The Power of Heaven on Earth | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power of Heaven on Earth | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Unbound. Paul lived by the spirit, not the flesh and that he was the same one, you know, didn’t matter, didn’t care, didn’t care.
Put chains, no chains, doesn’t matter. I’m free. God wants you to be free. The same way.
Those who fear are already in prison, the one who believes is already free.
Those who hold bitterness and offenses are already in their own prison. But those who forgive are free.
The one who broods over the past and the problem there in their own prison, but the one who rejoices no matter what and gives thanks and they’re already free.
And even if you were actually in prison, because we’ve known people who were in prison for their faith.
If you were actually put in prison, the child of heaven cannot be bound any more than the spirit of God can be bound and those who love their enemies, they overcome the world.
We are of the people who break out were the people who defy it because we say no, I don’t care.
I’m beyond that. I have the power that is beyond that. God didn’t take, allow Paul to go to prison.
Just so we can get him out of prison.
He allowed him to go to prison to manifest the power of heaven in the same way.
See if our puts on and get me out of this, get me out of this situation, get me out of here, get me out.
All right, sometimes you get me out of this life. Lord beam me up already.
I’m ready for the, I’m ready for the rapture. But you know what?
You know what if the point here was for you to have better accommodations, you wouldn’t still be on this planet, the better accommodations come later.
But now is the time for something that something glorious to show the power of heaven on this planet.
Now is the time to for showing the miracle of overcoming of breakthrough, of victory, of manifesting heaven on earth.
God brought Paul to prison so that Paul could bring the power of heaven to that place.
God has placed you here no matter what’s around you. To show the power of heaven. Don’t fear the problem.
It is an opportunity to show the power of heaven the fact that you encounter limitations and walls that is so you can show the power of breaking the walls down, breaking down walls of hate, walls of gloom, walls of fear, break it down.
So God wants you to break down even though even of the limitation of yourself, you’re not supposed to be limited by yourself.
You’re supposed to living above yourself by the power of God to know what God is saying.
I want you no longer bound by these things. I’ve given you the power.
So break out of that fear once and for all, break out of that gloom, break out of that habit.
Break out of that past, break out of that failure, break out of that flesh, break out of the old, break out of the dark, break out of yourself, break out of the world, break out of the problem and by the power of the spirit, you can say it with me.
I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me. That’s what God I want for you.
God wants you this week that truly live by the spirit bringing into the world.
Stop living a bound life, start living a boundless life and unbound life and abounding abundant life, start living what you’re called to do.
God’s will usually say God’s will. Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Well, God, your will be done in my life as it is in heaven.
God is saying, let my glory be shown in your life. Now let my power break forth in your life.
Shake off those chains this week break out of that prison door. Let this don’t be rolled away.
Break out and praise, break out in glory, break forth, breakout, breakthrough, lived by the power of the spirit and nothing shall be impossible for you and you will live a heavenly life, a life unbound.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you are blessed with the video.
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Put chains, no chains, doesn’t matter. I’m free. God wants you to be free. The same way.
Those who fear are already in prison, the one who believes is already free.
Those who hold bitterness and offenses are already in their own prison. But those who forgive are free.
The one who broods over the past and the problem there in their own prison, but the one who rejoices no matter what and gives thanks and they’re already free.
And even if you were actually in prison, because we’ve known people who were in prison for their faith.
If you were actually put in prison, the child of heaven cannot be bound any more than the spirit of God can be bound and those who love their enemies, they overcome the world.
We are of the people who break out were the people who defy it because we say no, I don’t care.
I’m beyond that. I have the power that is beyond that. God didn’t take, allow Paul to go to prison.
Just so we can get him out of prison.
He allowed him to go to prison to manifest the power of heaven in the same way.
See if our puts on and get me out of this, get me out of this situation, get me out of here, get me out.
All right, sometimes you get me out of this life. Lord beam me up already.
I’m ready for the, I’m ready for the rapture. But you know what?
You know what if the point here was for you to have better accommodations, you wouldn’t still be on this planet, the better accommodations come later.
But now is the time for something that something glorious to show the power of heaven on this planet.
Now is the time to for showing the miracle of overcoming of breakthrough, of victory, of manifesting heaven on earth.
God brought Paul to prison so that Paul could bring the power of heaven to that place.
God has placed you here no matter what’s around you. To show the power of heaven. Don’t fear the problem.
It is an opportunity to show the power of heaven the fact that you encounter limitations and walls that is so you can show the power of breaking the walls down, breaking down walls of hate, walls of gloom, walls of fear, break it down.
So God wants you to break down even though even of the limitation of yourself, you’re not supposed to be limited by yourself.
You’re supposed to living above yourself by the power of God to know what God is saying.
I want you no longer bound by these things. I’ve given you the power.
So break out of that fear once and for all, break out of that gloom, break out of that habit.
Break out of that past, break out of that failure, break out of that flesh, break out of the old, break out of the dark, break out of yourself, break out of the world, break out of the problem and by the power of the spirit, you can say it with me.
I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me. That’s what God I want for you.
God wants you this week that truly live by the spirit bringing into the world.
Stop living a bound life, start living a boundless life and unbound life and abounding abundant life, start living what you’re called to do.
God’s will usually say God’s will. Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Well, God, your will be done in my life as it is in heaven.
God is saying, let my glory be shown in your life. Now let my power break forth in your life.
Shake off those chains this week break out of that prison door. Let this don’t be rolled away.
Break out and praise, break out in glory, break forth, breakout, breakthrough, lived by the power of the spirit and nothing shall be impossible for you and you will live a heavenly life, a life unbound.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you are blessed with the video.
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Thanks for watching. See you next time.