How to be Flexible

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How to be Flexible

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Coming up next on changing your world.
Be after God’s will.
Get up in the morning and saying, Lord, I want your will to be done in my life today.
But you know what that’s gonna require?
The person who has a desire to want god’s will every day, you know what that’s gonna require? Flexibility.
Are you willing to be flexible enough to change your plans?
Hey, everybody. I’m standing in the World Dome.
We are getting ready for the reunion. Grace Life 2024. Now you should have registered already.
If you haven’t, do it now. Watch this. Now now now now now. Why?
It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn how to live the grace life.
It will make a mark in your life that’ll never be erased. Let’s register right now.
Grace life is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
This is your world. So let’s vow to make it a better place.
Let every heart that needs to
We have been talking about emotional maturity and how important it is to get that working in our life.
And so now we’re going to actually break it down.
And so 1 of the first paths that we talked about is that this is a this is a big sign that lets you know that you are emotionally mature, and that is when you are able to be flexible about things that happen in your life.
You’d be amazed the number of people that crumble because they’re not emotionally mature enough to just understand that things don’t always work out exactly like you plan for them to work out.
But emotionally mature Christians, what they’ll do is that they understand that flexibility, uh, is it it it it means that you’re you’re able to adapt.
It’s the ability to adapt to change. That’s a skill that you can have.
Uh, the the ability to recognize that if plan a didn’t work, plan b will work.
So what we’re gonna look at here tonight is I want you to take a look at yourself as we’re talking about this tonight, and I want you to examine in your life where is it that you kinda get stuck sometime, and it seems like you’re a little unwilling to adapt to go to plan b, and it’s okay.
You know, uh, the way I look at it is sometimes when things don’t go exactly how I wanted them to go, maybe they just didn’t need to go that way.
Maybe God’s just trying to direct me.
A lot of times, it’s what we want, and we hadn’t taken the time to find out what god wants.
And so I’m okay when with things. Now III wasn’t always like that. I wasn’t always okay.
I had the plan. I thought I had heard from God at the beginning. It didn’t work.
Now I’m frustrated, mad, and I’m trying to fight through and make something happen that maybe wasn’t supposed to happen in the first place.
So I think that flexibility can be a blessing.
So, uh, the last time we got together, not the last time, but when we first started on this, we talked about flexibility, uh, being something that is so important where leaders are concerned.
And we talked about flexibility being something that we need to adapt to change.
And tonight, I wanna just get into a lot of scriptures.
I wanna talk tonight and start off here, and this was the the third step.
Uh, Jesus Christ demonstrated flexibility in that being the son of god, he became the son of man.
So we wanna look at Jesus Christ and the flexibility that showed up in his life, especially when it came to the Son of God being flexible enough and adaptable enough to become the Son of Man so that the sons of men would be us, could become the sons of God.
But if it were not him, his willingness to be flexible, we would never be the sons of God.
Uh, but Jesus became flexible enough to do that.
So let’s look at a few scriptures there, and I wanna move as quickly as I can tonight to get as much in as I possibly can.
Saint John chapter 1 and verse 14, and the very first part of that says, and the Word, which is Jesus, was made flesh and it dwelt amongst us.
The word, which is Jesus, was made flesh and it dwelt amongst us.
This is this is just total I mean, consistently, you see him being flexible.
The word made flesh, and he dwelt amongst us because he saw the situation we were in.
And then Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 8, here’s another scripture that talks about the the flexibility of Jesus.
Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 8.
He said, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
Watch this. But made himself of no reputation, and he took upon him the form of a servant.
That’s flexible. Right? The form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men.
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Here’s what I have to say about that.
If Jesus can become adaptable and and flexible see, no notice, it wasn’t supposed to work out like this.
We were supposed to be perfect. We were created to be immortal. We were never supposed to die.
I mean, thank god that plan a didn’t work, but God had a plan b and a plan c.
Amen? And in some of our lives, he has a plan, that if I’m if I wanna be the the the man of God, the Christian that III believe God wants me to be, I can’t get into this thing where I’m just stuck on plan a.
And you know what I call being stuck on plan a? Religious.
We we we the Bible says that your, uh, tradition has made the word of God of no effect.
And I believe right there what he is saying is is your your refusal to be flexible. Okay?
Your refusal to adapt to the situation that’s at hand.
Thank god that he was able to adapt to the fact that what Adam and Eve did caused us all to be made sin.
But but god almighty adapted to that situation and came up with a plan, lord, have mercy, to deliver us out of that whole thing.
So listen. If if if if the godhead is demonstrating adaptability, how is it that as Christian people, we think it’s just nonsense for us to to to to become flexible?
First Timothy chapter 316. Look at this.
First Timothy 316, he says, and without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness.
God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up to glory.
Now if you read that scripture again, here’s what it says. A lot of adapting went on there.
A lot of flexibility went on there.
And and I never even thought about it reading that scripture before that he demonstrated Jesus demonstrated flexibility.
Well, I wanna demonstrate that in my life.
I wanna just see things happen and when when the plan doesn’t work. Okay? Alright.
So you’re like, planned on getting the big house, and you’d it it for some reason, it didn’t work.
Just pause a little bit. You just gotta believe that you’re dependent on God and God’s got you.
So maybe you didn’t need it right now. Maybe there was something you didn’t know about it.
Maybe it was something that was being being hidden from you that you were not aware of.
And you gotta understand that god’s ultimate plan is is is good for you.
Ultimately, all of the things we go through at the end of the day, his objective is his goodness to be seen in your life.
So so quit, you know, quitting on god and, you know, where was god and how come god let that happen and why god didn’t do that and how come god blessing him and not blessing me?
Just be willing to be flexible and follow the example of Jesus Christ. If you understand that, say amen.
Amen. Number 4. What else do we learn about flexibility? Flexibility requires living above circumstances and conditions.
Flexibility requires living above circumstances and conditions.
The circumstances and the conditions of life.
You know, I was thinking the day I was driving, and I thought, you know what?
There are 2 very interesting things that I’m really excited about God talking to me about, and it’s number 1, time, and number 2, life itself.
Those are 2 very interesting entities that when I get to heaven, explain time.
Because when we when we die and and we we we we, um, that everything’s over with down here, we’re gonna step out of time into eternity.
Man, that time is something else. And then this thing called life. Yeah.
This thing called life that when you enter into life, you enter into all of the circumstances, all of the conditions, all of the the things you you go through through life.
And and you gotta you gotta understand that’s probably a reason that god allows us to live because we’re we’re we’re I think this is our college for eternity.
You know? I think this is our our institute of learning for eternity. And that’s why I don’t know.
I’m pretty cool with the fact that, you know, if I’m not able to teach you from the bible, life will teach you.
And and some people, they they they die as a result of life.
They they they they they don’t figure it out and and they don’t learn things.
They just kinda keep going and fighting against something that was actually designed to mature them, to help them, to raise them up, to to cause them to be better.
Now I don’t know if everything that we are going through in this physical body and in this life, I don’t know how much of, uh, an advantage it’s gonna give us in eternity.
I have no idea. But I just know that this is not a waste of time.
And, uh, it’s gonna be very interesting, and the way things are going on the earth, we’re gonna be finding out pretty soon.
But it’s it’s, uh, it’s it’s very interesting. And, uh, time and life.
And so if you’re going to mature emotionally, you’re going to have to demonstrate flexibility in the area of your circumstances and all of the conditions of life.
Stay tuned for the continuation of today’s message right after this.
Hey, everybody. I’m standing in the world dome. We are getting ready for the reunion. Grace Life 2024.
Now you should have registered already. If you haven’t, do it now. Watch this. Now now now now now. Why?
It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn how to live the grace life.
It will make a mark in your life that’ll never be erased. Let’s register right now.
Grace life is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
Now for the conclusion of today’s message.
Look at Philippians chapter 4 verses 11 through 13.
This is probably 1 of the most the the, you know, off the line series I’ve I’ve ever talked about, but I I continue to look at people.
And it’s not that they don’t know scriptures in the bible. It’s just they’re emotional emotionally, they are children.
Uh, there’s no growth emotionally, and and I don’t think it will be unless we we start talking about it.
You see? And so Philippians 4 verse 13 verse 11 to 13 says, not that I speak in respect of want, Paul says, for I’ve learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be, watch this, content.
Not complacent, but I’ve learned to be content. I know both how to be abased.
I know how to abound. What do you hear Paul saying here? I know how to be flexible. Right?
I know how to be abased. I know how to abound.
Everywhere and in all things, I’m instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
He said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
In other words, Christ is gonna take me through everything, but we see Paul saying here, listen.
I I’ve learned how to be flexible.
It’s amazing that all the years I’ve been in ministry, I never related these scriptures to something that was a part of our emotional maturity, and that is learning how to be flexible.
Paul said, I’ve I’ve been up. I’ve been down. Uh, I know how to have things.
I know how not to have things.
And I think what happens with us is because we really hadn’t thought about flexibility in our Christian life that maybe there’s some things by mistake we’re pretty flexible, and then other things, we we fall apart.
We we fall apart. It’s like, okay. I got plenty of food. I’m great.
Oh, I’m down to my last can, and then you fall apart. And that’s when the lessons, uh, come through.
That’s when you can really learn some amazing things if you don’t fall apart and you learn how to live above the circumstances and above the conditions of life.
That’s opportunity to grow and mature spiritually.
There there’s opportunity to grow and mature in your emotional, uh, position in your life.
But crumbling and falling to pieces and, oh, I’m a kill myself. Oh, I’m a jump out of a building.
Oh, I’m gonna do something foolish. Oh, I’m a go get drunk.
That’s falling to pieces because plan a didn’t work. Yeah.
And you’ve got to learn how to live above your circumstances and the conditions that show up in your life, and Paul demonstrates this definitely in Philippians chapter 4.
Alright. Check this out, um, in the NIV. I’m gonna read this. 1st Corinthians 4:9 through 13.
1st Corinthians 4:9 through 13. I figured if we talked about this first 2 sessions and then I go show you the scriptures, you can say you can do do like I’m doing.
I’m like, wow. There it is right there. There it is right there.
And so why am I spending so much time on flexibility?
It’s the number 1 path that that reveals your emotional maturity, but I also think it’s worth spending time on flexibility because it’s the thing that I believe you’re gonna require more than anything because of all the things that life brings, okay, while we’re in this particular time.
First Corinthians 4 verse 9 through 13 in the NIV, he says, for it seems to me that god has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena.
We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels, as well as to human beings.
We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong.
You are honored. We are dishonored. To this very hour, we go hungry and thirsty.
We’re in rags. We’re brutally treated. We’re homeless. We work hard with our own hands.
When we are cursed, we bless. When we are persecuted, we endure.
When we are slandered, we answer kindly.
We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world right up to this moment.
Wow. So I mean, they’re demonstrating that if listen.
I am I am mature in my emotions.
Look at the circumstances that happened in the life of an apostle, and he says, notice that we constantly find ourselves adjusting.
We’re cursed, but we adjust. We’re blessed. We’re we’re we’re persecuted. We we endure it. We we’re slandered.
We look at that. So whatever the world brings, whatever life brings, he said it requires an adjustment. Okay?
You you don’t wanna just respond the way somebody deals with you. That’s not gonna cause you to grow any.
But what happens is when they deal with you in slander, uh, make the adjustment. Okay?
Make the adjustment. Be flexible. I’ll deal with you in kindly. Okay?
Uh, you you know, you you you wanna think, well, you and as an apostle, you go and you help people.
You do all these things to folks. And don’t expect for anybody to pat you on the back. Amen.
You know, you get the that that happened in heaven. That ain’t gonna happen here.
I I wonder where people come to me and tell me I I
believe I wanna go in the ministry. Boy, you hear that right?
Because you are about to be called the scum of the earth, and you make the adjustments.
And so that that’s what’s I I really think that, you know you know, god’s been good to me, man.
He I’m, you know, I’m healed. I’m recovering. I’m I’m I’m I’m just it just feels great.
You understand what I’m saying? I mean, I I I’m getting my energy back. Uh, I’m I’m you know?
And and I and I’m like, you know, I’m learning that this is probably 1 of the most important things I can implement in my life, being flexible.
Yes. And somehow, I’m trying to see if I can teach it to world changes and and, uh, and and teach it to the crew.
And this is this is this this may be, like, the really the most important thing I’ve ever had to share with you because it’s I mean, think about what I’m saying to you.
I’m saying there’s how’s the devil gonna defeat somebody who is spiritually mature enough to be flexible?
Yes. Come on.
I mean, you don’t bend and break you you you you bend, but you don’t break.
Yes, sir.
And he wants
you to think you’ll break by bending. That that’s what you do when you’re flexible. Okay.
So let’s look at number 5. Number 5, flexibility has to do with being watch this. This is really good.
Flexibility has something to do with being open and willing to do things God’s way.
Flexibility has everything to do with being open and willing to do things god’s way. Wow.
To do things god’s way. Be open and willing. I see the word yielding. Okay?
Open and willing, and I and I see the prayer, Lord, let your will be done.
Are you open and are you willing to do things God’s way?
I mean, after a while, you you check out how you’ve been doing things.
Maybe it’s not working out real well. Okay? I’m open to doing it God’s way.
I mean, I think if we do it God’s way, that’s the best way. Do it first. Alright?
Get it over with. You don’t have to be begging God to fix stuff. You know? Right. Amen?
So say this out loud. I am open and willing. I am open and willing.
To do things God’s way. To do things God’s way.
And I think that’s what God’s asking us to to to to do. That’s what wisdom is all about.
Wisdom is knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do and being open to do it God’s way.
We live in a world right now where people are so self absorbed and they continue to make plans according to their plans, and they continue to do things according to their way.
And some of them, you’re not gonna talk out of it.
Some of them are gonna just continue to do that.
Well, I I believe a lot of us, we just we don’t wanna continue to do that.
We want to say, I’m open to do it your way, lord.
I’m I’m open to to be a husband the way you want me to be a husband.
Open to be a wife the way God wants you to be a wife.
Open to do things his way, and that is a total dependence upon God.
And that is something that’s so valuable to our lives. Look at Hebrews chapter 6 and 3.
III this is just real short and sweet.
I love this how he says this in Hebrews 6 and 3.
He says, in this will we do if God permit.
It wasn’t, this is what I’m gonna do. They say, we’ll do this if God permits it.
That is a person who says, you know what, God?
Uh, I I I’m not I’m not willing to do anything if you’re not gonna permit it, but I’ll do what I need to do if you permit it.
And look at James chapter 4 verse 13 through 15. James chapter 4 verse 13 through 15.
This is really good.
Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow, we will go into such a city.
And those that’ll say, and we’ll continue there a year.
And those that’ll say, and we’re gonna buy, and we’re gonna sell, and we’re gonna get gain.
Whereas, you know not what shall be on tomorrow. For what is your life?
It’s even a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then it vanishes away.
He says, for that you ought to say Yeah.
If the Lord will, we shall live and do this or do that.
You remember your mama or grandmama saying, you know, you know, uh, grandmom, we’ll see you tomorrow.
She said, if it’s the Lord’s will.
You say, well, grandma, why you say that?
Well, if it’s the Lord’s will. Well, we gonna eat tomorrow if it’s
the Lord’s will.
You gonna cook that cake, baby, if it’s the
Lord’s will. God no. Why everything gotta be the Lord’s will?
They were sensitive to the fact that, listen, We don’t know what’s gonna happen on tomorrow.
And so we want to be able to do this or that if god permits it.
But even stronger, we don’t want to do what he doesn’t permit because we could get in trouble.
In fact, a lot of us, we’ve already gotten in trouble doing a lot of things that god has not permitted.
Amen? Amen. So seek to do as he permits and and check with him.
Uh, there are times where I’m like, okay, god. Do you permit this?
You know, when I went to Sacramento because of my integrity, you know, I I knew I wasn’t supposed to go.
But I gave my word and I would go and almost died in that car accident.
I’m thinking, man, I should’ve said if it’s the lord’s will.
Because I found out today, I know that no is a complete sentence.
And I’ll have to explain it. What do you mean no?
It’s a complete sentence. I capitalized the n. It’s no. Amen?
Open and willing to do things God’s way if you permit it.
Did you
know your emotions determine your level of victory?
In Creflo Dollar’s 7 part series, how to mature in your emotions, he identifies the key to unlocking a successful life through maturing spiritually and emotionally.
An emotionally mature person will work towards a better understanding and a course of action moving forward.
Responsibility equals accountability, and accountability equals ownership. It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to make mistakes.
Nobody is perfect. And only by failing and making mistakes can you learn and get better. That’s life.
It’s when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are.
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Hey, everybody. I’m standing in the world dome.
We are getting ready for the reunion. Grace Life 20 24, July 11th through 13th.
Now you should have registered already. If you haven’t, do it now. Watch this. Now now now now now. Why?
It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn how to live the grace life.
This is my 3rd time out here at Grace Life Conference.
I’m coming all the way from Nigeria with my kids. This experience has been life changing, life for us.
And why I do this all the time is because there is nothing like being here in person.
That connect is everything.
It will make a mark in your life that’ll never be erased. So come on. Let’s register right now.
I know you can do it. Come on. Right now. Register right now.
Grace Life 2024, the reunion is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
I think you would be amazed at what Kreflo Dollar Ministry does every day around the world.
Testimonies come in from all over about the impact we have, and I wish you could see the kids we feed.
Their lives are changed and impacted for the better because of you, our givers.
The seeds you sow into this ministry make a mark that, uh, that can never be erased.
And I wanna thank you so much for your financial contributions into the kingdom of God and into this ministry.
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God bless you.
Look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of God.
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Treat yourself to enriching messages from pastor Dollar on grace and walking in the likeness of Christ.
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Salvation is the beginning of a new life for a believer.
It is from this point that we can move into the fullness of who God has called us to be and see the manifestation of the finished works of Jesus.
It is 1 of my greatest pleasures to help people, uh, to understand who Christ is and to lead people to Christ.
If you would like salvation today, pray this prayer with me, very simple prayer.
Heavenly father, I believe in Jesus.
I believe that he died, that he rose again, and that he lives today. Come into my life.
Save me. I receive you as my savior. In Jesus’ name, amen. Listen.
If you prayed that prayer with me,
that’s how simple it is.
Welcome to the family of God.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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