Unlocking the Purim Mystery of the Antichrist | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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In Revelation 12, the dragon’s wrath against the woman symbolizes the intense nature of evil. Throughout history, the most evil rulers were often characterized by their wrath and desire for control. Tonight, we will explore this passage in Revelation to understand its relevance today. Could there be a spirit operating in our midst, influencing our lives? This spirit is known as the spirit of Haman, as seen in the book of Esther.

In Esther 3, after certain events, King Ahasuerus honored Haman, the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, elevating him to a position of power. He was second in command, just below the king. The king’s servants at the gate were required to bow down and pay homage to Haman, as the king commanded. However, Mordecai, a Jewish man, refused to bow or pay homage to him. This enraged Haman. Rising unexpectedly in government, Haman’s power grew, and his demand for honor became absolute. Everyone, except Mordecai, was expected to bow down to him.

Haman’s actions reflect the spirit of pride, the same spirit found in the enemy (Satan). In Isaiah, Satan declares, “I will ascend; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,” seeking the place of God. Pride, the desire to exalt oneself, lies at the root of evil. This connection between pride and evil is evident throughout history. The most notorious figures, from Emperor Nero to Hitler, Stalin, and Saddam Hussein, were marked by pride and a desire for power.

Pride leads to a sense of superiority, allowing one to look down on others and degrade them. This aligns with the behavior of dictators, who feel entitled to impose their will on others. In contrast, humility is associated with goodness. Humble individuals lift others up, while prideful ones degrade them. Today, our culture often glorifies pride, self-worship, and individualism, a stark contrast to the humble heroes of the past, like Abraham Lincoln. This cultural shift has contributed to the breakdown of relationships, as the pursuit of self-interest undermines unity and covenant.

Haman’s rage against Mordecai illustrates the spirit of the enemy, which also sought to make Messiah bow down. Throughout history, evil forces have sought worship, whether through Roman emperors demanding the worship of their image or Hitler’s demand for loyalty. The enemy’s desire is to subjugate everything and make it bow down to him, which is why those who embrace evil often seek to impose this control.

In the 1960s, when traditional values were challenged, the mantra “Live and let live” encouraged personal freedom. However, this tolerance was only used to undermine biblical principles. Once these new values were established, much like Haman’s rise to power, tolerance was discarded. Today, society demands conformity to a new morality, and anything opposing it is persecuted—canceled, defunded, or silenced. This is the spirit of Haman at work in our culture.

As society moves away from God, it ends up worshiping other gods, just as we saw in the Soviet Union. With the removal of God, the state, party, or ideology takes His place, becoming the object of worship. Anyone who refuses to bow down to it faces punishment. This is what happens when a culture rejects God—it bows down to other false gods.

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