Truth Divides Us | Jack Hibbs Today
Truth Divides Us
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Well, friends, listen, there is a lot of debate out there as to what is truth we’ve been told in our culture today that we can make up truth or that it’s your truth.
I have my truth and that’s none other than deception to be quite honest with you.
Because according to the Bible and according to reality, according to science, truth, truth is truth. It’s non negotiable.
The issue is this will, you will, you and I warm up to God’s truth.
The fact of the matter is friends.
Listen, we’re gonna be getting into a message that teaches us just how truth divides us.
Now, you might be thinking truth, divides us. How does that happen?
Well, certainly truth divides people in their opinions. Truth divides people in their position.
But I’m talking about truth dividing you and I in our relationship with God from our old life to the new life, from living a life committed to self seeking pleasures.
The Bible calls that darkness to a life of seeking the presence and the face and the pleasures of God.
Completely different. One life you and I were born into, into this world.
The new life that is brought about by division is a life of the spirit. And so it’s incredible.
Listen, the last thing that you and I need in this world today is for another theologian to sit down and write us another book on how to be a Christian.
No, the truth of the matter is all that you and I need has been given to us by God in the word.
What we need to do is experience a great, great divide by God’s truth.
Meaning I need to get as far away from the Old Jack as is possible. And God’s word does that.
I’m not talking about joining a church. I’m not talking about acting spiritual.
I’m talking about an absolute life divided from what we used to be.
I love how Ja Vern mcgee mentions how Paul the Apostle had the ability to teach in such a way that he brought the truths down as it were to where the kids can eat the cookies.
Simple truth, the truth that divides.
So listen, grab your Bibles and let’s dive in you.
And I know we can bear witness to the fact.
We’re a little bit embarrassed because we don’t always cling to the truth.
We wander from it sometimes, but we know this, we belong to the truth.
The Bible is God’s truth. The Bible does not contain God’s truth. The Bible is God’s truth.
And right there, he opens up by saying, I find then a law that there’s a law that is at work.
It’s a spiritual event. It’s a, it’s transcendent from this world. Church, family listen up.
This is not religion he’s talking about.
He is saying that there’s something inside of me that is speaking to me constantly.
I find in a law, there’s, there’s a, there’s a voice in my conscience.
There’s a voice in my soul.
There’s a voice speaking to me in John chapter one verse four, the Bible says in Him was life and the life was the light of men.
The truth of God speaks to every man, woman, boy and girl.
You don’t have to make excuses about it and you don’t have to try to cover it up.
It’s a fact every I remember years ago, this just popped in my head.
There was a man, in fact, maybe who, maybe in God’s grace he’s watching right now though.
I doubt it for those of you who don’t know that I did not always do this in my life.
I was working, I was a supervisor over a, an awesome laboratory, research and development lab at Baxter.
Now, it’s called Edwards Life Sciences, Incredible Corporation.
And I had a blast there when the church outgrew our ability to maintain it.
I had to quit that career job.
I loved it, but uh by God’s grace, I wasn’t shy about it.
And so this man, his name was Jean.
So Gene, if you’re watching right now, I hope this hits you right between the eyes.
He was a sassy, stubborn, little arrogant atheist, but he could afford to be because he had never had any problems in his life.
That’s why atheism is such a joke.
It only comes out of people who’ve, who have had the luxury to, um, to criticize the God that they don’t believe in.
It’s funny to me how angry they are about the God they don’t believe in.
But anyway, I said, hey, I just heard you adopted a little girl. He said, yep.
And that’s awesome. Well, God bless you with that. That’s an amazing gift.
He said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We don’t believe in God in our house.
He said, I’m gonna make sure I teach her that she is a product of evolution.
I said, you’re sick. No, I, I, I, I told her, I said you’re really sick.
I said, I’ll tell you the reason why uh kids, kids have a natural, natural propensity to not only uh believe in God, but they also have a natural propensity to um to, to deal with truth.
They may lie against truth, but they will never deny truth.
Uh They know it because when they got the cookie dust all over their face and you ask them, did you just eat that cookie?
And they say no, they know they’re lying against the truth. We’re adults. We perfect it.
We begin to tell lies so much that we begin to believe that is true.
And by the way, that’s one of the judgments of God is that when you lie against the truth, you can lie against it so much.
And eventually, and that’s what we’re hearing on our culture today. Well, it’s my truth.
I don’t doubt that it’s your truth, but it’s only your truth because your judgment has been fried by sin and you’re justifying your position.
Thus, you must agree with the trend of the culture where I have my truth. You have yours.
Listen, our truth stinks. There’s only one truth in its gods.
John chapter eight verse 12, Jesus spoke to them again saying I am the light of the world by the way, go at me the light of the world.
That means he’s the only light of the world. The great I am.
He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.
Awesome, just direct truth. We know where we belong and we belong in the truth.
And the Christian can detect that.
Imagine the spirit of God inside of you and he is and he’s very jealous over you.
I mean that in a holy way and imagine his job is to make sure that you gravitate and know and discern truth from good and from evil.
Secondly, is the reality. We belong to the reality. Definite article. I stress the reality.
What really is you see the word evil, that evil is present with me.
So he says, I find then that there is a law and that law is this, that present is evil or evil is present within me.
I I submit to you today that only a strong believer in like Paul can admit such a thing as you can as I can.
Because when you and I are not believers, we are not sensitive to the fact that there’s evil present within us.
We might think about it, but we don’t care much about it. Now, we know the real identity.
See the word evil, we’ll have it on the screen. That means bad, badness, harmful, loathsome, wrong.
It implies the departure from what is good, goodness, beneficial, healthier, right? Evil pastor.
Do you mean to say that you believe in evil 100%?
And I don’t need to talk to you about it.
I just need to remember my old life and I can also look at my current life. Now.
I don’t go out, I don’t go out doing evil. I don’t just, I don’t do that.
I used to do that. We said, well, well then you’re not evil.
Oh no, you don’t know what I battle in my head. That’s evil.
I battle the evil. That’s in my head. That’s in my mind.
So do you listen, when I throw myself out there under the bus, I’d love for you guys to say, yeah.
Hey man, man, me too. Me too. We should start a movement. Me too.
Paul is saying I have I battle this and I say me too.
That’s the reality. And then it’s the word present. It needs to be right alongside.
That is a little right alongside of you to be within, not only to be present, the word means but to be presenting evil.
It is as though evil is on parade. That’s how one Greek scholar put it.
That this verse right here. Verse 21 is announcing that evil is on parade within me constantly fighting.
We do as believers, this parade of evil. You know this I OK.
This is one of those moments.
Um I have learned in my life and the life that I lived before I came to Christ.
If I relax my, the the guard rails around my mind.
Now, I thank God for some 46 years. Those guard rails have been up.
And what, what are you talking about? Pastor?
It means that I’ve got guard rails up because if I let him relax, if I just rest my mind without having, what did Paul say in another place gird up the loins of your mind if I let them down, if I relax and let my thinking become lazy, sloppy evil comes in like water like into a ship and that evil is not your evil.
That evil is my evil past.
And why is it that I have a hard time remembering really good things.
But I can tell you at the age of 17 that this happened in technicolor.
And how is it that in my mind? I see it instantly in tech technicolor.
How is it because it’s evil? And I deal with it and you deal with it? Why?
Because it’s part of our flesh that is yet to be redeemed.
If you’re a Christian today, you’ve been born again by the power of God, you’ve got a renewed mind and you have a brand new heart, but nothing is referred to regarding our bodies.
That’s why death for the Christian is awesome. Get rid of this rotten stinking thing because I got it.
Listen, death sets me free from the appetites and demands of this. Amen.
And then one day I think in the resurrection, we’ll have a brand new sinless body that’s gonna be incredible.
By the way, listen to this Plato, listen to what he had to say.
He said, the physical aspect of our humanity blocks the mind’s ability to penetrate ultimate truth.
You remember now, this guy goes, what is he? What was, when was he 400 BC? 200?
We’re going way back man. But the mind or the soul is eternal and free and in touch with ultimate reality.
The obstruction to a vision of truth is found in the body. Isn’t that interesting?
He knew that why? Because God wrote it inside of Plato and therefore the body is something from which we need to be redeemed Plato.
And Socrates was said to be having a conversation and it goes this way, it’s quoted this way.
It may be that God can forgive sins.
But I don’t see how they understood that there was a need for sins to be forgiven and that there was a internal lust that man has for sin.
And you can almost see those guys throw their arms up in frustration about that.
No, the fact, the real factual evidence of evil is a powerful witness church. I put it this way.
It’s the antithesis. It’s the opposite of which is good of what is good evil.
Can you pick out, listen, atheist even right here right now. Maybe you’re watching.
Do you know what’s good and evil? How do you know? I don’t believe in God.
Well, is it, is it good or evil to do this or that? Oh, that’s evil.
And they’ll have their, their, their standard of judgment. Are you with me? Everybody does think about this.
You who say there is no God.
How is it that you have some form of morality? Where did that come from?
The Bible makes it very clear that evil is an outcropping from original good.
You can’t have evil without first something preempting evil and what preempted evil was good.
You can’t say that’s good and that’s bad unless you understand that evil comes out of good.
There had to be a starting point, we know where we belong.
Thirdly is that we belong to what is right?
He says that all this is happening to the very one himself, the one who wills to do good.
He says I want to do good.
I’ll submit to you today that down deep inside according to the standard of God, the atheist, the non believer, whoever you may be outside of Christ, you do not will you do not determine you do not strive to do good.
You may will, you may strive to exalt yourself to get in the picture to get your name out there.
But that’s not good. Now, the fact is this is the true new creation in Christ speaking and I love that.
He inserts that the one who wills to do good. That statement is one of a person who knows Christ.
Number two in our study today, verses 22 to 23 is that we know what the fight is all about.
There’s a great fight that’s going on.
I, I’ve been overruled every time I’ve told you guys this before, but um I’ve been overruled on this.
I’ve floated it past Lisa. She said no way.
I’ve mentioned it to a few staff members trying to go around the wisdom of my wife to see no way.
And that is I’m just a super fan of Peter Jackson’s version on the silver screen of Lord of the Rings.
It’s extremely graphic. Um There’s no sex Ok.
So it’s not that kind of a thing when I say graphic, uh, Peter Jackson takes you into the bowels of hell.
And it’s the closest manifestation to what I read is the biblical hell where you see what’s going on and all of the activity in that bottomless pit and the camera descends and descends and descends down and as it’s going down, you look around as it’s descending and it’s all of these orcs and others that are being either fashioning tools of weaponry for battle against the humans or there is these demonic entities that are bringing forth out of this like soup, membrane type of soup.
The birthing of more demons, a mass in an army to do what to go to war against man.
And that’s what Tolkien saw in his imagination regarding the spirit realm. It kind of freaks people out.
I think Christian should watch it, but then it’s pretty heavy.
Don’t have your kids in the room, they’ll have nightmares, but we, we, we shriek at that.
But yet there’s things after us worse than that, but you just can’t see them.
The awesome thing is you and I know what the fight is all about.
The beautiful thing is about in verse 22 is that we learn that the fight is from victory.
It’s from the angle of victory. Christian.
If you’ve read your Bible, you know this right now, we are never given the permission to be defeated.
Ever in the Bible? Do you know that the Bible says we are more than conquerors over and over again.
I’m reading right now through chronicles and it’s incredible how many times David consults God and God says, yes, go to war with the enemy but do it this way.
It’s always key. By the way, when you’re reading the great battles in the Bible, always watch what God says.
At one point, the army was going to go and attack and God said, no, no, no, Gideon.
Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to get a bunch of torches and OK. All right.
So we’re gonna do night fighting, right? Torches. God, here’s the torches. He said, OK, you got a sword. Yeah.
Right now you’re talking think God. So you got a pot. You have a big jar. Yeah.
Light the torch, put the torch in the pot, carry the torch, get out your sword and go toward the enemy in the middle of the night.
And when I instruct you guys to yell, yell, this is God’s better plan.
When you yell, I want you to take the end of your sword.
I want you to break the pot. So the torches appear cool.
As soon as the torches could be seen, the pot had to be broken for the torch to be seen.
As soon as the enemy saw the instant hillside covered in fire.
They freaked and they jumped up and they said, the sword of the Lord and the sword of Gideon is upon us and they freaked out.
Now you don’t go to battle like that.
But when God says, go to battle this way, you do it.
And God says, when you go to battle Christian every day, you know what the fight is all about.
And remember this, you’re fighting from the angle from the position of victory.
Verse 22 he says, for, I delight in the law of God. That’s victory.
I could close my bottle and walk away right now right there for I delight in the law of God that all had just removed forever.
This silly conversation about Paul is speaking about being a nonbeliever.
The non believer does not delight in the law of God.
He says, I delight in the law of God according to the inward man, we’re coming from the angle of victory for I delight in the law of God.
I read the Bible and I look at it and I read it and I say, oh God do that in my life.
Isn’t that what you say? Why? Because we delight. The word is that we rejoice in it.
We’re, we’re joyous about it to be a light of heart. I’d love that confident.
Our confidence isn’t in us. It’s in the fact that He’s told us the war has been determined already.
You do clean up battles in your life.
You’re fighting evil, you’re fighting this, you’re fighting woke is you’re fighting racism, you’re fighting poverty, you’re doing all those things that express the love of God in whatever that thing is.
Christian. Don’t ever let some knucklehead tell you that if you get involved in feeding the homeless or the abortion issue or the homeless issue or the border issue that you’re getting involved in politics, you’re showing the love of God in every area.
That’s what you’re doing. I don’t want anything to do with the Christianity that stays within the four walls of the church.
Who needs that? That’s how our nation got messed up.
No, listen, it’s out there and we speak truth to the issues and we expose the falsehood. Why?
Because we’re coming from the angle of victory, Christian.
So listen, obviously, we are talking about relationship rather than religion.
If you want religion, then this is probably not the program for you.
If you want a relationship with God, then let us help you see the truth of God’s word speaks to the soul as we’re talking about God’s truth making a division.
The fact of the matter is this that when you and I live in truth, when we know what the Bible says about us internally and how to live externally, that truth should cause you and I to walk in a way that causes us to be the most loving people that can encounter us.
But also truth tellers, we speak the truth in love God’s truth will show the love of God out of our lives into every area of our life.
And for that, we should be attractive to the world around us.
People are scared, my friends, these are difficult days, the experts, they don’t know what’s coming next.
Everybody’s got their opinions. Listen, you don’t have to guess anymore.
God’s word is steadfast and sure you need to make a deposit of faith into God’s word.
the truth of God, his word, the Bible. We wanna help you with your walk with Jesus.
That’s what we’re here for. We want to bring you more and more content that brings you into a closer walk with Jesus.
That’s why we’re encouraging you to go to Jack Hibbs dot com. We’ve parked everything there, Jack Hibbs dot com.
You can connect with us on Facebook or Instagram or uh telegram other areas but listen all this to get you to the truth.
So until next time, God bless you. Stay tuned.
Tell a friend but be ready to meet the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the truth.
You are watching real life with Jack Hibbs.
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Now, welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs, God’s Word and whomever will return, void God’s word is spirit, it’s power and it has its effect.
So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re going to get a lot out of it and one of the great things you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and through you time, Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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- Hey You, Process – Sarah Jakes RobertsTháng 5 23, 2023