The Secret Of The Holy Underwear | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Secret Of The Holy Underwear
Message Of The Week – The most overlooked of the priestly garments and what it reveals about your walk, your calling, your ministry, and your life.
Monday, October 9, 2023
When you look at creation, you see a pattern. The moon revolves around the earth, the earth around the sun and the sun around the center of the Milky Way. The same pattern is in the smallest atom. The electron from which we get electricity, magnetism and radiation does the same thing as the moon, earth, and sun. It revolves around the center. This amazing pattern from the largest to the smallest, shows us that everything has to revolve around something greater than itself – moons, planets, stars, electrons and man. The way of existence is not just to exist. You can’t just live for yourself, you have to revolve around something greater. God is greater! If you live your life centered around Him, then everything in your life will fall into place. Worship is centering your life around Him who is greater than you. One of the Hebrew words for worship is to dance in a circle. The dance of the electrons and the Hebrews is the flow of life. Revolve your life, dreams, focus, ways, worship, will and everything around Him and you will be blessed. This is the way of creation and the dance of life.
You have to do everything and in holiness.
Such a high, holy calling Paul says walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have.
Weave the tunic of Fine Linen.
And make the turbine of Fine linen, the sashes to be the work of an embroidery, make tunic, sashes, and caps for Aaron his sons to give them dignity and honor after these put clothes on your brother, Aaron, and his sons, anoint and ordain them, consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.
They say clothes make the man.
I don’t agree with that, but in some ways, the clothes make the priest.
Today, we’re gonna look at the garments of the priest, the garments that god himself ordained.
Now there’s, of course, you know, about the breastplate and the stones and the breastplate, the orum and the thumian, which are a mystery, the crown of the high priest that said Khadoshla Donai, holy to the lord, but we’re not gonna speak about that tonight.
I wanna speak about something else just as important. Something rarely talked about Underwear.
That’s right. Doesn’t seem to go. Holyness of god. Fruit of the loom doesn’t seem to go.
Glory of god, Haynes does not seem to go, but that’s the point. This was holy underwear.
The scripture said I’m gonna read another scripture from that.
Well, well, actually, uh, it says, actually, it speaks about the linen This is verse 42.
Make linen undergarments as a covering for the body reaching from the waist to the thigh.
And Aaron and his sons, verse 43, must wear them whenever they enter the tent of meeting or approach the altar to minister in the holy place.
That they will not incur guilt and die.
Make linen undergarments as a covering for the body from the waist to the thigh. Linen Under Carmen.
The word in Hebrew is Mick Nace. Try it. That is the name of this message.
The Mick Nace It comes from a root word that means to hide conceal as con underwear conceals to cover it says to cover in the in the Hebrew to cover his nakedness, um, from the the the Molten, the waste, or loins.
These are the holy undergarments or underwear that god ordain. Why is it in the Bible?
Why does god care about underwear? For a very important reason.
See, the point is for the priest, it’s not enough to have all those things on the out all those those things that, you know, the that everybody sees the outside of the of the the garments and the glory of that.
It’s not enough. It’s gotta be wholly underneath.
Not enough for the priest to be holy in appearance, but it’s gotta be holy in what you don’t see.
People may how is it going with your calling?
Your your, you know, but the question is, how is your underwear in god?
You’ve gotta, you know, you could have the crown of holiness. I am I am Ministry and all these things.
You could have the breastplate of righteousness, but if you’re a priest, you have to have the undergarments of holiness.
The underneath See, in life, you got the appearance and reality.
I mean, you get the appearance on the outside. You get the reality on the inside.
So you have the outside life in your you have your inner life.
And the question is, are the 2 in harmony?
Is your inner life in harmony with what you’re presenting to the world or presenting to god’s people?
It’s always easier to make an appearance than to do it inside where accounts live in reality. You’ve gotta walk.
Things appear a certain way. You talk. You you can talk the talk, but what about what is underneath?
The priest had to have wholly undergarments underwear. You know, you gather together. We worship.
We talk about the lord, but what is the what’s underneath the worship? Is the question from god?
Well, is it real? You’re saying the words. You’re you’re singing the song. You have the music. That’s the outside.
But what is the inside? That’s what god’s looking What do you focus on the worship and on the music, or you focus on 1 you’re worshiping?
You know, what what’s the what is your motive in worshiping? Is it is it outside or inside?
You know, the outside is only supposed to be an overflow of the inside.
How about your ministry, your service, and the lord?
You should be in service to the lord one or the other. You’ve got a ministry if you’re born again.
If you’re not doing it, you need to do that, but when you do things for the lord, What is the undergarments?
What’s the heart of why you’re doing it?
You know, there are people who do things for the lord, but they’re really not for the lord.
There are people who do things because they wanna get recognition, or they wanna get thanks.
So they wanna impress, or they wanna get something back, or they have they do it for the eyes of the people around them.
That’s not god. That that’s no undergarments or without love and joy or with complaint. That’s nothing.
It’s all on the outside you have an underwear problem because it’s the heart is not right.
You you want the inside to be as beautiful as what you present on the outside.
Now now it says they will if they don’t do this, if they don’t have their underwear, right, They can’t enter into the holy place and with a or they will incur guilt and die.
I knew a minister wears key I don’t know why his key verse he got.
So he said this is the verse was of the the the account of the sons of Aaron who ministered in an unworthy way, if you remember, they says they offered a strange fire to the lord, and they were struck down.
And it would really strange always struck me why is that your your key scripture, but the man the minister ended up burning a strange fire.
Lost his ministry and may have lost his life because of it. You are called to be holy.
You have to do everything and in holiness. Such a high, holy calling.
Paul says walk in a manner worthy of the high calling you have.
You have to live your life as imagine you’re a priest in the in the temple.
You have to live every part of your life, worthy of that.
What people don’t see is gotta be as holy as what they do see or more holy.
It’s written when you serve the lord, serve him with gladness because then you’re doing it with your whole heart.
Not going through the motions, not a drudgery, not because you have to because it’s from your heart.
What about the another kind of under of of your walk is your thought life, your inner life, Your thoughts are to be as holy as what you present on the outside.
The inner you may not say certain things you’re thinking and what you’re thinking may not be good.
May not be of god. The Bible says you have the power even over your thought life.
It says, what did it say? Take every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah.
Every thought First Peter says interesting thing. He says, gird up the loins of your mind.
Gird up, in other words, in other words, you know, when you gird it up, your you gird up your your robe, it was so you could work so you could run so you could get all the loose ends inside.
Well, it’s saying, you know, your thought life might be all over the place.
You might be here here at all these things, and it’s gonna trip you up in the lord unless you bring it to get unless you unless you circle it with god’s word and god’s will.
Gird it up. Get tight. You can have a holy thought. If you can change your thoughts.
Not and not only your thoughts, your emotions, your emotions can be all over the place.
In god, your emotion life, your emotions, what you’re feeling, is to be as holy as your worship on the outside.
It says, let the peace of Messiah rule your hearts.
It says whatever’s good and pure, let your mind dwell on those things.
And the peace of god, the god of peace will guard your heart and mind.
There’s a way to have peace on the inside. Let the peace of Messiah rule everything inside in my life.
Because if your inside’s not right, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing on the outside.
And if your inside is right, you’re gonna do what’s right. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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- Joel Osteen – Hearing in the SpiritTháng 6 2, 2023