Live Against the Flow | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Live Against the Flow | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

I’ve always tended to stay up late, even as a little kid in kindergarten, you know, in in our neighborhood.
If you went to our neighborhood, a number of years ago, not not that long, just a few years ago.
The lights of our neighborhood were mostly off at 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock. My light was on in kindergarten.
I’m up, and they’re saying, what’s that light going on?
That’s isn’t that until my parents realized it, then I quickly turned it off, jumped in bed, pretended to be asleep.
Then I learned to use flashlights, you know, as some of you did.
But I’ve always tended to stay up late.
I mean, so late that you know, when I hear the birds tripping in the morning, oh, you know, now the light comes on.
The watchman’s key though is particularly at night. So while everyone’s asleep, So the watchman lives against the grain.
You have to, especially as an end time believer, and all these feast are linked to the end times, You has a message for an anti believer.
You are especially to live against the grain. It’s okay. Don’t fear the majority. Don’t fear what they do.
Don’t fear that. You live for god against the majority.
Walking because if you’re gonna do something for god, it’s gonna be against the grain.
So get used to it. Get into it. Hey. I’m against the grain. Get used to it.
I don’t have to go along with that. I don’t care. I’m gonna rejoice in the fact I’m with god.
Stand against the grain because the grain isn’t good, and it’s getting darker, especially for such a time as this.
The watch men also had to learn how to see into the distance.
What that means is you don’t get so caught up in what’s right.
Immediate You don’t panic because the next thing happens. You don’t get days by temptation. You always look. Wait.
Where’s this leading? If I give into this temptation, where am I gonna be tomorrow? What am I gonna feel?
Where am I gonna be 10 years from now?
Look into the distance, judge every action by where and and even to eternity, do I wanna do this?
Is this good for eternity? If it’s not, I put it away.
Live your life in view of the long run.
And that means also when you see the day of judgment, you know, there’s a judgment coming and you live in light of that, you gotta share the gospel with everyone.
You’re a watchman. If you keep silent, you are responsible.
You are not responsible for them accepting the lord.
You’re responsible for telling them the word, for letting them know.
And you do that, you will see people come to Lord and maybe, you know, the others will hate you.
That’s fine. But you have to open your mouth. What good is it to be a watchman?
If you don’t what is it for the watchmen who never sounds the trumpet?
Even when they he sees it coming, don’t be that one.
And, yeah, if he said that to Ezekiel, the great prophet, he says it to all of us.
And don’t only see the judgment or the end times, see beyond it, the watchmen looks to the morning.
Be beyond the night comes the dawn.
So no matter how dark it looks, I’m a watcher and I know that in the end, the dawn in the morning’s coming.
In the end, all things are working together for good.
In the end, the miss of the battle, I know there’s victory at the end.
That’s why I look to the end. In the middle of the night, the mornings come in, I heaven’s coming.
The um’s coming. The lord is coming.
The good is coming, and the good wins at the end, and that’s what I’m looking to. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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