The Strongest Power In The Universe | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Strongest Power In The Universe | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn teaches on the unlocking of Love. The truth in scripture shows it’s not a feeling but rather a choice, like Jesus choosing the cross because He loves us.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

in the same way when it’s hard to love that’s often and you still love that is the greatest love you’re going to be doing the hard the times when it’s hardest to love the person and you still love that person that’s the Glory of Love that’s the real love that’s the Divine [Music] love the glory is when you choose to love when it’s not warranted not deserved not expected not requited not evoked by the other person it’s not caused by that because the love of God is not caused by anything in the world
it exists independent of the world that means that the love of God in you is a love that is not caused by other things you love regardless that’s the love of God God can use all the feelings and all that but ultimately it’s got to stand on that and in olden days and In some cultures to this day marriages were often arranged romance had nothing to do with it you might not know the person at all and you are now introduced to that person and it was arranged by your parents now today it’s romance you know
and and it has there’s no there’s very few arranged matter there are in some cultures but and yet looking at the two you think that the one that would be more successful is the one that’s based on romance but it’s the opposite the marriages that were more successful were those were arranged why because they knew from the beginning they had to choose it it wasn’t based on feeling and that worked in the end better it’s the opposite the way we are now because it means it’s unconditional not based on what you want
you know even as Believers I mean how take we got to take note of how different love is in God most of the time the word love appears in the Bible or or rather when God speaks of us loving it’s a command love one another love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength it’s an action it’s a verb it’s not any never says feel it it says love the point is true love is chosen you choose love you choose to receive the love of God and you choose to give the love of God and that’s the love that stands regardless
of time CS Lewis wrote that the moments that we struggle the most to choose the right thing even when it’s hardest when we’re struggling could be turning down Temptation it could be loving the unlovable forgiving your enemies when we do that we think it’s the we think it’s the most forc thing it’s the he says that’s the most freeing that’s the most free moment of Our Lives when we can go against everything else and do what’s right regardless of emotion regardless of that we are free we think it’s we
it’s actually when we choose love that is actually the stronger love if we you know we don’t realize that you know the love of God is powerful it has Force it’s the strongest the Bible says says God is love that means it’s the strongest force in the universe and and it has a morality to it because if it’s that love it’s going to be good all the time but feelings you know there are people who feel it’s love and it’s actually adultery people who commit adultery often it’s not just a a carnal thing
often it’s their falling in love and they think it’s love and love and it’s actually destruction because their sin is against the marriage and family I’ve known people who got caught up in that and if you’re in Ministry long enough you it happens you find people who you who are even then even who profess to believe and they get involved in an adulterous relationship because it feels good and they say oh but this one is so loving and understands me not like my wife not like this evil can feel good and good
can feel bad to choose love May mean going against all the feelings you have and all the the the warm feelings it can me going against all that you want but it’s good goodness requires sacrifice it says love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength it doesn’t say once with that you’re going to feel the Lord your God with all feeling doesn’t say that if you’re married and you’re tempted what is love love is saying no to that feeling the most loving thing you can do is say no to the feeling
feeling love is saying no to sexual Temptation love is saying no to anger no to bitterness no to holding unforgiveness it’s a choice love is saying I’m not going to be selfish he said greater love has no one that he lays down his life for his friend now how many people wake up in the morning say I feel like laying my down my life for that person most of the time you don’t you might have some nice friends but rarely do you feel led to give up your life but messiah’s love that’s the greatest love he says when he went to
the to his death it wasn’t cuz he felt like it it wasn’t that he had feelings say this is great to be whipped to be rejected to be pierced through to be hung you think he he felt like that he did not you know we respond with feelings you know and we often miss the fact Gethsemane you know some people say well if he was if he was if he was divine why would have said take this away from me that’s the whole point if he said hey this is going to be real easy no problem it wouldn’t be or if he said I really I can’t wait till I get
there up on the ground that’s not it was the it was the thing he didn’t feel like but he chose to not my will but your will be done in the same way when it’s hard to love that’s often and you still love that is the greatest love you’re going to be doing the hard the times when it’s hardest to love the person and you still love love that person that’s the Glory of Love that’s the real love that’s the Divine love it says love your Wives husband it says love one another too and husband
say well I don’t love my wife anymore or I don’t love my husband anymore we hear that and think oh that’s too bad what can they do about that but you know what the scripture doesn’t care it doesn’t say do you love them anymore it says love them so but I don’t that’s you know think about that it’s like someone says take out the garbage and you say well I don’t take out the garbage anymore it’s irrelevant God said take out the garbage you take out the garbage God said well I
don’t feel it doesn’t matter God didn’t ask you that he said love anyway pay your taxes I don’t pay taxes anymore it’s irrelevant do husbands Always Feel Like Loving their wives no do wives Always Feel Like Loving their husband no if they did why would there be a there wouldn’t be a scripture saying you need to do it you see people in Hollywood they Mar they fall in love marry each other I’m not saying all but they marry you know be all on fire passionate passionate passionate a few years later
you look at the you look at that magazine in the supermarket they’re divorcing or they’re having an affair with somebody else how can that be how do they go from all those madly passionately I need you you’re the end you know no one and to to just say I don’t I don’t want you because that’s not love and that doesn’t just happen in Hollywood that happens in around you but those marriages that are of Love are not based on the feeling they’re based on a choice before God God never ask you you know any of
you know says love your spouse love regardless and each one it never tells husbands make sure your wives respect you and it never tells wives make sure your husbands love you it only tells each you do your part regardless of what the other person’s doing the command is love love for you know the no matter what its command is for the wife love your husband regardless there’s no there’s no condition there’s no there’s no Aster and there’s no fine print it just says love so no matter what still
love this is Jonathan KH thanks for watching and the Josiah Manifesto the ancient mystery and guide for the end times is available everywhere on Amazon wherever books are sold God bless you [Music] shalom [Music]


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