satan these men were intellectuals but they crucified their reason in order to crucify Jesus Christ they sin not only against Redemption they Sinn against reason and I’m speaking to some here today you may be a banker a lawyer you may be a Professor you may be an entrepreneurial businessman or woman but yet you’re going to crucify your reason and say no to Jesus Christ I’ve been a pastor too long not to understand this that there are many who trample
reason to death in order to have their own way for example have you ever heard anybody say I’m not a Christian because they’re Hypocrites in the church if if you ever heard that let me see let me see your hand hold your hand that’s a majority that’s a majority we’ve all heard that now that’s a sin against reason anybody with a modum of intelligence knows that is not reasonable there may be some Christians who Hypocrites Judas was a hypocrite sometimes people tell me Pastor did you know the Hypocrites in
the church oh no man don’t tell me that you think I could be a pastor for these years and not know that of course they’re Hypocrites in the church but be reasonable some doctors are quacks but if you get sick you still seek a doctor some lawyers may be shyers but if you need legal advice you’ll find a lawyer some eggs may be rotten but you probably had some for breakfast this morning not the rotten kind some money may be counterfeit if you saw a counterfeit bill would you burn all the rest of your
money I said I just don’t believe in hypocrite bills there I’m going to get rid of my money you know better than that it is the hypocrite that proves the worthwhileness and the validity of the real why do men counterfeit $50 bills because of the worth of $50 bills every counterfeit is a testimony to the validity validity and the worthwhileness of the real men don’t counterfeit gum wrappers think about it no you know better they sin against reason but sinning against Redemption and sinning against reason is
not the unpardonable sin it only set the stage for it now let me tighten the focus a little bit not only did they sin against Redemption and not only did they sin against reason but friend they sinned against Revelation they sined against Revelation and there is the problem look if you will in verse 28 of this same chapter and see what the Lord Jesus said but if I cast out Devils by the spirit of God underscore that then the kingdom of God is come unto you there was the king standing in their midst Jesus Christ and there was the
Holy Spirit of God working through him and testifying by those very works that he was indeed the Son of God the spirit of God was in action in that episode and their real struggle was with the Holy Spirit Jesus did what he did by the spirit of God you know a man May blaspheme God the Father and he could say there is no God he may blaspheme Jesus Christ and say he’s a false prophet or a fictitious person but oh when the holy spirit of God comes he demolishes those things the holy spirit of God pulls away the veil
of Darkness the holy spirit of God that opened that Blind Man’s eyes opens the eyes of the spirit so that people can see so that they can understand and here what these were doing is this they were sinning against light and when men and women stand before God to be judged they’re not going to be judged primarily by the sin they committed listen but by the Light they rejected if you’re enjoying this message from Adrien Rogers and would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic we’d love to
send you this free companion Bible study use the link above to request yours what is the unpardonable sin it is the sin against light it is attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit when one knows better and what are the consequences of this sin why did Jesus say this sin is an unpardonable sin well there’s the deceiving power of this sin a person who commits this sin opens himself up to deception one of the most terrifying verses in all of the Bible is found in 2 Thessalonians uh the second chapter beginning in verse
11 and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion wait wait a minute Adrian read it right you didn’t read it right God doesn’t send people delusion the devil does that no I’m reading it right for this cause God shall send them strong delusion well why would God do that that they should believe a lie wait it’s getting worse God is sending delusion that people would believe a lie that’s what it says well why would God send delusion that they might believe a lie well let’s continue to read that they
all might be damned we’re sinking fast aren’t we God is sending people to illusion that would believe a lie that they all might be damned why I’ll tell you why he goes on to say who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness they had the truth they wouldn’t believe the truth why would they not believe the truth did they have intellectual problems no they believe not the truth because they had pleasure in unrighteousness now look up here let me tell you something in this passage the
opposite of Truth is not error the opposite of Truth is sin they believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness they wanted their sin and so when they say I don’t want the truth there is the light God speaks to them they have the truth they believe not the truth it’s not that they never heard the truth they believe not the truth why intellectual problems no moral problems they had pleasure in unrighteousness and for this cause God will send them strong delusion they cannot have their sin and have God’s
truth at the same time you see when you hear truth you don’t just say how interesting I’ll put that in my pocket and spend it if I ever need it but in the meanwhile I’m going to live it up in sin no no when you choose sin the baggage that comes with that sin is error and God will send you strong delusion when you have seen when you have known when you understand and you willfully sin against the light let me give you an example how that works I’m preaching here at Belleview Baptist Church and a
man decides for whatever reason he’s going to come to Belia maybe his wife has begged him maybe he comes that one Sunday when I preach on stewardship in giving that Christ is the Lord of all that men ought to give I hope you agree with that that when who owns the Sheep owns the the wool isn’t that correct and so I and he owns us and so I might be preaching on that now that man comes he’s sitting over there somewhere he’s his his head is down like this and he begins to M mutter to himself and he
says money money money that’s all that bunch of money grubbing Baptist and Baptist preachers preach about I knew I shouldn’t have come here they all they want to do is just fleece me I can hardly wait to get out of here all they’re interested in is my money well number one that’s a lie that’s not true that’s a lie and in his heart he really knows it he knows it but you see this man has an idol in his heart you know what his Idol is money his God is gold his Creed is greed and his motto is get all you can and can
all you get sit on the lid and poison the rest I mean this man this man has an idol in his heart and so he attributes to what the preacher might do that day when he’s preaching what the Bible has to say about stewardship he attributes that to the work of the devil he turns around and walks out and says I’ll never be back so his wife and kids are down here one Sunday he’s sitting at home reading the sports page got whiskers grown out he hadn’t shaved yet got a carton of cancer one side and a six-pack of embalming fluid on the
other side sitting there smoking and drinking watching the sports somebody comes and knocks at his door and who that who Could That Be does the door and opens it and so after a little talk they they say to him we’re here to tell you there is no hell he says come in and his mind now’s twisted and he begins to believe a lie why because he received not the love of the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness his rotten [Music] greed and with that comes strong delusion and he’ll believe a lie and it’s a part of the righteous Judgment of
God when a man willingly says this is the way I’m going God says I’ll give you a shove when a man says I want God God says I’ll give you a shove what happens is this that there are people who with eyes wide open knowing better sin not only against Redemption and reason but they sin against Revelation they sin against light and what happens is this uh there is the deceiving power of that sin and when you talk to one of these people he’ll say to you well who’s committed imparable sin he’ll say well I just don’t see it he’s
not lying he doesn’t see it Romans 11:8 according as it is written God hath given them the Spirit of Slumber eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear until this day there is the deceiving power there’s the deadening power and therefore there is the damning power of this sin uh it’s the sin that puts you beyond the pale of redemption Hebrews chapter 6 warns about this sin beginning in verse four God says for it is impossible well when God says something is impossible we ought to pay attention
listen to it for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened remember now that the the sin against the holy spirit is a sin against light who were once enlightened and have tasted of the Heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost the Greek means they have gone along with the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God not ingested and digested but tasted and the powers of the world to come if they shall fall away to renew them again under repentance shorten the sentence it is impossible to renew them to
repentance why because they crucify to themselves the Son of God aresh and put him to an open shame you can come to a place where it is impossible for you to be saved why because with eyes wide open you crucified Jesus aresh Now look up here and let me tell you a story over here in Arkansas there was a preacher gifted man of God is in heaven now his name was Joe Henry henkins he preached like Jeremiah he wept when he preached Joe Henry henkins told this story I shall never forget I think I shall never forget it he said I was preaching in a service
and I tore my heart out preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he said I gave an invitation and God’s spirit was moving just like that fire that I was talking about he said I saw a young man sitting up in the balcony and I could tell he was under conviction he was gripping the back of the Pew with one hand holding the Himel with the other and so as others were coming I just tried to catch his eye and I said young man come to Jesus hanken said it looked like he was going to step out but then he stepped back and started to sing again again we
sang another St and I said young man come to Jesus so the young man closed his him and turned and started moving I said thank God Hallelujah he’s coming to Christ he’s coming to Christ but rather than coming down the aisle he turned and went out the back out the door and was gone from the service in just a matter of days henkins was called to that young man’s bedside because the man had been diagnosed with a disease he did not know he had when he was in that service and the doctors said he’s dying
henkins went to see him he said Son have they told you the nature of your sickness he said yes preacher you don’t have to be delicate about it I know I’m dying well son I want to ask you a question were you in the services on thus and such a day yes preacher I was well I was watching you son and it seemed to me that during the invitation you were under conviction that you felt your need of Jesus is that right he said preacher when you were preaching and you gave that invitation I wanted to get down there where you were so badly I felt I
could jump over the balcony rail to come down there to where you were well son why didn’t you come he said every time I started out I remembered my favorite sin and I wrestled and I made up my mind I wanted my sin the preacher said he felt a chill go over him and he tried to reason with the young man he said but now son if you’re going to die you can’t have that sin anyway don’t you think you better give your heart to Jesus Christ Joe Henry henin said that young man looked at me and he said this said
preacher you don’t understand when I closed my Himel and willingly and deliberately walked out of that service something died within me I can’t believe he said Son God will save you he wants to save you he said no I’m telling you I can’t do it something died within me hanen said he wept and prayed and cried for that boy until he died without Jesus and slipped into hell if you’re here today and you feel the slightest desire to come to Jesus Jesus Christ I beg you come to him don’t be like that old
stump don’t let God send you strong delusion don’t cross the deadline don’t sin against such light there are millions of people in this world who would shout for joy to hear what you’re hearing today that God loves you that Christ died for you that he invites you and that the Bible says whosoever will may come if you you think that you’ve committed unpardonable sin I’ll tell you this if you want to be saved you haven’t Hallelujah anybody who wants to come will and Jesus said If any man will
come unto me I will never turn him away [Music]


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