Why Does Evil Dominate the World? (Selected Scriptures)

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The Problem of Evil: Why Does God Allow Evil in the World?

Today, I will address the question of why God allows evil in the world. This question can be framed in different ways: If God is so good, why does evil exist? In fact, the presence of evil is often used as a reason by those who reject the God of the Bible.

Many skeptics ask, “How can a holy God allow His creation to be overrun by unholiness?” Or, “How can a perfectly righteous God permit the presence of unrighteousness?” These questions challenge the nature of God’s goodness and justice.

One common argument is a syllogism: The biblical God is loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful, yet evil exists in the world. Therefore, the biblical God cannot exist, or if He does, He is not loving, holy, or all-powerful. This logic seems to trap Christians into an impossible situation.

Some believe that this argument leaves Christians with no choice but to accept that we cannot understand God’s reasons. They might cite Deuteronomy 29:29: “The secret things belong to the Lord,” and simply surrender the question. But is that the best response when we feel cornered by this dilemma?

Is the best answer really to punt the question, saying “we don’t know” and “God doesn’t tell us”? While God did not explain to Adam and Eve why He allowed the serpent into the Garden or why it was allowed to speak, and He did not tell Job why he suffered, we are not left without answers in Scripture.

While it may seem tempting to say that we have no answer, the Bible offers us a clear explanation, a defense of God’s righteousness in the presence of evil. This defense is known as theodicy.

Theodicy comes from two Greek words: “theos” meaning God, and “dike” meaning righteousness or justice. A theodicy is an explanation of how God can be both just and righteous, even in the face of pervasive evil. It is a defense of God’s righteousness despite the existence of sin.

So, what is the biblical theodicy, the defense of God’s goodness in a world filled with evil? Let me outline some logical points:

  1. Evil Exists: First, it is undeniable that evil exists. This is a truth that cannot be reasonably denied, except by those who subscribe to the philosophy of Christian Science. According to Mary Baker Eddy, evil, sickness, and even death are illusions. However, Christian Science, like Grape Nuts, is neither Christian nor scientific. Evil is real, and it is not merely an illusion.

  2. Manifestation of Evil: Evil exists in various forms, including natural evil, which is impersonal and external, such as diseases, natural disasters, and catastrophes. From tiny bacteria to massive tidal waves, from viruses to volcanoes, the natural world is marred by the effects of evil, which is the result of a cursed creation.

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