Prayer of the Day: Monday May 13, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Lord, You are my Rock and without you, I am literally bankrupt! Help me not to rely on anything or anyone else but You. Apart from You, I am helpless but with You, everything is possible. Thank You, amen.

1 12

My Lord, at the beginning of a new day, I want to surrender my entire life to you. I desire that all of my being be devoted to you. Thank you for granting me freedom. I aim to live honorably, always choosing the path that keeps me close to you. This way, I can build a solid house with strong foundations where you are the honored guest. My Lord, I hand over to you all that weighs heavy on my soul and heart. Heal me, free me, take away my anxiety. Teach me to persevere, to wait in your time. Do you know all that is in my mind and heart? You are well aware of all I am going through. Therefore, I ask that you act with your love and generosity in my life. I trust that what you do will be for my good, making me feel and be much better.

I ask that you fill my heart with peace so I can act with intelligence and wisdom in every difficult situation I encounter. Lord, please accompany me on this new journey and grant me your wisdom to carry out each of my tasks. Help me bear good fruit for your glory. I am not afraid because I know you are with me, and with you, I can face anything. I ask that you keep me by your side throughout this day. Protect me and free me from the worldly ties so I can remain by your side.

Thank you, Lord, for listening to me, blessing me, and inspiring me to live this day in your presence. Thank you for all the love I will experience today! I am ready to conquer this new day, to give my best, and I know you will help me. I trust and have faith in you. Let no evil befall me because I have entrusted my life into your hands. I ask that you saturate me with your love so that nothing in me remains untouched by your Holy Spirit.

2 12

My Lord, allow me to have sensitive eyes today to discover all the reasons why I must keep fighting. Those reasons that give meaning to my life and allow me to continue striving to reach you. Do not let despair and anguish steal the peace and tranquility that only you can give me. Guide my steps on the paths of faith and hope you have laid out for me, and when difficult moments arise, give me the strength to rise from falls and the firmness and hope to overcome everything despite how difficult it may seem.

Come and make me feel that I am not alone, be with me, and your strength never leaves me. I ask that you acknowledge all my efforts or help me to continue without faltering in building my life. Thank you because I will live this day in your presence and carry out with love what you ask of me. My Lord, grant me the ability to save under your will so that in this new day, I can build a temple worthy of your presence. Amen.

Today, I will abstain from personal indulgence to purify my being from worldly desires and thus begin my journey to holiness. The light dawns for the righteous and joy for the upright in heart.

Rejoice, righteous ones, in the Lord; celebrate his holy name.

Psalm ninety-six. May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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