The Importance of Passion in Achieving Your Purpose

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The Importance of Passion in Achieving Your Purpose

As Priscilla Shirer so wisely states, “passion is the fuel in the engine of your purpose.” It’s that burning desire, that “want-to” that keeps us motivated and moving forward, even when faced with mundane tasks or difficult challenges.

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But what exactly is passion, and how do we find it? According to, passion is defined as “any powerful or compelling or feeling, as love or hate.” It is that driving force that inspires us to take action and pursue our goals with determination and enthusiasm.

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So how do we find our passion and use it to fuel our purpose? Here are a few tips:

  1. Reflect on your values and interests. What are the things that truly matter to you? What are you naturally drawn to and enthusiastic about? By identifying our values and interests, we can start to get a sense of what our passion might be.
  2. Take action. Don’t just sit around waiting for your passion to magically appear. Seek out opportunities to try new things and explore your interests. As you take action, you may start to discover what truly excites and motivates you.
  3. Surround yourself with supportive people. It can be tough to pursue our passions if we don’t have a supportive network of friends and family. Seek out people who encourage and inspire you, and who will help keep you motivated and on track.

Keep an open mind. It’s possible that your passion may change and evolve over time. Don’t be afraid to try new things and be open to the possibility of exploring new interests.

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