The Seed of Greatness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Seed of Greatness
Friday, October 20, 2023 – Dear Lord Today may You bless the week ahead of me order my steps
In an experiment, scientists placed people who witnessed an event in a room with actors who were scripted to lie about the event. After the actors gave false testimony, the test subjects also gave the wrong testimony, going along with the majority. They refused to witness the truth. It sounds cowardly and immoral, but it’s no more immoral than most of us who witnessed the power of God and the truth of his salvation in our lives. But because we’re afraid of the majority or rejection, we restrain our witness. We keep quiet and they keep perishing. We’re no better than the people in the experiment. If we condemn those people who knew the truth, but refused to tell it, then we have to condemn ourselves because we know the truth. We have to bear witness of the truth to our families, friends, co workers, acquaintances, strangers, or those of other nations. Share the gospel, because the one who refuses to bear witness to the truth is not much better than a liar. But the one who does bear witness is the true and faithful witness of the Lord.
Yes. What kind of greatness? Great in faith, great in love, great in prayer, great in the word, great in joy, great in hope, great in godliness, and right just as great and to, uh, impact the world, your impact your generation.
In one way or another. No god knows how it happens to be enlarged and multiplied to become great in god.
That’s how you don’t become someone else. In god, you become you in god. It’s like a seed.
You know, you see a little seed, and then the seed is to become great.
It’s gonna become a tree, a great oak great tree from the little seed. It doesn’t become something else.
It becomes what it was destined to become. God has all these purposes in you like a seed.
And god says when I said god says, I will I want you to become great in to become the tree that all the purposes that god put in your life, germinate, and become everything you were born to become.
The idea of being called to greatness might be foreign to you, and you might see a big disconnect.
You know, you don’t know me You don’t know me, my life. You know, it’s I’m failing. I mess up.
Everything’s been messed up. And there might be a disconnect. It’s hard for you to process this.
But notice something. When god called these people in the Bible, these giants of the of the faith A good amount of them had the same issue.
They resisted it. They couldn’t see themselves what god was saying.
Moses said, you know, Gus says, I’ve called you, go down Egypt except my Moses, I can’t.
Uh, I’m slow of speech. I don’t speak. I can’t speak. God gets upset with him.
Well, he had good reason to because for a man of slow speech, he certainly said a lot after that.
Isaiah, I’m a man of unclean lips. I can’t. I’m sinful. Some of you feel that way.
Jeremiah How can I do this? I’ve called you a prophet to to raise and cast down nation.
I’m just a youth. I mean, I’d be in the youth ministry. Mary, how can this be?
I I’ve not known a man, and she was also a youth. Peter, get away from me.
Lord, I’m a I’m a sinful man.
They each responded to the call of greatness and enlargement in this way of saying, uh, I can’t. I I see this and I see my life, but that’s where the scripture comes in where god says, no.
It’s not about what your life has been.
I’ve called to I’m just gonna take it maybe small to enlarge that.
God is saying he didn’t say Abraham, you’re great. He says I will make you great. I will.
You just go along with the program. God is saying, so to now let’s take that scripture.
Take that scripture that we spoke in the beginning, and apply it specifically.
We’re gonna take it specifically to your life, practically. Enlarge the place of your tent.
What do you need to do?
And what do you need to do this week and and this day, even start enlarging your faith?
In large You have to 1st enlarge your heart and your faith to enlarge your life.
In large, what I could you believe or maybe you I couldn’t believe this.
Belief for things you did not believe for. God said it. I’m gonna stand on it.
I’m believing for this lord. You said I can do this. I’m gonna believe it now. Yes.
With god, I can rise to it. Commit to enlarging that.
Lord, I’m gonna believe him where you said it’s possible. I’m gonna believe you said this is your word.
I’m gonna take it now. I’ve been letting the the way my life has been affecting my faith for what it can be.
I’m gonna go the other way.
I’m gonna take what you have said for what my life is to be and let it affect what my life is.
Believe the person he called you to be in salvation.
His word concerning your calling, his power to bring it a pass. It’s it’s there.
And in line with that, So take that first first mission.
Take that and then take action on it, consistent. You say Well, I can’t I can’t change the world.
You don’t have you don’t know. Start with one step today. Well, the lord says I can do this.
I’ve never been doing it. I I can get away from this.
I can go I’m gonna take one step I never took before today out of my usual pattern into something greater.
Take actions that will stretch your faith stretch your your walk stretch your life, broaden your life even today and invest in it.
Say lord, don’t say the Look, I’m gonna believe for greater things now, lord, but I’m also gonna act upon those greater things and consistent with a greater call.
And in that, I’m also going to invest. This might there may be a cost there is. There is.
I’m gonna take time with you more time, lord. I’m gonna take I’m gonna do more.
I’m gonna I’m going to be with you more.
I’m gonna whatever it takes, I’m gonna invest because it’s worth it.
I’m gonna stop doing this because this is not large. This is not great.
So I’m putting it away because it’s not great. It’s holding me back. Yes.
Link in your cards to make the commitment, lord, no matter what, I’m gonna keep going. I’m gonna keep going.
If I fall down, I get up. I keep going. Strengthen your pegs. Get deeper, deeper in god.
Lord, I wanna go deeper today starting today. I’m gonna share something. I didn’t have my notes.
We don’t my my my kids got this little thing.
It’s like a it’s like a little, you know, like a little reptile out of a rubbery plastic and you put it it’s like this big.
You put in water and it becomes it becomes this monster thing, you know, And they like, you know, I thought about water.
You know, water’s the symbol of the spirit.
You know, because the water fills every part of its little thing, and it becomes great.
And lord, when and with all these things, lord, we need your spirit. I need your spirit.
Now anoint me. Anoint me. I need your spirit. I wanna walk in your spirit.
Moving your spirit because spirit comes. It makes you large. It makes you greater.
The spirit makes you greater than you could ever be. Go with a spirit. Be open to it.
God is calling us to greatness something great, something big.
Let’s each commit to it for our lives together and in your life. For thus says the lord to you.
Now enlarge the place of your tent stretch forth the curtains of your dwellings, spare not, lengthen your cord, strengthen your pegs, and you will spread out to the right and to the left for I will make your name great.
For god has called you to greatness. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
- Todd White – The Holy Spirit & PowerTháng 4 27, 2023