The Mystery Of The Black Obelisk – And the Election of 2024! | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

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The Mystery Of The Black Obelisk – And the Election of 2024! | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

An ancient object, almost three thousand years old, a mysterious image, a message for this hour, the election of 2024, and what may be… the answer!

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

The Mystery of the black obelisque and the 2024 election could an ancient object an aesque a black obelisque hold the mystery to what is happening right now in front of our eyes could ancient images reveal the secret of what’s happened this summer The Future the presidential election America’s future this is Jonathan C in the last video on this channel I open up the Mysteries lying behind the leaders of America and relating to the two candidates for the presidency in this video I’m going to show you more
and specifically images images from past ages one particular image that’s almost 3,000 years old and bears a studying connection to what’s happening now that might even hold the answer for America and the future of our nation all the more in light of the coming election it’s going to be real important I believe and very strong make sure you stay tuned to the end all right before we open them up first send this video to anyone and everyone in your life that needs to see it just hit like second to
make sure you get and don’t miss the prophetic messages that I’m going to be putting on this channel hit subscribe now and the update I have a real update for you the dragon’s prophecy has come out it’s now out out it was just released and the news is by the grace of God it debuted as the number one new book in the world and that is all to God and I want to thank you guys on this channel cuz you were the first to order it so listen if you didn’t just get it I’ll tell you how to do that but also
get it for people in your life who need to know that’s what it’s all about and I’ve never written a book that I had to keep rewriting because as I’m writing the things are coming true in the world I had to keep updating it as I write it and this is what it looks like this is an actual new copy that just came out it’s going to be everywhere um it’s going to open up Mysteries that reveal exactly what it’s going to take place exact events exact timing how do you get it you can order it a copy for yourself
or for those in your life just go right now just go online wherever you get books and now you can get it at places near you like Walmart and Barnes & Noble books a million and all the rest Mardell and of course Amazon and all sorts of places on online and pray that God powerfully uses it last thing to get the free gifts see all my messages and teachings to be part of God’s purposes end time purpose just remember hope of the world and go to hope ofthe world.
org all right in the last video I opened up the mystery of the Kings and presidents and rulers from an ancient biblical template that I first wrote about in the book called The Paradigm and which contain Mysteries that came true after I wrote it now I’ve shared the mystery that lies behind the phenomenon of the man called Donald Trump it’s the template of the biblical king of Israel named Yu or juu you want to understand Donald Trump you need to understand j a quick nutshell J was an unlikely man to become king of Israel Trump was an
unlikely man to become the president of the United States ju wasn’t a politician he was a fighter and a warrior he was wild unpredictable Trump wasn’t a politician he’s a fighter a warrior wild un predictable juu was despite everything called of God anointed used of God Trump was despite everything called of God anointed used of God juu began a race to the throne of Israel to become king Trump began a race to the White House to become president ju’s rise to the throne took place in the 12th year of the king at the time King
joram Trump’s race to the White House took place in the 12th year of Obama’s time on the national stage J made an alliance with the religious conservatives of Israel Trump made an alliance with the religious conservatives of America J who succeeded King joram on the throne Trump succeeded Obama at the White House Now J who came to power after a showdown with the nation’s former first lady the queen Trump came to power after a showdown against the nation’s former first lady Hillary Clinton the queen of Israel was the
chief advocate of bail worship which involved child sacrifice Hillary Clinton was the chief advocate of abortion child sacrifice in The Showdown ju and the former Queen the former Queen Falls ju who becomes the ruler of the land Hillary Clinton had been on the national stage for 22 years with her husband on her own in public office or running for public office 14 years the former Queen in Israel that ju who came against had been on the national stage with her husband 22 years on her own 14 years ju set out to drain the swamp of the
capital city Trump set out to drain the swamp of the capital city juu was involved with an event in which his followers storm a great building in the nation’s capital Trump was involved with an event in which many of his followers stormed a great building in the nation’s capital juu overturned the Temple of Baal which was the vessel in which the nation sacrificed its children Trump overturned America’s Temple of baale the vessel by which the nation had sacrificed its children R versus W ju’s
rise to power meant that the Great temple of baale would fall to the ground two months after the start of Trumps rise to power the Great temple of Baal that had stood from ancient times in the Middle East fell to the earth now the mystery continued this summer and has continued up to this dat As Trump the American J is running for the office of the presidency now note something juu is the most famous king of Israel who specifically came to Power by contending against a woman ruler a woman ruler with an agenda that was anti- Bible anti- the
ways of God so the ju prototype involves his contending against a woman ruler for the leadership of the land so if Trump is following the J prototype could that be part of the mystery of trump notice something up to this point in American history there’s only been one person who has run as a presidential candidate against a woman ruler against Hillary Clinton and a ruler with an anti-biblical agenda namely abortion or the killing of babies but it didn’t stop because Donald Trump is now running for the presidency against Kamala Harris
another women ruler and a woman who likewise represents an anti-biblical agenda and also linked to baby’s abortion and so there’s only only one person in American history who can be said to have done that not once but twice this summer Trump was almost killed the bullet grazed his ear pierced his ear but he survived but when I wrote the Paradigm and I wrote of the J prototype in the Paradigm I put in a certain picture of J in the book it was an old lithograph drawn by gustof dor dor was a famous artist of 19th century France I actually
put it in the video of The Mystery of the ancient Kings and and America’s modern leaders now I want to show you that image this is what I was led to put in the book The Paradigm and this concerning the mystery of trump and I was recently looking at it I noticed something strange and I’ve never seen this in any illustration or image of any king of Israel the image is depicting the scene in 2 Kings 9 where ju who commands the downfall of Jezebel ju is on the right on Horseback with his right arm lifted up first a little point I
know another leader who is now known for lifting up his right arm into the air and who by doing so created an iconic image Donald Trump but it was something else that now struck me something else about ju look closely at ju do you notice anything it’s something that you don’t see with any other king of Israel look closer let’s put up a closer shot if you still don’t see it I’m going to show you a colorized version of the same old lithograph from the 19th century notice look at the ear of J the
ear of J is pierced he’s wearing earrings I’ve never seen that on a depiction of the king of Israel his ears are pierced for some reason dor was led to present J’s ears as pierced and I was led to put that same image in the book The Paradigm you can see it for yourself the American J’s ear would be pierced on July 13th 2024 in Butler Pennsylvania Donald Trump’s ear was pierced by the bullet and this is the picture I put in the Paradigm the template on the template of trump the only King juu
depicted in such a way now what I’m going to show you now is an image even more ancient much more ancient it comes from a 3,000 yearold object the object is called the black Obelisk the black Obelisk of King shanessa III king of Assyria whose Reign is dated from 858 to 824 BC the black opis contains ancient Engravings but what is most significant and amazing about the black obelisque is that it contains listen the only ancient representation that we know of on planet Earth of a Biblical figure that is actually done from ancient Biblical
times the only one it means of all the people in the Bible there’s only one of whom there’s actually an image that was made in ancient times and actually made at the time of his existence only one who is it who is that ancient figure the image is of a king of Israel so we can actually get a glimpse of what the kings of the Bible look like the clothing they wore their face their hair so who is the only person in the Bible that we have an ancient depiction of from the time it’s Ju Ju and here is the image close up behold
juu now what about the American juu there’s only one American leader one American president who unlike the rest of presidents and leaders is unique in that he’s often seen wearing a cap on his head Donald Trump he’s the only one you see continually wearing a cap on his head now look again at the ancient engraving of juu on the he’s actually wearing a cap on his head but one of the most powerful pictures of trump only manifested recently it was taken right after he was shot in Butler Pennsylvania what happened was the
bullets that were fired at him forced him down he went down to the ground and then the Secret Service Came Upon him so Trump was forced down on his knees he was bowed down totally bowed down bent over with his face to the ground when have you ever seen an image of an American president or even a western prime minister or president totally bowed down his face their face to the ground only one and only now Donald Trump Donald Trump with the assassination attempt on his knees bowed down to the ground and this just
happened so the American J bowed down on his knees his face to the ground now could there be any link to J the only image that we have of a Biblical figure the only picture we have is not just an image of ju it’s the image of J doing something are you ready let me show you do you realize what you’re looking at it is J Who bowed down to the ground it is J Who bent over it’s J Who on his knees it’s J with his face bowed down to the ground now look at the other image the photographic image of the American
J now look at the stone image of the ancient ju now look at the two the ancient engraving of the Ancient King almost 3,000 years ago and the News photograph of the American J Donald Donald Trump in the most dramatic moment of his life both the ancient J and the modern J are bowed to the ground both are captured in profile both their heads are bent over and notice the modern juu has his hands resting on the ground right under his face and now notice the 3,000-year-old image of the ancient juu his hands his ancient hands are resting
on the ground right under his face no human hand could have orchestrated this Trump certainly wasn’t thinking of any such thing he went down to save his life for an event that was out of his control J was down on the ground for an unrelated reason and yet one could say also to save his life for a different reason the fact that those creating this abet 3,000 years ago almost happened to choose this scene of J Who bowing down when I wrote the Paradigm in the Josiah Manifesto which also speaks of the Paradigm of juu being the mystery behind
Donald Trump I of course could have had no idea what was going to happen a year after I wrote the Josiah Manifesto and 7 years after I wrote the Paradigm that he would literally be conformed into the image of of juu look again two images separated by almost 3,000 years this larger section shows the position of the ancient J it’s the same position that Donald Trump was in in Pennsylvania and notice you see the shoes or the sandals of the man standing by ju but you don’t see the shoes of J the shoes of J are missing from the
image so when Trump went down his shoes were missing were gone removed from his feet so the most iconic image of ju or any biblical figure on Earth planet Earth carved in ancient times just happens to match one of the most iconic most dramatic images of the modern figure who walks in his footsteps the ancient image is of The Humbling of a ruler The Humbling of juu the modern image it’s The Humbling of the president who walks in his shoes it led him to say afterward that he was only Alive by the grace of God
Almighty now let’s get to the meaning and the message which is so important for our future in the days of juu Israel had turned away from God and was turning to the ways of paganism they offered up their children as sacrifice they partook in perverse acts of sexual immorality they broke the boundaries of gender they wared against God against his ways they persecuted the people of God and vying for the control of the nation was a woman ruler leader who was linked to all those things the offering up of children
as sacrifices the partaking in perverse acts of immorality sexual immorality the breaking of boundaries of gender the Waring against the ways of God and the persecution of God’s people so one of the candidates vying now to be the next ruler of America is a woman it’s not about her but it’s a woman who is radical for the killing of unborn children more than any presidential candidate in American history she even opposed a bill to not allow the killing of born babies babies born alive that they had to be
protected that they couldn’t be put to death by letting them die or by any other means she opposed it and as in the time of juu there was a persecution of God’s people so the Democratic presidential candidate has actually sought to force Christians and churches to fund the killing of children to go against their faith and conscience she sought to force pro-life Ministries to refer their people to abortion clinic and she and her opponent have spoken of banning Free Speech when they believe that speech is
inaccurate she is radically for the transitioning of children into the opposite gender even against the rights of their parents this is paganism and this is what happens to a a nation or a culture when it turns away from God on the other side you have the presidential candidate Donald Trump who came to the presidency the first time power pro life for the saving of unborn children and he was responsible more than any other leader for the overturning of R versus way this all fulfills the Prototype of juu who fought against the cult of Baal
which involved child sacrifice but ju was also a mix he was an instrument a vessel used by God but the Bible says he also compromised and the truth is now that there is a danger and we have to speak the truth I’m here to speak the truth without compromise and right now there’s been a slipping on the issue of life the life of The Unborn the stand on life and against the killing of The Unborn it was removed from the Republican platform and Donald Trump has spoken of being against certain bans on abortion
after 6 weeks that he would veto a national ban on abortion and more could it be that God is calling Donald Trump to seek him to follow him with all his heart meaning to Humble himself before God as in the image of juu as it was the assassination attempt that caused Trump to get down on his knees to bow down is it possible that God allowed that to happen to get Trump’s attention that his life was in the hands of God and that God Alone saved his life that Trump would turn to God fully for real to seek Him for real
to follow him with all his heart for real and that God would honor that if he did that would lift him up even have him win the election and that by this if he did that he could be even greater than juu you see juu was used to slow down the fall of Israel and open the door for Revival but the Revival never came back then as far as we know and even under the presidency of Donald Trump there was support for Life there was the setting in motion of the overturning of Rover’s way there was the recognition of Jerusalem major things and much more but
there was no Revival no National Revival no National turning no National repentance back to God and so the fall of America away from God continued you see the only hope America has is God the only thing that can save the only thing can do it is repentance turning and Revival and the leader of the nation is to actually lead the nation so could it be that the greatest leading of this nation that Trump can do is to lead America in Repentance and Revival in humbling himself as in the Bowing down of juu is it possible that this is what
God Is Calling America to do well he is if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves as in bowing down pray seek my face and turn from their evil ways then I’ll hear from heaven then I’ll forgive their sin and then I’ll heal their land could it be that the aim of making America great again make America great again is not in those other things but it’s in this that if you have all the other things but you do not turn to God then all that will be lost and that America could it be can
only be great again if it turns to God and that that is what Trump needs to do and to lead the nation in that in his doing it that is the true way of Maga for if he doesn’t and we don’t then America can never be great again because only by God can come the greatness of a Nation let’s now do that let us now pray for that for that to happen and for that to happen for Donald Trump and for America let’s really pray for that Believers Bible studies churches Ministries movements people of god let’s
set let’s commit to pray for that pray for him pray for us pray for that and let us do that something we can do right now to Humble ourselves to pray to seek his face to turn from our sins in Repentance and to seek Revival now should you vote absolutely still one side even imperfect or even compromis is still far better and different than the agenda of the other side and if the life of one baby is saved if one child is not surgically mutilated if because religious freedom was preserved to the degree that one
person hears the gospel and gets saved it’s worth it all register you can go to do that and most of all pray in fact let’s begin this right now right here right at this moment let’s pray Lord we just come together right now and we pray for the future of this nation we pray for America Lord have your way Lord we pray for Donald Trump Lord before that Lord we pray for every candidate we pray that those who don’t know you would come to know you but Lord we pray for Donald Trump that he would do and be
what you’ve called Lord that this is what it’s all about Lord as he went down on his knees that this would be a the beginning a sign of something greater that he would lead in seeking your face humbling himself praying turning from his sinful ways and that you would hear from heaven and that would lead a nation for all of us Lord all to Humble ourselves to pray seek your face turn from our sinful ways and then you’ll hear from heaven and heal our land lord we do this right now we don’t wait we’re not waiting for Revival
we’re praying for Revival right now and we are choosing Revival we’re not just praying for we are choosing to live in Revival Lord we seek your face and we will seek your face Lord we pray and we will pray and seek you more Lord we will humble ourselves in your presence more father we will turn from our sinful evil ways Lord whatever they are we repent lead us father that there would be Revival in our lives and then in our world in our nation Lord have your way Lord America again be a city on a hill
that shines with the light of the glory of the power of your name Messiah Lord have your way in America and your Endtime harvest in the world and the outpouring of your latter Reigns Lord have your way in the name of Yeshua hamashiach Jesus the Messiah the only way the only answer and the only hope America has to shine again with a light of the glory of God so help us God in his name amen let that be the beginning now for those in your life who need to see this send them a link hit like to make sure you don’t miss these
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