What is the Rapture? Q&A Highlights from Dr. David Jeremiah
What is the Rapture? Q&A Highlights
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Q&A Highlights from Dr. David Jeremiah latest Interview
What is the Rapture?
What’s the Difference Between the Rapture and the Second Coming
The rapture is a time in the future when the lord Jesus Christ is going to return not to the earth to the heavens, to receive to himself every single person who has put their trust in him for eternal life.
And before he receives the ones who are on earth, of those who have died in Christ who are Christians, they’re gonna be resurrected.
And the Bible says we’re gonna meet the lord in the air.
Bodies will be reunited with spirits and souls, Christians who are dead will be reunited with Christians who are alive.
And then finally, all of us will be reunited with the lord Jesus Christ, the great reunion. Amen.
The next thing on the calendar is the rapture of Jesus Christ.
The Bible says that’s an imminent event, which means nothing has to happen before that occur.
And the tribulation will happen, and we’ll talk about that, but it’s the darkest time the world has ever dreamed of.
7 years of tribulation, At the end of the tribulation, the lord Jesus Christ is returning not for his saints, but with his saints.
We’ll be with him. We’ll have been in heaven with him for 7 years.
The Bible says he comes back with his saints.
The saints and the angels, we’re gonna be in the great army that returns to the Armageddon and we don’t have to do anything because the Bible says all Jesus is gonna do is and it’s over, he’s gonna destroy him with a breath of his mouth.
So and we’re all dressed in white.
You don’t go to war in white, but we’re just, we’re just audience for Jesus in the return.
No man knows the day or the hour.
Listen to this. The angels don’t know.
And when Jesus was on the earth, even he didn’t know, the son of god did not know when he was on this earth when he would come back.
He knows now. He’s sitting next to the father. He knows when it’s gonna happen.
So it’s a really serious thing.
And when people write books saying it’s gonna happen in 1988 or it’s gonna happen in the millennium, all they do is confuse people And then they make a mockery out of the study of prophecy.
And I’m very serious about the fact that we should never do that.
But as it was in the days of Noah, so also will the coming of the son of man be?
In other words, Jesus says, if you wanna know what it’s gonna be like before I come back, study what it was like, be for the flood.
So many people that I know say that prophecy doesn’t have a practical application to it.
And when they say that, and hopefully you’re not one of those who says it, but if you are to stop saying it, because you’re giving away your biblical ignorance, it’s not true.
The Bible is filled with prophecy, and almost every prophetic context has within it, marching orders, things we’re supposed to do.
For instance, one of the most famous passages is in John 14, where Jesus is trying to encourage his disciples.
And he said, in my father’s house are many mansions.
You know story, but did you ever think about what he said first? Let not your heart be troubled.
In other words, if you know what God’s up, to, you don’t have to be upset waking up at night worrying about what’s going to happen tomorrow.
God’s got this. He’s got this thing in control.
And then There’s not one word.
Any can find anywhere that’s positive about the tribulation, except for the fact that one day, it’s only 7 years.
Tribulation will be the most awful time.
If you read the stories about the rule of the Antichrist, you have to take his mark or you can’t eat.
You can’t buy many, many people during the tribulation will starve to death because they won’t be able to get food.
You will not be able to eat. You won’t be able to you won’t be able to transact business.
And hundreds of thousands of Christians who won’t take the mark will die from starvation many of them will be martyred by the cruelty of the beast.
It will be an awful time.
We are to make no provision for the flesh.
That means we’re not to allow ourselves any possibility gratify our desires.
Don’t put yourself in places where you’ll be tempted. Be ruthless in putting those old habits to death. Do pointedly.
Do it piteously, and do it permanently. Do not plan for sin.
Don’t give it any welcome don’t offer any opportunity.
Kick the cent off your doorstep, and it won’t get in your house.
Any man?
- Dr. David Jeremiah May 21, 2023 | Chapter 2 : EuropeTháng 5 21, 2023