The Strange Mathematics of The Trinity – How 3 Equals 1! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Strange Mathematics of The Trinity – How 3 Equals 1!
The Message of the Week – Part IV of The One Who is More Than One – It’s one of the most unfathomable, paradoxical, and mind blowing of mysteries. It’s been used by cultists and has baffled believers for ages. Discover the answers!
All love comes from the father. He is the source of all things. What is the son called?
The beloved, the object of father’s love. And what’s left?
The spirit, the love itself, the love between Time has 3 manifestations, future, present, and past.
Interesting. That’s one way of receiving it. Interesting.
You could say that everything proceeds from the future or everything comes into the present, everything that’s future is gonna become present.
And then what you can’t see the future, but the present you see the present is manifest.
And then it goes into the past where you can’t see, but it’s sealed.
So with god, it could say everything comes from the father. You can’t see him. Yeah.
And it comes as manifest in the sun, you see him, manifest.
And then the sun lead, when the sun departs, the spirit comes, you can’t see it. And it’s sealed.
Let me give you another one. Sunlight the sun. How how the sun?
The sun out there, the sun is, you know, whatever it is, ninety million miles away.
The sun But you don’t see you’re not touching that.
You know, you could never could, but the way you relate to the sun is through the sunlight that travels those millions of miles and reaches you.
And so, actually, the sun is touching you, s u n, through the sunlight. That’s comes from the sun.
But it’s but it’s this it is the sun, but it’s also the radiance of the sun.
The Bible says that you have the father, and it says in Hebrews that the son is the radiance of god.
So how do you see the sun? You only see it because the sunlight.
How do you know the father only by the sun? S o n. Then there’s the mathematical.
We’re we’re spanning everything. Mathematics. How many people are good at math? Very few people here.
Good at math. The mystery of the trinity. Okay.
How can something be 1 in math and 3 at the same time?
So some would propose some of these proposals are 1 third, 1 third, 1 third, 1 third equals 1, but that’s just that’s there’s no mystery there.
But the, again, the father and the son are not 1 third of their existence. They’re total. That’s the egg.
So mathematically, the the the it would come down to how can 1+1 +1 not equal 3?
Could only equal 3. But how can it equal 1?
In other words, how can you have 1, 1, and 1, and yet in the end, it’s one god. How?
How? Well, here’s the thing. Think about this. The son does not exist apart from the father.
They’re not independent. The father is not a father without the son.
The spirit does not exist without the father and the son. So it’s not 1+1+1.
Those are 3 independent things coming together. Rat or or adding up. It’s not 3 it’s not addition.
The son exists through the father. The father manifests through the son.
The spirit comes through the the sun and the sun. So everything each one exists by the other. You understand?
So it’s not 1+1 +1 how do you represent something existing by something else?
If you’ve got a piece of wood and it’s 2 feet 4 feet, it’s 2 what do you call it?
2 by 4. Correct? And how do you represent it?
2 feet times 4 feet equals the square of the foot of the thing. Right?
It’s not plus, it’s times. Let’s try it again. Not 1+1 +1.
It’s one times 1 times 1 equals 1. 1. 3 and 1.
The father exists by the through the son, manifest the son exists by the father.
And in the end, you have 3 and yet you have 1.
Now before I move to my favorite, I wanna just tell you some kind of mysteries in the ancient Jewish writings.
And these are not to be taken as authoritative spiritually, but it’s fascinating.
It’s kinda like if you’re in court and you have a hostile witness, and the the witness has actually proven your case.
It’s even more powerful. Judaism today will say no no Trinity.
And yet in the ancient Jewish writings, Outs beyond the new testament, you’re gonna see amazing things.
One writer was called Filo or Filo of Judeeis, And he was in the 1st century, and he wrote this.
This is Jewish writings. Okay? He’s writing about Genesis the beginning. He listen to what he says.
He says when it says the man has become one of us, it indicates a plurality of beings.
He says this.
Why does it why is it that it speaks of as if it was some other god that he made man after the image of god And then he starts speaking about what he calls the second deity who he calls the word or the logos.
He says that that god created.
It all relates to the world through the word or through the logos.
It’s amazing because the beginning of of John says in the beginning was the word, the logos, the word was with god, logos, and the word was god.
And he says, that’s like the second part of the trinity.
The same writer, Jewish famous writer, in the 1st century says he says it he says there is a threefold image of 1, like of god the living god threefold and 1.
3 and 1. He says it says as if one being another time, 3.
He says in the center is the lib the the is god then is his power and his governing power.
It’s a trinity is saying this guy, this famous Jewish writer, And then I’m gonna give 1 rabbinical writing, which is a mystical writing.
I’m not we don’t give it authority, but amazing here. It’s talking about the Shamal.
We started the beginning saying this. Let’s try it together.
Shamal, Yisrael, Adonai Elohanyu, Alright. Alright. Alright.
What does it what does it mean? Hero Israel, the lord our god, the lord has won.
So they’ll say that’s one. Yes. It is one. But it’s a strange way to say it.
You could have just said the lord has won. But they didn’t say that. They said, the lord are god.
The lord is 1. The Shaba says three times god is 1.
The lord is 1, 3, and 1.
So the the re now these are rabbinical writings here. It says, Hero Israel, lord our god.
It says, it says, how can three names be one?
Only through perception of faith in the vision of the Holy Spirit.
It’s saying that this mystery of god is three folds and yet is one unity.
These are the rabbis. Woah.
Now let me tell you my favorite of explaining What does the Bible say about god?
God is love. Right? God is love. Okay. What is love? Love?
I’m glad you’re take taking notes on the other messages. Shalha Vectia.
Love has to have a source. You can’t have love without someone loving. Right?
If someone doesn’t love, there’s no love. You can’t have a source.
You can’t have a you can’t have a a subject I love. Okay. But love also needs an object.
You can’t if you love nothing, there’s no love. You gotta love someone, something.
So so so love needs a subject and an object, and then it love itself is a verb between the subject and the object.
What do you get? 3.
Love the subject, the source of love, the object of love, and then the verb or spirit of love.
So what do you get? All love comes from the father. He is the source of all things.
What is the son called the beloved, the object of the father’s love? And what’s left?
The spirit, the love itself, the love between. Even think about the simplest expression of love. You say love.
Okay. Love. That’s one. But love has to have this in it.
It has to have an I, a you, and a love. The simplest expression of love is I love you.
3. And yet, love is love. 3 and 1. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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