The Passover Mysteries & The Cosmic Door | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Passover Mysteries & The Cosmic Door
“If America upholds God’s eternal standards and follows His unchanging ways, then it will be blessed with His favor…His protection…His prosperity….But if America should depart from the ways of God, if it should disregard His eternal standards, then the smiles of heaven, the blessings of God, will be withdrawn-its prosperity, its protection, and its powers would be taken away. He’s giving a warning to the nation: The day America turns away from God will be the day that begins the removing of its blessings.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Jonathan takes you through the Passover Seder and the Last Supper opening up the meaning of all the Passover elements, and shares a special message within it – the Supernatural Doorway
It’s the Jordan river. They can’t go to the promised land because this is a Jordan river.
But you know what the word Hebrew means, the word Hebrew. And if you’re born again, you’re a spiritual Hebrew.
It means one who crosses over, you cross over.
They all crossed over to get in tonight through the western world is the conclusion.
Tonight of Passover. Passover is a seven day feast.
There is no celebration so ancient and universal happening all over the world as this.
It was given by God himself. And so it’s especially powerful.
It’s celebrated in one way or another by two peoples.
One are the Children of Israel, the Jewish people by flesh and blood, celebrating the redemption from Egypt.
The other are the people of Messiah, the spiritual Children of Israel.
If you are born again, you are that you are grafted in and so in celebrating, it’s also celebrating your own salvation because it has everything to do with.
Imagine forgetting. You’re you’re here. Imagine it is 2000 years ago.
You’re in the upper room with Messiah oil light all over it is, it is the the month of Nissan, right in the middle in Jerusalem, the sun is setting in the upper room.
A trumpet sounds from the temple signaling the Passover is about to begin. Imagine you are with him.
Well, he’s with us now. He said, I have desire to celebrate this Passover with you.
We know the exact words that he said.
He said this and lift up your cup as they would if you were a disciple 2000 years ago.
Well, you’re a disciple. Now he said this blessed are you Lord God king of the universe who has preserved our lives, sustained us and brought us to this day.
Now, the Passover begins with the first cup, which is called the cup of sanctification, which sets apart this time from everything else.
Luke 22. When he had taken a cup and given thanks, he said, take this, share it among yourselves.
This is the opening blessing of the.
This is the exact words that he said, blessed are you Lord God king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine in giving thanks.
We now partake. This is the first cup. Take you can take a sip.
Now, this is the 2nd cup.
This is now called the cup of judgment.
It stands for the price of Passover that Passover comes with a great price.
It came with the blood of the lamb in Egypt.
It comes with the blood of Messiah for each of us that was traditional to take this and dip it on to, you know, take your, you don’t have to do this though, but to take your piggy and dip it for every judgment if you want to do it, it’s only you, you know it up but you don’t have to do it.
But I’m gonna do it here.
But you, but, but say it with me, I’m gonna say the 10 plagues in their original language. Ready.
1st, 1st plague. Dumb. You can do better than that.
That, that would not have done anything in Egypt that would have done nothing in Egypt. Dumb.
That means blood. That’s frogs.
It’s Berman A that’s flies plague, Shari Boyles Barra, hell, Lucas darkness.
And the final judgment is called, which is the death of the first born son.
Now, this brings us to the mystery of this.
This is called the Zora. Say it.
Now, most Jewish people don’t really understand the full thing about this except a little bit, but it holds a mystery in the Hebrew scriptures.
It says by the Zorah God created the universe. Interesting.
It says also by the Zora, he redeemed his people from Egypt.
And then the prophet said by his AOA, he will bring salvation to the ends of the earth.
The Zoro, this is called the Zoro a lamb’s bone. The bone of a lamb.
Passover is all about the land. It all centers on the land.
But what is the Zoro in the prophet Isaiah’s prophecy?
Isaiah 53 which is, it says, who has believed our report.
And then in Hebrew, it says, and to whom has the zorah been revealed, the Zoro of God, whom has it been revealed?
It can be translated the arm or power of God.
But then it reveals it, it says, then it talks about the one who’s gonna die for our as a lamb, but it’s calling him the zoa the arm of God.
So by means by the same one who’s gonna die for our sins.
He’s the same one through whom God created the universe.
John one, same one through whom he saved his people.
The lamb same one through whom he’s gonna send salvation to the ends of the earth.
Messiah is the zorah, the lamb. The mystery of the lamb is throughout the Bible, throughout the scriptures.
When Abraham is going to offer up his, he has to call to take his son to offer him to God.
And his son says, Father, where is the lamb?
And, and Abraham answers, God will provide himself the lamb.
And then Moses writes in that mountain, it shall be seen.
That mountain is Mount Mariah, the very place where Messiah Jesus died as the lamb.
Then I’ll pass over the lamb again.
Then in the temple, the lamb on that mountain where Abraham and Isaac were.
And then when John, the Baptist first saw him, what did he say?
Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Messiah had to come to Jerusalem because that’s where the lamb has to be offered up.
He had to die on Passover because that’s the day that the lamb has to be offered up.
And for those who haven’t heard me say this on Passover, what do they do?
They put the blood of the lamb on the top of the door post, the beam on the side of the door posts and the other side of the door post, put it together.
It makes a triangle connect the dots that points up from man to God.
But ages later, God would take his own lamb and also put his blood on the beams on beams of wood in three places.
Here, here and here together, it makes a triangle pointing down from God to us. Put it together.
You have the star of David before Passover. They weren’t moving anywhere.
We think of Passover just being free from bondage.
They could have been free from bondage and they could have stayed in Egypt. It wouldn’t have been right.
But the power of salvation is not just to free them, it’s to change them and move them.
What did Messiah say? He said I am the door, uh the door.
What does that door do we say? Oh, that’s great. It’s a door. Um What does it mean?
A door allows you to move through something that you could not move through before without a door?
What do you have? A wall and a wall stops you from moving, but a door allows you to go through the wall.
In other words, where it was impossible. Now it’s possible, Messiah is the door.
He gives you the power to move through something that you couldn’t move through before they couldn’t move through Egypt.
And there are things that and we couldn’t move to salvation.
And even in our life now there are walls, there are things that we get stuck in, but he gives the power to go through them.
There used to be this cartoon on, on television.
I don’t know if anybody remembers it where you’d buy a kit and there would be this cartoon character who would get in trouble and you’d put the, the plastic on your television, he’d say help me out now and you’d write in your cartoon, you’d like, I gotta get out, you know, in prison and he, he put a door and then he would go through the door.
Ok. So nobody remembers it. That’s how, how old I am.
So he was trapped is like that and you make it.
Well, the power of Passover is you’re in an impossible situation. It’s a wall.
But that’s when you take the power of the Lamb, which is the power of the door and any, any obstacle that’s not God’s will by the power lamp, you can go through it, you’re dealing with something.
It’s an impossible situation. God gives you the power. What does he say? I make a way.
He makes a way where there is no way you’re dealing with something you’ve never been able to overcome it.
Some sin, some bondage. You still have the power to go through it.
If you take that, it’s a wall. But God gives you a door.
He’ll make a way where there is no way.
We saw the blood of the lamb on the beams of the wood, you know, on the beams of the cross.
Well, what does that mean? It was the same blood that was on the beams of the door.
What does that tell you? The cross is a doorway through it.
We get to salvation, but also it gives us the power to move.
That means it allows you to go where you couldn’t go to get moving, to become unstuck, to grow, to change.
God doesn’t want you in a rut. He wants you moving.
Passover gave the power of God his people to start moving to the promised land.
You know, when you first got saved you, you probably without even knowing it, you knew it.
It’s a doorway. But when you knew that there was something that just opened for your life and I’m gonna start walking through, you started walking through it and everything started changing for your life.
But what happens is we start getting settled in and then we get settled in the Lord and we stop growing and we start moving.
We need the power of that door again and God has given you that power, you can use it again.
And that’s what God’s saying. Messiah told the cripple man, get up and walk.
Now, the guy had never walked, you never walk.
But he had to believe he could do something that he could never do before.
But with the power of Messiah, I can do it.
So even if you’ve never been able to have success and you’ve never been able to get through that sin or get through that bondage or get through that situation.
You can claim that power. Now, the power of Messiah, you know, the nation of Israel got to the, the barrier, they’re going into the promise and they get to a barrier.
It’s the Jordan river. They can’t go to the promised land because there is a Jordan river.
But you know what the word Hebrew means, the word Hebrew. And if you’re born again, you’re a spiritual Hebrew.
It means one who crosses over, you cross over, they all crossed over to get in.
Now when the Lord told the priest step into that river, even though it wasn’t open, once they put their foot down the river stops and that’s the power but you gotta walk on it.
What else is it about a doorway? What else does the doorway do?
I mean, I know this is like life on earth, one on one but it’s actually profound.
It doesn’t just give you the power to move to something. It gives you the power to leave something.
The power of the lamb is to be able to leave what you couldn’t leave before the Red Sea was a barrier.
God said, lift up your staff, Moses and see this up. Well, that staff was what’s used in Passover.
It’s the Passover staff. Yet it opens up the Red Sea, the power of lamp.
So it opens up again. The power of, of the lamb is to open up.
But you can never make a way where there’s no way. And they walk through the way.
And then what happens? The Red Sea closes and once it closes, that’s Egypt is over, they never see it again.
What’s that? When you open a door it opens up but then you close it.
I know I get it. I know this is one on one life but, but it’s important because God opens the door, the door that is open to your new life is also a door that you have to close behind you.
So the new life won’t come after you.
You know, just like so, so Pharaoh won’t come after you the power to say goodbye.
You know what is Messiah called? He’s called the prince of life, right?
And he’s called the prince of peace. What is peace in Hebrew? What does mean? Hello and goodbye.
He is the prince of the power to say goodbye, Shalom.
And if you say goodbye, Shalom, you’ll be able to say hello to something new.
The power for you. The, the more you want to know new things in your life is the, this is gonna be exactly equal to how much you close that door on the old because God doesn’t want the old things in there because the old will make everything old.
You close the door, you come into the and it’s just as important to open the door and close the door.
No, I’m close. God gives you the power to close the door on the things that should not be in your life anymore.
And by that you have newness, it is directly together. I am the door.
He said now, why don’t people move in the Lord? They don’t. Number one, they don’t believe they can.
They’re not believing what God said.
If you don’t believe you can be free, you’re not gonna be free even though you can be free.
Number two, some people are not, they’re not comfortable because it’s new things. I don’t want the new things.
I’m comfortable with the old things. Even if I’m in bondage, there’s fear.
It’s another reason why people don’t change and move.
How many blessings would the Hebrews have missed if they never walked through at all?
I mean, imagine it’s kind of scary to walk through the Red Sea. That’s kind of scary at any moment.
It can clap. But, but behind them was also scary. You know, Peter Peter walked on water.
He had, the miracle was already there, but he had to step out of the boat and go on to it.
If he didn’t believe he never would have done it. How many miracles are waiting in your life?
There are all sorts of promises in God and they’re all good, but you have to do it as he said, it.
You need to know that you need to, you.
You know, the problems are there but you gotta walk into them. They’re there. I mean, God has so much.
That’s there. It says He prepared these things that are there, but you have to walk into them.
If you don’t walk into them, it won’t happen every day. You should be applying the power.
God, it gave you the door, he gave you the power.
So even if I’m blocked, I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna stay blocked. I’m gonna walk through to God’s will.
If it’s God’s will, no wall will stop me. The lamp put you on a journey, you don’t stop.
That journey doesn’t end. Look at Paul.
Paul said, but this one thing I do, I forget what lies behind and I press forward to what is ahead for the upward call.
And Paul was a blessed man because he always walked forward into the promise he was moving into newness.
The Bible says we’re to move out of oldness into newness. So new things are things you didn’t do before.
You didn’t know before you never saw before. You gotta say, yes, Lord, I’m wanting him. Abraham moved.
Jacob moved Moses moved. David moved, Elijah moved the apostles move. They’re all moving and God kept blessing them.
The power of the lamb is to get moving for change, for blessing.
And he took the power of the lamb, took them all the way from Egypt, all the way into the promised land.
And what does that tell you?
Even when they messed up for 40 years, the power of the lamb still got them in at the end, the lamb will get you there.
If you go with the lamb, it’s not always easy to go for.
There are obstacles, there are challenges, there are fights, there are good fights, there are setbacks but you’ve got the power to always move ahead.
Paul said, let everybody have the same attitude I have, which is I don’t stop moving ahead. Forget what’s behind.
I, I’ll, I’ll celebrate the good, but I’ll forget the bad. I’m moving ahead in you no matter what.
I’m moving ahead. I’m not stop.
I’m not gonna stop growing until I’m finished with this life and then I’ll be in the promised land.
Don’t miss it. The Bible says you, you are to live in the newness of life.
Walk through the door, walk through your red sea, walk through the barrier, don’t get stuck anymore.
Don’t believe it anymore. Walk through your Jordan and you’ll enter the promises.
God has the lamb of God says to you, I am the door, not just the door, I am your door.
I have made a way for you where there was no way. Now. Get moving.
Hi, I’m Jonathan and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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