Pastor Kent Christmas | The Mind of Christ | October 16, 2024

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Welcome to KCMI TV! Thank you for joining me today. I genuinely hope that what I’m about to discuss will assist you in your spiritual journey with God. We live in a fallen world where, as spiritual beings, we constantly battle our thoughts and emotions. Throughout today’s lesson, I’ll be referencing scripture, starting with a pivotal verse from Romans 12:1-2. While both verses are important, I want to focus particularly on verse 2.

Romans 12:1-2 states: “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

In this passage, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of presenting ourselves to God as living sacrifices. This does not mean sacrificing ourselves in the literal sense, as was done in the Old Testament with animals; instead, it calls for a commitment to live for God. Paul explains that just as Old Testament sacrifices had to be without blemish, we too must strive to offer ourselves in purity and holiness. He assures us that this is a reasonable expectation from God.

The second part of the verse warns against conforming to the world. This is a pressing issue today; often, it’s difficult to distinguish between Christians and non-believers. Paul urges us not to be like the world but to be transformed. This transformation involves changing the way we think, speak, and act. In my prayers this morning, I contemplated what Jesus looks like. Ideally, He should reflect in our lives, as we are the representations of Him that the world sees. I hope that when God looks at us, He recognizes Himself.

Many times, we hear sermons that challenge us to change or become something greater, yet we leave feeling unsure about how to implement that change. The key lies in knowing that God never asks us to do something without providing the means to achieve it. Paul clearly states that we are transformed through the renewal of our minds.

You may be wondering, “How do I renew my mind?” This is essential because our minds are how we process life and everyday circumstances. Paul explains that before salvation, we possess a natural or carnal mind, as highlighted in Romans 8:7, which says that the carnal mind is in enmity against God and cannot submit to His laws. This means we cannot change or rehabilitate our natural minds; they are inherently flawed and unable to embrace faith or righteousness. They originate from a fallen nature.

In conclusion, the process of transformation starts with renewing our minds, which enables us to live as God desires. Stay tuned as we explore this further.

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