Your Life is What You Make It Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Your Life is What You Make It Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Join Joyce Meyer where she explores how to create a fulfilling life by following God’s plan. In today’s episode, Joyce emphasizes the power of gratitude and the importance of a strong relationship with God in overcoming negative thoughts. Discover how to transform your daily life and unlock God’s blessings through obedience and faith.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be teaching from her series life is what you make it if we want to have a great life we must learn to do things God’s way we’re all created with free choice but if we’re obedient to following his word he will give us the desires of our heart now here’s Joy with today’s teaching several weeks ago I got up one morning and it was just one of those days where I kind of felt like if I wasn’t

careful I might just be in a bad mood and as I drank my coffee that morning I started to have little tiny thoughts of self-pity work work work that’s all I do is work and I mean God spoke to me clearly in my spirit and he said Joyce your life is what you make it and I immediately put together a message cuz I knew exactly what God was telling me you can have a miserable day if you want to but you don’t have to come on and I know what to do the minute you start feeling sorry for yourself the next thing thing you need to do is start

thanking God for every blessing that you can think of that you have cuz those negative bad thoughts are the devil trying to plant seeds in your mind that if you water them by continuing to meditate on them will affect your emotions and the words come out of your mouth and you can just talk yourself into having a lousy day but you don’t have to and we don’t have days to waste so this weekend I’m going to do a three-part series called your life is what you make it and we’re going to look at a lot of different good things I’ve

also got a new Dave story I’m going to tell whenever it fits in right and I’m sure that it will come out at some point first of all the ible tells us plainly that God wants us to have and enjoy a good life every single one of us and I’m going to read you John 10:10 out of three different translations a thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy but I came so they can have real and eternal life more and better life than they ever dreamed That’s The Message Bible the Amplified Bible the thief comes only in

order to steal and kill and destroy I came that they may have an enjoy life and have it in abundance to the full until it overflows so I’m just going to throw just throw this out are you enjoying your [Applause] life John 10:10 is important to me because the way I grew up I know never really got to be a child and every healthy adult should have a healthy child on the inside of them you need to know how to work but you also need to know how to play and all I knew how to do was work because when I was growing

up if I was working I didn’t get in trouble but I can remember getting in trouble for laughing and so I didn’t have a healthy child in me and God had to teach me that it was okay to enjoy life amen amen I felt guilty when I enjoyed anything because I felt like there was something I should be doing John 10:10 in the New Living Testament the thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy my purpose is to give them a rich and a satisfying life a satisfying life so this kind of life is what Jesus came to give

us so why doesn’t everyone have it why do some people have it and others don’t well it’s not God’s fault because God is no respector of persons the Bible says plainly that he doesn’t play favorites the same thing is available for everybody God loves every one of us the absolute same he doesn’t love one more than he loves another Deuteronomy 10:17 in the Amplified Bible says for the Lord your God is the god of gods and the Lord of lords the great the Mighty the awesome God who does not show partiality nor

does he take a bribe Romans 2:11 for God shows No partiality undo favor or unfairness with him one man is not different than another so when you see somebody having a great life don’t ever just think well gee you’re lucky or you must have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth if people have a good life if they’re happy and content satisfied blessed confident strong there’s a reason for it and it’s because they have a good strong right relationship with God and they’re putting him first in everything

that they do acts 10:34 and 35 and Peter opened his mouth and said most certainly and thoroughly I now perceive and understand that God shows no partiality and he is no respector of persons I’m reading these scriptures because I want you to know that you have the same equal opportunity as anybody else I like to say God is an equal opportunity employer Amen in verse 35 says but in every nation he who venerates and has a reverential fear for God reverential fear for God we don’t hear many messages on the reverential fear and awe of God I

saw a young man on uh one of the apps the other day I forget what you call them all uh and he was in his early 20s and he said you know why my generation is so messed up and do so many crazy things is because they have no reverential fear of God and see it’s good to know that God is your friend and that he’s kind and merciful and loving and forgiving but there is another side to God too and we need to have a reverential fear of God because God means what he says yesen and what he says he will do is what he will do yes and we can live

under the blessing or we can live under the curse it’s our choice we’re all created with free choice yes amen that means we have to take responsibility for the things in our life now you may not be responsible for everything that happens to you but you are responsible for how you respond to it [Applause] I think that’s good enough to say it again you may not be responsible for everything that happens to you because people can hurt you mistreat you abuse you use you abandon you reject you lie to you and yes that

hurts you’re not responsible for what people do to you but you are responsible for how you respond [Applause] amen and my father sexually abused me I mean that’s all I ever remember so I don’t really know how old I was but I wasn’t very old he was in the service the Army when I was born in 1943 during the second world war and so I only saw him once until I was 3 years old and I don’t know if I was four or five or six but I wasn’t very old when he started to sexually molest me and then eventually take it to other levels and

that went on until I left home at 18 and my mother knew what he was doing she caught him I told her but she told me 30 years later that she just she said I’m sorry for what I let your father do to you but I just couldn’t face the Scandal so that was a selfish self-centered decision on her part she didn’t want to be embarrassed and so she knowingly let me go through what I went through now God has an answer for that and we think we can’t do it but he says you forgive your enemies you pray for them and even go so far as to say if

they need help you help them well see our mind says well that’s ridiculous that’s that’s not just that’s not right and so we think because it doesn’t sound like it makes any sense that we just don’t have to do it but you will be amazed at what will happen in your life if you’ll start to do everything that God shows you to do yes amen rather you like it or you don’t amen so I wasn’t responsible for what they did to me and I had a lot of problems because of it but as soon as I

got old enough to start making my own decisions every right decision that I made took me one step closer to Total healing for what they did to me so let me say again you’re not responsible for what people do to you but you are responsible for how you react to it you can take the things that people have done to you and you can let God use them to make you a better person a stronger person and use them to help other people that can build more compassion in you or you can just feel sorry for yourself all your life blame

everybody for everything that’s happened to you and be sour and full of bitterness and resentment become a hater and that’s not going to help you it’s not going to do do you or anybody else any good so maybe some of you need to make a decision tonight and of course I’m not just talking to you but all the people that will watch this by television and other ways that they watch it we have to get we have to make a decision to start doing it God’s way your life is what you make it God tells us how we can have a great

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