The Spirit of Satanic…

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Everybody. We’re going to dive into some of the stuff that’s kind of broad based.
It’s all based on the fact though of demonic spirits, satanic spirits, what’s going on in the world around us?
And are you going through or are you going to experience satanic attack in your life? Well, stay tuned.
And I hope this podcast answers some of those questions.
Real life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture today.
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Now, open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs. Everybody.
Welcome to our podcast today. We’re gonna be jumping into some things that, um, I hope anyway, as usual are not only controversial because life is but practical and answers questions in your life.
So there’s um, a lot of talk and we’ll cover them eventually.
But, uh, just before going uh on the air.
Uh, the staff were all, uh the, the wonderful people that are on the other side of that camera lens uh, behind you.
Um, we were discussing the movie Nefarious. If you’ve not seen it, you must see it.
Uh, it’s not for the faint of heart, but don’t let that sway you.
It’s not a, um, an exorcist type movie. It’s not gonna glorify Satan, it’s not that kind of stuff.
It’s absolutely powerful. You must see this movie. Uh I highly endorse it. In fact, I have endorsed it.
Uh Steve uh de the author of the book Nefarious about uh seven years ago, wrote the book, the movie is based on the book, the acting is World Class.
In fact, uh what’s the guy’s name? Sean Sean Patrick Flannery.
Uh if Hollywood had any decency and sense and, and stability, he’s hands down the best actor of the year, hands down, nobody comes close.
Uh But it won’t, it won’t make it to Hollywood because uh it reveals Satan’s tactics.
But if you get a chance, but it, it really dovetails into with that endorsement and encouragement to, for you to see that film nefarious.
Um is the fact that what are we looking at right now in this world around us?
There’s a undeniable, overwhelming proof, positive exhibition of what the Bible says is an age that is of the anti-christ, the spirit of antichrist.
Now, John told us in first John that even 2000 years ago.
Uh He said, you guys all know, don’t you, that the anti-christ is coming?
But he said, we also know that the spirit of antichrist is in the world now.
And that because that’s true, there are many who are antichrist uh in what they believe in what they say and what they do.
So number one, the anti-christ, Mr 666 is coming.
But in the meantime, and it has always been present the spirit of antichrist, which is technically the denial of biblical truth, the denial of the deity of Christ, the denial of the power of the resurrection and um the atoning death of Christ on the cross, the spirit of antichrist is literally the spirit behind all cults, all pseudo cults and even those that are known as Christian cults, uh it is demonic uh sway.
And so uh that’s no shock Bible makes it crystal clear. It has mentioned this for over 2000 years.
But what do we see today in our time?
Uh We preach, we teach, we read books, we go to movies, we, we, we uh see things like the Left Behind series or the passion of the Christ or uh uh uh the coming convergence or things like that.
And we say, wow, yeah. Biblical Amazing. Yes. But do we really believe that?
I think we are in a time now where uh God is saying to us, do you really, you’ve said you believe these things.
But do you really? Because right now we’re at a moment that is undeniably evil.
And I’m talking to the Christian right now.
You guys that, if you tried to say today, for example, oh, let’s not worry about what’s happening with the Dodgers or with Target.
That’s just a spike. It’s just a weird thing. It’ll go away. Um, it’s not gonna go away.
It’s not gonna go away even if the Dodgers uh change their tune on exalting satanism and promoting Satanism.
Even if Target, which uh I, I mentioned last night in a message with Eric Mata is um even if the, even if Target says.
All right, all right. Uh We’re gonna take all of our L B G T Q L O P uh X Y Z uh stuff and we, we’ll move it from the front of the store to the back of the store.
Sorry, please give us, please give us the $12 billion that you would have spent that we’ve lost.
Can you give it back, please? Uh Some dumb dumbs are gonna say, oh, isn’t that great?
They heard they heard our, our anger and we, we, they move the, they move the, the male bikini tuck and roll stuff, your stuff, underwear stuff uh to the back of the store.
We won, we won. No. Target laughs at you at your face, especially Satan because here’s what happens.
Satan takes two steps forward. You get in a big shock. And then he says, oh, all right.
Takes one step back. He’s still there. He just moved this stuff to the back of the store.
Target wins. They get their $12 billion back from suckers and we move on and we feel better.
Listen, don’t fall for Satan’s tactics. And I wanna mention some of the tactics that are happening right now.
How do we know that we’re in the age of the anti-christ and the spirit of the anti-christ is active in the world today.
I’m not gonna mention woke and apostate churches. Uh They’re on every street corner.
Now, I’m talking about the infiltration of satanic thought and actions that are in our world in the general public square.
Let’s just talk about that. Forget about the church, forget about the, the the you know uh satanism.
Is it in the public square? Ask yourself that question? Are we dealing with satanic issues publicly?
Now everybody in media shows commercials, clothing, music.
Ask yourself, are we looking at an age that has been infiltrated?
And the talking points are around the issue of aberrant, sexuality, law, cities, municipalities, court decisions.
Ask yourself, is that a manifestation of the spirit of antichrist? The answer is an overwhelming yes.
If you deny that, then you better read first John near the back of your Bible before the Book of Revelation before the book of Jude, you better read first John because if I if you say no, that’s, that’s, it’s OK.
It’s OK. You yourself have fallen into this sway of the wicked one, Satan himself.
So number one is in infiltration which leads to what influence the culture is it not being influenced on every possible angle?
So now we’ve got sports teams, I shouldn’t even say the teams because that’s not fair to the players.
We’ve got lunatics freaks. Are they Satanist?
Are they L B G T Q Y L O P s suede, whatever their thing is to have a Dodger homo night, what in the world’s going on?
What’s happening? And it’s not just the Dodgers, it’s happened in some other teams, the influence because of the infiltration, there’s an influence and it’s happening.
We cannot let that happen. I’m afraid though.
And in the age in which we live in most Christians don’t even want to hear this podcast because Pastor Jack, that’s, this is too strong, it’s, it’s too strong.
Uh I, you know, I don’t need to hear this.
You need to hear this and you need to do something about it.
God bless the people who are starving out. Now.
Target, look, we all like Target, I mean, Target as I’m not talking the management, their products, great stuff, great prices, Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Um I think they’re still in that store.
Never gonna buy anything from Target, which means I’m never gonna buy anything from Chip and Joanna again because it’s in Target.
That being the point. It’s a great story that was screwed up by bad decision making. Why?
Because the leadership of Target was influenced.
Same with the Dodgers which is going to really kill them if you think about it because L A is heavily Hispanic.
Hispanics are heavily Catholic and the Dodgers have chosen to have these transvestite trans men dress up as the sisters of perpetual indulgences and the Dodgers have chosen to celebrate that.
How does that happen? How does that happen at in the US Air Force?
Us Air Force is hosting drag queen events. United States Air Force, I’m paying for that.
So, are you in your taxes?
Uh Listen, I believe in God and I by, by God’s mercy, our airplanes aren’t falling out of the sky but couldn’t God just say, you know what the Air force offended me.
I’m gonna pull the wings off your airplanes while you’re flying around. He could do that. But um influence.
The next thing, third thing is on this is, listen, infiltration leads to influence which leads to indoctrination. Indoctrination.
Ask yourself, is that happening right now? Indoctrination.
If you don’t think it is, then you need to wake up and you need to go to a school board meeting in your town.
In fact, I’m asking you to go to a school board meeting in your town no matter what, you can just, you know, you can go show up and sit down, you have to say anything.
You just listen, you’ll be shocked at the glorification of porn and their hatred for the Bible and for Christians and for American history.
Oh my gosh. Their hatred for George Washington. They can’t stand him. They can’t stand Thomas Jefferson.
They can’t stand, uh, anything that’s American. They hate the fact in history.
Don’t you wanna talk about it when they get a page of, or maybe not even a page of World War Two history and how America freed the world in two theaters of war.
At the same time from us being, the world would have been divided by the way into two nations.
If it wasn’t for the United States, there would have been the Empire of Japan and there would have been the third Reich of Adolf Hitler and those two, those two kingdoms would have divided the world in half.
Think about it. Japan would have taken the West and Germany would have taken the east.
That would have been it. But America got involved and saved the world.
Then we want to talk about that stuff because that’s American stuff. You want to be careful about indoctrination.
Our kids right now today, know more about Madonna. They know more about um what’s your face?
Uh It doesn’t matter. I can’t even think of her name.
If you ask if you ask them pulp pop uh culture questions, they know the answer uh to Justin Bieber’s thing or to whatever if you ask them, who’s Alexander Hamilton?
If you ask them, who, who was the first president?
God forbid that you should ask your college graduate? Who is the third president of the United States?
And how many votes did he win by? They don’t have a clue. It’s pathetic. Why?
Because they’ve been indoctrinated by an agenda that I’m telling you is Satanic and it’s the spirit of antichrist.
All right. What happens after indoctrination? It’s where we’re at. It’s where we’re at today.
In fact, here’s, here’s my reminder you shouldn’t see this, but I’m showing it to you the spirit of satanic.
What infiltration influence? Indoctrination, underlined the spirit of antichrist produces a spirit of intoxication.
Good, normal people you thought were able to maybe even watch your kids who have now been flushed out.
Grandma’s grandpa’s neighbors, sisters, brothers, friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, they have been intoxicated by a demonic influence to accept the uh sexual aberrance of what’s happening in our world.
And you’ve got people that are 80 years old saying, well, uh it doesn’t really bother me or affect my life.
So, whatever, you know, live and let live, uh that is the spirit of antichrist and now we don’t even know who we can trust with our kids.
And it’s obviously it’s a no brainer that the schools we cannot trust with our Children anymore.
But who in our family, do you know?
For sure, uh are not gonna let your Children view something as they’re babysitting your kids or say something, what’s happening, intoxication.
I know people, you know, people who up until recently they were staunch believers in the Bible and they would say the word of God is true, every word of it.
And then they found out that their grandson is trending uh homosexual or whatever.
Uh And the family pulls back.
We want to display Christian love so we’re gonna tolerate, um, we’re gonna put up with it.
You’re actually sealing that poor child’s fate by not intervening in their life and putting the kid back on track.
You know, isn’t it funny that your boss doesn’t handle you like that at work? Do they?
The companies that you work for? If you make a bad decision, I made a bad decision.
I was uh 20 I was 22 years old and I was given a project at the co corporation I worked for and um I read the blueprints wrong and I made a mistake and by the time my boss showed up, we were working overtime, it was a Saturday.
We had a, this big serious thing that we had to get done.
It was a medical research project and we were gonna do these trials uh in various uh teaching universities uh for medical issues.
And I made a mistake. I read the blueprint wrong and it cost back.
Listen, when I was 21 22 years old, this is a lot of money.
I made, I made a $17,500 mistake by reading the blueprint wrong.
And I turned around and I told everybody this is how this is thing supposed to come together.
I was wrong. I got called into hr I was just scolded in hot water by my manager, the R and D research uh group that funded the project.
I was just ripped a new one. And uh you know what happened?
I wound up continuing to work there for 13 years.
I wound up retiring from that group to do this, this church uh that God had us do.
But the point was this is that I never made that mistake again.
Why they didn’t fire me, they should have.
But they said, you know what, you, you can’t do this ever again.
And we’re gonna make, we’re gonna guide you in the right direction.
Your grandson, your granddaughter, your child needs guidance. Don’t fall for the doping and the doping of intoxication.
The next thing that’s gonna happen more and more now.
So that’s, I believe we’re in the state of intoxication right now where people are saying good is evil.
Evil is good. Light is dark, dark is light. Uh uh straight is gay, gay is straight.
It doesn’t matter, pick whatever you choose, let’s do whatever is right in our own eyes, which now leads to just the spirit of, of satanic impulse.
If you think it, there’s no filter do it I was watching on youtube, I didn’t mean to, you know, the stuff pops up on your, on youtube and I don’t know why this popped up.
Truly. I certainly my searching provoked it or, you know, a I is always listening on your device but there was this thing that popped up and it said, uh unbelievable.
And it showed just two guys on the street, one guy was sitting down in the curb with his head in his hands and the other guy was standing behind him and I shouldn’t have done it, but I clicked on it and the guy taking the video was saying, what’s that guy gonna do?
What’s he gonna do? Oh man, those two guys are stoned.
It was San Francisco, of course, uh of the man, they’re just stoned broad daylight. They’re just stone.
And by the way for the record, the black guy sitting on the curb with his head in his hands was a black guy and the black guy standing behind him with a gun pulled out of his shirt was a black guy.
And the black guy with the gun, put the gun at the back of the black guy’s head and the guys recording it from inside the store saying no way, no way, no way.
And boom, killed the guy shot him through the head right on the spot. What happened?
Impulse Satanic, a human, destroying a human is satanic abortion is satanic murder.
Satanic abuse Satanic, just say it, it’s Satanic.
It’s say, well, those of you with your psychological degrees, which I have long time discovered by the way that people with psychological degrees maybe have your doctorate in psychology.
Uh, a lot, not all, a lot of people take psychology in college to try to figure themselves out.
Think of that. A lot of people are confused about their own lives.
So they take psychology, they did it, They get, they might get their master’s or their doctorate in it because they’re trying to figure out their own lives.
Look, I don’t want anybody talking to me about how to run my life when they’re trying to figure out their own life.
That’s why me as a pastor tell you don’t listen to me and read your Bible.
People have impulses and you’re not supposed to act on them.
If you, if you live in New York, uh, if you live in L A, if you live in Seattle, God help the people of Seattle, they only have one freeway.
You know that, I think it’s the five, all those people. Thank God.
At least in L A we’ve got like 50 freeways.
If one’s bad, we can jump on the other one. The thing is impulse.
You know what our impulses are?
I was yesterday, I was at a museum here with my grandkids and they had the Batmobile and there was an auto museum and it had all this great stuff.
On it. You know, the cool thing about the Batmobile, you press a button and blow up the stuff in front of you and machine guns pop out of the grill like James Bond’s car.
But even better. And I thought man, the Batmobile would be awesome to have an L A freeway.
Somebody cuts me off. Boom. Right. Jack.
You can’t admit that you can’t, you can’t believe that. Listen, I fight impulses just like you do.
I’m just being honest enough to tell you impulses most often are wrong and dangerous and deadly.
And then finally, impulses lead to indictments. Indictments. Yeah.
God says this is wrong and I’m gonna come back and deal with it or God says this is wrong and in the day you die, you’re gonna have to face the music indictments right now.
God is indicting the Dodgers Coles target Bud Light. Uh uh I’m sorry.
It’s, it’s absolutely hilarious uh people and listen, what do we do about it?
Well, number one, listen, if you’re not a Christian, you are a sitting duck to be influenced by satanic powers.
The Christian is uh controlled and uh indwelt by the Holy Spirit and yet the Christian I is fighting demonic attack.
We get to fight it. But if you’re not a Christian, you’re a sucker to it, to uh its influence.
You need to know right now once and for all, if the Holy Spirit is inside of you because if he’s not you’re open to an unholy spirit.
And the Bible is very clear in the book of First Corinthians that if the spirit of God dwells in you, God will not share the temple of your body with the demonic spirit.
Christians cannot be demon possessed, they can be oppressed, they can be depressed, they can be suppressed by demonic spirits, but a Christian can never be possessed by a spirit.
You on the other hand, who are not a Christian? What are you gonna do?
What do you do?
What are you gonna do when they’re coming out shortly with the art of the A I version is coming.
It’s a game of the oi board.
What are you gonna do about that when some pretty trippy things happen on this, on this new A I game board?
What do you do about it?
You, you’ll have no power, you’ll fall to all of these things that I just mentioned to. You.
Give your life to Jesus Christ. Now we’re not playing games. The hour is late.
Listen, big end time, things will be happening shortly. I think they’ve already started. We’re not in the tribulation period.
We’ve made that very clear in previous previous broadcast, but Jesus could come back today and it would be really, really crummy if you’re left behind because if you’re left behind.
Second Thessalonians two says you have no hope. Watch this.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again. From the dead for your justification.
He’s the son of God savior of the world.
It’s a historical fact, what he did for us in Jerusalem prophesized in the Bible in advance.
You reject that right now. Rapture happens this afternoon. You’re left behind, you’re done. You are done.
Read second Thessalonians two. It’s over for you.
You will, your judgment will be for rejecting the news while you had it.
The Bible there tells you that you will be sold a bill of goods.
A word will be given to you by the antichrist or by a demon spirit. And you’re gonna believe it.
Why? Because God will seal you like you standing in wet concrete. Eventually it hardens don’t be that person.
Heavy stuff. I know but true. All the way.
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