Vengeance Of The Gods | Jonathan Cahn Special

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Vengeance Of The Gods

Jonathan Cahn discusses the return of the ancient gods and how we are currently experiencing their vengeance. Check out the new teaching on The Return Of The Gods.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Do you know how long the Jewish people have been waiting for Messiah? Since the time of the prophets. They waited through the first century, the second century, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Twentieth Century. That’s a long wait, and they haven’t given up. The religious among them are still waiting. Imagine waiting for someone for 2,000 years. That person must be so important. And yet, you have the One for whom the Jewish people have been waiting thousands of years. How much more should you live gloriously in light of that. How great is your Messiah and your salvation. If they waited and longed for Him so long, how much more must you live for Him with all faith, confidence, joy, and perseverance. You have the One worth waiting for, for more than a millennium. You don’t have to wait to know Him, love Him, follow Him, sit at His feet and dwell in His kingdom. Go all out for Messiah, because He is the One worth waiting for.

An ancient anger, a dark fury and age old vendetta, a vengeance.
The gods have returned, the ancient spirits have come back to the modern world, to America, but they haven’t just come back.
They’ve come back with a vengeance. This is Jonathan in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, I reveal in full the mystery of the returning spirits, how they’re affecting everything and why it’s behind everything that’s happening.
It’s affecting your life, it’s affecting the people in your life. Where is it going? What’s the end game?
Where is it? Where is it heading? What’s the future? What do you need to know how to be prepared?
How to prevail as the gospel came in to western civilization?
The gods, the ancient gods were driven out the ancient spirits or the in Hebrew or the Dimona in Greek, the dark spirits were cast out.
But now we’re seeing the opposite as the West turns away from God and away from the Gospel and away from the word away from all those things, there’s a vacuum created.
So the spirits are returning as according to the ancient warning that Jesus gave the gods are coming back, each one, the return of the gods, each one specific God.
That’s what we’re revealing the actual specific entities, but they haven’t just come back.
They’ve come back with a vengeance with a vendetta. Now think about it.
They were cast out by the Gospel. So now that’s why they are warring against the Gospel.
That’s why the Gospel is now being war against in our culture, the spirits were driven out by the word of God.
So now they’re seeking to drive the word of God out of America, out of the west, out of the world.
That’s why there’s a war against the word of God that’s actually seeking to drive it out just like it started by taking it out of school.
But it hasn’t stopped. The gods or the spirits were overcome by Christians.
So now they are set on warring against Christians.
Christians are their target conservatives because they seek to conserve or not change.
But Christians, particularly people of faith, that’s why there’s a rising hostility in America against Christians.
It’s a spirit against Christianity against the faith.
The worship of the gods in ancient times was encroached upon by the new faith.
So now the gods, the spirits are seeking to encroach upon the Christian faith, religious freedom to encircle it, to say you can’t preach this, you can’t say this.
If you do, we do fund you, we deplatform you, we do this.
These are the gods, the gods were marginalized, driven to the, they were once in the center of culture, they were driven to the margins of society.
So now they are seeking to do the same to believers, to marginalize those who believe in God, those who uphold the ways of God to marginalize believers and God to drive them to the margins of society.
In ancient times. It was the young, it was the Children of Rome who most turned away from paganism of their parents of the gods and to the new faith, the younger generation, the Children of the Roman Empire ended up ending the gods.
So now the gods are seeking to especially take possession of the younger generation.
That’s why the Children to alienate them from God.
It began with the removing of prayer and the word from school in the early sixties, but it hasn’t stopped look where it is now to make the Children so alien to the ways of God and the ways of God.
So alien to the Children that they’ll finish off faith in America and in the West and in the world.
Last days, if you’re a believer, you’ve got a target on you.
You’re in a war, you must fight. That’s why I wrote the return of the Gods.
This is just a taste of the mystery revealed in the latest book I’ve written the return of the Gods.
It’s the mystery that’s everywhere as you can see, it’s affecting you right now.
That’s why I wrote it so you could know and so you could overcome and you could also help the people in your lives who need to know the return of the gods tells what’s going to happen in the future, where this goes, where it’s going and how to prevail what you need to know, to survive, to prevail.
Next time, an ancient vision, an ancient sign and now a sign that we are now in the process of not only pagan organization but possession hit, subscribe if you don’t want to miss it.
This is Jonathan Kah. I’ll see you next time in, in this sign.
Conquer, we would start seeing the removal of the crosses.
Crosses have been taken down across America and the west from courthouses from government buildings, from schools, from public places all over.
It’s hard to even imagine they were there. They were there.

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