The Pursuit of Peace | Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

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Welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer. In today’s program, Joyce teaches from her series, “Pursuing What Matters Most.” Our personal relationship with God is the foundation for every area of our lives, and it should be our highest priority. The best way to cultivate this relationship is by spending time in His Word. Through learning and applying His principles, we get to know Him more deeply. Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.

How many of you can think of just a few small changes that, if you were willing to make them, might bring a bit more peace into your home? If you know what could bring peace but choose not to act on it, the reason may be simple: peace isn’t important enough to you. There was a time in my life when peace wasn’t my priority; I’d rather be “right” and stay upset all day. Looking back, I realize how senseless that was.

I used to struggle with constant headaches, visiting the chiropractor regularly. I couldn’t let people be themselves; I expected everyone around me to be like me. Ever had that talk with your kids? “If you’re going to live in this house, you’ll live by my rules, and we won’t have any mess!” But some kids just don’t fit that mold. Now, those same kids, once disorganized, have grown up to be highly successful and even help manage aspects of my life. All my stress was for nothing—they grew up, they thrived, and I missed out on years of happiness by trying to control everything.

1 Peter 3:11 tells us, “Let him turn away from wickedness and pursue peace—harmony undisturbed by fears, passions, and conflicts.” It teaches us not to just desire peaceful relationships but to actively seek them. Pursuing peace requires sacrifice; it’s not enough to just want it, we have to go after it with all our strength.

Peace becomes transformative when you decide, “I’m going to be peaceful on purpose.” Don’t wait for perfect circumstances or for everyone to do what you want. Make a new commitment to God: you’ll choose peace regardless of life’s storms. If it takes years of trying, failing, and trying again, keep pursuing it, because life without peace is not worth living.

In Romans 14:17, we’re reminded that the Kingdom of God isn’t about getting what we want. Instead, it’s about righteousness, which brings us peace, and peace brings joy. I can’t just be happy without peace, and I can’t have peace without righteousness. But we won’t find these things if we keep pursuing the wrong goals.

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