Prayer of the Day: Sunday July 14, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 

Lord, out of everything I tend to put my trust in, You, Lord, are the only source that is completely reliable. Thank You for giving me faith, and help me to actively trust You in every situation as I put my faith into action every day, amen.

“Father, thank You that You are the Most High God and You are not limited by what limits me. Help me to remember that You can do the impossible when I’m tempted to stay stuck in the natural. I believe that You can take me where I can’t go on my own. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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Sunday Morning Prayers

Father God, as I start out my day this Sunday. I ask for the precious blood of Jesus to cover my family and me. That no scheme or plan of the enemy would come near us and that you O’ Lord would place a hedge of protection around about us. Give us the wisdom we need for this day and bless all those to whom we see and speak too. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, amen!

Lord Jesus, I ask that this Sunday morning would be a powerful day at church. That my life and others would be transformed by You. Bless all those who attend and help our hearts to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. In the name of Jesus, Amen, and amen.

Holy Spirit, I thank you for this Sunday morning. As I go about my day I ask that you would speak to me. Let my ears and eyes be open to Your leading. Remind me of Your truths and how to walk in them. In the name of Jesus, amen!

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Dear Heavenly Father,

On this blessed Sunday, July 14, 2024, we come before You with hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise. Thank You for the gift of this day, a time to rest, reflect, and worship You. We are grateful for Your unending love, mercy, and grace.

Lord, I lift up my friend and their family to You today. I pray for Your blessings and protection over them. Surround them with Your love and keep them safe from all harm. Guide their steps and fill their hearts with Your wisdom and peace.

Bless this family with unity and joy. Help them to communicate with kindness and patience, supporting each other through both the good times and the challenges. Strengthen their bonds and deepen their faith, drawing them closer to You and to one another.

Grant them good health, strength, and vitality. Provide for their needs and remind them of Your faithful provision. May their home be a place of refuge and love, where Your presence is always felt.

As they gather for worship today, may they feel Your presence in a powerful way. Renew their spirits and fill them with hope and joy. Help them to rest in Your promises and to find comfort in Your Word.

Thank You, Lord, for Your constant presence and for hearing our prayers. We trust in Your perfect plan and rest in the assurance of Your unwavering love.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.



  1. Please pray for reconciliation with a dear friend. People are lying about my husband and I to her, and she is believing them, and it has hurt her greatly because she trusted us. Please pray for the eyes of her understanding be opened so she can see the truth, and how much we love her and her ministry. Thank you so much.

  2. Dr. Jeremiah, I know I am saved as I believe in my heart everything about Jesus and the Bible but sometimes I question “am I really saved”? My mom says it is the devil that makes me doubt which I can believe but even still I sometimes question ” am I really saved”. I really appreciate and admire your services and just want you to know how loved you are by me and your followers. Thank you for being you. God bless and if I never get to see you here or there, I will see you in the air. Hopefully very soon!

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