The Weather Or Not Channel – B | Jack Hibbs Today

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The Weather Or Not Channel – B

Luke 12:54-59

Today, Pastor Jack shares that when we walk with the Lord, we are to stay on the path that He set before us until we are in the clear. We have to let go of those things that easily entangle us, and continue on the path until the end, when the Lord takes us home.

Look at the news, economies are freaking out right now because what started with the mortgage crisis?
And that really wasn’t in, in the long run.
The fact is that because we’re so much in debt as a nation did, you know, in the last several funding efforts for the war in the Middle East in Iraq, did you know that we borrowed money from the world and we borrowed money from China.
He said, well, but everything is ok now, peace and safety.
We’re ok here in America, we can just draw the curtain and forget about the rest of the world right down the tube because we’re America.
We’re all right. Remember in God, we trust really? I don’t think so.
And so things are going so good that the president says if we’re going to give you $800 listen, we’re going to give you 800 bucks any day.
The government gives you back money. Something’s wrong. No.
And if you’re a couple, you get 1600 bucks and if you’re a family, you get a little bit more than that.
Why? I heard it this week on a analysis. They said, how could this backfire.
One guy said it could backfire this way. People decide to save it. What if they save it?
If they don’t spend it, then we’re just gonna keep going down and we’re going to crash this thing.
They got to spend it. So don’t pay anything off.
You guys spend, spend, spend the money, you don’t have, spend it.
They want us to go spend it.
So, one of the financial analysis guys said, oh, no, people have got to spend it.
That’s the only way it’s going to work.
And then some guy and I thought they were going to kill him on Bloomberg radio or whatever it was said, well, there is, there is another problem that no one is talking about.
It’s X amount of billions of dollars. Anybody know how much it is that they’re going to give to us.
It’s huge billions to try to get the economy to recover from its dive that it’s gone through.
You know, where we’re getting the money, who said it over here were borrowing the money from China to give to the Americans to spend.
Can you believe that?
You see what, what, what listen men’s hearts will begin to fail them for fear in the last days.
And we’re not even in the end of the end of the end of the last days.
It’s amazing if that wasn’t enough.
What are some of the indicators, the storm clouds brewing on the horizon.
Condoleezza Rice said two weeks ago, Israel will have to make serious sacrifices for peace by giving up land in parts of Jerusalem.
Israel said, what does our enemy get?
What do they, what do they have to give up? Are you ready for this?
They have to give up terrorism? Oh, great. Thank you.
Gee, that sounds like a victory for the bad guys, right? We won’t blow anybody up anymore.
Give us land. You say, what’s with that again? Joel chapter three verses one and two.
God says in the last days, I will come against every nation who divides my people. Israel.
Do you think that’s a coincidence? A serious. Those are signs of the times.
Those are clouds on the horizon. Very important point. Number two verse 57.
Is it worth, is it whether or not do the right thing to be prepared?
That’s what Jesus is saying right now that you’ve heard this and seen this do the right thing.
Number one, he admonishes. He would say today, why are you not seeing this?
Look at verse 57. Yes. And why even yourselves? Do you not judge what is right?
Don’t you judge what’s right? The answer should be. Yes. Right.
He says, come on you guys, you make decisions and you wanna make the right decisions, correct? Yes.
Then he said, then do the right thing. You guys.
If there was ever a verse that you could label that is exposing political correctness.
It’s this verse Jesus is saying, come on, you guys come on, you know, to make good decisions, you can make the right decisions when it’s stormy, you get an umbrella, when it’s hot, you wear cooler clothing.
I’m going to the cross. Exactly what the Bible warned about.
David said 1000 years before I go to the cross, my hands and my feet are gonna be pierced.
Know the weather. In fact, can you guys put this up on the screen?
Take a look at this and look how common things have become to us and how much it influences our life.
This is the weather channel and we love, I don’t know what it is about that.
But can you just like draw when you watch that? I could watch that for hours.
Look at us rain, the green is rain. Look at that. Watch.
There’s more. Why, what, why is it a big deal?
Because there’s something about us knowing what’s coming. You know what? Let’s, let’s go. Um, let’s go picnic today.
Well, how’s the weather gonna be? Is it gonna be windy? Let’s go take a trip.
Where, what’s the weather going to be like? If it doesn’t have a palm tree? I’m not going.
What about you think of that? We turn it on and we’re just blind. Oh, yeah.
Cool. Uh-huh. What’s the temperature gonna be? 63? I’ll wear a sweater. All right. Let’s go.
Jesus saying when you do the same thing? You judge like that.
Can you judge the fact that the Bible is here before you and you need to decide, make a decision.
That’s enough. That’s beautiful though. You can watch that forever. I just think that’s the greatest thing.
You look at the weather and you determine, am I gonna get my snowboard out or I’m gonna get the surfboard out and you make a determination based upon what’s coming.
Jesus says, please do the same thing. Do you see this? He is saying, do you understand this?
What are one of the great things we mentioned earlier? But we’ll say it again. Matthew 24 24.
Jesus said that right before he comes back, there’s going to be false Christ, false prophets. They will arise.
They’re going to do great demonic miraculous signs and wonders before the people and if to deceive them and if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived.
Ladies and gentlemen, church family. Listen right now, Jesus said, listen, read your Bible carefully.
Demonic powers are coming in the last days that if you don’t know your Bible, you’re going to be fooled into following them and they, they are already on the world scene and they’re coming more.
He said, if it were possible, even my own people would be deceived if you’ve ever had.
And it’s true in the Greek, the original scriptures.
And if you’ve had a, an uh a logic class, that’s very comforting words if it were possible translation, it is impossible for his people to be deceived.
Aren’t you glad that he’s given us this word that we can test everything when somebody says, hey, I promise you this or I’m of that or I’m the other Jesus said, get out your Bible and watch them.
You ever see the guys walk along the beach with those headphones on looking for nickels.
Don’t those guys drive you nuts when they’re right by you say get out of here, man.
That’s how we should be with the Bible.
But no, if somebody’s a false prophet, we don’t want to hurt his feelings, just let them go do their thing over there.
I mean, what are you gonna do?
I mean, you can’t do anything about it but pray them out of existence and pray that they come to Christ or, or warn people.
But the guy that was coming up from Mexico, remember him? Whatever happened to him. Remember the guy?
He was, he was the Messiah. Did you see that guy on the news? Everybody’s following him.
He made like $100 million off of suckers who sent him money. And uh where is he today?
Probably in Acapulco somewhere and getting a nice tan right about now.
Jesus said, watch out for these nuts. They’re coming. He didn’t say nuts.
He said something worse than that. And so we want to be very careful.
He would say, are you seeing what’s going on. And then secondly, what are you?
Why are you not doing this? Why are you not exercising this discernment?
Verse 57 in that part where he says that even you yourselves, do you not judge what is right?
Then then do this about spiritual things? Know your Bible?
Don’t pull it out on a Sunday morning because you’re going to church every day.
So listen to this. How politically incorrect is this? Second Peter chapter two verse one.
Second Peter two verse one. But there will be false prophets among the people, even as there are false teachers among you.
Now who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, that is denying the cross and bring on themselves swift destruction.
And many people will follow their destructive ways because of whom the way of truth is blasphemed. Wow.
First John four verse one. First John 41 says, beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they be of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this.
You know, the spirit of God, listen every spirit or person that confesses that Jesus is Christ, that is Messiah.
Jesus is Messiah. Every person that can confess that believe in it has that he has come in the flesh is of God.
And every person that does not confess that Jesus Christ or Messiah has come in the flesh is not of God.
This is the spirit of antichrist which you have heard is coming and is now already in the world.
So with increasing deception, we near the Lord’s return and there’s all kinds of things out there.
People keep writing me and asking me about the secret, the secret, who the Oprah’s for? The secret?
The secret is from hell. Well, what about that guy that does that program?
And he sees the light that’s coming and he tells you about the future and the way the light’s coming, I’ll tell you, ask him about Jesus who is Jesus.
Oh, he’s, he was one just like me. These guys are everywhere.
You’re listening to Real Life with Pastor Jack Hibbs.
You know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series. Just go to Jack Hibbs dot com.
That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. And for now let’s get back to our teaching once again, here’s Pastor Jack.
And then he would say in verse 57 why are you not living this?
You guys make decisions about what you’re gonna eat and what about the weather? What you’re gonna wear?
Why are you not living as though I’m coming back or living as though the hour is running out.
Ok. Now, listen, here’s the application time. It’s our third point versus 58.
Take the path that Christ has set for us and this is, I’ll confess. This is personal.
Number one. Keep the path clear of hazards. Things that attach onto our heart.
Ladies and gentlemen, church, Jesus said right here.
Verse 58 when you go with your adversary to the magistrate, make every effort along the way to settle with him.
Lest he drag you to the judge, the judge delivered to the officer and the officer throw you into prison.
Number one, keep the path of your Christian walk clear of hazards.
This is going to take a life change on someone’s part here today.
You’re a Christian, but there’s just too much stuff in the path.
Remember Martha and Mary, remember Mary and Martha Lazarus, their sisters. Where’s Martha?
Anybody tell me where’s, where’s Martha always at in the kitchen? We got to have people in the kitchen.
I mean, that’s wonderful. Where’s Mary? Every time he said, where’s Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus?
Always listening. We got people listening and that’s great.
But Jesus said to Martha Martha, Martha, he had to say it twice.
Martha, Martha, you are encumbered. You’re burdened with a lot of things. You’re really distracted.
Are you distracted? You? You are, we are distracted.
We live in a tough time.
We are distracted and you guys, when we begin to think that we can have one ft in the world and one ft in the church and we’re gonna be just dandy and fine and God’s gonna overlook this and everybody’s doing it.
You listen, you’re on the brink of deceiving yourself in Galatians.
Six verse seven, the Bible says, be not deceived.
God will not be mocked whatsoever a man sows or does, that’s what he’s gonna reap.
And some of you are hearing the Holy Spirit this morning poking your heart right now, man.
I just thought getting high and coming to church was the, the cool thing to do.
You laugh. Listen, it happens.
I talked to a guy about a month ago in this church.
I could hardly talk to him because of his alcohol breath.
Well, we thought that just smoking some dope and going to church was, you know, you hear the word of God better.
I’m not kidding. What are you crazy?
Well, I thought if I beat my wife before I go to church, I can what, uh, you know, a little bit of pornography or a little bit of nastiness this way or that way and then go and praise the Lord.
You know, this is serious stuff. Listen, I love you.
Jesus loves us and he’s saying, read the weather signs in the spiritual realm. Time is running out.
And what if he came today? I don’t believe it’s gonna come today.
What if the ground opened up in a 9.10 earthquake? 9.10, a 10.
Just make it a normal 10, 10 point oh, it doesn’t have to be the clouds parted and the trumpet blast.
You can have a little tweak in your heart today. Where will you go? Jesus wants you with him.
Is that so bad? He wants you to be with him?
He said, why does he just take me like that then?
I mean, I can just go live my life and it’s all cool in the end, you’ve got to choose Him.
That’s the rules that to all those who receive him, to them, gave he the power to become sons and daughters of God.
Children of God. John 1 12, keep the hazards clear from the path.
Paul the Apostle warned it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Have we forgotten that? Revelation? Chapter six warns us that in the last days people will call out in the tribulation period and they’ll say rocks and hills fall on us and hide us from the wrath of the lamb.
It doesn’t have to be so difficult. Also this stay true to the path.
Have you made a commitment to Christ Christian today? Like never before it’s time to renew your commitment.
And I want to encourage you about this. Stay true to the Lord because he’ll never let you down.
You guys. Come on, I encourage you to vote. I absolutely, I’ll be voting.
We should, we should be involved in the process.
We should uh email our governors and, and senators and, and be and let our voice be heard.
All that stuff. We should feed the homeless, get involved.
But you know what, like the hippies of old, I’m just passing through, we’re just passing through a man and as a Christian, I’m just passing through.
But listen, cotton Mather said that every time he went into a room, he wanted to leave something good in that room.
By the time he left walked out, isn’t that a beautiful thing to think about? As a Christian?
We could go see God today.
It could be a uh at the end of our old life, but we need to be obedient to the Lord and focused on Him.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe, I know this. I don’t believe it.
I know God is telling me Jack, keep a light touch on the earth, don’t grab onto stuff, just hang on, just be ready.
I don’t know why he’s saying that is he coming back soon. Am I gonna go see Him?
I don’t know, but I know this whatever I own whatever I have, it’s all his and I don’t really own it.
And I know after last service, I said that and so many people came up to me and said, I’m feeling the same thing.
A real temporary nest in this world. And I’m telling you that is strong in my heart.
Is he coming soon? Is the weather gonna be changing? Has it already changed?
And this morning it comes down to this. He says, why don’t you judge rightly?
Some of you are saying, why don’t you put a sock in it? I’m not gonna change.
I love my, I’m doing my thing and I love this world and it’s cool. It’s going good for me.
And I, I’m gonna do, listen, I’m glad you’re doing good.
But the Bible says, watch out because money can sprout wings and fly away.
Are you trusting in money? We’re the most powerful nation on the earth.
The Bible says some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but his people will trust in the Lord.
They got watch out. Is America over? Is it done? What’s going on?
Could it be that God in His mercy is getting our attention?
Could it be announcing to us that the weather is changing? It would be a good thing.
I’m sad to say because in our blessings, we have forgotten God just like Israel forgot God on their blessings.
Oh God, please bless us and he blessed them and then they got all.
They were so rich and they, and the Bible says, they forgot God and then they began to get nasty.
They got carnal and they welcomed in other gods. They forgot about the Lord and they were so rich.
They forgot about the Lord. They began to get involved in spirit and the worship of other gods.
And God said, hey, turn from your way, don’t do that, don’t do that.
And they said, get out of here and then he brought judgment upon them because he loved them.
Where are we on that cycle?
Get your 10 commandments out of here, get the Bible out of school, bring in other books of religion.
Unbelievable. We have exchanged our God. We’ve given up. Can God turn this nation around?
Only if you and I take it seriously to pray and call out to him as spiritual revival is anything, is gonna turn this awesome, wonderful country around and then we end with this.
We need to continue on the path until it’s clear all the way through to the end. Christian.
Listen, I wanna encourage you right now. Are you ready for this? I’m gonna tell you something right now.
Those of you who are Christians that are here today, I gotta tell you something.
You continue on to the end. Number one, Jesus is gonna see you through. He’s promised to do that.
But I want you to hear this just before first service began.
I was on the phone on the speaker phone uh at uh Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.
Your team, our missions team is in Paris getting their connecting flight and uh they had the speaker phone on.
I was praying with them and saying hi to them and uh we believe God’s gonna do awesome things and molly with you guys and all that is absolutely true.
Do you realize how much faith it took for these precious moms and dads and kids and everybody in between to get on an airplane to leave their families to fly to Africa to tell one Muslim about the love of Jesus that they’re not allowed to hear and to take care of your or your uh school that you guys have built over there.
Lord willing to, that we’re gonna be drilling a well there for water for them.
Do you know how much faith it took?
You know how much faith it’s taken for them now to be landing or they’re en route as I speak to Africa, you say, well, that’s something, that’s something.
Wait a minute. Do you realize how much faith it took for you to come here today?
Don’t underestimate that you came here today to seek the heart of God. Don’t discredit that.
Well, Jack, I don’t know. That’s for other people. You’re here and you’re listening.
And Jesus is saying, you know what if you’re a child of mine, I’m gonna see you all the way through to the end.
I will be faithful to you. I will never leave you or forsake you.
He’ll take you all the way through to the end.
And if you’re not a Christian today, he’s saying I love you and I want to take you all the way through to the end.
I don’t ever want to leave you or forsake you.
He’s saying to you for God’s soul of the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever what’s your name?
If your name is, whosoever that’s you. If it’s Mike or Fred that’s you.
If it’s Susie or Stella, that’s you. Isn’t it awesome?
Jesus is not saying, oh, death to all of you, the storm’s coming and I’m glad you guys can drowned.
I’m not gonna go to the cross. You’re all a bunch of knuckleheads. I’m leaving.
He could have no. He said if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men to me.
Men and women. What an amazing God we have. And so what should I do?
You and I are called to abide in Christ. You know what that means? Abide in Christ.
John chapter 15 to abide in Christ is to live with him. Can you do that?
You can do that? It means invite him. The word means to dwell with him.
Watch this. Don’t raise your hand. But how many of you want to dwell with Christ?
There are some of you today. You don’t want anything to do with them.
You, you came here because you’re gonna get a free lunch in a minute.
Or somebody invited you to breakfast for brunch.
I don’t go to church, free dinner, free food, whatever your motive.
You don’t want him, believe me, he still wants you.
But if you don’t want him, he’s not gonna force you. But do you want him today?
Oh man, that’s great. You’ll see all the way through to the end and keep a light touch on this world.
You guys, no matter what happens in this world. Heaven is our home. It’s where we’re going.
That’s what’s going to last forever.
It’s not our cars, it’s not our houses, it’s not our clothes, it’s not the money that’s evaporating by the minute.
It’s the Lord. Do you know him?
Pastor and bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called the Weather or not.
Channel. The whether or not channel is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Gospel of Luke.
It’s a series on the book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world.
And we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio. The Great reset.
What exactly does that mean more importantly is America involved, well known author, founder and president of Turning Point.
USA Charlie Kirk breaks it down for us in his brand new book and Pastor Jack has made this book, our featured resource.
It’s called The Christian Response To The Great Reset.
You know, our world is changing dramatically and our Christian world view is at stake.
The rise of the global economic forum is challenging our founding fathers core values for our country and we’ve got to understand what’s coming now.
Charlie Kirk is an outstanding voice for this day and time as he stands up for our rights and our freedom, short and compact.
This tremendously important book, The Christian Response To The Great reset is a must read for all Christians.
We really have to wake up to what’s happening and to represent the truth of God’s word, the Christian response to the great reset.
It’s available for a gift of any amount at our website Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you.
Our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio. Wish for you.
Solid and steady growth in Christ and in his word, we’ll see you next time here on Real Life Radio.

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