Jonathan’s Days of Wilderness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Jonathan’s Days of Wilderness
Friday, August 18, 2023
Imagine driving your car around so you can fill up with gas. It defeats the purpose. You don’t drive to get gas, you get gas to drive. If you’re living to survive, or living to make a living, it’s the same thing. Matthew 6 teaches us, that worrying about all these things, makes us forget the purpose of life. Messiah said, “Consider the lilies of the field, they don’t toil or spin.” They just live and glorify God. If you’re living, worrying how to live, you’ve got it backwards. If you really want to live for God, break out of focusing on how you’re living or trying to survive and seek first the kingdom of God. Get beyond survival and live for God. Stop worrying about ‘how’ – that’s God’s job. Do and seek His will. Get beyond yourself and into the purposes of God and you’ll start fulfilling your purpose. Selfishness and living to make a living is like driving in order to fill up on gas. Stop worrying about your life and start living your life. Because God didn’t call you to live your life at the gas station.
And it goes on that he might one of the things that one of the purpose of the wilderness, he says it right here, that he might humble you, humbling, The wilderness by its nature tends to humble us.
You know, if you’re traveling in if you ever if you ever how many people been to Israel?
Anybody been to Israel? Have you ever seen the have you seen the wilderness of Israel? It is gigantic.
Much of Israel is wilderness. No water. you know, know, know all these things.
And you cannot be independent, really, for long.
And though we can’t be real proud, they had they got very dependent on god in the wilderness.
They had to be fed directly by god.
So the thing is it was it doesn’t say that he led you in the wilderness as a punishment for sin, either way they were going through the wilderness to get from Egypt to Israel.
Too many believers believe any hard, any hard time means you’re in sin.
Well, you might be in sin, but that has nothing to do with it.
It may have nothing to do with it.
He uses all things to accomplish his will for your life.
And one of those wills that we be humble and get dependent on god, the lord wanted to bless the Israelites in when they when they got to the promised land, but he had to humble them in order to bless them.
Paul was given great revelation, but he says the lord gave me a thorn in my flesh.
so that I wouldn’t become proud with all this knowledge. And says, oh, I thank god.
I try. I said, lord, take it away. Take it away. The lord said, no.
My grace said, you need this. My grace is you’re gonna remit. It’s gonna keep you humble, Paul.
You need to stay humble because if you’re not humble, you’re gonna fall so that I can lift you up.
I can entrust you with more, and I can use you.
God will use your wilderness to humble you to to show how much you need him.
You know, there’s nothing like problems to drive you to prayer. To drive us to prayer.
Nothing like problems to get us close to god.
You know, that’s often the way it is, though, that you stop depending on your own power, your limited power, and you start depending on his unlimited power.
In my weakness, he is strong. So it all happened.
Everything that happened in the world We were weak. We found we were we could not be sufficient.
We were dishonest. You went to you went to the supermarket, desperate to get some things that they were stocking up.
Desperate. You found some toilet paper and you rejoiced hallelujah. I have toilet paper. That’s humb that’s humbling.
God humbles that he might lift us up, that we might know that we need him, that we can be blessed with more.
that he might use me, that he might use you for something greater.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- SPECIAL: Rolling Stone Attacks – Jonathan Cahn AnswersTháng mười một 7, 2023