Prayer of the Day: Thursday April 18, 2024 ๐๐
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Morning Prayer for Today, Thursday, April 18, 2024
I pray that Thursday brings you an amazing sense of Godโs grace and love for you. May He bless and protect you as you go along today.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Heavenly Father, on this beautiful morning, I offer my deepest and humblest gratitude to you for gifting me with the wonderful ability to see, allowing me to behold your marvels.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the driving force within me, guiding me to where I need to be, leading me along the right path.
King of my life, I earnestly implore you not to leave me alone in the challenges of this day. Grant me the strength and wisdom to emerge victorious today, to build a worthy dwelling to welcome the resurrected Jesus Christ.
Lord, today I entrust my work into your hands, seeking your wisdom on my journey, and your love in my life and the lives of all whom I cherish.
Beloved Lord, I pray that you prepare my heart to live with joy and delight in the mystery of your Son’s resurrection. Do not let sin take hold of my soul; protect me and let the grace of Christ triumph in my spirit.
Your omnipotence is crucial every day of my life, which is why I beseech you again today: do not withdraw your power from my life, and I ask that you remain with me.
Thank you, Lord, for always showing me that you are by my side, for demonstrating your understanding towards me. Thank you for being compassionate, for not judging me, but instead giving me the opportunity to convert my heart and providing me with the tools to do so.
On this beautiful day, I consecrate myself entirely to you and reflect on the mystery of the institution of the Eucharist. I want you to dwell in my life today, purifying my spirit so that my body may be a worthy temple of my Savior’s presence.
Praised be you, the master of my present, the truth that sustains me, the path I want to tread to reach the fullness of my existence.
Do not allow anger to fill me; instead, let me always find a solution. Grant me patience to make decisions at the right moment and to do your will.
Father, I need your being to govern me today, to act assertively and respond appropriately to every situation.
I ask you, Father, to shield my heart with love and your purity to act according to your proposal of salvation. My Lord, you are the only one who can save me, and that fills my heart with joy.
Take each of my actions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions; shape them according to your will, for I trust in you.
I know that with you by my side, nothing can harm me; I know you will always give me the necessary strength to continue. May your intelligence and wisdom guide me along the right path, and give me the assurance that one day I will share eternal life with you.
Illuminate me with your divine light to the right path so that this new day may bring me closer to you, my Lord. Amen.
I will pray for all those who are dedicating their time and efforts to make the world a better place, so that God may grant them strength. Lord, hear my plea, listen to my cries, guard me as the apple of your eye. Shelter me under the shadow of your wings. Psalm sixteen. May the Lord bless us on this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Amen!! โค๏ธ ๐
Amen and amen ๐๐ป