When Eyes Can Hear Us | Jack Hibbs Special
When Eyes Can Hear Us
“You are my hiding place. You shall preserve me from trouble. You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah” – Psalm 32:7
It may sound strange for you to hear this.
But the title of the message that we’re gonna be looking at is called when eyes can hear us.
And you might be asking Jack, did you get that right?
But listen, as Christians in our walk in this world, what you and I admit what you and I live publicly, people come to a conclusion.
They begin to say, well, this is what a Christian is.
But our great challenge today is, does our walk match up with our talk?
Do we really, really display the work of God in our lives?
And I’m not saying that we need to be perfect, that’s impossible for you and I to be perfect.
But when the world looks at us, when our husbands or our wives who may not be believers, our Children or our parents look at us, do they see you?
You and I in a sense living our lives out in such a way that they see, they see with their eyes, they hear with their eyes, they see the life that we’re living.
But is it consistent with what the word of God has to say?
This is a very important issue when it comes to Christian discipleship.
And that’s what we’re all about here at real life. Christian discipleship. In fact, you may already know Jesus.
But are you walking for Jesus? Do those who know you would, they say He knows God?
They may not like you. They may not think well of you, but they would say, yep, that guy knows God.
And so it’s so important that today, more than ever before we stopped saying that we’re Christians and we live it out in front of the world in such a way that the world says to us.
Yeah, he’s a Christian. Yep. She’s a Christian.
I think if the church gets back to being a witness in a dark world, she will regain her beauty that Christ intended for us to have.
So let’s get our Bibles. Let’s dive in as we look at the study titled When Eyes Can Hear us.
As I get into this today, I want to say this, that, um and I’m just calling this a disclaimer.
I wrote this note to myself, disclaimer.
And I said this basically to make sure I tell all of you with all due respect for those of you who are here today and you’ve never experienced salvation.
Listen, that you’ve never experienced salvation.
The reality of it, maybe you’ve ignored him, maybe you’ve not allowed him to work in your life.
I don’t know, maybe you’re religious but you have no relationship, you need to know something, you need to know that we know what you know, we know where you’re at.
We’ve been where you are now regarding experiencing salvation.
You can talk about it until you’re almost a Christian.
You can go to church all your life.
But if you have not encountered the God that Abraham encountered or the God that David encountered, the God that those who follow Jesus have encountered.
This is a very, very serious thing.
We who have, we know where you’re at, but you do not know where we’re at.
Listen, we can both criticize where we’re at and where you’re at because we’ve lived on both sides of the fence.
You’ve only lived on one side of the fence. So you, you go, I don’t, I don’t believe that.
What about this? And what about the other?
Listen, we tolerate you, we lovingly tolerate you because we look at you with some sympathy because we remember what it’s like to be where you’re at.
You talk about the things of God, but there’s been no explosion in your life. Nothing’s changed.
You go in and out of church and nothing’s ever happened.
There’s no event where you can say God moved in my life. Listen, what if I were to say today?
And by the way, this is why fellowship is so important more now than ever before that somebody in your group of friends should be able to say to you what, what’s God doing in your life?
You need these kinds of phrases you passed that freaks me out all the more you need these kind of friends.
Come on, let’s not, let’s not go to the doctor and get a band aid put on cancer time is running out.
You sense it in the world around us. Things are going goofy crazy.
According to the Bible, everything is falling right into place. Christ is coming back.
This world, this world is unlike any other time in human history and all these things are in alignment.
And I would just say to you right now, make sure that you have encountered the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, I know so some of you are going to write me and you say pastor, I’ll have, you know that I have a phd from Fuller or a phd from Westmont or I’ve got a doctorate from Biola and you shouldn’t mention the word experience because it causes people to lean upon experiential Christianity.
Listen, you can pontificate that all you want.
The truth of the matter is when Abraham met God, it freaked him out and transformed his life.
When, when Saul of Tarsus encountered God on the road to Damascus, it freaked them out. He met God.
Today we have settled for something that the first century church and the Old Testament prophets wouldn’t even recognize they would expect to see lives on fire for God burning for God.
I don’t know what would happen if David or if, if Paul showed up today and say, we’d say what you want to come to our church on Sunday and, and Paul showed up and he’s, what is, this is not a church?
He would say what is going on here.
It’s like this kind of reminds me of the, of the Roman Morgue.
We sing, we sing with half a voice.
We clap with a half a hand and we, and we, you know, sometimes read our Bibles.
Paul would say it’s our life. I was blind. I was his presence blew me away.
Listen, you see Jack, you’re getting out of hand. Tell that to Martin Luther, the great Catholic Reformer.
His life was radically changed, man. If you ever get a chance, I forget the name of the city.
It’s in Germany, the town, but it’s there. It’s a museum piece.
You go into the room you talk about not only him encountering God, but Luther is translating the scriptures for the people to read because the Catholic church didn’t want the people to re the Bible.
Luther said, no, they got to read it, they got to read it.
And Luther says, Satan appears to him in his room and there’s the wall that’s still there.
He picked up his inkwell full of ink and he threw it at the devil and that ink is still on the wall to this day.
You say, man, that’s wild. That’s crazy. Listen, our experience as Christians should be absolutely radical.
In fact, I got to tell you right now, I gotta tell you right now.
If, if us in this church in my life, if we are not hovering near and around radical based on experience, I feel like something’s wrong.
I mean, I’m dead serious. If we’re not advancing forward, something’s wrong.
If we’re not getting attacked and threatened by people who hate God, something’s wrong. I’m did.
Did I have too much coffee this morning? Am I telling you something?
We need to experience God? We don’t trust our experience. We trust him.
Who gives us the experience? You get alone with him.
He actually, it’s hard to do but you get alone with them and you actually say, Lord speak to me, just speak to me, God.
If that doesn’t work, go climb a tree. If that doesn’t work, take a walk.
If that doesn’t work, I don’t know. What’s your thing? Go ride your bike, take a hike.
What is it for you that clears the web’s He’ll speak.
I am not going to worship a God who doesn’t speak. What is that? That’s, that’s crazy.
He’s speaking, he speaks and we know this verse six knowing that it’s like what it’s like to be with him.
Look at verse six just as David can, you mark that your life is to be able, my life is to be able to be described just as David.
You know it’s available to us right now. We, we choose that. What did David do? He?
He prayed, he talked with God, he walked with God, he sang songs.
One of the, you know, come on, he wrote this, read the book of Psalms.
Most of those are his psalms are like songs or poems, read those things, women love, David.
They read the Psalms and they go be still my heart.
But all the guys like David because David’s and I gotta come on, come on guys, we gotta go find some giants.
I mean, I’m in the mood to take out a giant.
Let’s go guys, you know, he was just the best guy all around, you know, representing us in life, worship, God sing God’s praise.
Go out slay, listen sleigh as it were the demonic evil forces of this world by our obedience to Christ, we punish disobedience.
The scripture says, did you know that the scripture says by our obedience? We punished disobedience.
Wow, it’s incredible letting the light shine knowing what it’s like to be with him.
Capital H Jesus, just as David also described the blessedness of the man to whom God imputed righteousness.
Apart from works that verse, I’m asking everyone who’s listening, everyone who’s viewing this right now to stop and open up your Bible, especially if you are an Old Testament student.
Because what Paul is quoting verbatim is an Old Testament Doctrine. What faith do you claim today?
If you are apart from Christ, you probably claim some form of a works based relationship to cause you to stand before the Almighty God.
A moral code. Ethics, these things are not wrong.
But when you make them the mode by which you are saved, now, they’re wrong because you’re involved in it.
Ethics is good when the ethics are good because when there’s a moral ethic that honors God, that’s good.
When we do marriage counseling with people, I’ve mentioned this you guys before. What’s going on?
Well, our marriage is falling apart. Why she’s always nagging on me. I don’t know what the big deal is.
I go to work. I come home, I pay the bills.
Watch next line. I’ve never cheated on her. Oh, I see.
Hang on. Let’s give you 100 points for that one. Excuse me?
You don’t get points for not cheating on her. You’re not supposed to cheat on her.
Does that make sense?
But see, we twist things around in a work, work related relationship to where we were stacking up things based upon our measurements.
God says no, no, you walk with me and things happen. God, listen, Moses was talking with God.
Moses. Faith started glowing. I think that’s awesome in a way in a way.
I think spiritually speaking, this is kind of romantic. So hang on.
I think when you and I are alone with God and then we go out into the world and live our day.
I think our face glows say, what do you mean? There’s something happening.
There’s just something I don’t see it. I don’t feel it.
But God, the Holy Spirit is still excited about our moment together this morning and it shows it spiritually shows and David says the most radical thing, how happy is the man to whom God no longer computes.
No, that’s not what he said. How happy is the man who God impute righteousness?
Listen, regarding salvation, God no longer impute judgment or the law regarding sanctification and living from the moment on, we accept Christ.
God takes the positive route. Now, he impute righteousness. You see, what is this impute?
Some of your bibles have different, different words.
It’s an old English word, but it’s simply I like the word infusion.
Um It may not be all adequate, but it would be like this God when God imputed righteousness.
Um I’m standing here, you’re I’m representing you when you come to faith. Okay.
Number one, God stops counting Mayan righteousness in that moment.
All of my previous unrighteous nous is washed away at the cross in a, in a second.
Now, from this moment forward, church, do I have your attention from your life? Now?
Since salvation God is imputing or has imputed, given infused, deposited His righteousness.
It’s amazing. You don’t know you not just go from rags to wearing something, you go from rags to riches in the spiritual sense.
It’s amazing. It’s really incredible.
Hmm Colossians chapter one verse 21 says, and you who were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works?
Anybody remember that? I’m gonna ask you again. Let’s pretend you are honest.
Does anyone in the room remember that you once were alienated and enemies in your mind because of wicked works?
Every single one of you, all of us were alienated from God because of wicked works.
Maybe some of you don’t know that.
But Colossians says that we are alienated.
But he goes on in that verse 21 yet now he has reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and blameless and above reproach in his sight.
Here’s the amazing thing. The awesome truth about God’s word is this that he takes that which is condemned and he pulls out of the air sheep for me to experience salvation.
I’ve got to come to the realization of that.
I’m fully convinced that the reason why Christianity is so dull in America is because most quote Christians do not appreciate or do not care or think about what they were delivered from.
If you have a low view of sin, somebody will say it this way.
I can’t believe you worship a God that would send people to hell forever.
Well, number one, he doesn’t do that. You do that. We’ve talked about that. You do that.
He doesn’t do that. But the main thing is this that this God that we worship His commitment to us, to impart to us.
His righteousness is something that is done out of sheer love infused upon us.
And what happens is He delivers us as a people as a person who’s condemned.
See the Bible says, we are already condemned. We don’t think like that in our Western world.
He pulls us from the plane that’s going down. He pulls us right out of the plane.
See the world that you and I live in and so much in Christianity today are so called Christianity.
It’s viewed or people viewing. I’m okay. I’m alright. I’m okay.
Can I lovingly submit to you that you probably have not encountered or experienced the living God?
Because when you collide with his holiness and his righteousness, there’s body parts and metal everywhere and it’s like, oh my gosh, what happened?
I collided with the living God. I’m nothing. Well, what’s happening? He’s reassembling me.
He’s putting in me a new heart, hipbone connected to the, you know, he begins to put you back together and your difference and I’m pleading with you today.
I understand this message may cause you to never want to come back here again.
But I have you for right now for right now, listen, you must be able to take out a pen and write down on a piece of paper.
I had some form of dramatic faith crisis with God on such and such or something year or whenever I was thus.
And so if you can’t do that, something’s wrong, something’s wrong.
Even if you were brought up in the faith, there’s a moment where you realize, okay, now I got it.
I am now making a decision to follow Christ.
He’s always been around me and I’ve been a Christian and I love him.
But now I’m at this teenage state or I’m 19 or I’m 18, whatever that zone is 13 and I’m now gonna choose.
It’s not my parents’ faith anymore. It’s going to be my faith. Now, that’s that crisis of faith.
Every believer in the Bible that we read about had a crisis of faith.
And I lovingly challenge you today as your pastor.
Have you had a crisis of faith?
Can you say this is when God got ahold of my heart, he took away the transgressions. He forgave me.
He covered my sins and my iniquity is gone.
It’s an eyewitness account to yourself.
We ought to be able to say I, I was there the day I died and the day I rose again.
Well, have you ever heard that before? My friend? A crisis of faith.
Far too many people today have experienced Jesus as an add on. I mean, I’ve got my membership card here.
I’ve got my insurance card there. I’ve got this license and that permits and we’ve got the identification.
But can we say that about having a crisis of faith? Meaning this.
Have you ever really stepped away from the religious trappings of just going through the motions and have come to the place of asking God.
Is this relationship actually real God? Are you active in my life?
Or you can ask yourself, am I active in the life that God would have me to have?
Listen in Psalm 32 verses one through three. The Bible says, blessed is He whose transgression is forgiven?
whose sin is covered? What a remarkable statement Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity and in whose spirit, there is no deceit who no longer keeps a record of wrong.
That’s what God wants to do in your life. He wants to say you and I free.
But it requires, listen, my friend, I plead with you. It requires a crisis of faith.
It means that you just stop now going through the motions and ask God Lord cause there to be a dynamic in my life cause there to be a constant reality of knowing you ask him, he’s listening.
He’s waiting to hear from you. It’s so vitally important. Listen. That’s why we’re here at real life.
That’s why listen, you can reach out to us at Jack Hibbs dot com and we can connect you in so many ways.
Facebook, Instagram with much more material.
We want you to know the Lord and, and I’m gonna say this up front. We’re not begging for money.
We’re coming to you because we love you. But if you want to help us reach others, that’s awesome.
But just know this, we are all about making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ until we’re together again.
Stay in the word of God and be looking up.
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Now, welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return. Void. God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effect.
Mhm So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us Bible prophesy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it.
And one of the great reasons you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and free you.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world.
A powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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Our address is real life with Jack Hibbs box 12 73 Chino Hills, California. 91709.
Your gift will be faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ, you will know real life.
But the title of the message that we’re gonna be looking at is called when eyes can hear us.
And you might be asking Jack, did you get that right?
But listen, as Christians in our walk in this world, what you and I admit what you and I live publicly, people come to a conclusion.
They begin to say, well, this is what a Christian is.
But our great challenge today is, does our walk match up with our talk?
Do we really, really display the work of God in our lives?
And I’m not saying that we need to be perfect, that’s impossible for you and I to be perfect.
But when the world looks at us, when our husbands or our wives who may not be believers, our Children or our parents look at us, do they see you?
You and I in a sense living our lives out in such a way that they see, they see with their eyes, they hear with their eyes, they see the life that we’re living.
But is it consistent with what the word of God has to say?
This is a very important issue when it comes to Christian discipleship.
And that’s what we’re all about here at real life. Christian discipleship. In fact, you may already know Jesus.
But are you walking for Jesus? Do those who know you would, they say He knows God?
They may not like you. They may not think well of you, but they would say, yep, that guy knows God.
And so it’s so important that today, more than ever before we stopped saying that we’re Christians and we live it out in front of the world in such a way that the world says to us.
Yeah, he’s a Christian. Yep. She’s a Christian.
I think if the church gets back to being a witness in a dark world, she will regain her beauty that Christ intended for us to have.
So let’s get our Bibles. Let’s dive in as we look at the study titled When Eyes Can Hear us.
As I get into this today, I want to say this, that, um and I’m just calling this a disclaimer.
I wrote this note to myself, disclaimer.
And I said this basically to make sure I tell all of you with all due respect for those of you who are here today and you’ve never experienced salvation.
Listen, that you’ve never experienced salvation.
The reality of it, maybe you’ve ignored him, maybe you’ve not allowed him to work in your life.
I don’t know, maybe you’re religious but you have no relationship, you need to know something, you need to know that we know what you know, we know where you’re at.
We’ve been where you are now regarding experiencing salvation.
You can talk about it until you’re almost a Christian.
You can go to church all your life.
But if you have not encountered the God that Abraham encountered or the God that David encountered, the God that those who follow Jesus have encountered.
This is a very, very serious thing.
We who have, we know where you’re at, but you do not know where we’re at.
Listen, we can both criticize where we’re at and where you’re at because we’ve lived on both sides of the fence.
You’ve only lived on one side of the fence. So you, you go, I don’t, I don’t believe that.
What about this? And what about the other?
Listen, we tolerate you, we lovingly tolerate you because we look at you with some sympathy because we remember what it’s like to be where you’re at.
You talk about the things of God, but there’s been no explosion in your life. Nothing’s changed.
You go in and out of church and nothing’s ever happened.
There’s no event where you can say God moved in my life. Listen, what if I were to say today?
And by the way, this is why fellowship is so important more now than ever before that somebody in your group of friends should be able to say to you what, what’s God doing in your life?
You need these kinds of phrases you passed that freaks me out all the more you need these kind of friends.
Come on, let’s not, let’s not go to the doctor and get a band aid put on cancer time is running out.
You sense it in the world around us. Things are going goofy crazy.
According to the Bible, everything is falling right into place. Christ is coming back.
This world, this world is unlike any other time in human history and all these things are in alignment.
And I would just say to you right now, make sure that you have encountered the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, I know so some of you are going to write me and you say pastor, I’ll have, you know that I have a phd from Fuller or a phd from Westmont or I’ve got a doctorate from Biola and you shouldn’t mention the word experience because it causes people to lean upon experiential Christianity.
Listen, you can pontificate that all you want.
The truth of the matter is when Abraham met God, it freaked him out and transformed his life.
When, when Saul of Tarsus encountered God on the road to Damascus, it freaked them out. He met God.
Today we have settled for something that the first century church and the Old Testament prophets wouldn’t even recognize they would expect to see lives on fire for God burning for God.
I don’t know what would happen if David or if, if Paul showed up today and say, we’d say what you want to come to our church on Sunday and, and Paul showed up and he’s, what is, this is not a church?
He would say what is going on here.
It’s like this kind of reminds me of the, of the Roman Morgue.
We sing, we sing with half a voice.
We clap with a half a hand and we, and we, you know, sometimes read our Bibles.
Paul would say it’s our life. I was blind. I was his presence blew me away.
Listen, you see Jack, you’re getting out of hand. Tell that to Martin Luther, the great Catholic Reformer.
His life was radically changed, man. If you ever get a chance, I forget the name of the city.
It’s in Germany, the town, but it’s there. It’s a museum piece.
You go into the room you talk about not only him encountering God, but Luther is translating the scriptures for the people to read because the Catholic church didn’t want the people to re the Bible.
Luther said, no, they got to read it, they got to read it.
And Luther says, Satan appears to him in his room and there’s the wall that’s still there.
He picked up his inkwell full of ink and he threw it at the devil and that ink is still on the wall to this day.
You say, man, that’s wild. That’s crazy. Listen, our experience as Christians should be absolutely radical.
In fact, I got to tell you right now, I gotta tell you right now.
If, if us in this church in my life, if we are not hovering near and around radical based on experience, I feel like something’s wrong.
I mean, I’m dead serious. If we’re not advancing forward, something’s wrong.
If we’re not getting attacked and threatened by people who hate God, something’s wrong. I’m did.
Did I have too much coffee this morning? Am I telling you something?
We need to experience God? We don’t trust our experience. We trust him.
Who gives us the experience? You get alone with him.
He actually, it’s hard to do but you get alone with them and you actually say, Lord speak to me, just speak to me, God.
If that doesn’t work, go climb a tree. If that doesn’t work, take a walk.
If that doesn’t work, I don’t know. What’s your thing? Go ride your bike, take a hike.
What is it for you that clears the web’s He’ll speak.
I am not going to worship a God who doesn’t speak. What is that? That’s, that’s crazy.
He’s speaking, he speaks and we know this verse six knowing that it’s like what it’s like to be with him.
Look at verse six just as David can, you mark that your life is to be able, my life is to be able to be described just as David.
You know it’s available to us right now. We, we choose that. What did David do? He?
He prayed, he talked with God, he walked with God, he sang songs.
One of the, you know, come on, he wrote this, read the book of Psalms.
Most of those are his psalms are like songs or poems, read those things, women love, David.
They read the Psalms and they go be still my heart.
But all the guys like David because David’s and I gotta come on, come on guys, we gotta go find some giants.
I mean, I’m in the mood to take out a giant.
Let’s go guys, you know, he was just the best guy all around, you know, representing us in life, worship, God sing God’s praise.
Go out slay, listen sleigh as it were the demonic evil forces of this world by our obedience to Christ, we punish disobedience.
The scripture says, did you know that the scripture says by our obedience? We punished disobedience.
Wow, it’s incredible letting the light shine knowing what it’s like to be with him.
Capital H Jesus, just as David also described the blessedness of the man to whom God imputed righteousness.
Apart from works that verse, I’m asking everyone who’s listening, everyone who’s viewing this right now to stop and open up your Bible, especially if you are an Old Testament student.
Because what Paul is quoting verbatim is an Old Testament Doctrine. What faith do you claim today?
If you are apart from Christ, you probably claim some form of a works based relationship to cause you to stand before the Almighty God.
A moral code. Ethics, these things are not wrong.
But when you make them the mode by which you are saved, now, they’re wrong because you’re involved in it.
Ethics is good when the ethics are good because when there’s a moral ethic that honors God, that’s good.
When we do marriage counseling with people, I’ve mentioned this you guys before. What’s going on?
Well, our marriage is falling apart. Why she’s always nagging on me. I don’t know what the big deal is.
I go to work. I come home, I pay the bills.
Watch next line. I’ve never cheated on her. Oh, I see.
Hang on. Let’s give you 100 points for that one. Excuse me?
You don’t get points for not cheating on her. You’re not supposed to cheat on her.
Does that make sense?
But see, we twist things around in a work, work related relationship to where we were stacking up things based upon our measurements.
God says no, no, you walk with me and things happen. God, listen, Moses was talking with God.
Moses. Faith started glowing. I think that’s awesome in a way in a way.
I think spiritually speaking, this is kind of romantic. So hang on.
I think when you and I are alone with God and then we go out into the world and live our day.
I think our face glows say, what do you mean? There’s something happening.
There’s just something I don’t see it. I don’t feel it.
But God, the Holy Spirit is still excited about our moment together this morning and it shows it spiritually shows and David says the most radical thing, how happy is the man to whom God no longer computes.
No, that’s not what he said. How happy is the man who God impute righteousness?
Listen, regarding salvation, God no longer impute judgment or the law regarding sanctification and living from the moment on, we accept Christ.
God takes the positive route. Now, he impute righteousness. You see, what is this impute?
Some of your bibles have different, different words.
It’s an old English word, but it’s simply I like the word infusion.
Um It may not be all adequate, but it would be like this God when God imputed righteousness.
Um I’m standing here, you’re I’m representing you when you come to faith. Okay.
Number one, God stops counting Mayan righteousness in that moment.
All of my previous unrighteous nous is washed away at the cross in a, in a second.
Now, from this moment forward, church, do I have your attention from your life? Now?
Since salvation God is imputing or has imputed, given infused, deposited His righteousness.
It’s amazing. You don’t know you not just go from rags to wearing something, you go from rags to riches in the spiritual sense.
It’s amazing. It’s really incredible.
Hmm Colossians chapter one verse 21 says, and you who were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works?
Anybody remember that? I’m gonna ask you again. Let’s pretend you are honest.
Does anyone in the room remember that you once were alienated and enemies in your mind because of wicked works?
Every single one of you, all of us were alienated from God because of wicked works.
Maybe some of you don’t know that.
But Colossians says that we are alienated.
But he goes on in that verse 21 yet now he has reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and blameless and above reproach in his sight.
Here’s the amazing thing. The awesome truth about God’s word is this that he takes that which is condemned and he pulls out of the air sheep for me to experience salvation.
I’ve got to come to the realization of that.
I’m fully convinced that the reason why Christianity is so dull in America is because most quote Christians do not appreciate or do not care or think about what they were delivered from.
If you have a low view of sin, somebody will say it this way.
I can’t believe you worship a God that would send people to hell forever.
Well, number one, he doesn’t do that. You do that. We’ve talked about that. You do that.
He doesn’t do that. But the main thing is this that this God that we worship His commitment to us, to impart to us.
His righteousness is something that is done out of sheer love infused upon us.
And what happens is He delivers us as a people as a person who’s condemned.
See the Bible says, we are already condemned. We don’t think like that in our Western world.
He pulls us from the plane that’s going down. He pulls us right out of the plane.
See the world that you and I live in and so much in Christianity today are so called Christianity.
It’s viewed or people viewing. I’m okay. I’m alright. I’m okay.
Can I lovingly submit to you that you probably have not encountered or experienced the living God?
Because when you collide with his holiness and his righteousness, there’s body parts and metal everywhere and it’s like, oh my gosh, what happened?
I collided with the living God. I’m nothing. Well, what’s happening? He’s reassembling me.
He’s putting in me a new heart, hipbone connected to the, you know, he begins to put you back together and your difference and I’m pleading with you today.
I understand this message may cause you to never want to come back here again.
But I have you for right now for right now, listen, you must be able to take out a pen and write down on a piece of paper.
I had some form of dramatic faith crisis with God on such and such or something year or whenever I was thus.
And so if you can’t do that, something’s wrong, something’s wrong.
Even if you were brought up in the faith, there’s a moment where you realize, okay, now I got it.
I am now making a decision to follow Christ.
He’s always been around me and I’ve been a Christian and I love him.
But now I’m at this teenage state or I’m 19 or I’m 18, whatever that zone is 13 and I’m now gonna choose.
It’s not my parents’ faith anymore. It’s going to be my faith. Now, that’s that crisis of faith.
Every believer in the Bible that we read about had a crisis of faith.
And I lovingly challenge you today as your pastor.
Have you had a crisis of faith?
Can you say this is when God got ahold of my heart, he took away the transgressions. He forgave me.
He covered my sins and my iniquity is gone.
It’s an eyewitness account to yourself.
We ought to be able to say I, I was there the day I died and the day I rose again.
Well, have you ever heard that before? My friend? A crisis of faith.
Far too many people today have experienced Jesus as an add on. I mean, I’ve got my membership card here.
I’ve got my insurance card there. I’ve got this license and that permits and we’ve got the identification.
But can we say that about having a crisis of faith? Meaning this.
Have you ever really stepped away from the religious trappings of just going through the motions and have come to the place of asking God.
Is this relationship actually real God? Are you active in my life?
Or you can ask yourself, am I active in the life that God would have me to have?
Listen in Psalm 32 verses one through three. The Bible says, blessed is He whose transgression is forgiven?
whose sin is covered? What a remarkable statement Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity and in whose spirit, there is no deceit who no longer keeps a record of wrong.
That’s what God wants to do in your life. He wants to say you and I free.
But it requires, listen, my friend, I plead with you. It requires a crisis of faith.
It means that you just stop now going through the motions and ask God Lord cause there to be a dynamic in my life cause there to be a constant reality of knowing you ask him, he’s listening.
He’s waiting to hear from you. It’s so vitally important. Listen. That’s why we’re here at real life.
That’s why listen, you can reach out to us at Jack Hibbs dot com and we can connect you in so many ways.
Facebook, Instagram with much more material.
We want you to know the Lord and, and I’m gonna say this up front. We’re not begging for money.
We’re coming to you because we love you. But if you want to help us reach others, that’s awesome.
But just know this, we are all about making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ until we’re together again.
Stay in the word of God and be looking up.
You’re watching real life with Jack Hips.
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Now, welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return. Void. God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effect.
Mhm So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us Bible prophesy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it.
And one of the great reasons you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and free you.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world.
A powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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Again, that’s 877 triple 7 23 46. And of course you can write us.
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Your gift will be faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ, you will know real life.