The Mystery Of Nisan 1 And The Power Of Newness In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Mystery Of Nisan 1 And The Power Of Newness In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn unveils the truth behind Nisan 1 and how it correlates to the New Year of your life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

but so you know what the new beginning of God the newness the power of newness in God it doesn’t NE you don’t necessarily Feel It In the Flesh or see it in the flesh it’s something you receive by faith what is Nissan want that’s why I’m going to do something at the end we’re going to have a ball that Dro no no we won’t do that but what does it mean it manifests the fact that God is the god who changed the calendar he changed it for Israel they had another year he changed it God changed the C that’s what Nissan 1 is
about he made a beginning when there was no beginning and he made an end of the old when there was no end why because God your God is the one who gives his people gives you a new beginning yes sir where there was no beginning he gave you a new beginning and where there was no end he made an end of what was before Messiah said to Nicodemus he said I tell you you must be born again and Nicodemus says how can a man how can how can a man be born again when he’s old he doesn’t understand he’s thinking in the
natural but see the thing is if you are if you know God if you’re his child you have been born again that God gave you a a new beginning a new calendar a new need a Nissan one of your life you know now Nicodemus saying it’s impossible you can’t have two Beginnings you can’t have two births when you’re old you can’t become new you can become old but you can’t become new but in the power of God you can yes sir in the natural you can’t have a new beginning in the Supernatural you can now think
about it what what was when Nissan won what was that what was that linked to When God says this is the new month this is going to be the new beginning of years for you it’s going to be the this shall be the beginning of of of the year what what was that linked to it was linked to Passover because in that month of new beginnings is going to the month that’s going to be called the beginning is going to come the lamb it’s going to come salvation so all that’s about the next thing he says he talks about the
lamb so the the link there is the Lamb is linked to Nissan one the lamb is linked to the new beginning so Messiah the lamb is the one who has the power of new beginning linked to New Beginnings New Birth even the fact today that the children of Israel are not celebrating the day of their new beginning because for 2,000 years they’ve missed their new beginning amen they can’t start new until they find the new beginning in Messiah sir Hallelujah until you find the new beginning you’re still in the old when
you find the new you begin now it’s amazing nobody celebrates what does Nissan one tell you how important this this day is from God every other holy day comes from this day you can’t have any other day unless you get this day and yet everybody misses it it means most people are also missing the new beginning of their lives God gave the new beginning salvation and most people miss it even those in the new birth missed the power of the new birth if God gives a new beginning and most people miss it even his own people
that means it’s very easy to miss the power of new beginnings sir you have that power by God gave it but you can miss it unless you observe he said keep this day keep this Nissan one keep it observe it observe it keep this unless you observe that power you celebrate that power won’t see that power it says if anyone is in Messiah he’s a new creation the old has passed away behold the new things have come now everybody who’s Born Again has been given a new beginning you were given a new beginning if you’re born
again that day you came to the Lord that was Nissan Juan if you haven’t come to the Lord you need the Nissan Juan but notice it what it says it says if anyone is in Messiah he is a new creation it doesn’t say he he became a new creation like when you got born again it’s of course that’s included but it doesn’t say he because then then that would be it it says you he is now a new creation in other words the in other words how can you you’re not new once and then you get all because if if it was about the
fact that you got saved that is of course it begins there but if that was it that may have happened 10 years ago 20 years ago that would be old by now but in God it never gets old amen the power it’s got to be every day the power is every it’s like Nissan one every day that’s what it’s about if anyone is in Messiah he is a new creation amen not once was new pretty new newer than he was when he was born doesn’t say that you have to be new now doesn’t happen in the natural only in the Supernatural the
true power of the new creation is to be always new renewed every dayall now think about what Covenant are we in we’re in the New Covenant now think of now we kind of think that the New Covenant means it’s the New Covenant because it came after the old Covenant well there’s truth to that but that’s not the that’s not the full meaning of it because if it was the New Covenant because that came after the old Covenant it would be the newer Covenant but then again then again it happened 2,000 years ago wouldn’t be new now so
how is it the New Covenant because it’s the Covenant of newness it’s always new if you if you start getting old in the lord it’s not because the new it means you kind of drifted away from the new New Covenant yes sir you got to get back go back see in the New Covenant it’s Nissan 1 think about it right now in the world what what what is happening now hopefully Springtime is is coming when you’re born again it’s like springtime when you’re born again it is like Nissan one for your life it’s like springtime
yes now now the thing is when unless you saw my email cuz when I realized this I got to say I got to tell them I sent out a quick email saying I’m not doing the other message I’m doing this one because of this but you know most of you today were not thinking when you got up it’s New Year’s day today you were not thinking that in fact it looked like any other day it looked like a spring day it doesn’t look like that but so you know what the new beginning of God the newness the power of newness in God it
doesn’t NE you don’t necessarily Feel It In the Flesh or see it in the flesh it’s something you receive by faith God says all things are new if you’re a messah that doesn’t mean everything around you looks new it doesn’t the world is still still old the flesh is still old they don’t look like it they don’t feel new but inside You’ve Got The Power of newness if you will choose it take it believe it observe it celebrate it you can be you can live in complete newness every moment Lord Nissan one it’s not just
about a new day it’s about a new calendar yes the people of God have two calendars the first calendar is when you were born natural calendar that tells you how old you are in this world it’s that which is born of Flesh gets old and dies but then God gave you a new calendar the when you were born again new calendar now the old calendar in the old calendar things only get old in the new calendar things actually get new the key is to choose which calendar you’re going to live by you’re going to live by the old
calendar or the new calendar hi I’m Jonathan Khan and I hope you were blessed with the video make sure you hit hit the Subscribe button and tap the Bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is posted feel free to share your reactions with your comments and how you were blessed and share this video with your friends thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time


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