The Israeli Revelation I – The Secrets of the Spiritual Israelis! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Israeli Revelation I – The Secrets of the Spiritual Israelis! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Israeli Revelation I unfolds the mystery in the word synagogue, church, Israelite and Secrets of Spiritual Israelis – and how the modern rebirth of Israel and the Israelis opens up a revelation for every believer – How you actually are and can actually live as a spiritual Israeli – for victory!
To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold. Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
What did they do when they got back to the land? What did the physical Israelis do?
They came back and they found it.
Desert It was it was the most it had to be the most forbidding land on earth that had ever been inhabited.
It’s hard to think of a more Jewish word than the word synagogue.
And yet the word is in Jewish at all. The word is Greek. It means to gather together.
It’s a translation of an ancient Hebrew word And the ancient Hebrew word is the word kahal or Khahala.
Try it. It appears for the first time in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, and it means that Hebrew word Kahal or Kihila means the gathering or the assembly or the congregation.
It’s used over and over again.
To speak of the gathering of Israel, the assembly of Israel, the congress of Israel, particularly as they journey through the wilderness.
And so when the Jewish ancient Jewish scholars and elders made the first translation of the Bible that was to take the Hebrew Bible and put it into Greek and called the septuagint long before the new testament.
The new testament uses it actually. They translated.
They had a they came to that Hebrew word Kahila for the congregation of Israel, and they translated that word into a Greek word, and the Greek word was synagogue.
But here’s the thing. They didn’t just translate that Hebrew word into synagogue.
They translated into another 2 different Greek words. 1 was synagogue. And the other one was Eclercia.
Eclercia. Now some of you are getting it, some of you not yet.
It appears in the Greek version of the Hebrews, the word Eclessia when it speaks about Israel.
Now, what is the Eclessia? Well, we have a book of Eclizia deleasties?
Why is the cleeseasties calledically ever think about that? Why is that book called the cleeseasties?
Nobody thinks about that because it speaks about a preacher says the preacher who’s a preacher of a gathering, a convocation, and a convocation, a gathering is called, is the ekklesia, the ekklese.
So we get the word ecclesiastical. What does meeting means something about a church.
The Greek word Eglessia appears the new testament is the new testament word for the word we call church.
The new testament word for church.
Now church is not the best word as far as by by its actual meaning.
I mean, it’s become the word but it’s really not the most accurate translation of eclizia because church means house of the lord.
But the biblical word for church it means the gathering or the convocation or the called out ones, the call together ones.
So the amazing thing, get this, The synagogue and church are translations of the same exact word.
This same exact Hebrew word. Goes into one part.
It’s called Synagogue and the in that ancient translation of the Bible.
In other parts, it’s called the chair, the Aclizia, same the church, same exact thing.
Right there, it tells you a mystery. The church and the synagogue are joined together.
Where was the gospel first preached in the land of Israel in the synagogue, where which is what?
Nazareth. Synagogue, first one, and where else did he teach all over the synagogues of the land.
Where was the gospel first preached to the world? In the synagogues of the Roman Empire?
The first church well, actually, your first church was the 1 in Jerusalem, the Echasea, the Kahila, and who was the who was the leader of it?
James, the brother of Messiah, yacov, real name, Jacob, he presided over it I want you to see something.
I want you to see turn to James 2 for a second. James 2.
And I want you to see something in the English, then I’m gonna show it to you in the original.
Okay. Verse one of chapter 2.
My brothers, don’t hold your faith in our glorious lord Yashua, Jesus, the Messiah, with an attitude of favoritism.
If a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and addressed in fine cloths, and there comes one in poor dirty clothes and you pay special attention, the one who’s wearing the fine clothes, you say, here, sir, sit in the good place.
You say the poor man stand over there, sit in my foot, you have made a distinction, and you’ve become judges with evil motives.
As I was saying, don’t, don’t be partial. But something there.
It says if somebody comes into your assembly, well, what’s the talk about?
It’s talking this is James talking who’s talking who’s leading the 1st church of the whole age.
And he says if somebody comes into your assembly talking about your gathering, your church, what does he say?
The word there is not church, the word there is synagogue.
So here it’s talking the first, the leader the first church is calling your assembly, the synagogue.
So here they are joined together, and they’re joined together over and over again.
And so the the biblical word for church is the same word for synagogue.
And, I mean, it’s the same it’s a translation of the same word.
And it’s you the biblical word for for actually church, Aklesia, is used to for the translation what of the Old Testament word, which speaks about the congregation of Israel journeying in the wilderness.
What is the church? The church is the spiritual Israel. Doesn’t replace Israel. It joins Israel.
It’s a spiritual version of Israel, and it’s like a a a pilgrim people who are journeying through the wilderness to the promised land.
So what does Paul say? Ephesians 2. Actually, turn to it for a moment. Ephesians too.
What does he say about you who were main you were not born of Israel, but you were born again of Israel.
Ephesians 2 says at the beginning, if it speaks about the gentiles who have come into the faith, and it says this, ephesians to verse 11.
Therefore, remember that you formerly you, the gentiles in the flesh, meaning according to flesh only.
Who are called on to uncircumcision by the so called circumcision, which is performed in the flesh by human hands.
Remember, you were at that time, from messiah, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without god in the world.
But now, you in Messiah, yeshua, who was formally you are formally far off, you’ve been brought near by the blood of messiah.
Now now how have you been brought near? Look at verse 18.
For through him, we both chew and Jetal have our access in one spirit in the father.
So then you are no longer strangers, no longer aliens, you are fellow citizens, with the saints and are of god’s household.
Okay. The first part, it says you were strangers excluded from what? The commonwealth of Israel.
Then at the in what? What?
What are you fellow? What are you a citizen of?
What you are excluded from before you are now a citizen of what?
Israel, you are a citizen now. Well, you were excluded from the Commonwealth of Israel.
Now you are a citizen in the commonwealth of Israel.
So you who are born again, you weren’t born of Israel. You are born again of Israel.
And so, therefore, the church in the same word as synagogue is the spiritual Israel.
And so what does that make you?
It makes you not only a citizen of Israel, more than you’re a citizen of America or any other nation, you are a citizen of god’s Israel.
What does that make you?
That makes you an Israelite or it makes you an Israeli.
Now you say, wait a minute. I can handle Israelite in the Bible. I can understand. Israelites.
These chill the Israelites walk through the world. The Israelites it.
But, Israeli, that’s a whole that’s a different me here.
When you think of an Israelite, you think of somebody from the Old Testament, most likely.
Ancient Tom, times. But when you think of the Israeli, what do you think of?
You think of a whole different kind of person? Do you think of somebody in Israel right now?
You think of the the the the people farming the the soldiers, Israelis, Israelis, but you say what?
But you know, do you know something? You may not know this.
When the Bible speaks of Israelites, it never speaks of Israelites in the original language, it says Israeli.
When it talks about the Israel, it’s not. It’s the Israelis in the Bible.
That’s the word that we added the You know, when you get into English, you got all the aunts, but in the original, there’s no whites.
Jabu sites, you know, canaanites. It’s not that it’s canaan nee, Israeli. They added the ice.
No ice in the Bible. He’s in the Bible. So what are you?
If you are born again, doesn’t matter what you were born in the flesh. You are a spiritual Israeli.
And when you go to Israel, you’re not just seeing a land of what was you’re seeing a land that a nation that’s been brought back from the dead and resurrected by the hand of god.
It’s a miracle. It’s a living nation. Of Israelis.
And so that is a revelation also of who you are now in god.
It’s not just, again, you’re not just an Israelite. You’re an Israeli.
You are linked to the Israelis of our day and age.
They too are part of the mystery of who you are.
They’re We’ve got something that, you know, generations of Christians long for the day to see the day when Israel would be resurrected, but they didn’t see it you have seen it.
An amazing picture here for you. And so let’s open up this revelation of the Israelis.
And what has to do with you spiritual Israelis.
In Jeremiah, 313031, it speaks about, and actually in other places, well, it speaks about that the Jewish people would be scattered to the ends of the earth, and they will be an exile in the ends of the earth.
The word in Hebrew for the exile is called the Gallut trial. Gallute and Israelis know it.
It’s it’s based on a word in the Bible that that means they were all over in every nation speaking languages of every nation.
But before Israel was a nation, virtually all the Jewish people, I mean, except for very few, we’re all in other lands and other languages, other cultures, They weren’t born.
In Israel, most of the people in Israel, you go back a few generations. They weren’t born there.
They were born somewhere around the world. Very few were in the land a few generations back.
So when they came to the land of Israel, it was a strange thing.
I mean, even though they there was a strange thing, many of them because they were many of them weren’t Middle Eastern at all from for their their culture.
They had been the German, Russian, you know, all these things they spoke to a different light spoke Yiddish.
Yiddish is not he it’s not Hebrew.
It’s basically German with with a little bit of Israel, a little bit of Hebrew in it.
They didn’t have anything to do with farming because they weren’t allowed to farm pretty much.
They often lived in the city selling buying because that’s the only thing they were allowed to do in Ghettos The whole thing was far so this new way was whole farm.
But the real truth was even though they hadn’t been in that land, for 2000 years.
The real truth was this was their home, not where they were. This was their real home.
This was their real culture. This was their real language. But they didn’t know it.
It was a strange thing. You know, the Hebrew word got loo to diaspora the diaspora of the dispersion, the Jewish people, nations.
It means exile. So it means that all that time, they were exiled from where they really were, what was their home.
So it seems so strange to them, but they had to learn that it wasn’t strange to them.
It’s the same way in salvation.
In salvation, you grow up unless you were Christian home, and even then, you still have to come to the lord, you are in a spiritual Gallut exile.
You’re in a spirit wandering, just like the Jewish people. You’re growing up in a life.
You’re in a life that is you think it’s your life, but it’s really not what you were born for, not what you were created for.
You’re in a a culture. You’re in a you have an identity, but it’s the old identity.
You think it’s your identity, but god is saying that’s not even that’s not even the Jewish thought this was their identity.
They come out of Israel and say, okay. There’s gonna be a new identity now.
So even though things there are things in your life that’s all you’ve ever known, And often that becomes what you think of yourself as your identity.
It’s not your real identity. Even though it was your, quote, first identity, for instance, you might have been an angry person, but that’s not your real identity.
Might have been fearful. That’s not your real one. You might have known rejection. It’s not your real thing.
You might be have been in bondage all of that. That’s not real. Lo a loser. That’s not depressed.
That’s not your identity. That’s your glute identity. That’s your exile identity.
That’s you when you’re exiled from who god made you to be.
But it’s not who you are, and it kinda gets us because that’s the first thing we knew.
And often, it’s the first things you know that kinda stick with you, but it’s not your real identity.
You may have carried that into the lord, but it’s not your real identity.
The Jewish people, when they came to the land, they had to give up the old identity, even the old language.
And so even though you’re familiar with these things, and you might even still picture yourself as that kid, as that thing, as that other thing, but that’s not who you are.
And we gotta get as the Jewish people had to had to open their eye to a whole new thing.
Physically, we gotta do that spiritually. That life was your exile from who you were, not who you were.
And often again, it comes in there, the old self, the Bible says put it off. That’s not you.
That’s not you. You can’t put off what’s you because you only only if it’s not the real you, you can put it off.
You might have been born into it, but that’s not who god made you to be.
You are something better in god.
And the Israelis, you know, when when they came to Israel, the idea was they were coming home, and that’s not just the idea they were.
The, you know, the the Jews of Europe?
Well, that’s not their Russia, home, whatever, India, China, that’s the real home. But it’s a most Jewish people.
It was a foreign message. I mean, in fact, when when when the young Israel when the young Jewish people, they were the 1st ones to really return first, their a lot of their parents disowned them.
They said, What are you doing going there?
That’s not they hadn’t been there for 2000 years, so it wasn’t home.
It was like leaving tradition to go home, but they weren’t but they’re saying, wait a minute.
When they came home, when they came to Israel, they said, even though we’ve never been here, even though it seems foreign to us, we don’t know how to what we’re doing here, it’s still home.
See, when you read, you know, to to repent is to return. You’re in Hebrew.
It’s the same word. The word for repentance is Teshuva. Try it. Teshuva.
It meets come comes from the root word shuve, which means to return. So if you’re repenting, you’re returning.
If you come you come to god, what’s the parable that Messiah gave to he gave the parable of the prodigal son.
The pro about salvation, but the prodigal son was at home that he left only came back.
Now, when you come to god, you weren’t their their first bowl.
So, you came to god, but every time you come to god in a sense, you’re returning to god because That’s where you were meant to be in the first place.
You know, you weren’t in Eden, but someone was. So you’re returning to god every time.
So to to repent is to return the more you grow in god, you’re returning to who you were meant to be.
That’s why it’s a return. You’re coming home.
So in the same way the Israelis came they came home, but it was all it seemed so strange to them, but they had to accept no, it’s not strange.
This is the real thing. And so, therefore, even though it was a totally new thing for them, Middle East was new, even though, but it really, ancient times, that was their home.
They, you know, they come to the shore. They’re gonna try to build. They’re trying to farm a land.
They weren’t fighting on how to farm, and they’re gonna farm this barren land.
They had no idea how to do it.
They had no idea how to build a city, but they learned it.
They’d say this is what we were born for because in ancient times, they did on the land in ancient times.
They did build in ancient times. They did all that.
So the soul with life in god, that’s a physical picture of the spiritual reality.
When you come to the lord, it’s and even not just when you come, even to this day, some things may seem foreign to you.
A life of holiness, of purity, of love, might say, well, it’s just it just seems not that I’m trying to do that, but that’s not who I I feel I really am.
I’m trying to do that, but I feel I’m really the impure person with what it’s saying is no, home.
A life of worship, a life of holiness is really home.
Every part of your being created by god is meant for that.
That’s why you’re never happy when you’re not in god’s will because god’s will is home for you.
I said, well, so, you know, I’m not a real prayer warrior. No. You were born.
You were created by god and born again to be a prayer warrior. That’s more home than not being one.
You know what? I’m not really forgiving no forgiveness is home. That’s more That’s you to give.
I’m not a giving person. No. That’s what you want, but you gotta do it.
The Israelis felt I can’t farm. I don’t have it. Once they started doing it, it was home.
You gotta start doing it, it’s home and continually.
They knew, you know, they realized they didn’t know what they were doing, but And the first ones had no idea what they’re doing, but they just it didn’t stop that.
They just kept going. You may not feel like you can do the things of god. Just do it.
Do it anyway. It is home. Home.
And it was their true calling, and it was above them.
And yet, it was their calling it was their destiny.
So your calling is always above you, but but you are born for it.
You gotta just do it and believe that that is more your life than falling short and sinning.
That’s not home. You might be comfortable in that sin, but that’s not home. That’s your exile.
Get back. The truth is who you really are created to.
When you go to Israel, they use they use check as you know, probably.
Why do you shekels? They could use other things because shekels were the money that was in the Bible.
So what they did is they resurrected everything from the Bible.
So they took the same money that was used then.
They gave it a modern face, but it’s still this is to shekel. And what did that mean?
And that’s in everything. That’s just one example is the money of the shekel. But what did that say?
They brought the Bible. They actually brought the Bible into everything.
And I’m not saying they were believers, but they’re the physical form of what you are spiritually.
So, they brought the Bible and the from they brought it into even their dealings with money.
Everything they did was based on resurrecting what was in the Bible.
What you once was wasn’t, and now is again. What does that say for the spiritual Israelis?
That means you need to you need to take every you need to take the Bible into every part of your life.
Your money, you’re, you’re washing your clothes, you’re taking out the garbage, you’re how you drive your car.
Nothing is outside redemption. Nothing is outside what god has given.
God has a, a purpose for you in everything, and he has a spirit to lead you in every part of your life.
There’s not one part of your life that is to be separated. Bring you into everything, everything.
What did they do when they got back to the land? What did the physical Israelis do?
They came back and they found it desert.
It was it was the most it had to be the most forbidding land on earth that had ever been inhabited.
Desert, barren. Some parts looked like the moon. It was barren. There wasn’t anything growing there.
You know, Mark Twain, I shared with you. He came there.
And he said, you you could go for miles without seeing anything grow even no not even a blade of grass.
They went back. They found that What else did they find? They found swamps.
You know, the part that where there was water was swamps filled with malaria, and it’s always disease and Baron is nothing.
There’s a famous picture of where they, you know, today, you know, uh, Pam mentioned Tel Aviv, you know, this thriving city.
When they there’s a picture like 190 something, Tel Aviv. You know what’s there? 0.
It’s a bunch of people It’s like a crowd of people dressed up as you would in 19 or whatever it was, and and they’re, you know, with a with a woman with a long things and all that, and the men with a hats and all, and they’re just staring their crowd together into this vast desert of nothing.
That was Tel Aviv. It didn’t exist. There was nothing there.
But now they had they didn’t know how to farm. I’ve shared this.
You know, you had the Jewish people who were who were prohibited from farming for much of 2000 years because they weren’t prohibited for having land.
That and then you have the land that nobody could farm. Nobody under earth could farm that land.
People tried to do nothing. It was cursed. God said it, and it came true.
And so you got the people who can’t farm. You got the land that can’t be formed. Put them together.
What happens? A miracle happens. It blossoms as no other land has ever blossomed from nothing.
And so they learn they’re farming the they’re bringing water, and all of a sudden, there’s this desert.
Where’s Isaiah said it? Isaiah said the desert will blossom. You know, the blossom will bloom in the desert.
You could actually go there and see desert land.
And the middle of desert is a farm, is is flowers, is fruit, all that. You go to Israel.
You know, Israel’s the one land on earth that at the end of the 20th century had more trees than at the beginning.
Only land. You know how many trees they planted? About 200,000,000.
The Israelis who didn’t a farm. All of a sudden, these miracles are happening.
You go to Israel. So, mate, you look at the earth. You there’s there’s fruits. There’s there’s there’s flour.
There’s it’s watered even we may I mean, almost out of nothing.
In fact, so much so that Israel actually exports, I mean, It actually sends flowers across the world and fruit across the world from the desert.
God gave them the power.
It was god doing it, not the, but god gave them the ability to be part of a miracle of making the desert’s bloom.
So what does that say to the spiritual Israelis? You are called to do the same thing.
You are given the power in messiah to make what is dead come alive.
That which is barren to bear fruit. Before you came to the lord, your life was that.
Your life was the barren part. Spiritly, you might say, oh, you might have done a bit, but spiritually, barren.
But now god is making your barren life bloom like a rose in the desert to bear the fruits.
What fruit? Of love where there wasn’t love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, all that, but Israel doesn’t just bear fruit.
He bears fruit out of dry ground. Fruit that should not exist has no natural reason to exist.
The fruit, so you were called to bear also has gotta be miraculous.
God has called you to bear fruit with no natural explanation. What does that mean?
Your call to bear for when you have no reason to love that person, god has called you to bear the fruit of love for that person.
When when they’ve given you in desert, nothing you’re called to bear it.
See, anybody could love back somebody who’s loving you, but to love back the person who doesn’t love you, That’s a miracle.
To love back the person who hates you, that’s a great miracle.
That’s the miracle of Berry fruit from a desert.
When you have no earthly reason to give thanks and praise god and you praise him anyway, You’re bearing the fruit in the desert.
That’s the miracle fruit. This is Jonathan Khan.
Thanks for watching, and the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mist and guide for the end times is available everywhere on Amazon, wherever books are sold.
God bless you. Shallow.
They came back and they found it.
Desert It was it was the most it had to be the most forbidding land on earth that had ever been inhabited.
It’s hard to think of a more Jewish word than the word synagogue.
And yet the word is in Jewish at all. The word is Greek. It means to gather together.
It’s a translation of an ancient Hebrew word And the ancient Hebrew word is the word kahal or Khahala.
Try it. It appears for the first time in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, and it means that Hebrew word Kahal or Kihila means the gathering or the assembly or the congregation.
It’s used over and over again.
To speak of the gathering of Israel, the assembly of Israel, the congress of Israel, particularly as they journey through the wilderness.
And so when the Jewish ancient Jewish scholars and elders made the first translation of the Bible that was to take the Hebrew Bible and put it into Greek and called the septuagint long before the new testament.
The new testament uses it actually. They translated.
They had a they came to that Hebrew word Kahila for the congregation of Israel, and they translated that word into a Greek word, and the Greek word was synagogue.
But here’s the thing. They didn’t just translate that Hebrew word into synagogue.
They translated into another 2 different Greek words. 1 was synagogue. And the other one was Eclercia.
Eclercia. Now some of you are getting it, some of you not yet.
It appears in the Greek version of the Hebrews, the word Eclessia when it speaks about Israel.
Now, what is the Eclessia? Well, we have a book of Eclizia deleasties?
Why is the cleeseasties calledically ever think about that? Why is that book called the cleeseasties?
Nobody thinks about that because it speaks about a preacher says the preacher who’s a preacher of a gathering, a convocation, and a convocation, a gathering is called, is the ekklesia, the ekklese.
So we get the word ecclesiastical. What does meeting means something about a church.
The Greek word Eglessia appears the new testament is the new testament word for the word we call church.
The new testament word for church.
Now church is not the best word as far as by by its actual meaning.
I mean, it’s become the word but it’s really not the most accurate translation of eclizia because church means house of the lord.
But the biblical word for church it means the gathering or the convocation or the called out ones, the call together ones.
So the amazing thing, get this, The synagogue and church are translations of the same exact word.
This same exact Hebrew word. Goes into one part.
It’s called Synagogue and the in that ancient translation of the Bible.
In other parts, it’s called the chair, the Aclizia, same the church, same exact thing.
Right there, it tells you a mystery. The church and the synagogue are joined together.
Where was the gospel first preached in the land of Israel in the synagogue, where which is what?
Nazareth. Synagogue, first one, and where else did he teach all over the synagogues of the land.
Where was the gospel first preached to the world? In the synagogues of the Roman Empire?
The first church well, actually, your first church was the 1 in Jerusalem, the Echasea, the Kahila, and who was the who was the leader of it?
James, the brother of Messiah, yacov, real name, Jacob, he presided over it I want you to see something.
I want you to see turn to James 2 for a second. James 2.
And I want you to see something in the English, then I’m gonna show it to you in the original.
Okay. Verse one of chapter 2.
My brothers, don’t hold your faith in our glorious lord Yashua, Jesus, the Messiah, with an attitude of favoritism.
If a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and addressed in fine cloths, and there comes one in poor dirty clothes and you pay special attention, the one who’s wearing the fine clothes, you say, here, sir, sit in the good place.
You say the poor man stand over there, sit in my foot, you have made a distinction, and you’ve become judges with evil motives.
As I was saying, don’t, don’t be partial. But something there.
It says if somebody comes into your assembly, well, what’s the talk about?
It’s talking this is James talking who’s talking who’s leading the 1st church of the whole age.
And he says if somebody comes into your assembly talking about your gathering, your church, what does he say?
The word there is not church, the word there is synagogue.
So here it’s talking the first, the leader the first church is calling your assembly, the synagogue.
So here they are joined together, and they’re joined together over and over again.
And so the the biblical word for church is the same word for synagogue.
And, I mean, it’s the same it’s a translation of the same word.
And it’s you the biblical word for for actually church, Aklesia, is used to for the translation what of the Old Testament word, which speaks about the congregation of Israel journeying in the wilderness.
What is the church? The church is the spiritual Israel. Doesn’t replace Israel. It joins Israel.
It’s a spiritual version of Israel, and it’s like a a a pilgrim people who are journeying through the wilderness to the promised land.
So what does Paul say? Ephesians 2. Actually, turn to it for a moment. Ephesians too.
What does he say about you who were main you were not born of Israel, but you were born again of Israel.
Ephesians 2 says at the beginning, if it speaks about the gentiles who have come into the faith, and it says this, ephesians to verse 11.
Therefore, remember that you formerly you, the gentiles in the flesh, meaning according to flesh only.
Who are called on to uncircumcision by the so called circumcision, which is performed in the flesh by human hands.
Remember, you were at that time, from messiah, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without god in the world.
But now, you in Messiah, yeshua, who was formally you are formally far off, you’ve been brought near by the blood of messiah.
Now now how have you been brought near? Look at verse 18.
For through him, we both chew and Jetal have our access in one spirit in the father.
So then you are no longer strangers, no longer aliens, you are fellow citizens, with the saints and are of god’s household.
Okay. The first part, it says you were strangers excluded from what? The commonwealth of Israel.
Then at the in what? What?
What are you fellow? What are you a citizen of?
What you are excluded from before you are now a citizen of what?
Israel, you are a citizen now. Well, you were excluded from the Commonwealth of Israel.
Now you are a citizen in the commonwealth of Israel.
So you who are born again, you weren’t born of Israel. You are born again of Israel.
And so, therefore, the church in the same word as synagogue is the spiritual Israel.
And so what does that make you?
It makes you not only a citizen of Israel, more than you’re a citizen of America or any other nation, you are a citizen of god’s Israel.
What does that make you?
That makes you an Israelite or it makes you an Israeli.
Now you say, wait a minute. I can handle Israelite in the Bible. I can understand. Israelites.
These chill the Israelites walk through the world. The Israelites it.
But, Israeli, that’s a whole that’s a different me here.
When you think of an Israelite, you think of somebody from the Old Testament, most likely.
Ancient Tom, times. But when you think of the Israeli, what do you think of?
You think of a whole different kind of person? Do you think of somebody in Israel right now?
You think of the the the the people farming the the soldiers, Israelis, Israelis, but you say what?
But you know, do you know something? You may not know this.
When the Bible speaks of Israelites, it never speaks of Israelites in the original language, it says Israeli.
When it talks about the Israel, it’s not. It’s the Israelis in the Bible.
That’s the word that we added the You know, when you get into English, you got all the aunts, but in the original, there’s no whites.
Jabu sites, you know, canaanites. It’s not that it’s canaan nee, Israeli. They added the ice.
No ice in the Bible. He’s in the Bible. So what are you?
If you are born again, doesn’t matter what you were born in the flesh. You are a spiritual Israeli.
And when you go to Israel, you’re not just seeing a land of what was you’re seeing a land that a nation that’s been brought back from the dead and resurrected by the hand of god.
It’s a miracle. It’s a living nation. Of Israelis.
And so that is a revelation also of who you are now in god.
It’s not just, again, you’re not just an Israelite. You’re an Israeli.
You are linked to the Israelis of our day and age.
They too are part of the mystery of who you are.
They’re We’ve got something that, you know, generations of Christians long for the day to see the day when Israel would be resurrected, but they didn’t see it you have seen it.
An amazing picture here for you. And so let’s open up this revelation of the Israelis.
And what has to do with you spiritual Israelis.
In Jeremiah, 313031, it speaks about, and actually in other places, well, it speaks about that the Jewish people would be scattered to the ends of the earth, and they will be an exile in the ends of the earth.
The word in Hebrew for the exile is called the Gallut trial. Gallute and Israelis know it.
It’s it’s based on a word in the Bible that that means they were all over in every nation speaking languages of every nation.
But before Israel was a nation, virtually all the Jewish people, I mean, except for very few, we’re all in other lands and other languages, other cultures, They weren’t born.
In Israel, most of the people in Israel, you go back a few generations. They weren’t born there.
They were born somewhere around the world. Very few were in the land a few generations back.
So when they came to the land of Israel, it was a strange thing.
I mean, even though they there was a strange thing, many of them because they were many of them weren’t Middle Eastern at all from for their their culture.
They had been the German, Russian, you know, all these things they spoke to a different light spoke Yiddish.
Yiddish is not he it’s not Hebrew.
It’s basically German with with a little bit of Israel, a little bit of Hebrew in it.
They didn’t have anything to do with farming because they weren’t allowed to farm pretty much.
They often lived in the city selling buying because that’s the only thing they were allowed to do in Ghettos The whole thing was far so this new way was whole farm.
But the real truth was even though they hadn’t been in that land, for 2000 years.
The real truth was this was their home, not where they were. This was their real home.
This was their real culture. This was their real language. But they didn’t know it.
It was a strange thing. You know, the Hebrew word got loo to diaspora the diaspora of the dispersion, the Jewish people, nations.
It means exile. So it means that all that time, they were exiled from where they really were, what was their home.
So it seems so strange to them, but they had to learn that it wasn’t strange to them.
It’s the same way in salvation.
In salvation, you grow up unless you were Christian home, and even then, you still have to come to the lord, you are in a spiritual Gallut exile.
You’re in a spirit wandering, just like the Jewish people. You’re growing up in a life.
You’re in a life that is you think it’s your life, but it’s really not what you were born for, not what you were created for.
You’re in a a culture. You’re in a you have an identity, but it’s the old identity.
You think it’s your identity, but god is saying that’s not even that’s not even the Jewish thought this was their identity.
They come out of Israel and say, okay. There’s gonna be a new identity now.
So even though things there are things in your life that’s all you’ve ever known, And often that becomes what you think of yourself as your identity.
It’s not your real identity. Even though it was your, quote, first identity, for instance, you might have been an angry person, but that’s not your real identity.
Might have been fearful. That’s not your real one. You might have known rejection. It’s not your real thing.
You might be have been in bondage all of that. That’s not real. Lo a loser. That’s not depressed.
That’s not your identity. That’s your glute identity. That’s your exile identity.
That’s you when you’re exiled from who god made you to be.
But it’s not who you are, and it kinda gets us because that’s the first thing we knew.
And often, it’s the first things you know that kinda stick with you, but it’s not your real identity.
You may have carried that into the lord, but it’s not your real identity.
The Jewish people, when they came to the land, they had to give up the old identity, even the old language.
And so even though you’re familiar with these things, and you might even still picture yourself as that kid, as that thing, as that other thing, but that’s not who you are.
And we gotta get as the Jewish people had to had to open their eye to a whole new thing.
Physically, we gotta do that spiritually. That life was your exile from who you were, not who you were.
And often again, it comes in there, the old self, the Bible says put it off. That’s not you.
That’s not you. You can’t put off what’s you because you only only if it’s not the real you, you can put it off.
You might have been born into it, but that’s not who god made you to be.
You are something better in god.
And the Israelis, you know, when when they came to Israel, the idea was they were coming home, and that’s not just the idea they were.
The, you know, the the Jews of Europe?
Well, that’s not their Russia, home, whatever, India, China, that’s the real home. But it’s a most Jewish people.
It was a foreign message. I mean, in fact, when when when the young Israel when the young Jewish people, they were the 1st ones to really return first, their a lot of their parents disowned them.
They said, What are you doing going there?
That’s not they hadn’t been there for 2000 years, so it wasn’t home.
It was like leaving tradition to go home, but they weren’t but they’re saying, wait a minute.
When they came home, when they came to Israel, they said, even though we’ve never been here, even though it seems foreign to us, we don’t know how to what we’re doing here, it’s still home.
See, when you read, you know, to to repent is to return. You’re in Hebrew.
It’s the same word. The word for repentance is Teshuva. Try it. Teshuva.
It meets come comes from the root word shuve, which means to return. So if you’re repenting, you’re returning.
If you come you come to god, what’s the parable that Messiah gave to he gave the parable of the prodigal son.
The pro about salvation, but the prodigal son was at home that he left only came back.
Now, when you come to god, you weren’t their their first bowl.
So, you came to god, but every time you come to god in a sense, you’re returning to god because That’s where you were meant to be in the first place.
You know, you weren’t in Eden, but someone was. So you’re returning to god every time.
So to to repent is to return the more you grow in god, you’re returning to who you were meant to be.
That’s why it’s a return. You’re coming home.
So in the same way the Israelis came they came home, but it was all it seemed so strange to them, but they had to accept no, it’s not strange.
This is the real thing. And so, therefore, even though it was a totally new thing for them, Middle East was new, even though, but it really, ancient times, that was their home.
They, you know, they come to the shore. They’re gonna try to build. They’re trying to farm a land.
They weren’t fighting on how to farm, and they’re gonna farm this barren land.
They had no idea how to do it.
They had no idea how to build a city, but they learned it.
They’d say this is what we were born for because in ancient times, they did on the land in ancient times.
They did build in ancient times. They did all that.
So the soul with life in god, that’s a physical picture of the spiritual reality.
When you come to the lord, it’s and even not just when you come, even to this day, some things may seem foreign to you.
A life of holiness, of purity, of love, might say, well, it’s just it just seems not that I’m trying to do that, but that’s not who I I feel I really am.
I’m trying to do that, but I feel I’m really the impure person with what it’s saying is no, home.
A life of worship, a life of holiness is really home.
Every part of your being created by god is meant for that.
That’s why you’re never happy when you’re not in god’s will because god’s will is home for you.
I said, well, so, you know, I’m not a real prayer warrior. No. You were born.
You were created by god and born again to be a prayer warrior. That’s more home than not being one.
You know what? I’m not really forgiving no forgiveness is home. That’s more That’s you to give.
I’m not a giving person. No. That’s what you want, but you gotta do it.
The Israelis felt I can’t farm. I don’t have it. Once they started doing it, it was home.
You gotta start doing it, it’s home and continually.
They knew, you know, they realized they didn’t know what they were doing, but And the first ones had no idea what they’re doing, but they just it didn’t stop that.
They just kept going. You may not feel like you can do the things of god. Just do it.
Do it anyway. It is home. Home.
And it was their true calling, and it was above them.
And yet, it was their calling it was their destiny.
So your calling is always above you, but but you are born for it.
You gotta just do it and believe that that is more your life than falling short and sinning.
That’s not home. You might be comfortable in that sin, but that’s not home. That’s your exile.
Get back. The truth is who you really are created to.
When you go to Israel, they use they use check as you know, probably.
Why do you shekels? They could use other things because shekels were the money that was in the Bible.
So what they did is they resurrected everything from the Bible.
So they took the same money that was used then.
They gave it a modern face, but it’s still this is to shekel. And what did that mean?
And that’s in everything. That’s just one example is the money of the shekel. But what did that say?
They brought the Bible. They actually brought the Bible into everything.
And I’m not saying they were believers, but they’re the physical form of what you are spiritually.
So, they brought the Bible and the from they brought it into even their dealings with money.
Everything they did was based on resurrecting what was in the Bible.
What you once was wasn’t, and now is again. What does that say for the spiritual Israelis?
That means you need to you need to take every you need to take the Bible into every part of your life.
Your money, you’re, you’re washing your clothes, you’re taking out the garbage, you’re how you drive your car.
Nothing is outside redemption. Nothing is outside what god has given.
God has a, a purpose for you in everything, and he has a spirit to lead you in every part of your life.
There’s not one part of your life that is to be separated. Bring you into everything, everything.
What did they do when they got back to the land? What did the physical Israelis do?
They came back and they found it desert.
It was it was the most it had to be the most forbidding land on earth that had ever been inhabited.
Desert, barren. Some parts looked like the moon. It was barren. There wasn’t anything growing there.
You know, Mark Twain, I shared with you. He came there.
And he said, you you could go for miles without seeing anything grow even no not even a blade of grass.
They went back. They found that What else did they find? They found swamps.
You know, the part that where there was water was swamps filled with malaria, and it’s always disease and Baron is nothing.
There’s a famous picture of where they, you know, today, you know, uh, Pam mentioned Tel Aviv, you know, this thriving city.
When they there’s a picture like 190 something, Tel Aviv. You know what’s there? 0.
It’s a bunch of people It’s like a crowd of people dressed up as you would in 19 or whatever it was, and and they’re, you know, with a with a woman with a long things and all that, and the men with a hats and all, and they’re just staring their crowd together into this vast desert of nothing.
That was Tel Aviv. It didn’t exist. There was nothing there.
But now they had they didn’t know how to farm. I’ve shared this.
You know, you had the Jewish people who were who were prohibited from farming for much of 2000 years because they weren’t prohibited for having land.
That and then you have the land that nobody could farm. Nobody under earth could farm that land.
People tried to do nothing. It was cursed. God said it, and it came true.
And so you got the people who can’t farm. You got the land that can’t be formed. Put them together.
What happens? A miracle happens. It blossoms as no other land has ever blossomed from nothing.
And so they learn they’re farming the they’re bringing water, and all of a sudden, there’s this desert.
Where’s Isaiah said it? Isaiah said the desert will blossom. You know, the blossom will bloom in the desert.
You could actually go there and see desert land.
And the middle of desert is a farm, is is flowers, is fruit, all that. You go to Israel.
You know, Israel’s the one land on earth that at the end of the 20th century had more trees than at the beginning.
Only land. You know how many trees they planted? About 200,000,000.
The Israelis who didn’t a farm. All of a sudden, these miracles are happening.
You go to Israel. So, mate, you look at the earth. You there’s there’s fruits. There’s there’s there’s flour.
There’s it’s watered even we may I mean, almost out of nothing.
In fact, so much so that Israel actually exports, I mean, It actually sends flowers across the world and fruit across the world from the desert.
God gave them the power.
It was god doing it, not the, but god gave them the ability to be part of a miracle of making the desert’s bloom.
So what does that say to the spiritual Israelis? You are called to do the same thing.
You are given the power in messiah to make what is dead come alive.
That which is barren to bear fruit. Before you came to the lord, your life was that.
Your life was the barren part. Spiritly, you might say, oh, you might have done a bit, but spiritually, barren.
But now god is making your barren life bloom like a rose in the desert to bear the fruits.
What fruit? Of love where there wasn’t love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, all that, but Israel doesn’t just bear fruit.
He bears fruit out of dry ground. Fruit that should not exist has no natural reason to exist.
The fruit, so you were called to bear also has gotta be miraculous.
God has called you to bear fruit with no natural explanation. What does that mean?
Your call to bear for when you have no reason to love that person, god has called you to bear the fruit of love for that person.
When when they’ve given you in desert, nothing you’re called to bear it.
See, anybody could love back somebody who’s loving you, but to love back the person who doesn’t love you, That’s a miracle.
To love back the person who hates you, that’s a great miracle.
That’s the miracle of Berry fruit from a desert.
When you have no earthly reason to give thanks and praise god and you praise him anyway, You’re bearing the fruit in the desert.
That’s the miracle fruit. This is Jonathan Khan.
Thanks for watching, and the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mist and guide for the end times is available everywhere on Amazon, wherever books are sold.
God bless you. Shallow.